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BAR(1) Manual Page


BAR - Evaluates a free energy change with the Bennett Acceptance Ratio algorithm using pregenerated snapshots.


BAR [-hV] [--dV] [--sa] [--tb] [--utb] [--ac=<selection>] [--ac=<selection>] [--ac2=<selection>] [--ac2=<selection>] [-e=1.0E-7] [--es=0] [-l=-1] [-l=-1] [--l2=1.0] [--ni=100] [--np=1] [--np=1] [--nw=-1] [--sf=1.0] [--sf=1.0] [--ss=0] [-t=298.15] [--uaA=-1] [--uaA=-1] [--uaB=-1] [--uaB=-1] [--uc=<selection>] [--uc=<selection>] [--uc2=<selection>] [--uc2=<selection>] files…​


Evaluates a free energy change with the Bennett Acceptance Ratio algorithm using pregenerated snapshots.


--dV, --volume

Write out snapshot volumes to the Tinker BAR file.

-e, --eps=1.0E-7

Specify convergence cutoff for BAR calculation.

--es, --endSnapshot=0

End at this snapshot when reading in tinker BAR files.

-h, --help

Print command help and exit.

--l2, --lambdaTwo=1.0

Lambda value for the upper edge of the window

--ni, --nIterations=100

Specify the maximum number of iterations for BAR convergence.

--nw, --nWindows=-1

If set, auto-determine lambda values and subdirectories (overrides other flags).

--sa, --sortedArc

If set, use sorted archive values.

--ss, --startSnapshot=0

Start at this snapshot when reading in tinker BAR files.

-t, --temperature=298.15

Temperature for system

--tb, --tinkerBAR

Write out a Tinker BAR file.

--utb, --useTinker

If set, use tinker BAR files for energy snapshots.

-V, --version

Print the Force Field X version and exit.

Alchemical Options

--ac, --alchemicalAtoms=<selection>

Specify alchemical atoms [ALL, NONE, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].

-l, --lambda=-1

Initial lambda value.

--uc, --unchargedAtoms=<selection>

Specify atoms without electrostatics [ALL, NONE, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].

Alchemical Options for Dual and Quad Topologies

--ac2, --alchemicalAtoms2=<selection>

Specify alchemical atoms for the 2nd topology [ALL, NONE, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].

--np, --nParallel=1

Number of topologies to evaluate in parallel

--sf, --switchingFunction=1.0

Switching function to use for dual topology: options are TRIG, MULT, or a number (original behavior with specified lambda exponent)

--uaA, --unsharedA=-1

Unshared atoms in the A dual topology (e.g. 1-24.32-65).

--uaB, --unsharedB=-1

Unshared atoms in the B dual topology (e.g. 1-24.32-65).

--uc2, --unchargedAtoms2=<selection>

Specify atoms without electrostatics for the 2nd topology [ALL, NONE, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].



A single PDB/XYZ when windows are auto-determined (or two for dual topology). Two trajectory files for BAR between two ensembles (or four for dual topology).