Uses of Class
Packages that use Atom
The Optimize package contains local and global optimization algorithms using pure Java and OpenMM
code paths.
The Potential package implements molecular mechanics force fields with shared memory Parallel
Java and via OpenMM.
The Bonded package implements bonded molecular mechanics terms such as bonds, angles, torsions,
The Potential CLI package defines reusable options for PicoCLI command line scripts.
The Extended package is progress toward support for constant pH molecular dynamics using extended
system variables (i.e. lambda dynamics on protonation).
The Nonbonded package implements nonbonded molecular mechanics terms such as van der Waals and
Particle Mesh Ewald electrostastics.
The Parameters package stores force field atom types, bond types, etc, and keywords that define
the potential.
The Parsers package handles reading/writing files to/from the internal data structure.
The Utils package implements core functionality needed for using the Potential package, such as
opening and closing structure files, basic force field energy evaluations, etc.
The Real Space package implements real space structure refinement.
The X-ray package implements support for X-ray and Neutron refinement.
Uses of Atom in ffx.algorithms.optimize
Method parameters in ffx.algorithms.optimize with type arguments of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(Set<Atom> excludeAtoms, int[] optimalRotamers, List<Residue> residueList) -
Uses of Atom in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody
Methods in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(Atom atom, Crystal crystal, SymOp symOp) Checks if an Atom would be contained inside this cell. -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential
Methods in ffx.potential that return AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfindAtomstatic Atom
Returns an atom bonded to the "end" atom, which is not equal to "other".Atom[]
Return an Array of all atoms in the System.MolecularAssembly.getAtomFromWireVertex
(int i) getAtomFromWireVertexMethods in ffx.potential that return types with arguments of type AtomMethods in ffx.potential with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfindAtomstatic Atom
Returns an atom bonded to the "end" atom, which is not equal to "other".Method parameters in ffx.potential with type arguments of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, List<Atom> atoms) This routine sub-divides a system into groups of ions, water, hetero molecules, and polynucleotides/polypeptides. -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.bonded
Fields in ffx.potential.bonded declared as AtomModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal Atom
protected Atom[]
Atoms that are used to form this term.Fields in ffx.potential.bonded with type parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic Comparator
<Atom> Atom.XYZIndexComparator
Compare two atoms (implementation of the Comparator interface).Methods in ffx.potential.bonded that return AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Atom
(MSGroup residue, AminoAcidUtils.SideChainType atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a hydrogen atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, String atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, int lookUp, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a hydrogen atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, AminoAcidUtils.SideChainType atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a heavy atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, String atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, int lookUp, ForceField forceField) Build a heavy atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, String atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, int lookUp, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a heavy atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, String atomName, Atom bondedTo, int key, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a heavy atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, String atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, AtomType atomType, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a hydrogen atom.static Atom
(Residue residue) Finds the backbone nitrogen of a residue.Find the other Atom in this Bond.Find the other Atom in this Bond.If the specified atom is not the central atom of this angle, the atom of the opposite leg is returned.If the specified atom is not a central atom of this torsion, the atom at the opposite end is returned.If the specified atom is not a central atom of this torsion, the atom at the opposite end is returned.If the specified atom is not a central atom of this torsion, the atom at the opposite end is returned.static Atom
(Residue residue, Atom N) Finds the alpha carbon of a residue, and handles any C-terminal ACE caps while at it.BondedTerm.getAtom
(int index) Get the constituent Atom specified by index.getAtomRestraintTorsion.getAtom
(int index) Angle.getAtom4()
Getter for the fieldatom4
Returns all Atoms contained in this BondedTerm, regardless of whether they are child nodes in the tree structure.Atom[]
