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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


after() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.LoopClosureTest
after() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.SolvatorTest
Angle_getCommonBond() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AngleTest
Angle_getOtherBond() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AngleTest
AngleTest - Class in ffx.potential.bonded
Unit tests for the Angle class.
AngleTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.bonded.AngleTest
Atom_addTrajectoryCoords() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
Atom_constructor() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
Atom_constructor3() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
Atom_constructor4() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
Atom_destroy() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
Atom_equals() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
Atom_getBond() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
Atom_getNumBonds() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
Atom_isBonded() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
AtomTest - Class in ffx.potential.bonded
Unit tests for the Atom class.
AtomTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest


BARDualTopologyTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
BARDualTopologyTest() - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.BARDualTopologyTest
BARFilesTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
BARFilesTest() - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.BARFilesTest
BARSingleTopologyTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
BARSingleTopologyTest() - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.BARSingleTopologyTest
before() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsOpenMMRESPANVETest
before() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsOpenMMStochasticTest
before() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.PrepareSpaceGroupsTest
BiotypeTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the Biotype script.
BiotypeTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.BiotypeTest
Bond_constructor() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.BondTest
Bond_formsAngleWith() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.BondTest
Bond_getCommonAtom() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.BondTest
Bond_getOtherAtom() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.BondTest
Bond_getOtherAtom2() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.BondTest
Bond_update() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.BondTest
BondTest - Class in ffx.potential.bonded
Unit tests for the Bond class.
BondTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.bonded.BondTest
bornI - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
bornK - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest


Cart2FracTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the Cart2Frac script.
Cart2FracTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.Cart2FracTest
castToDoubleSetTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.integrate.Integrate1DTest
Ensures that integration performs the same on a DoublesDataSet constructed from a function as directly from the function; uses both DoublesDataSet constructors.
chargeFiniteDifferenceTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
chargeFiniteDifferenceTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
chargeTensorTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
chargeTensorTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
CIFFilterTest - Class in ffx.xray.parsers
Test the CIF Filter.
CIFFilterTest() - Constructor for class ffx.xray.parsers.CIFFilterTest
ClusteringTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
Tests the Cluster command to assess clustering based on distances.
ClusteringTest() - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ClusteringTest
codeGenerationTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.QIMultipoleTensorTest
codingGenerationTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GlobalMultipoleTensorTest
Complex3DParallelTest - Class in ffx.numerics.fft
Complex3DParallelTest(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.fft.Complex3DParallelTest
Complex3DTest - Class in ffx.numerics.fft
Complex3DTest(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.fft.Complex3DTest
ComplexTest - Class in ffx.numerics.fft
ComplexTest(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.fft.ComplexTest
CrystalReciprocalSpaceTest - Class in ffx.xray
CrystalReciprocalSpaceTest() - Constructor for class ffx.xray.CrystalReciprocalSpaceTest
CrystalVolumeDerivativeTest - Class in ffx.crystal
Test the Crystal class.
CrystalVolumeDerivativeTest(String, double, double, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class ffx.crystal.CrystalVolumeDerivativeTest


data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsBeemanBerendsenTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsInitVelocitiesTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsNVETest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsNVTTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsOpenMMRESPANVETest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsOpenMMStochasticTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsRESPANVETest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsStochasticTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.OSTGradientTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SimulatedAnnealingTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ThermodynamicsTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.algorithms.optimize.RotamerOptimizationTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.crystal.CrystalVolumeDerivativeTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.crystal.ReflectionListTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Complex3DParallelTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Complex3DTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.fft.ComplexTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Real3DParallelTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Real3DTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.fft.RealTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.func1d.QuasiLinearSwitchTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.math.SquareRootTest
The expected values are found using java.lang.Math.sqrt.
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GlobalMultipoleTensorTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.QIMultipoleTensorTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.special.ErfTest
The expected values were found to 20 decimal points of precision using Mathematica: Erf[SetPrecision[x, 20]] Erfc[SetPrecision[x, 20]]
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.special.ModifiedBesselTest
The expected values were found to 20 decimal points of precision using Mathematica: SetPrecision[BesselI[0, x], 20]] SetPrecision[BesselI[1, x], 20]]
data() - Static method in class ffx.numerics.spline.UniformBSplineTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.potential.bonded.LoopClosureTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.potential.groovy.EnergyTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.potential.groovy.GKEnergyTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.potential.groovy.OPLSAAEnergyTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.potential.groovy.PhGradientTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.potential.groovy.SolvatorTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.xray.FiniteDifferenceTest
data() - Static method in class ffx.xray.XRayMinimizeTest
dipoleFiniteDifferenceTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
dipoleFiniteDifferenceTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
dipoleTensorTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
dipoleTensorTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
DynamicsBeemanBerendsenTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
DynamicsBeemanBerendsenTest(String, String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsBeemanBerendsenTest
DynamicsInitVelocitiesTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
DynamicsInitVelocitiesTest(String, String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsInitVelocitiesTest
DynamicsNVETest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
DynamicsNVETest(String, String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsNVETest
DynamicsNVTTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
Test NVT dynamics on a waterbox.
DynamicsNVTTest(String, String, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsNVTTest
DynamicsOpenMMRESPANVETest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
DynamicsOpenMMRESPANVETest(String, String, double) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsOpenMMRESPANVETest
DynamicsOpenMMStochasticTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
DynamicsOpenMMStochasticTest(String, String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsOpenMMStochasticTest
DynamicsRESPANVETest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
DynamicsRESPANVETest(String, String, double) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsRESPANVETest
DynamicsStochasticTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
DynamicsStochasticTest(String, String, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsStochasticTest


EnergyTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the Energy script.
EnergyTest(String, String, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.EnergyTest
ErfTest - Class in ffx.numerics.special
ErfTest(String, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.special.ErfTest
ExportQETest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Tests test.XYZtoQE command to test saving an XYZ file to QE format.
ExportQETest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.ExportQETest


FFTTestSuite - Class in ffx.numerics.fft
FFTTestSuite collects all Unit tests from the ffx.numerics.fft package.
FFTTestSuite() - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.fft.FFTTestSuite
ffx.algorithms.groovy - package ffx.algorithms.groovy
ffx.algorithms.optimize - package ffx.algorithms.optimize
ffx.crystal - package ffx.crystal
ffx.numerics - package ffx.numerics
ffx.numerics.estimator - package ffx.numerics.estimator
ffx.numerics.fft - package ffx.numerics.fft
ffx.numerics.func1d - package ffx.numerics.func1d
ffx.numerics.integrate - package ffx.numerics.integrate
ffx.numerics.math - package ffx.numerics.math
ffx.numerics.multipole - package ffx.numerics.multipole
ffx.numerics.special - package ffx.numerics.special
ffx.numerics.spline - package ffx.numerics.spline
ffx.potential.bonded - package ffx.potential.bonded
ffx.potential.groovy - package ffx.potential.groovy
ffx.potential.nonbonded - package ffx.potential.nonbonded
ffx.potential.parsers - package ffx.potential.parsers
ffx.potential.utils - package ffx.potential.utils
ffx.realspace - package ffx.realspace
ffx.utilities - package ffx.utilities
ffx.xray - package ffx.xray
ffx.xray.parsers - package ffx.xray.parsers
finiteDifferenceTest() - Method in class ffx.crystal.CrystalVolumeDerivativeTest
finiteDifferenceTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GlobalMultipoleTensorTest
finiteDifferenceTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.QIMultipoleTensorTest
FiniteDifferenceTest - Class in ffx.xray
FiniteDifferenceTest(boolean, String, CrystalReciprocalSpace.SolventModel, int[], String, String) - Constructor for class ffx.xray.FiniteDifferenceTest
ForceFieldFilterTest - Class in ffx.potential.parsers
Test creation of a Force Field object from a CompositeConfiguration.
ForceFieldFilterTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.parsers.ForceFieldFilterTest
FormFactorTest - Class in ffx.xray
FormFactorTest() - Constructor for class ffx.xray.FormFactorTest
Frac2CartTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the Cart2Frac script.
Frac2CartTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.Frac2CartTest


GKEnergyTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the Energy script with Generalized Kirkwood parameters.
GKEnergyTest(String, String, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.GKEnergyTest
GKTensorGlobalTest - Class in ffx.numerics.multipole
Test the GK tensor evaluated in the global coordinate frame.
GKTensorGlobalTest() - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
GKTensorQITest - Class in ffx.numerics.multipole
Test the GK tensor evaluated in the quasi-internal coordinate frame.
GKTensorQITest() - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
GlobalMultipoleTensorTest - Class in ffx.numerics.multipole
Parameterized Test of the MultipoleTensor class.
GlobalMultipoleTensorTest(String, int, MultipoleTensor.OPERATOR) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.multipole.GlobalMultipoleTensorTest


Hybrid36Test - Class in ffx.utilities
Hybrid36Test() - Constructor for class ffx.utilities.Hybrid36Test


ImportCIFTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Tests ImportCIF command to determine that files are being translated correctly.
ImportCIFTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.ImportCIFTest
Integrate1DTest - Class in ffx.numerics.integrate
The IntegrationTest is a JUnit test for the Integration program that ensures that the integrals are calculated correctly.
Integrate1DTest() - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.integrate.Integrate1DTest
integrationTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.integrate.IntegrationTest
Compares the calculated integrals with the known values.
IntegrationTest - Class in ffx.numerics.integrate
The IntegrationTest is a JUnit test for the Integration program that ensures that the integrals are calculated correctly.
IntegrationTest() - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.integrate.IntegrationTest


LambdaGradientTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Tests test.LambdaGradient command to determine that the end state potentials and derivatives are correct.
LambdaGradientTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.LambdaGradientTest
LoopClosureTest - Class in ffx.potential.bonded
LoopClosureTest(double[][], double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Constructor for class ffx.potential.bonded.LoopClosureTest
loopTest() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.LoopClosureTest


ManyBodyTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
Tests many body optimization and the many body groovy script under global, box and monte carlo parameter conditions.
ManyBodyTest() - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ManyBodyTest
MBARFilesTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
MBARFilesTest() - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MBARFilesTest
MBARHarmonicOscillatorsTest - Class in ffx.numerics.estimator
MBARHarmonicOscillatorsTest() - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.estimator.MBARHarmonicOscillatorsTest
MinimizeCrystalsTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
Tests CrystalMin and CrystalMin.groovy scripts for -e -I -f and -c flags.
MinimizeCrystalsTest() - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MinimizeCrystalsTest
MinimizeTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
Tests Minimize command to determine if the resulting potential energies with the -e and -I flags works properly.
MinimizeTest() - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MinimizeTest
ModifiedBesselTest - Class in ffx.numerics.special
ModifiedBesselTest(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.special.ModifiedBesselTest
MoveIntoUnitCellTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the Cart2Frac script.
MoveIntoUnitCellTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.MoveIntoUnitCellTest
MSNode_constructor() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.MSNodeTest
MSNode_destroy() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.MSNodeTest
MSNode_equals() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.MSNodeTest
MSNodeTest - Class in ffx.potential.bonded
Unit tests for the MSNode class.
MSNodeTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.bonded.MSNodeTest
MTZFilterTest - Class in ffx.xray.parsers
Test the MTZ Filter.
MTZFilterTest() - Constructor for class ffx.xray.parsers.MTZFilterTest
multI - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
multipoleTensorTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GlobalMultipoleTensorTest
Test of recursion and noStorageRecursion methods, of class MultipoleTensor.
multipoleTensorTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.QIMultipoleTensorTest
MultipoleTensorTest - Class in ffx.numerics.multipole
Parameterized Test of the MultipoleTensor class.
MultipoleTensorTest(String, int) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
MultipoleTestSuite - Class in ffx.numerics.multipole
MultipoleTestSuite collects all Unit tests from the ffx.numerics.multipole package.
MultipoleTestSuite() - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTestSuite
multK - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
multSwitchTest() - Method in class ffx.potential.utils.SwitchFunctionTest
Tests multiplicative switch functions.


NeckIntegralTest - Class in ffx.potential.nonbonded
NeckIntegralTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.nonbonded.NeckIntegralTest
NumericsTestSuite - Class in ffx.numerics
NumericsTestSuite collects all Unit tests from the ffx.numerics package.
NumericsTestSuite() - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.NumericsTestSuite


OPLSAAEnergyTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test OPLS-AA energy and gradient.
OPLSAAEnergyTest(String, String, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int) - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.OPLSAAEnergyTest
OSTGradientTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
OSTGradientTest(String, String, int) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.OSTGradientTest


parallelTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.integrate.Integrate1DTest
Tests the parallelized versions of the integration methods.
ParentEnergyTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the Energy script.
ParentEnergyTest(String, String, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.ParentEnergyTest
permanentEnergy - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
permanentEnergyAndGradientTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
permanentEnergyAndGradientTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
permanentEnergyEwald - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
permanentEnergyTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
permanentEnergyTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
permanentMultipoleEnergyAndGradTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GlobalMultipoleTensorTest
permanentMultipoleEnergyAndGradTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.QIMultipoleTensorTest
permGradBorn - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
permGradI - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
permTorqueI - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
permTorqueI - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
permTorqueIEwald - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
permTorqueK - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
permTorqueK - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
permTorqueKEwald - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
PhGradientTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
JUnit Tests for the PhGradient Script
PhGradientTest(String, String, String, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, int, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.PhGradientTest
polarGradICoulomb - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarGradIEwald - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarGradIThole - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarizationEnergyAndGradientDirectTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polarizationEnergyAndGradientDirectTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
polarizationEnergyAndGradientTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polarizationEnergyAndGradientTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
polarizationEnergyAndGradTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GlobalMultipoleTensorTest
polarizationEnergyAndGradTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.QIMultipoleTensorTest
polarizationEnergyCoulomb - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarizationEnergyDirectTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polarizationEnergyDirectTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
polarizationEnergyEwald - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarizationEnergyTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polarizationEnergyTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
polarizationEnergyThole - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarTorqueICoulomb - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarTorqueIEwald - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarTorqueIThole - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarTorqueKCoulomb - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarTorqueKEwald - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polarTorqueKThole - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
polGradBorn - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polGradBornDirect - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polGradI - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polGradIDirect - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polTorqueI - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polTorqueIDirect - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polTorqueK - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polTorqueKDirect - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
polynomialGrinderTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.integrate.Integrate1DTest
A more difficult test on polynomials, with just five points and larger coefficients; intended to test stability in extreme cases.
polynomialTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.integrate.Integrate1DTest
Basic test for polynomial functions; checks to ensure that each integration method is behaving as expected, and returns the exact value (to within machine precision) when the method should be exact.
PrepareSpaceGroupsTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the Energy script.
PrepareSpaceGroupsTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.PrepareSpaceGroupsTest


