Uses of Class
Packages that use Crystal
The Dynamics package implements molecular and stochastic dynamics using a pure Java code path and
via OpenMM.
The Thermodynamics package computes free energy differences using Orthogonal Space Tempering
(OST) sampling via pure Java or OpenMM (via Monte Carlo OST).
The Crystal package implements space group symmetry and periodic boundary condition support.
The Potential package implements molecular mechanics force fields with shared memory Parallel
Java and via OpenMM.
The Bonded package implements bonded molecular mechanics terms such as bonds, angles, torsions,
The Nonbonded package implements nonbonded molecular mechanics terms such as van der Waals and
Particle Mesh Ewald electrostastics.
The Parsers package handles reading/writing files to/from the internal data structure.
The Real Space package implements real space structure refinement.
The Parsers package reads and writes CCP4 map files.
The X-ray package implements support for X-ray and Neutron refinement.
The Parsers package reads CNS files and reads/writes MTZ files.
Uses of Crystal in ffx.algorithms.dynamics
Methods in ffx.algorithms.dynamics that return CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBarostat.getCrystal()
Get the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.Methods in ffx.algorithms.dynamics with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry. -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody
Methods in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(Residue residue, Crystal crystal, SymOp symOp, boolean variableOnly) Checks if any rotamer of a Residue is inside this BoxOptCell.boolean
(Atom atom, Crystal crystal, SymOp symOp) Checks if an Atom would be contained inside this cell.boolean
(Residue residue, Crystal crystal, SymOp symOp, boolean variableOnly) Checks if a Residue is inside this BoxOptCell.Constructors in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody with parameters of type CrystalModifierConstructorDescriptionDistanceRegion
(int nt, int nResidues, Crystal crystal, int[][][] lists, IntegerSchedule schedule) -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.algorithms.thermodynamics
Methods in ffx.algorithms.thermodynamics that return CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionOrthogonalSpaceTempering.getCrystal()
Get the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.Methods in ffx.algorithms.thermodynamics with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry. -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.crystal
Subclasses of Crystal in ffx.crystalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The NCSCrystal class extends Crystal to support non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS).class
The ReplicatesCrystal class extends Crystal to generate additional symmetry operators needed to describe a "replicated" super-cell.Fields in ffx.crystal declared as CrystalMethods in ffx.crystal that return CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Crystal
(org.apache.commons.configuration2.CompositeConfiguration properties) checkPropertiesCrystalPotential.getCrystal()
Get the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.Crystal.getUnitCell()
The ReplicatesCrystal over-rides this method to return the unit cell rather than the ReplicateCell.NCSCrystal.getUnitCell()
The ReplicatesCrystal over-rides this method to return the unit cell rather than the ReplicateCell.ReplicatesCrystal.getUnitCell()
The ReplicatesCrystal over-rides this method to return the unit cell rather than the ReplicateCell.static Crystal
(double a, double b, double c, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, SpaceGroup currentSG) Convert between hexagonal and rhombohedral space groups.static Crystal
(Crystal crystal) Convert between hexagonal and rhombohedral space groups.static Crystal
(Crystal unitCell, List<SymOp> symOps) Returns an NCSCrystal by expanding the orignal unit cell with the symmetry operators provided by the BIOMT records in the PDB files.static Crystal
(Crystal unitCell, double cutOff2) Returns a ReplicatesCrystal large enough to satisfy the minimum image convention for the specified unit cell and cutoff criteria.static Crystal
(Crystal unitCell, double cutOff2, int[] replicatesVector) Returns a ReplicatesCrystal large enough to satisfy the minimum image convention for the specified unit cell and cutoff criteria.Methods in ffx.crystal with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Crystal
(Crystal crystal) Convert between hexagonal and rhombohedral space groups.static Crystal
(Crystal unitCell, List<SymOp> symOps) Returns an NCSCrystal by expanding the orignal unit cell with the symmetry operators provided by the BIOMT records in the PDB files.static Crystal
(Crystal unitCell, double cutOff2) Returns a ReplicatesCrystal large enough to satisfy the minimum image convention for the specified unit cell and cutoff criteria.static Crystal