(boolean returnCopy) Returns all Atoms contained in this BondedTerm, regardless of whether they are child nodes in the tree structure.MSGroup.getAtomByName
(String n, boolean caseInsensitive) getAtomByName.Atom[]
Returns a reference to the Atoms contained in this BondedTerm, regardless of whether they are child nodes in the tree structure.Atom[]
Getter for the fieldatoms
Get the first atom of the Angle.OutOfPlaneBend.getFourthAtom()
The atom of this out-of-plane bend that was not part of the Angle.Angle.getFourthAtomOfTrigonalCenter()
If the central atom of the angle is trigonal, the 4th member of the trigonal center (that is not a part of the angle) will be returned.OutOfPlaneBend.getLastAngleAtom()
Get the first atom of the Angle.Residue.getReferenceAtom()
Returns a reference Atom for a Residue, primarily intended for rough distance calculations.OutOfPlaneBend.getTrigonalAtom()
Get the trigonal atom of this out-of-plane bend (central atom of the Angle).static Atom[]
(Atom reference, List<Atom> toCompare) Sorts toCompare by distance to the reference Atom, returning a sorted array.Methods in ffx.potential.bonded that return types with arguments of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBondedUtils.findAtomsOfElement
(Residue residue, int element) Finds all Atoms belonging to a Residue of a given atomic number.BondedUtils.findBondedAtoms
(Atom atom, int element) Finds Atoms bonded to a given Atom that match a certain atomic number.BondedUtils.findBondedAtoms
(Atom atom, Atom toExclude, int element) Finds Atoms bonded to a given Atom that match a certain atomic number that do not match an excluded atom.BondedUtils.findNucleotideO4s
(Residue residue) Find the O4' of a nucleic acid Residue.Atom.get12List()
Get the list of 1-2 atoms ordered by XYZ index.Atom.get13List()
Get the list of 1-3 atoms ordered by XYZ index.Atom.get14List()
Get the list of 1-4 atoms ordered by XYZ index.Atom.get15List()
Get the list of 1-5 atoms ordered by XYZ index.Atom.getAtomList()
Returns a List of all Atoms below the present MSNode.MSNode.getAtomList()
Returns a List of all Atoms below the present MSNode.MSNode.getAtomList
(boolean originalOrder) getAtomList.Residue.getBackboneAtoms()
Returns a list of backbone atoms; for our purposes, nucleic acid backbone atoms are those of the nucleobase.MSGroup.getDanglingAtoms()
Returns the MultiScaleGroup's dangling Atoms list.MultiResidue.getDanglingAtoms()
Returns the MultiScaleGroup's dangling Atoms list.MultiResidue.getSideChainAtoms()
Returns a list of side chain atoms; for our purposes, nucleic acid side chain atoms are the sugar and the phosphate.Residue.getSideChainAtoms()
Returns a list of side chain atoms; for our purposes, nucleic acid side chain atoms are the sugar and the phosphate.MultiResidue.getVariableAtoms()
Returns a list of atoms liable to change during dead-end elimination repacking.Residue.getVariableAtoms()
Returns a list of atoms liable to change during dead-end elimination repacking.NamingUtils.renameAlkyl
(Atom carbon, Atom priorAtom, int protonOffset, char posName) Renames an atom, its bonded hydrogen, and returns the next atom in the chain.NamingUtils.renameBranchedAlkyl
(Atom carbon, Atom priorAtom, int protonOffset, int branchNum, char posName) Renames a numbered carbon, its bonded hydrogen, and returns the next atom in the chain.NamingUtils.renameCommonPurine
(Atom N9, Atom C1s) Renames atoms common to all standard purines (A, G)NamingUtils.renameCommonPyrimidine
(Atom N1, Atom C1s) Renames atoms common to all standard pyrimidines (C, T, U)Methods in ffx.potential.bonded with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(Atom a1, Atom a2) Checks if atom a1 is bonded to atom a2.static Residue
buildAIB.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildAlanine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildArginine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildAsparagine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildAspartate.static Bond
Build a bond between two atoms.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildCysteine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildCystine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildDeprotonatedCysteine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildDeprotonatedLysine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildDeprotonatedTyrosine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildGlutamate.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildGlutamine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, AminoAcidUtils.ResiduePosition position, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildGlycine.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, AminoAcidUtils.SideChainType atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a hydrogen atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, String atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, int lookUp, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a hydrogen atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, AminoAcidUtils.SideChainType atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a heavy atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, String atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, int lookUp, ForceField forceField) Build a heavy atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, String atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, int lookUp, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a heavy atom.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, String atomName, Atom bondedTo, int key, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a heavy atom.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildHistidine.static Atom
