Uses of Class
Packages that use Residue
The Algorithms CLI package defines options for PicoCLI command line scripts.
The MC package implements a variety of Monte Carlo moves for optimization and simulation
The Misc package contains a few miscellaneous algorithms.
The Optimize package contains local and global optimization algorithms using pure Java and OpenMM
code paths.
The Potential package implements molecular mechanics force fields with shared memory Parallel
Java and via OpenMM.
The Bonded package implements bonded molecular mechanics terms such as bonds, angles, torsions,
The Extended package is progress toward support for constant pH molecular dynamics using extended
system variables (i.e. lambda dynamics on protonation).
The Parameters package stores force field atom types, bond types, etc, and keywords that define
the potential.
The Parsers package handles reading/writing files to/from the internal data structure.
The Utils package implements core functionality needed for using the Potential package, such as
opening and closing structure files, basic force field energy evaluations, etc.
The Real Space package implements real space structure refinement.
The X-ray package implements support for X-ray and Neutron refinement.
Uses of Residue in ffx.algorithms.cli
Methods in ffx.algorithms.cli that return types with arguments of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionManyBodyOptions.collectResidues
(MolecularAssembly activeAssembly) Collect residues based on residue selection flags.Method parameters in ffx.algorithms.cli with type arguments of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionManyBodyOptions.selectInclusionResidues
(List<Residue> residueList, int mutatingResidue, boolean onlyTitration, boolean onlyProtons, double inclusionCutoff) -
Uses of Residue in
Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type ResidueModifierConstructorDescriptionRosenbluthCBMC
(MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, ForceFieldEnergy ffe, Thermostat thermostat, List<Residue> targets, int mcFrequency, int trialSetSize, boolean writeSnapshots) RRMC constructor.RosenbluthOBMC
(MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, ForceFieldEnergy forceFieldEnergy, Thermostat thermostat, List<Residue> targets, int mcFrequency, int trialSetSize) RRMC constructor.RosenbluthOBMC
(MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, ForceFieldEnergy forceFieldEnergy, Thermostat thermostat, List<Residue> targets, int mcFrequency, int trialSetSize, boolean writeSnapshots) Constructor for RosenbluthOBMC. -
Uses of Residue in ffx.algorithms.misc
Constructors in ffx.algorithms.misc with parameters of type ResidueModifierConstructorDescriptionGenerateRotamers
(MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, Potential potential, Residue residue, File file, int nChi, AlgorithmListener listener) Intended to create rotamer sets for nonstandard amino acids.GenerateRotamers
(MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, Potential potential, Residue residue, File file, int nChi, AlgorithmListener listener, RotamerLibrary library) Intended to create rotamer sets for nonstandard amino acids. -
Uses of Residue in ffx.algorithms.optimize
Methods in ffx.algorithms.optimize that return types with arguments of type ResidueMethods in ffx.algorithms.optimize with parameters of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(Residue[] residues) Computes the environment/backbone energy, defined as energy with all sidechains under consideration turned off in their 0th rotamer.double
(Residue[] residues, int[] rotamers, boolean print) Uses existing backbone, self, 2-Body, and 3-body energies from rotamerEnergies() to calculate an approximate energy for a rotamer permutation.double
(Residue[] resArray) Calculates the energy at the current state.void
(Residue[] residues, int i, int[] currentRotamers) Calculate Populations for Residuesdouble
(Residue[] residues, int lb, int ub, int i, int riA, int riB, int j, int rjC, int rjD, List<Residue> blockedResidues, int[] possK) void
(Residue[] residues, int i, int[] currentRotamers) A global optimization over side-chain rotamers using a recursive algorithm and information about eliminated rotamers, rotamer pairs and rotamer triples.double
(MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, Residue[] residues, int i, double lowEnergy, int[] optimum) A brute-force global optimization over side-chain rotamers using a recursive algorithm.void
(Residue[] residues) void
(Residue residue) void
(Residue[] residues) void
(Residue residue, int ri) Method parameters in ffx.algorithms.optimize with type arguments of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(List<Residue> resList) Wrapper intended for use with RotamerMatrixMC.boolean
(Set<Atom> excludeAtoms, int[] optimalRotamers, List<Residue> residueList) double
