Use the Transition-Tempered Orthogonal Space Random Walk algorithm to estimate a free energy.
Thermodynamics(1) Manual Page
Thermodynamics - Use the Transition-Tempered Orthogonal Space Random Walk algorithm to estimate a free energy.
Thermodynamics [-hoovVyy] [--iso] [--iso] [--iW] [--iW] [--mc] [--mc] [--mcHW] [--mcHW] [--meta] [--meta] [--rn] [--rn] [--ts] [--ts] [--ac=<selection>] [--ac=<selection>] [--ac2=<selection>] [--ac2=<selection>] [-b=Bussi] [-b=Bussi] [--barInt=10] [--barInt=10] [--bpi=1000] [--bpi=1000] [-C=10] [-C=10] [-d=1.0] [-d=1.0] [--dw=OFF] [--dw=OFF] [-F=XYZ] [--firstDir=0] [--firstDir=0] [-i=Verlet] [-i=Verlet] [-k=1.0] [-k=1.0] [-l=-1] [-l=-1] [--lf=91.0] [--lf=91.0] [--lm=10.0] [--lm=10.0] [--lw=0. _ 0_] [--lw=0.0] [--maxAM=0.5] [--maxAM=0.5] [--maxD=1.6] [--maxD=1. _ 6_] [--maxV=1.0] [--maxV=1.0] [--mcL=0.01] [--mcL=0.01] [--mcMD=100] [--mcMD=100] [--mdE=FFX] [--mdE=FFX] [--minD=0.75] [--minD=0.75] [-n=1000000] [-n=1000000] [--np=1] [--np=1] [-p=0] [-p=0] [-Q=1000] [-Q=1000] [-r=0.25] [-r=0.25] [--rsym=-1.0] [--rsym=-1.0] [--ruc=-1.0] [--ruc=-1.0] [--sf=1.0] [--sf=1.0] [-t=298.15] [-t=298.15] [--tA=OST] [--tA=OST] [--uaA=-1] [--uaA=-1] [--uaB=-1] [--uaB=-1] [--uc=<selection>] [--uc=<selection>] [--uc2=<selection>] [--uc2=<selection>] [-w=10.0] [-w=10.0] [-z=100] [-z=100] [--bM=0.05[,0.05…]]… [--bM=0.05[,0.05…]]… [--tp=4.0[,4.0…]]… [--tp=4.0[, 4.0…]]… [--tth=20*bias[,20*bias…]]… [--tth=20*bias[, 20*bias…]]… files…
- -F, --fileFormat=XYZ
Choose file type to write [PDB/XYZ].
- -h, --help
Print command help and exit.
- -v, --verbose
Log additional information (primarily for MC-OST).
- -V, --version
Print the Force Field X version and exit.
Dynamics Options
- -b, --thermostat=Bussi
Thermostat: [Adiabatic / Berendsen / Bussi].
- -d, --dt=1.0
Time discretization step in femtoseconds.
- -i, --integrator=Verlet
Integrator: [Beeman / Respa / Stochastic / Verlet].
- -k, --checkpoint=1.0
Interval in psec to write out restart files (.dyn, .his, etc).
- --mdE, --molecularDynamicsEngine=FFX
Use FFX or OpenMM to integrate dynamics.
- -n, --numberOfSteps=1000000
Number of molecular dynamics steps.
- -o, --optimize
Optimize and save low-energy snapshots.
- -r, --report=0.25
Interval in psec to report thermodynamics (psec).
- -t, --temperature=298.15
Temperature (Kelvin).
- -w, --write=10.0
Interval in psec to write out coordinates (psec).
- -z, --trajSteps=100
Number of steps per MD cycle (--mdE = OpenMM only).
Monte Carlo Pressure Options
- --barInt, --meanBarostatInterval=10
Sets the mean number of MD steps between barostat move proposals.
- --bpi, --barostatPrintInterval=1000
Sets the number of Barostat MC cycles between print statements.
- --iso, --isotropic
Restrict the MC Barostat to isotropic moves.
- --maxAM, --maxAngleMove=0.5
Sets the width of proposed crystal angle moves (uniformly distributed) in degrees.