(MSGroup residue, String atomName, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral, AtomType atomType, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Build a hydrogen atom.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildIsoleucine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildLeucine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildLysine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bond) buildMethionine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralAsparticAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralGlutamicAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralHistidineD.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralHistidineE.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildOrnithine.static Residue
buildPCA.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildPhenylalanine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, AminoAcidUtils.ResiduePosition position, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildProline.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildSerine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildThreonine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bond) buildTryptophan.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildTwoProtonAsparticAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildTwoProtonGlutamicAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildTyrosine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildValine.boolean
(Atom atom, int element) Finds Atoms bonded to a given Atom that match a certain atomic number.BondedUtils.findBondedAtoms
(Atom atom, Atom toExclude, int element) Finds Atoms bonded to a given Atom that match a certain atomic number that do not match an excluded atom.Find the other Atom in this Bond.Find the other Atom in this Bond.If the specified atom is not the central atom of this angle, the atom of the opposite leg is returned.If the specified atom is not a central atom of this torsion, the atom at the opposite end is returned.If the specified atom is not a central atom of this torsion, the atom at the opposite end is returned.If the specified atom is not a central atom of this torsion, the atom at the opposite end is returned.static Atom
(Residue residue, Atom N) Finds the alpha carbon of a residue, and handles any C-terminal ACE caps while at it.getAngle.getBondAtom.getTorsion
(Atom atom2, Atom atom3, Atom atom4) Finds a Torsion which contains this atom, and atoms 2, 3, and 4.static boolean
(Atom atom, int element) Checks if there is an Atom of a given atomic number bonded to the provided Atom.static void
(Atom atom, Atom ia, double bond, Atom ib, double angle1, Atom ic, double angle2, int chiral) This routine was derived from a similar routine in TINKER.boolean
Are these atoms 1-4 bonded?boolean
Are these atoms 1-5 bonded?boolean
Are these atoms 1-6 bonded?boolean
Are these atoms 1-7 bonded?boolean
Are these atoms 1-8 bonded?boolean
(Atom a) is_12_or_13boolean
Checks to see if an Atom is bonded to this Atomboolean
Determine if atom is in a ring with second atom WARNING: Does not work for 8+ membered rings...static void
(Atom a1, Atom a2, Atom a3, ForceField forceField) Log that no AngleType exists.static void
(Atom a1, Atom a2, ForceField forceField) Log that no BondType exists.static void
(Atom a0, Atom a1, Atom a2, Atom a3, ForceField forceField) Log that no TorsionType exists.static void
(Residue residue, Atom aceC) Names the atoms in an N-terminal acetyl ACE capping group.NamingUtils.renameAlkyl
(Atom carbon, Atom priorAtom, int protonOffset, char posName) Renames an atom, its bonded hydrogen, and returns the next atom in the chain.NamingUtils.renameBranchedAlkyl
(Atom carbon, Atom priorAtom, int protonOffset, int branchNum, char posName) Renames a numbered carbon, its bonded hydrogen, and returns the next atom in the chain.static void
(Residue residue, AminoAcidUtils.AminoAcid3 aa3, Atom CA, Atom CB) Renames atoms in common amino acids to PDB standard.static void
(Atom N19, Atom C1s, NucleicAcidUtils.NucleicAcid3 na3) Renames the atoms of the common nucleobases (A, C, G, T, U, and deoxy variants).NamingUtils.renameCommonPurine
(Atom N9, Atom C1s) Renames atoms common to all standard purines (A, G)NamingUtils.renameCommonPyrimidine
(Atom N1, Atom C1s) Renames atoms common to all standard pyrimidines (C, T, U)static void
(Atom[] atoms, double[][] coords) Uses a double[nAtoms][3] to revert the coordinates of an array of atoms.void
Add a constituent Atom to the Term.void