(Residue[] residues, int lb, int ub, int i, int riA, int riB, int j, int rjC, int rjD, List<Residue> blockedResidues, int[] possK) void
(List<Residue> residueList) Set the residue list.void
(List<Residue> residues) Accepts a list of residues but throws out null residues. -
Uses of Residue in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody
Methods in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody that return types with arguments of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGoldsteinPairRegion.getMissedResidues()
Returns a copy of the ArrayList of residues.Methods in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody with parameters of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Residue residue) Add a residue to the box.EnergyExpansion.allocate2BodyJobMap
(Residue[] residues, int nResidues, boolean reverseMap) EnergyExpansion.allocate3BodyJobMap
(Residue[] residues, int nResidues, boolean reverseMap) void
(Residue[] residues, int nResidues) EnergyExpansion.allocateSelfJobMap
(Residue[] residues, int nResidues, boolean reverseMap) boolean
(Residue residue, Crystal crystal, SymOp symOp, boolean variableOnly) Checks if any rotamer of a Residue is inside this BoxOptCell.double
(Residue[] residues, int i, int ri, int j, int rj) Computes a pair energy, defined as energy with all side-chains but two turned off, minus the sum of backbone and component self energies.double
(Residue[] residues, int i, int ri, int j, int rj, int k, int rk) Computes a 3-body energy, defined as the energy with all sidechains but three turned off, minus the sum of backbone and component self/2-Body energies.double
(Residue[] residues, int i, int ri, int j, int rj, int k, int rk, int l, int rl) Computes a 4-body energy, defined as the energy with all sidechains but four turned off, minus the sum of backbone and component self/2-Body/3-body energies.double
(Residue[] residues, int i, int ri) Computes a self energy, defined as energy with all side-chains but one turned off, minus the backbone energy.boolean
(Residue[] residues, int i, int ri, boolean verbose) Safe method to eliminate a rotamer: will not eliminate if there are no alternate rotamers for residue i, or if i-ri is already eliminated.boolean
(Residue[] residues, int i, int ri, int j, int rj, boolean verbose) int
(Residue[] residues, int i, int ri, boolean verbose) double
Return a previously computed 3-body energy.void
(DistanceMatrix dM, MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, Residue[] allResiduesArray, AlgorithmListener algorithmListener, DistanceMatrix.NeighborDistances[][] distanceMatrix) void
(EnergyExpansion eE, Residue[] residues, int[] rotamers, boolean threeBodyTerm) void
(Residue[] residues, int i, int riA, int riB, int j, int rjC, int rjD, int[][] bidiResNeighbors, RotamerOptimization rotamerOptimization) Initializes a ParallelRegion to attempt the elimination of riA,rjC by riB,
(File restartFile, Residue[] residues) int
(File restartFile, Residue[] residues, int boxIteration, int[] cellIndices) double
(Residue[] residues, int i, int ri, int j) Return the lowest pair-energy for residue (i,ri) with residue j.double
(Residue[] residues, int i) Return the lowest self-energy for residue i.boolean
Calculates the minimum and maximum summations over additional residues for some pair ri-rj.boolean
(Residue[] residues, double[] minMax, int i, int ri, int j) Computes the maximum and minimum energy i,ri might have with j, and optionally (if three-body energies in use) third residues k.boolean
(Residue[] residues, int i, int j) Method to check if pairs elimination for some residue pair has enabled a singles rotamer elimination by eliminating all ri-rj for some ri or some rj.void
(Residue[] residues) Pre-prunes any pairs that have a pair-energy of Double.NaN before pruning and eliminations happen.void
(Residue[] residues) Pre-prunes any selves that have a self-energy of Double.NaN before pruning and eliminations happen.void
(Residue[] residues) Prunes rotamer ri of residue i if all ri-j pair energies are worse than the best i-j pair by some threshold value; additionally prunes ri-rj pairs if they exceed the best i-j pair by a greater threshold value; additionally performs this in reverse (searches over j-i).void
(Residue[] residues) Uses calculated energies to prune rotamers based on a threshold distance from that residue's minimum energy rotamer (by default 20 kcal/mol).boolean
(Residue residue, Crystal crystal, SymOp symOp, boolean variableOnly) Checks if a Residue is inside this BoxOptCell.void
(Residue[] residues, int i, int ri, int j, int rj, int k, int rk, double e, boolean quiet) Stores a triple energy in the triples energy matrix.void
(Residue[] residues) void
(Residue residue) void
(Residue[] residues) void
(Residue residue, int ri) boolean