- --maxD, --maxDensity=1.6
Specify the maximum density accepted by the MC Barostat (g/cc).
- --maxV, --maxVolumeMove=1.0
Default width of proposed unit cell side length moves (uniformly distributed) in Angstroms.
- --minD, --minDensity=0.75
Specify the minimum density accepted by the MC Barostat (g/cc).
- -p, --npt=0
Specify use of a MC Barostat at the given pressure; the default 0 disables NPT (atm).
Random Unit Cell Options
- --rsym, --randomSymOp=-1.0
Apply a random SymOp with translation range -X/2 .. X/2 (0 for random placement in the unit cell, negative for no SymOp)
- --ruc, --randomUnitCell=-1.0
Apply random unit cell parameters to achieve the specified density (g/cc).
Alchemical Options
- --ac, --alchemicalAtoms=<selection>
Specify alchemical atoms [ALL, NONE, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].
- -l, --lambda=-1
Initial lambda value.
- --uc, --unchargedAtoms=<selection>
Specify atoms without electrostatics [ALL, NONE, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].
Alchemical Options for Dual and Quad Topologies
- --ac2, --alchemicalAtoms2=<selection>
Specify alchemical atoms for the 2nd topology [ALL, NONE, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].
- --np, --nParallel=1
Number of topologies to evaluate in parallel
- --sf, --switchingFunction=1.0
Switching function to use for dual topology: options are TRIG, MULT, or a number (original behavior with specified lambda exponent)
- --uaA, --unsharedA=-1
Unshared atoms in the A dual topology (e.g. 1-24.32-65).
- --uaB, --unsharedB=-1
Unshared atoms in the B dual topology (e.g. 1-24.32-65).
- --uc2, --unchargedAtoms2=<selection>
Specify atoms without electrostatics for the 2nd topology [ALL, NONE, Range(s): 1-3,6-N].
Thermodynamics Options
- -Q, --equilibrate=1000
Number of equilibration steps before evaluation of thermodynamics.
- --rn, --resetNumSteps
Ignore prior steps logged in .lam or similar files
- --tA, --thermodynamicsAlgorithm=OST
Choice of thermodynamics algorithm. The default is OST, while FIXED runs MD at a fixed lambda value (e.g. BAR)
Orthogonal Space Tempering Options
- --bM, --biasMag=0.05[,0.05…]
Orthogonal Space Gaussian bias magnitude (kcal/mol); RepEx OST uses a comma-separated list.
- -C, --count=10
Time steps between MD Orthogonal Space counts.
- --iW, --independentWalkers
Enforces that each walker maintains their own histogram.
- --lw, --lambdaWriteOut=0.0
Only write out snapshots if lambda is greater than the value specified.
- --meta, --metaDynamics
Use a 1D metadynamics style bias.
- --tp, --temperingRate=4.0[,4.0…]
Tempering rate parameter in multiples of kBT; RepEx OST uses a comma-separated list.
- --tth, --temperingThreshold=20*bias[,20*bias…]
Tempering threshold in kcal/mol; RepEx OST uses a comma-separated list.
Monte Carlo Orthogonal Space Tempering Options
- --mc, --monteCarlo
Specify use of Monte Carlo OST
- --mcHW, --mcHardWall
Monte Carlo OST hard wall constraint.
- --mcL, --mcLambdaStdDev=0.01
Standard deviation for lambda move.
- --mcMD, --mcMDSteps=100
Number of dynamics steps to take for each MD trajectory for Monte Carlo OST
- --ts, --twoStep
MC Orthogonal Space sampling using separate lambda and MD moves.
Lambda Particle Options for MD-OST
- --lf, --lambdaFriction=91.0
Friction on the lambda particle (1/psec).
- --lm, --lambdaMass=10.0
Mass of the lambda particle (AMU).
Multiple Walker Options for MPI Simulations
- --dw, --distributeWalkers=OFF
AUTO: Pick up per-walker configurations as [filename.pdb]_[num], or specify a residue to distribute on.
- --firstDir=0
The first directory to use for multiple walker jobs.
- -y, --synchronous
Walker communication is synchronous
- files…
The atomic coordinate file in PDB or XYZ format.