(Atom... set) Setter for the fieldaxisAtoms
Set the color of this Bond's Java3D shapes based on the passed Atom.static void
(Atom reference, Atom[] toCompare) In-place sorts toCompare by distance to the reference Atom.static Atom[]
(Atom reference, List<Atom> toCompare) Sorts toCompare by distance to the reference Atom, returning a sorted array.static double[][]
(Atom[] atoms) Returns a new double[nAtoms][3] with the coordinates of an array of atoms.Method parameters in ffx.potential.bonded with type arguments of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms) renameArginineHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms) renameAsparagineHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms, int indexes) renameBetaHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms, int indexes) renameDeltaHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms, int indexes) renameEpsilonHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms, int indexes) renameGammaHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms) renameGlutamineHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms) renameGlycineAlphaHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms) renameIsoleucineHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms, int indexes) renameZetaHydrogen.void
(List<Atom> a) Sets the MultiScaleGroup's danglingAtoms member toa
(List<Atom> a) Sets the MultiScaleGroup's danglingAtoms member toa
.static Atom[]
(Atom reference, List<Atom> toCompare) Sorts toCompare by distance to the reference Atom, returning a sorted array.Constructors in ffx.potential.bonded with parameters of type AtomModifierConstructorDescriptionCreates a new Atom similar to an existing Atom (e.g. for tiling a solvent box over a solute).Bond constructor.MissingAtomTypeException
(Residue residue, Atom atom) MissingHeavyAtomException
(String atomName, AtomType atomType, Atom bondedTo) OutOfPlaneBend
(Angle angle, Atom atom) OutOfPlaneBend constructor.RestrainDistance
(Atom a1, Atom a2, Crystal crystal, boolean lambdaTerm, double lamStart, double lamEnd, UnivariateSwitchingFunction sf) Creates a distance restraint between two Atoms.RestraintTorsion
(Atom a1, Atom a2, Atom a3, Atom a4, TorsionType tType, boolean lamEnabled, boolean revLam, double units) -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.cli
Method parameters in ffx.potential.cli with type arguments of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(MolecularAssembly assembly, String selection, BiConsumer<Atom, Boolean> action, String description) -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.constraint
Methods in ffx.potential.constraint with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CcmaConstraint
(List<Bond> constrainedBonds, List<Angle> constrainedAngles, Atom[] allAtoms, double[] masses, double nonzeroCutoff) Constructs a set of bond length Constraints to be satisfied using the Constaint Constraint Matrix Approximation, a parallelizable stable numeric method. -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.extended
Methods in ffx.potential.extended that return AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAtom[]
All atoms of the fully-protonated system (not just those affected by this system). -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.nonbonded
Fields in ffx.potential.nonbonded declared as AtomModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Atom[]
An ordered array of atoms in the system.Methods in ffx.potential.nonbonded that return AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAtom[]
Returns a copy of the atoms array.Methods in ffx.potential.nonbonded with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Atom[] activeAtoms, boolean forceEnergy) Compute multipole moments for an array of atoms.static RestrainPosition
(String line, Atom[] atoms, boolean useLambda) Parse a Restrain-Position line and return a RestrainPosition instance.void
Setter for the fieldatoms
The NeighborList will be re-configured, if necessary, for the supplied atom list.void
Setter for the fieldatoms
Setter for the fieldatoms
Setter for the fieldatoms
Setter for the fieldatoms
Setter for the fieldatoms
.Constructors in ffx.potential.nonbonded with parameters of type AtomModifierConstructorDescriptionGeneralizedKirkwood
(ForceField forceField, Atom[] atoms, ParticleMeshEwald particleMeshEwald, Crystal crystal, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, double gkCutoff) Constructor for GeneralizedKirkwood.NCSRestraint
(Atom[] atoms, ForceField forceField, Crystal crystal) This NCSRestraint is based on the unit cell parameters and symmetry operators of the supplied crystal.NeighborList
(MaskingInterface maskingRules, Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double cutoff, double buffer, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Constructor for the NeighborList class.ParticleMeshEwald
(Atom[] atoms, int[] molecule, ForceField forceField, Crystal crystal, NeighborList neighborList, ForceField.ELEC_FORM elecForm, double ewaldCutoff, double gkCutoff, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) ParticleMeshEwald constructor.ReciprocalSpace
