Run ManyBody algorithm on a system.
ManyBody(1) Manual Page
ManyBody - Run ManyBody algorithm on a system.
ManyBody [-EEhOOTTVzz] [--dee] [--dee] [--oP] [--oP] [--oT] [--oT] [--tR] [--tR] [-a=0] [-a=0] [--ac=<selection>] [--ac=<selection>] [--bB=0.0] [--bB=0.0] [--bC=1] [--bC=1] [--bL=20.0] [--bL=20.0] [--ch=<A>] [--ch=<A>] [--clashThreshold=25.0] [--clashThreshold=25.0] [--eR=none] [--eR=none] [--fB=<finalBox>] [--fB=<finalBox>] [--fR=<final>] [--fR=<final>] [--iB=<initialBox>] [--iB=<initialBox>] [--iC=<inclusionCutoff>] [--iC=<inclusionCutoff>] [--increment=3] [--increment=3] [--iR=<interestedResidue>] [--iR=<interestedResidue>] [--kPH=0.0] [--kPH=0.0] [-l=-1] [-l=-1] [-L=2] [-L=2] [--lR=<list>] [--lR=<list>] [--mC=-1] [--mC=-1] [--nB=3,3,3] [--nB=3,3,3] [--pairClashThreshold=25.0] [--pairClashThreshold=25.0] [--pH=0] [--pH=0] [--pr=1] [--pr=1] [--radius=2.0] [--radius=2.0] [--sR=<start>] [--sR=<start>] [--tC=3.0] [--tC=3.0] [--thC=3.0] [--thC=3.0] [--uc=<selection>] [--uc=<selection>] [--window=7] [--window=7] file
- -h, --help
Print command help and exit.
- -V, --version
Print the Force Field X version and exit.
Many-Body Optimization Options
- -a, --algorithm=0
Algorithm: default automatic settings (0), independent residues (1), all with rotamer elimination (2), all brute force (3), sliding window (4), or box optimization (5)
- --dee, --deadEnd
Use dead-end elimination criteria instead of Goldstein criteria.
- -E, --decompose
Print energy decomposition for the input structure (no optimization!).
- --eR, --energyRestart=none
Load energy restart file from a previous run (requires that all parameters are the same).
- -L, --library=2
Ponder and Richards (1) or Richardson (2) rotamer library.
- --mC, --monteCarlo=-1
Follow elimination criteria with (n) Monte Carlo steps, or enumerate all remaining conformations, whichever is smaller.
- -O, --noOriginal
Do not include starting coordinates as their own rotamer.
- --pH, --titrationPH=0
Optimize the titration state of ASP, GLU, HIS and LYS residues at the given pH (pH = 0 turns off titration
- --tR, --titration
Turn on titration state optimization
- -z, --revert
Revert unfavorable changes.
Many-Body Box Optimization Options
- --bB, --boxBorderSize=0.0
Extent of overlap between optimization boxes in Angstroms.
- --bC, --boxInclusionCriterion=1
Criterion to use for adding a residue to a box: (1) uses C alpha only (N1/9 for nucleic acids), (2) uses any atom, and (3) uses any rotamer
- --bL, --approxBoxLength=20.0
Approximate side lengths of boxes to be constructed (over-rides numXYZBoxes).
- --fB, --finalBox=<finalBox>
Final box to optimize.
- --iB, --initialBox=<initialBox>
Initial box to optimize.
- --nB, --numBoxes=3,3,3
Specify number of boxes along X, Y, and Z (default: 3,3,3)
Many-Body Window Optimization Options
- --increment=3
Sliding window increment.
- --window=7
Size of the sliding window with respect to adjacent residues.
Many-Body Energy Expansion and Cut-off Options
- --clashThreshold=25.0
The threshold for pruning clashes.
- --kPH, --pHRestraint=0.0
Only allow titration state to change fromstandard state is self energy exceeds the restraint.
- --pairClashThreshold=25.0
The threshold for pruning pair clashes.
- --pr, --prune=1
Prune no clashes (0), only single clashes (1), or all clashes (2)
- --radius=2.0
The sliding box and window cutoff radius (Angstroms).
- -T, --threeBody
Include 3-Body interactions in the elimination criteria.
- --tC, --twoBodyCutoff=3.0
Cutoff distance for two body interactions.
- --thC, --threeBodyCutoff=3.0
Cutoff distance for three-body interactions.
Many-Body Residue Selection Options
- --ch, --chain=<A>
Include only specified chain ID (default: all chains).
- --fR, --final=<final>
Final residue to optimize (default: all residues).
- --iC, --inclusionCutoff=<inclusionCutoff>
Distance which rotamers will be included when using only protons, titratable residues, or interested residue.
- --iR, --interestedResidue=<interestedResidue>
Optimize rotamers within some distance of a specific residue.
- --lR, --listResidues=<list>
Select a list of residues to optimize (eg. A11,A24,B40).
- --oP, --onlyProtons
Rotamer optimize only proton movement.
- --oT, --onlyTitration
Rotamer optimize only titratable residues.
- --sR, --start=<start>
Starting residue to optimize (default: all residues).
Alchemical Options
- --ac, --alchemicalAtoms=<selection>
Specify alchemical atoms [ALL, NONE, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].
- -l, --lambda=-1
Initial lambda value.
- --uc, --unchargedAtoms=<selection>
Specify atoms without electrostatics [ALL, NONE, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].
- file
XYZ or PDB input file.