(Crystal unitCell, double cutOff2, int[] replicatesVector) Returns a ReplicatesCrystal large enough to satisfy the minimum image convention for the specified unit cell and cutoff criteria.void
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.Constructors in ffx.crystal with parameters of type CrystalModifierConstructorDescriptionReflectionList
(Crystal crystal, Resolution resolution) Constructor for ReflectionList.ReflectionList
(Crystal crystal, Resolution resolution, org.apache.commons.configuration2.CompositeConfiguration properties) Constructor for ReflectionList.ReplicatesCrystal
(Crystal unitCell, int l, int m, int n, double cutOff2) Constructor for a ReplicatesCrystal. -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.potential
Methods in ffx.potential that return CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDualTopologyEnergy.getCrystal()
Get the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.ForceFieldEnergy.getCrystal()
Get the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.MolecularAssembly.getCrystal()
Get the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.Methods in ffx.potential with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.void
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.void
(Crystal crystal, boolean checkReplicatesCell) Set the boundary conditions for this calculation.void
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal for the Potential of this MolecularAssembly.void
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry. -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.potential.bonded
Constructors in ffx.potential.bonded with parameters of type CrystalModifierConstructorDescriptionRestrainDistance
(Atom a1, Atom a2, Crystal crystal, boolean lambdaTerm, double lamStart, double lamEnd, UnivariateSwitchingFunction sf) Creates a distance restraint between two Atoms. -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.potential.nonbonded
Fields in ffx.potential.nonbonded declared as CrystalMethods in ffx.potential.nonbonded with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Crystal crystal) Setter for the fieldcrystal
(Crystal crystal) The NeighborList will be re-configured, if necessary, for the supplied Crystal.void
(Crystal crystal) void
(Crystal crystal) Setter for the fieldcrystal
.final void
(Crystal crystal, int gX, int gY, int gZ) Setter for the fieldcrystal
.final void
(Crystal crystal, int gX, int gY, int gZ) Setter for the fieldcrystal
.final void
(Crystal crystal, int gX, int gY, int gZ) Setter for the fieldcrystal
(Crystal crystal) If the crystal being passed in is not equal to the current crystal, then some Van der Waals data structures may need to updated.void
(Crystal crystal) If the crystal being passed in is not equal to the current crystal, then some Van der Waals data structures may need to updated.Constructors in ffx.potential.nonbonded with parameters of type CrystalModifierConstructorDescriptionGeneralizedKirkwood
(ForceField forceField, Atom[] atoms, ParticleMeshEwald particleMeshEwald, Crystal crystal, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, double gkCutoff) Constructor for GeneralizedKirkwood.NCSRestraint
(Atom[] atoms, ForceField forceField, Crystal crystal) This NCSRestraint is based on the unit cell parameters and symmetry operators of the supplied crystal.NeighborList
(MaskingInterface maskingRules, Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double cutoff, double buffer, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Constructor for the NeighborList class.ParticleMeshEwald
(Atom[] atoms, int[] molecule, ForceField forceField, Crystal crystal, NeighborList neighborList, ForceField.ELEC_FORM elecForm, double ewaldCutoff, double gkCutoff, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) ParticleMeshEwald constructor.ReciprocalSpace
(ParticleMeshEwald particleMeshEwald, Crystal crystal, ForceField forceField, Atom[] atoms, double aewald, ParallelTeam fftTeam, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Reciprocal Space PME contribution.SpatialDensityRegion
(int gX, int gY, int gZ, double[] grid, int basisSize, int nSymm, int minWork, int threadCount, Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates) Constructor for SpatialDensityRegion.VanDerWaals
(Atom[] atoms, int[] molecule, boolean[] neuralNetwork, Crystal crystal, ForceField forceField, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, double vdwCutoff, double neighborListCutoff) The VanDerWaals class constructor.VanDerWaalsTornado
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, ForceField forceField, double vdwCutoff) The VanDerWaalsTornado class constructor. -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit
Methods in ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, double[][][] sXYZ, int[][][] neighborLists, double[] baseRadius, double[] descreenRadius, double[] overlapScale, double[] neckScale, double descreenOffset, double[] unscaledBornIntegral, boolean[] use, double cut2, boolean nativeEnvironmentApproximation, double[] born, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray sharedBornGrad) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, double[][][] sXYZ, int[][][] neighborLists, double[] baseRadius, double[] descreenRadius, double[] overlapScale, double[] neckScale, double descreenOffset, boolean[] use, double cut2, boolean nativeEnvironmentApproximation, double[] born) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, boolean[] use, int[][][] neighborLists, double[] x, double[] y, double[] z, double cut2, boolean gradient, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad) Initialize the DispersionRegion for energy calculation.void
(Atom[] atoms, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, Crystal crystal, double[][][] sXYZ, int[][][] neighborLists, boolean[] use, double cut2, double[] baseRadius, double[] born, boolean gradient, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray3D torque, AtomicDoubleArray sharedBornGrad) void
(Atom[] atoms, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, Crystal crystal, double[][][] sXYZ, int[][][] neighborLists, boolean[] use, double cut2, double[] born, AtomicDoubleArray3D sharedGKField, AtomicDoubleArray3D sharedGKFieldCR) void
(Atom[] atoms, double[][][] globalMultipole, Crystal crystal, double[][][] sXYZ, int[][][] neighborLists, boolean[] use, double cut2, double[] born, AtomicDoubleArray3D sharedGKField) -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.potential.nonbonded.pme
Fields in ffx.potential.nonbonded.pme declared as CrystalModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionAlchemicalParameters.vaporCrystal
Boundary conditions for the vapor end of the alchemical path.Methods in ffx.potential.nonbonded.pme with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, boolean[] use, int[] molecule, double[] ipdamp, double[] thole, double[][][] coordinates, RealSpaceNeighborParameters realSpaceNeighborParameters, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, boolean reciprocalSpaceTerm, ReciprocalSpace reciprocalSpace, LambdaMode lambdaMode, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR, PMETimings pmeTimings) void
(boolean lambdaTerm, AlchemicalParameters alchemicalParameters, ExtendedSystem esvSystem, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, Crystal crystal, MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition[] frame, int[][] axisAtom, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] titrationMultipole, double[][][] tautomerMultipole, double[] polarizability, double[] titrationPolarizability, double[] tautomerPolarizability, double[] thole, double[] ipdamp, boolean[] use, int[][][] neighborLists, int[][][] realSpaceLists, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray3D torque, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaGrad, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaTorque) void
(Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, double[] polarizability, double[] ipdamp, double[] thole, boolean[] use, Crystal crystal, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, double[][] directDipole, double[][] directDipoleCR, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, double dieletric, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, IntegerSchedule realSpaceSchedule, PMETimings pmeTimings) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, double[][][] coordinates, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, int[][][] neighborLists, ScaleParameters scaleParameters, boolean[] use, int[] molecule, double[] ipdamp, double[] thole, int[][] ip11, int[][] mask12, int[][] mask13, int[][] mask14, LambdaMode lambdaMode, boolean reciprocalSpaceTerm, ReciprocalSpace reciprocalSpace, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, PCGSolver pcgSolver, IntegerSchedule permanentSchedule, RealSpaceNeighborParameters realSpaceNeighborParameters, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, ExtendedSystem extendedSystem, boolean esvTerm, double[][][] coordinates, MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition[] frame, int[][] axisAtom, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] titrationMultipole, double[][][] tautomerMultipole, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, boolean[] use, int[] molecule, int[][] ip11, int[][] mask12, int[][] mask13, int[][] mask14, int[][] mask15, boolean[] isSoft, double[] ipdamp, double[] thole, RealSpaceNeighborParameters realSpaceNeighborParameters, boolean gradient, boolean lambdaTerm, boolean nnTerm, LambdaMode lambdaMode, Polarization polarization, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, ScaleParameters scaleParameters, AlchemicalParameters alchemicalParameters, long[] realSpaceEnergyTime, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray3D torque, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaGrad, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaTorque, SharedDouble shareddEdLambda, SharedDouble