Package ffx.algorithms.cli

@ParametersAreNonnullByDefault package ffx.algorithms.cli
The Algorithms CLI package defines options for PicoCLI command line scripts.
  • Class
    Base class for scripts in the Algorithms package, providing some key functions.
    Represents command line options for scripts that utilize simulated annealing.
    Represents command line options for scripts that use a barostat/NPT.
    Represents command line options for scripts that run molecular dynamics.
    Represents command line options for scripts that utilize a mobile lambda particle, such as Thermodynamics.
    Represents command line options for scripts that use a many-body expansion for global optimization.
    Represents command line options for scripts that involve local energy minimization.
    Represents command line options for scripts that can create multiple walkers, such as multi-walker OST.
    Represents command line options for scripts that utilize variants of the Orthogonal Space Tempering (OST) algorithm.
    Represents command line options for scripts that create randomized unit cells.
    Represents command line options for scripts that calculate thermodynamics.
    Represents categories of thermodynamics algorithms that must be handled differently.