Creates a box of solvent around a solute.
Solvator(1) Manual Page
Solvator - Creates a box of solvent around a solute.
Solvator [-hrVx] [--abc=a,b,c] [-b=2.5] [--iFi=ions] [-p=9.0] [-s=auto] [--sFi=water] file
- --abc, --boxLengths=a,b,c
Specify a comma-separated set of unit cell box lengths, instead of calculating them (a,b,c)
- -b, --boundary=2.5
Delete solvent molecules that infringe closer than this to the solute.
- -h, --help
Print command help and exit.
- --iFi, --ionFile=ions
Name of the file containing ions. Must also have a .ions file (e.g. nacl.pdb must also have nacl.ions). Default: no ions.
- -p, --padding=9.0
Sets the minimum amount of solvent padding around the solute.
- -r, --rectangular
Use a rectangular prism rather than a cube for solvation.
- -s, --randomSeed=auto
Specify a random seed for ion placement.
- --sFi, --solventFile=water
A file containing the solvent box to be used. There is currently no default.
- -V, --version
Print the Force Field X version and exit.
- -x, --translate
Move solute molecules to center of box. Turning off should only considered when specifying the unit cell box dimensions
- file
The atomic coordinate file in PDB or XYZ format.