(ParticleMeshEwald particleMeshEwald, Crystal crystal, ForceField forceField, Atom[] atoms, double aewald, ParallelTeam fftTeam, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Reciprocal Space PME contribution.RestrainPosition
(Atom[] atoms, double[][] equilibriumCoordinates, double forceConst, double flatBottom, boolean lambdaTerm) Restrain atoms to a position in the global coordinate frame.RowRegion
(int gX, int gY, int gZ, double[] grid, int nSymm, int threadCount, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates) Constructor for RowRegion.SliceRegion
(int gX, int gY, int gZ, double[] grid, int nSymm, int threadCount, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates) Constructor for SliceRegion.SpatialDensityRegion
(int gX, int gY, int gZ, double[] grid, int basisSize, int nSymm, int minWork, int threadCount, Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates) Constructor for SpatialDensityRegion.VanDerWaals
(Atom[] atoms, int[] molecule, boolean[] neuralNetwork, Crystal crystal, ForceField forceField, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, double vdwCutoff, double neighborListCutoff) The VanDerWaals class constructor.VanDerWaalsTornado
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, ForceField forceField, double vdwCutoff) The VanDerWaalsTornado class constructor. -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit
Fields in ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit declared as AtomModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Atom[]
An ordered array of atoms in the system.protected Atom[]
An ordered array of atoms in the system.protected Atom[]
An ordered array of atoms in the system.protected Atom[]
An ordered array of atoms in the system.protected Atom[]
An ordered array of atoms in the system.Methods in ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Allocate storage given the Atom array.void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, double[][][] sXYZ, int[][][] neighborLists, double[] baseRadius, double[] descreenRadius, double[] overlapScale, double[] neckScale, double descreenOffset, double[] unscaledBornIntegral, boolean[] use, double cut2, boolean nativeEnvironmentApproximation, double[] born, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray sharedBornGrad) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, double[][][] sXYZ, int[][][] neighborLists, double[] baseRadius, double[] descreenRadius, double[] overlapScale, double[] neckScale, double descreenOffset, boolean[] use, double cut2, boolean nativeEnvironmentApproximation, double[] born) void
Initialize this VolumeRegion instance for an energy evaluation.void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, boolean[] use, int[][][] neighborLists, double[] x, double[] y, double[] z, double cut2, boolean gradient, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad) Initialize the DispersionRegion for energy calculation.void
(Atom[] atoms, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, Crystal crystal, double[][][] sXYZ, int[][][] neighborLists, boolean[] use, double cut2, double[] baseRadius, double[] born, boolean gradient, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray3D torque, AtomicDoubleArray sharedBornGrad) void
(Atom[] atoms, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, Crystal crystal, double[][][] sXYZ, int[][][] neighborLists, boolean[] use, double cut2, double[] born, AtomicDoubleArray3D sharedGKField, AtomicDoubleArray3D sharedGKFieldCR) void
(GeneralizedKirkwood generalizedKirkwood, Atom[] atoms, boolean lambdaTerm, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray3D torque, AtomicDoubleArray sharedBornGrad) void
(Atom[] atoms, double[][][] globalMultipole, Crystal crystal, double[][][] sXYZ, int[][][] neighborLists, boolean[] use, double cut2, double[] born, AtomicDoubleArray3D sharedGKField) Constructors in ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit with parameters of type AtomModifierConstructorDescriptionChandlerCavitation
(Atom[] atoms, ConnollyRegion connollyRegion, ForceField forceField) ChandlerCavitation
(Atom[] atoms, GaussVol gaussVol, ForceField forceField) ConnollyRegion
(Atom[] atoms, double[] baseRadius, int nThreads) ConnollyRegion constructor.DispersionRegion
(int nt, Atom[] atoms, ForceField forceField) DispersionRegion constructor.GaussVol
(Atom[] atoms, ForceField forceField, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Creates/Initializes a GaussVol instance.HydrophobicPMFRegion
(Atom[] atoms, double[] x, double[] y, double[] z, boolean[] use, double[][][] grad, int nt) SurfaceAreaRegion
(Atom[] atoms, double[] x, double[] y, double[] z, boolean[] use, int[][][] neighborLists, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, int nt, double probe, double surfaceTension) This class is a port of the Cavitation code in TINKER. -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.nonbonded.pme
