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test.PhDynamics(1) Manual Page


test.PhDynamics - Run constant pH dynamics on a system.


test.PhDynamics [-hooVxx] [--oMC] [--oMC] [--printRatioData] [--sort] [--aa=<selection>] [--aa=<selection>] [-b=Bussi] [-b=Bussi] [--coordinateSteps=100] [--cycles=5] [-d=1.0] [-d=1.0] [-e=0. _ 05_] [-e=0.05] [--esvLog=0.25 (psec)] [-F=XYZ] [-i=Verlet] [-i=Verlet] [--ia=<selection>] [--ia=<selection>] [--initDynamics=10000] [-k=1.0] [-k=1.0] [--mdE=FFX] [--mdE=FFX] [-n=1000000] [-n=1000000] [--pH=7.4] [--pHGaps=1] [-r=0.25] [-r=0.25] [--rs=100] [--rs=100] [-t=298.15] [-t=298. _ 15_] [--titrationSteps=10] [-w=10.0] [-w=10.0] [-z=100] [-z=100] files…​


Run constant pH dynamics on a system.



Number of steps done propagating coordinates only on GPU in one cycle

--cycles, --OMMcycles=5

Number of times to cycle between titrating protons on CPU and propagating coordinates only on GPU

--esvLog, --titrationReport=0.25 (psec)

Interval in psec to report ESV energy and lambdas when cycling between GPU and CPU.

-F, --fileFormat=XYZ

Choose file type to write [PDB/XYZ].

-h, --help

Print command help and exit.


Number of initialization steps to take before replica exchange windows start.

--pH, --constantPH=7.4

Constant pH value for molecular dynamics


pH gap between replica exchange windows.


Print out the protonation ratios from throughout the simulation at the end


Sort archive files by pH


Number of steps done titrating protons on CPU in one cycle

-V, --version

Print the Force Field X version and exit.

Atom Selection Options

--aa, --active=<selection>

Ranges of active atoms [NONE, ALL, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].

--ia, --inactive=<selection>

Ranges of inactive atoms [NONE, ALL, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].

Dynamics Options

-b, --thermostat=Bussi

Thermostat: [Adiabatic / Berendsen / Bussi].

-d, --dt=1.0

Time discretization step in femtoseconds.

-i, --integrator=Verlet

Integrator: [Beeman / Respa / Stochastic / Verlet].

-k, --checkpoint=1.0

Interval in psec to write out restart files (.dyn, .his, etc).

--mdE, --molecularDynamicsEngine=FFX

Use FFX or OpenMM to integrate dynamics.

-n, --numberOfSteps=1000000

Number of molecular dynamics steps.

-o, --optimize

Optimize and save low-energy snapshots.

-r, --report=0.25

Interval in psec to report thermodynamics (psec).

-t, --temperature=298.15

Temperature (Kelvin).

-w, --write=10.0

Interval in psec to write out coordinates (psec).

-z, --trajSteps=100

Number of steps per MD cycle (--mdE = OpenMM only).

Replica Exchange Options

-e, --exponent=0.05

Exponent to set the exponential temperature ladder.

--oMC, --oneMonteCarlo

Execute 1 Monte Carlo move for each temperature in each cycle

--rs, --replicaSteps=100

Number of steps for replica exchange.

-x, --repEx

Execute temperature replica exchange



XYZ or PDB input files.