Property Overview
Force Field X properties are defined using the following precedence order:
- Highest precedence is given to the Java system properties mechanism:
from the Force Field X command line -
Equivalently, use the following code within a script
the structure file is opened.
- Second highest precedence is given to structure specific properties.
For example, when opening a structure named filename.pdb or,
Force Field X will attempt to read properties from:
- filename.key (only if is not found)
User specific properties from the file
. - Properties in the file defined by the environment variable
- Finally, properties are read in from force field definition files that are stored internally by Force Field X.
Property Groups
Force Field X properties are grouped into the following categories:
Property Group | Description |
Provides a multiplicative scale factors that are applied to fixed partial charges, permanent atomic multipoles and induced dipoles. |
Set scale factors needed to convert the energy value computed by potential energy terms into units of kcal/mole. The correct values are force field dependent and typically provided in the header of the force field parameter file. |
Properties associated with the generalized Kirkwood implicit solvent model. |
Set the value of the cubic, quartic, pentic and sextic terms in the Taylor series expansion form of bond, angle, Urey-Bradley and out-of-plane bend potential energy terms. |
Define how van der Waals, electrostatics and generalized Kirkwood interactions are cutoff. |
Define particle-mesh Ewald electrostatics parameters such as b-spline interpolation order and reciprocal space grid dimensions. |
Specify potential energy function parameters for bonded terms, van der Waals interactions and electrostatics. |
Specify the functional form of the potential energy function, including bonded terms, van der Waals and electrostatics. |
Define the simulation unit cell and space group symmetry. |
Define the functional form of van Der Waals interactions. |
Control details of structural refinement against a target function defined by experimental data sets (X-ray, Neutron and/or CryoEM) and advanced force fields. |