Methods in ffx.potential.nonbonded.pme with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Atom[] atoms, double[] polarizability, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][] cartMultipolePhi, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR, boolean generalizedKirkwoodTerm, GeneralizedKirkwood generalizedKirkwood, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, double soluteDielectric, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, double[][] directDipole, double[][] directDipoleCR, double[][] directField, double[][] directFieldCR) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR) void
(Atom[] atoms, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, boolean generalizedKirkwoodTerm, GeneralizedKirkwood generalizedKirkwood, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, double soluteDielectric, double[][] cartesianDipolePhi, double[][] cartesianDipolePhiCR, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, boolean[] use, int[] molecule, double[] ipdamp, double[] thole, double[][][] coordinates, RealSpaceNeighborParameters realSpaceNeighborParameters, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, boolean reciprocalSpaceTerm, ReciprocalSpace reciprocalSpace, LambdaMode lambdaMode, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR, PMETimings pmeTimings) void
(boolean lambdaTerm, AlchemicalParameters alchemicalParameters, ExtendedSystem esvSystem, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, Crystal crystal, MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition[] frame, int[][] axisAtom, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] titrationMultipole, double[][][] tautomerMultipole, double[] polarizability, double[] titrationPolarizability, double[] tautomerPolarizability, double[] thole, double[] ipdamp, boolean[] use, int[][][] neighborLists, int[][][] realSpaceLists, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray3D torque, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaGrad, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaTorque) void
(int currentOptOrder, Atom[] atoms, double[] polarizability, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, double[][] cartesianDipolePhi, double[][] cartesianDipolePhiCR, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR, boolean generalizedKirkwoodTerm, GeneralizedKirkwood generalizedKirkwood, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, double dielectric) void
(Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, double[] polarizability, double[] ipdamp, double[] thole, boolean[] use, Crystal crystal, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, double[][] directDipole, double[][] directDipoleCR, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, double dieletric, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, IntegerSchedule realSpaceSchedule, PMETimings pmeTimings) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, double[][][] coordinates, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, int[][][] neighborLists, ScaleParameters scaleParameters, boolean[] use, int[] molecule, double[] ipdamp, double[] thole, int[][] ip11, int[][] mask12, int[][] mask13, int[][] mask14, LambdaMode lambdaMode, boolean reciprocalSpaceTerm, ReciprocalSpace reciprocalSpace, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, PCGSolver pcgSolver, IntegerSchedule permanentSchedule, RealSpaceNeighborParameters realSpaceNeighborParameters, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR) void
(Atom[] atoms, double[] polarizability, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][] directDipoleCR, double polarizationScale) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, ExtendedSystem extendedSystem, boolean esvTerm, double[][][] coordinates, MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition[] frame, int[][] axisAtom, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] titrationMultipole, double[][][] tautomerMultipole, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, boolean[] use, int[] molecule, int[][] ip11, int[][] mask12, int[][] mask13, int[][] mask14, int[][] mask15, boolean[] isSoft, double[] ipdamp, double[] thole, RealSpaceNeighborParameters realSpaceNeighborParameters, boolean gradient, boolean lambdaTerm, boolean nnTerm, LambdaMode lambdaMode, Polarization polarization, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, ScaleParameters scaleParameters, AlchemicalParameters alchemicalParameters, long[] realSpaceEnergyTime, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray3D torque, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaGrad, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaTorque, SharedDouble shareddEdLambda, SharedDouble sharedd2EdLambda2) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, boolean gradient, boolean lambdaTerm, boolean esvTerm, boolean[] use, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] globalFracMultipole, double[][][] titrationMultipole, double[][][] tautomerMultipole, double[][] cartMultipolePhi, double[][] fracMultipolePhi, Polarization polarization, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, double[][] cartesianDipolePhi, double[][] cartesianDipolePhiCR, double[][] fracInducedDipolePhi, double[][] fracInducedDipolePhiCR, ReciprocalSpace reciprocalSpace, AlchemicalParameters alchemicalParameters, ExtendedSystem extendedSystem, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray3D torque, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaGrad, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaTorque, SharedDouble shareddEdLambda, SharedDouble sharedd2EdLambda2) void
