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Properties used to control details of structural refinement against experimental data sets and advanced force fields.

X-ray, Neutron and Real Space Refinement Properties

Property Type Default Description
fostring string null title of the Fo column in the input MTZ file (if it is not one of the default values of F, Fo, Fp or Fobs)
sigfostring string null title of the sigFo column in the input MTZ file (if it is not one of the default values of sigF, sigFo, sigFp or SigFobs)
rfreestring string null title of the Rfree column in the input MTZ file (if it is not one of the default values of Rfree, freeR, freeRflag, Rfreeflag, test, freer_flag or R-free-flags)
use_3g boolean true uses 3 Gaussians in form factor equation rather than 6 (set to false for atomic resolution data)
aradbuff double 0.5 atom radius buffer for sampling grid density, added to dynamically determined radius
splinefit boolean true apply a resolution dependent spline fit between Fo and Fc
fsigfcutoff double -1.0 F/sigF cutoff (negative: all values read in)
resolution double -1.0 resolution cutoff (negative: all data read in)
rfreeflag integer -1 integer flag for Rfree reflections (negative: automatically determined from data)
nbins integer 10 number of bins to divide data into for purposes of statistics/sigmaA fits
gridsearch boolean false grid over bulk solvent parameters to determine optimal starting values
xrayscaletol double 1e-4 gradient rms tolerance for scaling
sigmaatol double 1.0 gradient rms tolerance for sigmaA fit
xweight double 1.0 weight for summed diffraction data (weights for individual data sets are provided at the script level)
bsimweight double 1.0 harmonic restraint B-factor weight between bonded atoms (increase to 5 or 10 for low resolution structures if necessary)
bnonzeroweight double 1.0 entropy term to prevent nonzero B factors
bmass double 5.0 fictitious mass to assign to B factors for extended Lagrangian methods
residuebfactor boolean false set to true to refine a B factor for each residue
nresiduebfactor integer 1 number of residues per B factor (requires residuebfactor to be true)
addanisou boolean false set to true to add ANISOU records to the PDB file based on isotropic B factors
refinemolocc boolean false set to true to refine occupancies of HETATMs, only performed if hetatms are in alternate conformers or occ < 1.0
occmass double 10.0 fictitious mass to assign to occupancies for extended Lagrangian methods