(Residue[] residues) Method parameters in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody with type arguments of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(List<Residue> residues, int[] rotamers, double pH, double KpH) Compute the total rotamer Ph bias for an array of residues.Constructors in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody with parameters of type ResidueModifierConstructorDescriptionDistanceMatrix
(MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, AlgorithmListener algorithmListener, Residue[] allResiduesArray, List<Residue> allResiduesList, RotamerOptimization.DistanceMethod distanceMethod, double distance, double twoBodyCutoffDist, double threeBodyCutoffDist) EliminatedRotamers
(RotamerOptimization rO, DistanceMatrix dM, List<Residue> allResiduesList, int maxRotCheckDepth, double clashThreshold, double pairClashThreshold, double multiResClashThreshold, double nucleicPruningFactor, double nucleicPairsPruningFactor, double multiResPairClashAddn, boolean pruneClashes, boolean prunePairClashes, boolean print, Residue[] residues) FourBodyEnergyRegion
(RotamerOptimization rotamerOptimization, DistanceMatrix dM, EnergyExpansion eE, EliminatedRotamers eR, Residue[] residues, List<Residue> allResiduesList, double superpositionThreshold) RotamerMatrixMC
(int[] rotamers, Residue[] residues, boolean useFullAMOEBAEnergy, RotamerOptimization rotamerOptimization) The Rotamers array must be the same array as passed to any MCMove objects used (and not a copy).RotamerMatrixMove
(boolean useAllElims, int[] rotamers, Residue[] residues, RotamerOptimization rotamerOptimization, EliminatedRotamers eliminatedRotamers, boolean monteCarloTesting) Constructs the RotamerMatrixMove set; at present, a new object must be made if rotamers or residues are changed outside the scope of this class.SelfEnergyRegion
(RotamerOptimization rO, EnergyExpansion eE, EliminatedRotamers eR, Residue[] residues, BufferedWriter energyWriter, Comm world, int numProc, boolean pruneClashes, boolean master, int rank, boolean verbose, boolean writeEnergyRestart, boolean printFiles) ThreeBodyEnergyRegion
(RotamerOptimization rotamerOptimization, DistanceMatrix dM, EnergyExpansion eE, EliminatedRotamers eR, Residue[] residues, List<Residue> allResiduesList, BufferedWriter energyWriter, Comm world, int numProc, double superpositionThreshold, boolean master, int rank, boolean verbose, boolean writeEnergyRestart, boolean printFiles) TwoBodyEnergyRegion
(RotamerOptimization rotamerOptimization, DistanceMatrix dM, EnergyExpansion eE, EliminatedRotamers eR, Residue[] residues, List<Residue> allResiduesList, BufferedWriter energyWriter, Comm world, int numProc, boolean prunePairClashes, double superpositionThreshold, boolean master, int rank, boolean verbose, boolean writeEnergyRestart, boolean printFiles) Constructor parameters in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody with type arguments of type ResidueModifierConstructorDescriptionDistanceMatrix
(MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, AlgorithmListener algorithmListener, Residue[] allResiduesArray, List<Residue> allResiduesList, RotamerOptimization.DistanceMethod distanceMethod, double distance, double twoBodyCutoffDist, double threeBodyCutoffDist) EliminatedRotamers
(RotamerOptimization rO, DistanceMatrix dM, List<Residue> allResiduesList, int maxRotCheckDepth, double clashThreshold, double pairClashThreshold, double multiResClashThreshold, double nucleicPruningFactor, double nucleicPairsPruningFactor, double multiResPairClashAddn, boolean pruneClashes, boolean prunePairClashes, boolean print, Residue[] residues) EnergyExpansion
(RotamerOptimization rO, DistanceMatrix dM, EliminatedRotamers eR, MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly, Potential potential, AlgorithmListener algorithmListener, List<Residue> allResiduesList, int[][] resNeighbors, boolean threeBodyTerm, boolean decomposeOriginal, boolean usingBoxOptimization, boolean verbose, boolean pruneClashes, boolean prunePairClashes, boolean master) FourBodyEnergyRegion
(RotamerOptimization rotamerOptimization, DistanceMatrix dM, EnergyExpansion eE, EliminatedRotamers eR, Residue[] residues, List<Residue> allResiduesList, double superpositionThreshold) ThreeBodyEnergyRegion
(RotamerOptimization rotamerOptimization, DistanceMatrix dM, EnergyExpansion eE, EliminatedRotamers eR, Residue[] residues, List<Residue> allResiduesList, BufferedWriter energyWriter, Comm world, int numProc, double superpositionThreshold, boolean master, int rank, boolean verbose, boolean writeEnergyRestart, boolean printFiles) TwoBodyEnergyRegion
(RotamerOptimization rotamerOptimization, DistanceMatrix dM, EnergyExpansion eE, EliminatedRotamers eR, Residue[] residues, List<Residue> allResiduesList, BufferedWriter energyWriter, Comm world, int numProc, boolean prunePairClashes, double superpositionThreshold, boolean master, int rank, boolean verbose, boolean writeEnergyRestart, boolean printFiles) -
Uses of Residue in ffx.potential