(boolean lambdaTerm, boolean gradient, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition[] frame, int[][] axisAtom, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray3D torque, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaGrad, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaTorque) void
(Atom[] atoms, double[] polarizability, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, double[][] directDipole, double[][] directDipoleCR, double[][] cartesianDipolePhi, double[][] cartesianDipolePhiCR, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR, boolean generalizedKirkwoodTerm, GeneralizedKirkwood generalizedKirkwood, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters) -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.openmm
Methods in ffx.potential.openmm with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Atom[] atoms, OpenMMEnergy openMMEnergy) Update the force.void
(Atom[] atoms, OpenMMEnergy openMMEnergy) Update the Cavitation force.void
(Atom[] atoms, OpenMMEnergy openMMEnergy) void
(Atom[] atoms, OpenMMEnergy openMMEnergy) Update the vdW force.void
(Atom[] atoms, OpenMMEnergy openMMEnergy) Update the WCA force.void
(Atom[] atoms, OpenMMEnergy openMMEnergy) Update the GB force.void
(Atom[] atoms, OpenMMEnergy openMMEnergy) Update an existing non-bonded force for the OpenMM System.void
(Atom[] atoms) Update parameters if the Use flags and/or Lambda value has changed.void
(Atom[] atoms) Update parameters if the Use flags and/or Lambda value has changed.Constructors in ffx.potential.openmm with parameters of type AtomModifierConstructorDescriptionOpenMMContext
(Platform platform, OpenMMSystem openMMSystem, Atom[] atoms) Create an OpenMM Context.protected
(com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference pointer, Atom[] atoms, int dof) Construct an OpenMM State with the requested information. -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.parameters
Methods in ffx.potential.parameters with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(Atom atom) Assign local multipole frame defining atoms.static boolean
(ForceField.ELEC_FORM elecForm, Atom atom, ForceField forceField, double[] multipole, int i, int[][] axisAtom, MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition[] frame) Assign the multipole type.static void
(Atom[] atoms, int[][] ip11, int[][] ip12, int[][] ip13) assignPolarizationGroups.double[]
(Atom atom, double titrationLambda, double tautomerLambda, double[] multipole) double[]
(Atom atom, double titrationLambda, double tautomerLambda, double[] multipole) double[]
(Atom atom, double titrationLambda, double tautomerLambda, double[] multipole) double
(Atom atom, double titrationLambda, double tautomerLambda, double defaultPolarizability) double
(Atom atom, double titrationLambda, double tautomerLambda) double
(Atom atom, double titrationLambda, double tautomerLambda) static SoluteType
(Atom atom, ForceField forceField, SoluteType.SOLUTE_RADII_TYPE soluteRadiiType) static int
(AminoAcidUtils.AminoAcid3 aminoAcid3, Atom atom) static void
A recursive method that checks all atoms bonded to the seed atom for inclusion in the polarization group.static boolean
(AminoAcidUtils.AminoAcid3 aminoAcid3, Atom atom) Used to keep track of heavy atoms with changing polarizability.static boolean
(AminoAcidUtils.AminoAcid3 aminoAcid3, Atom atom) static MultipoleType
(ForceField.ELEC_FORM elecForm, Atom atom, ForceField forceField) multipoleTypeFactory.static void
(ForceField forceField, Atom[] atoms, SoluteType.SOLUTE_RADII_TYPE soluteRadiiType) -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.parsers
Fields in ffx.potential.parsers with type parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionSystemFilter.atomList
The atomList is filled by filters that extend SystemFilter.Methods in ffx.potential.parsers that return types with arguments of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSystemFilter.atomListToSet
(List<Integer> atomList, Atom[] atoms) Converts a list of atom indices to an array of atoms.SystemFilter.getAtomList()
Getter for the fieldatomList
.Methods in ffx.potential.parsers with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSystemFilter.atomListToSet
(List<Integer> atomList, Atom[] atoms) Converts a list of atom indices to an array of atoms.static int
Add bonds between atoms.static void
(Atom seed, ArrayList<Atom> atoms) Finds all atoms that are bonded to one another.static String
(Atom atom) Parse atom name to determine atomic element.static String
(Atom atom) Simple method useful for converting files to PDB format.Method parameters in ffx.potential.parsers with type arguments of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(Atom seed, ArrayList<Atom> atoms) Finds all atoms that are bonded to one another.boolean
(File saveFile, boolean append, Set<Atom> toExclude, boolean writeEnd, boolean versioning) writeFileboolean