sharedd2EdLambda2) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, boolean gradient, boolean lambdaTerm, boolean esvTerm, boolean[] use, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] globalFracMultipole, double[][][] titrationMultipole, double[][][] tautomerMultipole, double[][] cartMultipolePhi, double[][] fracMultipolePhi, Polarization polarization, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, double[][] cartesianDipolePhi, double[][] cartesianDipolePhiCR, double[][] fracInducedDipolePhi, double[][] fracInducedDipolePhiCR, ReciprocalSpace reciprocalSpace, AlchemicalParameters alchemicalParameters, ExtendedSystem extendedSystem, AtomicDoubleArray3D grad, AtomicDoubleArray3D torque, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaGrad, AtomicDoubleArray3D lambdaTorque, SharedDouble shareddEdLambda, SharedDouble sharedd2EdLambda2) -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.potential.openmm
Methods in ffx.potential.openmm that return CrystalMethods in ffx.potential.openmm with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.void
(Crystal crystal) Set the periodic box vectors for a context based on the crystal instance. -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.potential.parsers
Methods in ffx.potential.parsers with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(File saveFile, boolean append, Crystal crystal) writeFileAsP1boolean
(File saveFile, boolean append, Crystal crystal, String[] extraLines) writeFileAsP1boolean
(File saveFile, boolean append, Crystal crystal) writeFileAsP1boolean
(File saveFile, boolean append, Crystal crystal, int[] lmn, String[] extraLines) Write file as a P1 system in XYZ format.boolean
(File saveFile, boolean append, Crystal crystal, String[] extraLines) writeFileAsP1 -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.realspace
Methods in ffx.realspace that return CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCrystal[]
Getter for the fieldcrystal
Get the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.Methods in ffx.realspace with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Crystal[] crystal) Setter for the fieldcrystal
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry. -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.realspace.parsers
Methods in ffx.realspace.parsers that return CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCCP4MapFilter.getCrystal
(String fileName, org.apache.commons.configuration2.CompositeConfiguration properties) getCrystalRealSpaceFileFilter.getCrystal
(String filename, org.apache.commons.configuration2.CompositeConfiguration properties) getCrystal -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.xray
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCrystal[]
Getter for the fieldcrystal
Get the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.XRayEnergy.getCrystal()
Get the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.void
(Crystal crystal) Set the Crystal instance that specifies the periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.ModifierConstructorDescriptionBulkSolventDensityRegion
(int gX, int gY, int gZ, double[] grid, int basisSize, int nSymm, int minWork, int threadCount, Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, double cutoff, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Constructor for BulkSolventDensityRegion.BulkSolventList
(Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double cutoff, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Constructor for the NeighborList class.BulkSolventRowRegion
(int gX, int gY, int gZ, double[] grid, int nSymm, int threadCount, Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, double cutoff, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Constructor for BulkSolventDensityRegion.BulkSolventSliceRegion
(int gX, int gY, int gZ, double[] grid, int nSymm, int threadCount, Crystal crystal, Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, double cutoff, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) Constructor for BulkSolventDensityRegion. -
Uses of Crystal in ffx.xray.parsers
Methods in ffx.xray.parsers with parameters of type CrystalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(File cifFile, Crystal crystal) Attempt to determine resolution of reflection file.double
(File cnsFile, Crystal crystal) Attempt to determine resolution of reflection file.double
(File file, Crystal crystal) Attempt to determine resolution of reflection file.double
(File mtzFile, Crystal crystal) Attempt to determine resolution of reflection file.Constructors in ffx.xray.parsers with parameters of type CrystalModifierConstructorDescriptionCCP4MapWriter
(int orix, int oriy, int oriz, int extx, int exty, int extz, int nx, int ny, int nz, Crystal crystal, String filename) Constructor for CCP4MapWriter.CCP4MapWriter
(int extx, int exty, int extz, Crystal crystal, String filename) construct mapwriter objectCNSMapWriter
(int nx, int ny, int nz, Crystal crystal, String filename) Constructor for CNSMapWriter.