Methods in ffx.potential that return types with arguments of type Residue -
Uses of Residue in ffx.potential.bonded
Subclasses of Residue in ffx.potential.bondedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The MultiResidue class allows switching between residues for uses such as sequence optimization.Fields in ffx.potential.bonded declared as ResidueMethods in ffx.potential.bonded that return ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Residue
buildAIB.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildAlanine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildArginine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildAsparagine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildAspartate.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildCysteine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildCystine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildDeprotonatedCysteine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildDeprotonatedLysine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildDeprotonatedTyrosine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildGlutamate.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildGlutamine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, AminoAcidUtils.ResiduePosition position, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildGlycine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildHistidine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildIsoleucine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildLeucine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildLysine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bond) buildMethionine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralAsparticAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralGlutamicAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralHistidineD.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralHistidineE.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildOrnithine.static Residue
buildPCA.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildPhenylalanine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, AminoAcidUtils.ResiduePosition position, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildProline.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildSerine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildThreonine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bond) buildTryptophan.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildTwoProtonAsparticAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildTwoProtonGlutamicAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildTyrosine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildValine.MultiResidue.getActive()
Returns the Residue bonded to this Residue at this Residue's 3' or C-terminal end.ResidueState.getParent()
Getter for the fieldparent
Returns the Residue bonded to this Residue at this Residue's 5' or N-terminal end.Polymer.getResidue
(int resNum) getResiduePolymer.getResidue
(String resName, int resNum, boolean create) getResiduePolymer.getResidue
(String resName, int resNum, boolean create, Residue.ResidueType defaultRT) getResidueRotamerLibrary.RotamerGuess.getResidue()
Methods in ffx.potential.bonded that return types with arguments of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPolymerUtils.findChainBreaks
(List<Residue> residues, double cutoff) MultiResidue.getConsideredResidues()
Returns a copy of this MultiResidue's consideredResidues array.MultiResidue.getInactive()
Returns a list of this MultiResidue's inactive residues.Polymer.getResidues()
getResiduesMethods in ffx.potential.bonded with parameters of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Residue newResidue) addResidue.static void
(Residue residue, Rotamer rotamer) Applies a Rotamer to a Residue by calling applyAARotamer or applyNARotamer.static void
(Residue residue, Rotamer rotamer, boolean independent) Version of applyRotamer which allows for chain context-independent drawing of nucleic acid Rotamers.static double[]
(Residue residue, RotamerLibrary.NucleicSugarPucker pucker, boolean isDeoxy, boolean place) If place is true, builds C2', C3', and O3' based on delta(i) and returns an empty double[]; if place is false, returns a double[] filled with the coordinates at which O3' would be placed by the specified pucker.static void
(Residue residue, Residue previousResidue, Residue nextResidue, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) assignAminoAcidAtomTypes.static Residue