(File saveFile, boolean append, Set<Atom> toExclude, boolean writeEnd, boolean versioning, String[] extraLines) writeFileConstructor parameters in ffx.potential.parsers with type arguments of type AtomModifierConstructorDescriptionMergeFilter
(MolecularAssembly f, ArrayList<Atom> a, ArrayList<Bond> b) Constructor for MergeFilter. -
Uses of Atom in ffx.potential.utils
Methods in ffx.potential.utils that return AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Atom[]
(com.github.quickhull3d.QuickHull3D quickHull3D, Atom[] allAtoms) UNTESTED: Identifies atoms forming the convex hull.Methods in ffx.potential.utils with parameters of type AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic com.github.quickhull3d.QuickHull3D
(Atom[] atoms) Constructs a convex hull from a set of atoms.static Atom[]
(com.github.quickhull3d.QuickHull3D quickHull3D, Atom[] allAtoms) UNTESTED: Identifies atoms forming the convex hull.static double
Maximum pairwise distance between atoms in an array.static double[][]
(Atom[] atoms, boolean moved, boolean print, boolean pma) Compute the moments of inertia for all atoms in the supplied array.static double
(Atom[] atoms) Compute the radius of gyration for all atoms in the supplied array.static double[]
(Atom[] atoms) Compute the radius of gyration for all atoms in the supplied array. -
Uses of Atom in ffx.realspace
Methods in ffx.realspace that return AtomModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAtom[]
getAtomArray -
Uses of Atom in ffx.xray
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAtom[]
Getter for the fieldactiveAtomArray
Getter for the fieldtotalAtomArray
.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRefinementModel.getActiveAtomList()
Getter for the fieldactiveAtomList
.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String filename, Set<Atom> excludeAtoms, double pH) Write current model to PDB file.ModifierConstructorDescriptionBulkSolventDensityRegion
(int gX, int gY, int gZ, double[] grid, int basisSize, int nSymm, int minWork, int threadCount, Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, double cutoff, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Constructor for BulkSolventDensityRegion.BulkSolventList
(Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double cutoff, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Constructor for the NeighborList class.BulkSolventRowRegion
(int gX, int gY, int gZ, double[] grid, int nSymm, int threadCount, Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, double cutoff, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Constructor for BulkSolventDensityRegion.BulkSolventSliceRegion
(int gX, int gY, int gZ, double[] grid, int nSymm, int threadCount, Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, double cutoff, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Constructor for BulkSolventDensityRegion.CrystalReciprocalSpace
(ReflectionList reflectionList, Atom[] atoms, ParallelTeam fftTeam, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Crystal Reciprocal Space constructor, assumes this is not a bulk solvent mask and is not a neutron data setCrystalReciprocalSpace
(ReflectionList reflectionList, Atom[] atoms, ParallelTeam fftTeam, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, boolean solventMask) Crystal Reciprocal Space constructor, assumes this is not a neutron data set and implements a polynomial bulk solvent mask if neededCrystalReciprocalSpace
(ReflectionList reflectionList, Atom[] atoms, ParallelTeam fftTeam, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, boolean solventMask, boolean neutron) Crystal Reciprocal Space constructor, assumes a polynomial bulk solvent mask if neededCrystalReciprocalSpace
(ReflectionList reflectionlist, Atom[] atoms, ParallelTeam fftTeam, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, boolean solventMask, boolean neutron, CrystalReciprocalSpace.SolventModel solventModel, CrystalReciprocalSpace.GridMethod gridMethod) Crystal Reciprocal Space constructor, all parameters providedNeutronFormFactor
(Atom atom) Constructor for NeutronFormFactor.NeutronFormFactor
(Atom atom, double badd) Constructor for NeutronFormFactor.NeutronFormFactor
(Atom atom, double badd, double[] xyz) Constructor for NeutronFormFactor.SolventBinaryFormFactor
(Atom atom, double probeRad) Constructor for SolventBinaryFormFactor.SolventBinaryFormFactor
(Atom atom, double probeRad, double[] xyz) Constructor for SolventBinaryFormFactor.SolventGaussFormFactor
(Atom atom, double sd) Constructor for SolventGaussFormFactor.SolventGaussFormFactor
(Atom atom, double sd, double[] xyz) Constructor for SolventGaussFormFactor.SolventPolyFormFactor
(Atom atom, double arad, double w) Constructor for SolventPolyFormFactor.SolventPolyFormFactor
(Atom atom, double arad, double w, double[] xyz) Constructor for SolventPolyFormFactor.XRayFormFactor
(Atom atom) Constructor for XRayFormFactor.XRayFormFactor
(Atom atom, boolean use3G) Constructor for XRayFormFactor.XRayFormFactor
(Atom atom, boolean use3G, double badd) Constructor for XRayFormFactor.XRayFormFactor
(Atom atom, boolean use3G, double badd, double[] xyz) Constructor for XRayFormFactor.