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Anneal(1) Manual Page


Anneal - Run simulated annealing on a system.


Anneal [-hooV] [--rv] [--rv] [--aa=<selection>] [--aa=<selection>] [-b=Bussi] [-b=Bussi] [-d=1.0] [-d=1.0] [-F=XYZ] [-i=Verlet] [-i=Verlet] [--ia=<selection>] [--ia=<selection>] [-k=1.0] [-k=1.0] [--mdE=FFX] [--mdE=FFX] [-n=1000000] [-n=1000000] [-r=0.25] [-r=0.25] [-t=298.15] [-t=298.15] [--tl=10.0] [--tl=10.0] [--tmA=0] [--tmA=0] [--tmB=0] [--tmB=0] [--tmS=EXP] [--tmS=EXP] [--tu=1000.0] [--tu=1000.0] [-w=10.0] [-w=10.0] [-W=10] [-W=10] [-z=100] [-z=100] file


Run simulated annealing on a system.


-F, --fileFormat=XYZ

Choose file type to write [PDB/XYZ].

-h, --help

Print command help and exit.

-V, --version

Print the Force Field X version and exit.

Atom Selection Options

--aa, --active=<selection>

Ranges of active atoms [NONE, ALL, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].

--ia, --inactive=<selection>

Ranges of inactive atoms [NONE, ALL, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].

Dynamics Options

-b, --thermostat=Bussi

Thermostat: [Adiabatic / Berendsen / Bussi].

-d, --dt=1.0

Time discretization step in femtoseconds.

-i, --integrator=Verlet

Integrator: [Beeman / Respa / Stochastic / Verlet].

-k, --checkpoint=1.0

Interval in psec to write out restart files (.dyn, .his, etc).

--mdE, --molecularDynamicsEngine=FFX

Use FFX or OpenMM to integrate dynamics.

-n, --numberOfSteps=1000000

Number of molecular dynamics steps.

-o, --optimize

Optimize and save low-energy snapshots.

-r, --report=0.25

Interval in psec to report thermodynamics (psec).

-t, --temperature=298.15

Temperature (Kelvin).

-w, --write=10.0

Interval in psec to write out coordinates (psec).

-z, --trajSteps=100

Number of steps per MD cycle (--mdE = OpenMM only).

Simulated Annealing Options

--rv, --reinitVelocities

Re-initialize velocities before each round of annealing.

--tl, --temperatureLow=10.0

Low temperature limit (Kelvin).

--tmA, --temperingAfter=0

Number of (annealing, not MD/MC) steps to remain at the low temperature

--tmB, --temperingBefore=0

Number of (annealing, not MD/MC) steps to remain at the high temperature

--tmS, --temperingSchedule=EXP

Tempering schedule: choose between EXP (exponential) or LINEAR

--tu, --temperatureUpper=1000.0

High temperature limit (Kelvin).

-W, --windows=10

Number of annealing windows.



XYZ or PDB input file.