buildAIB.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildAlanine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildArginine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildAsparagine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildAspartate.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildCysteine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildCystine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildDeprotonatedCysteine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildDeprotonatedLysine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildDeprotonatedTyrosine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildGlutamate.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildGlutamine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, AminoAcidUtils.ResiduePosition position, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildGlycine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildHistidine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildIsoleucine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildLeucine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildLysine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bond) buildMethionine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralAsparticAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralGlutamicAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralHistidineD.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildNeutralHistidineE.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildOrnithine.static Residue
buildPCA.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildPhenylalanine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, AminoAcidUtils.ResiduePosition position, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildProline.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildSerine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildThreonine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bond) buildTryptophan.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildTwoProtonAsparticAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildTwoProtonGlutamicAcid.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildTyrosine.static Residue
(Residue res, Atom CA, Atom N, Atom C, ForceField ff, List<Bond> bonds) buildValine.static void
(Residue residue, PDBFilter.PDBFileStandard fileStandard) Ensures proper naming of hydrogen according to latest PDB
static void
(Residue fromResidue, Residue toResidue) copyResidue.Polymer.createJoint
(Residue residue1, Residue residue2, ForceField forceField) static Rotamer[]
(Residue residue) Factory method to construct an original-coordinates Rotamer from a residue.static Rotamer[]
(Residue residue, TitrationUtils titrationUtils) Factory method to construct an original-coordinates Rotamer from a residue.BondedUtils.findAtomsOfElement
(Residue residue, int element) Finds all Atoms belonging to a Residue of a given atomic number.static Atom
(Residue residue) Finds the backbone nitrogen of a residue.BondedUtils.findNucleotideO4s
(Residue residue) Find the O4' of a nucleic acid Residue.static Atom
(Residue residue, Atom N) Finds the alpha carbon of a residue, and handles any C-terminal ACE caps while at it.double
(Residue residue, boolean checkZeroes) Gets the solvation energy (de-solvation penalty) for a given residue, allowing for sequence optimization to include an estimate of energy relative to the unfolded state.RotamerLibrary.guessRotamer
(Residue residue) Guess at what rotamer a residue is currently in.static int
(Residue residue, double[] chi, boolean print) Measures the torsions of an amino acid Residue's current configuration.static double
(Residue residue) Measures the delta torsion (sugar pucker) of a nucleic acid Residue.static double[]
(Residue residue, boolean print) Measures the torsional angles of a residue's side chain.static int
(Residue residue, double[] chi, boolean print) Measures the torsion angles of a Residue.static void
(Residue residue, Atom aceC) Names the atoms in an N-terminal acetyl ACE capping group.static void
(AminoAcidUtils.AminoAcid3 aminoAcid, Residue residue) Only the first nitrogen should have H1, H2 and H3 atoms, unless it's an NME cap.static void
(Residue residue) Only the last residue in a chain should have an OXT/OT2 atom.static boolean
(Residue residue) Renames the Atoms in an amino acid to PDB standard.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms) renameArginineHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms) renameAsparagineHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms, int indexes) renameBetaHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, AminoAcidUtils.AminoAcid3 aa3, Atom CA, Atom CB) Renames atoms in common amino acids to PDB standard.static void
(Residue residue, NucleicAcidUtils.NucleicAcid3 na3) Renames atoms in common nucleic acids to PDB standard.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms, int indexes) renameDeltaHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms, int indexes) renameEpsilonHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms, int indexes) renameGammaHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms) renameGlutamineHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms) renameGlycineAlphaHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms) renameIsoleucineHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue) renameNTerminusHydrogen.static void
