Minimize crystal unit cell parameters.
MinimizeCrystals(1) Manual Page
MinimizeCrystals - Minimize crystal unit cell parameters.
MinimizeCrystals [-chtV] [--aa=<selection>] [--aa=<selection>] [--cy=-1] [-e=1. _ 0_] [-e=1.0] [--et=1.0e-10] [-f=molecule] [-I=Unlimited] [-I=Unlimited] [--ia=<selection>] [--ia=<selection>] [--mi=-1] [--nbfgs=7] [--nbfgs=7] file
- -c, --coords
Cycle between lattice and coordinate optimization instead of optimizing both together.
- --cy, --cycles=-1
End minimization if it has cycled between lattice parameters and coordinates more than this value.
- --et, --energyTolerance=1.0e-10
End minimization if new energy deviates less than this tolerance.
- -f, --fractional=molecule
Maintain fractional coordinates during lattice optimization [OFF/MOLECULE/ATOM].
- -h, --help
Print command help and exit.
- --mi, --minimumIterations=-1
End minimization if it starts to cycle between small coordinate and lattice parameter fluctuations.
- -t, --tensor
Compute partial derivatives of the energy with respect to unit cell parameters.
- -V, --version
Print the Force Field X version and exit.
Minimization Options
- -e, --eps=1.0
Convergence criteria.
- -I, --iterations=Unlimited
Number of minimization steps.
- --nbfgs=7
The number of correction vectors used by the L-BFGS optimization routine (0 for steepest-decent).
Atom Selection Options
- --aa, --active=<selection>
Ranges of active atoms [NONE, ALL, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].
- --ia, --inactive=<selection>
Ranges of inactive atoms [NONE, ALL, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].
- file
Atomic coordinate files in PDB or XYZ format.