(Residue residue) Renames the Atoms in a nucleic acid to PDB standard.static void
(Residue residue, List<Atom> resAtoms, int indexes) renameZetaHydrogen.boolean
(Residue residue) Setter for the fieldactiveResidue
.static ResidueState[]
(Residue[] residues) storeAllCoordinates.void
(Residue residue) Update force field parameters for force field dependent rotamers.Method parameters in ffx.potential.bonded with type arguments of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(List<Residue> residues, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Assign atom types to an amino acid polymer.static void
(List<Residue> residues, ForceField forceField, List<Bond> bondList) Assign atom types for a nucleic acid polymer.PolymerUtils.findChainBreaks
(List<Residue> residues, double cutoff) static void
(List<Residue> residueList, boolean print) Measures the torsions in a list of Residues.static void
(List<Residue> residueList, ResidueState[] states) revertAllCoordinates.static ResidueState[]
(List<Residue> residueList) storeAllCoordinates.Constructors in ffx.potential.bonded with parameters of type ResidueModifierConstructorDescriptionMissingAtomTypeException
(Residue residue, Atom atom) MultiResidue
(Residue residue, ForceField forceField) Constructor for MultiResidue.ResidueState
(Residue residue) Constructor for ResidueState.ResidueState
(Residue parent, Residue residue) Constructor for ResidueState. -
Uses of Residue in ffx.potential.extended
Methods in ffx.potential.extended that return types with arguments of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionExtendedSystem.getExtendedResidueList()
Return the List of Extended Residues which = TitratingResidueList + TautomerizingResidueListExtendedSystem.getTautomerizingResidueList()
Return the List of Tautomerizing ResiduesExtendedSystem.getTitratingResidueList()
Return the List of Titrating ResiduesMethods in ffx.potential.extended with parameters of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(Residue residue) Gets the tautomer lambda for the input residue if the residue is tautomerizingdouble
(Residue residue) Gets the titration lambda for the input residue if the residue is titratingboolean
(Residue residue) Returns the tautomerizibility of a residueboolean
(Residue residue) Returns the titratibility of the passed residuevoid
(Residue residue, double lambda) Set the tautomer lambda of a residue and update corresponding thetavoid
(Residue residue, double lambda, boolean changeThetas) Set the tautomer lambda of a residue and update corresponding theta if desiredvoid
(Residue residue, double lambda) Set the titration lambda of a residue and update corresponding thetavoid
(Residue residue, double lambda, boolean changeThetas) Set the titration lambda of a residue and update corresponding theta if desired -
Uses of Residue in ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit
Methods in ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit with parameters of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(Residue residue) -
Uses of Residue in ffx.potential.parameters
Methods in ffx.potential.parameters with parameters of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(Residue residue) void
(Residue residue, Rotamer rotamer) Update force field parameters for the side-chain atoms of the given residue based on the rotamer amino acid type. -
Uses of Residue in ffx.potential.parsers
Method parameters in ffx.potential.parsers with type arguments of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionESVFilter.getLambdaHistogram
(List<Residue> titratingResidueList, int[][][] esvHistogram, double pH) boolean
(File dynFile, double[] x, double[] v, double[] a, List<Residue> titrResList, int[][][] esvHist, double pH) Write the extended system variables to a file. -
Uses of Residue in ffx.potential.utils
Methods in ffx.potential.utils with parameters of type ResidueModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(Residue currentRes) Get the alphafold confidence score or b-factor from an X-ray model.void
Get the omega angle of a residuevoid
Get the phi angle of a residuevoid
Get the psi angle of a residueString[]
(Residue residue, double surfaceArea, boolean includeAngles, boolean includeStructure) Make a string array of surface area and additional selected features (phi,psi,omega,and structure annotations) -
Uses of Residue in ffx.realspace
Methods in ffx.realspace that return types with arguments of type Residue -
Uses of Residue in ffx.xray
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDataContainer.getAltResidues()
Getter for the fieldaltResidues