Qi - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
QIMultipoleTensorTest - Class in ffx.numerics.multipole
Parameterized Test of the MultipoleTensor class.
QIMultipoleTensorTest(String, int, MultipoleTensor.OPERATOR) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.multipole.QIMultipoleTensorTest
Qk - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
quadrupoleTensorTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
quadrupoleTensorTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
QuasiLinearSwitchTest - Class in ffx.numerics.func1d
QuasiLinearSwitchTest(String, OptionalDouble, double[], double[][], QuasiLinearThetaMap.Branch[], QuasiLinearThetaMap.Branch[]) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.func1d.QuasiLinearSwitchTest


Real3DParallelTest - Class in ffx.numerics.fft
Real3DParallelTest(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.fft.Real3DParallelTest
Real3DTest - Class in ffx.numerics.fft
Real3DTest(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.fft.Real3DTest
RealspaceManyBodyTest - Class in ffx.realspace
Tests Real-space many-body optimization.
RealspaceManyBodyTest() - Constructor for class ffx.realspace.RealspaceManyBodyTest
RealTest - Class in ffx.numerics.fft
RealTest(String, int) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.fft.RealTest
ReflectionListTest - Class in ffx.crystal
Test the ReflectionList class.
ReflectionListTest(boolean, String, double, double, double, double, double, double, String, double, int, HKL, HKL, int, int) - Constructor for class ffx.crystal.ReflectionListTest
RotamerOptimizationTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.optimize
Test the Goldstein elimination criteria for both self and pair eliminations.
RotamerOptimizationTest(String, String, String, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, boolean, double, boolean, int, double, boolean, int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.optimize.RotamerOptimizationTest
rWater - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest


SaveAsP1Test - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the Energy script.
SaveAsP1Test() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.SaveAsP1Test
SaveAsPDBTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the SaveAsPDB script.
SaveAsPDBTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.SaveAsPDBTest
SaveAsXYZTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the SaveAsXYZ script.
SaveAsXYZTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.SaveAsXYZTest
scaleMutual - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
setUp() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Complex3DParallelTest
setUp() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Complex3DTest
setUp() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Real3DParallelTest
setUp() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Real3DTest
setUp() - Method in class ffx.numerics.integrate.IntegrationTest
Initializes the array before testing.
setUp() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AngleTest
setUp() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
setUp() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.BondTest
setUp() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.MSNodeTest
setUp() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.TorsionTest
setUp() - Method in class ffx.xray.FormFactorTest
SimulatedAnnealingTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
SimulatedAnnealingTest(String, String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SimulatedAnnealingTest
SolvatorTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
SolvatorTest(String, SolvatorTest.SolvatorTestMode, String, String, String, String, String[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.SolvatorTest
SquareRootTest - Class in ffx.numerics.math
SquareRootTest(String, double) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.math.SquareRootTest
SuperposeCrystalsTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
Tests SuperposeCrystals command to verify crystals are being aligned and compared.
SuperposeCrystalsTest() - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
SwitchFunctionTest - Class in ffx.potential.utils
Test the various switching functions.
SwitchFunctionTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.utils.SwitchFunctionTest


tearDown() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AngleTest
tearDown() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.AtomTest
tearDown() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.BondTest
tearDown() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.MSNodeTest
tearDown() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.TorsionTest
tensorAuxiliaryTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
tensorAuxiliaryTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorQITest
tensorCountTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
Test of tensorCount method, of class MultipoleTensor.
tensorIndexTest() - Method in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
Test of ti method, of class MultipoleTensor.
test1N7SPermanent() - Method in class ffx.xray.CrystalReciprocalSpaceTest
Test of permanent method, of class CrystalReciprocalSpace.
test1NSFPermanent() - Method in class ffx.xray.CrystalReciprocalSpaceTest
testBAR() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.BARDualTopologyTest
Tests BAR script with nw input.
testBAR() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.BARSingleTopologyTest
Tests BAR script with nw input.
testBARFiles() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.BARFilesTest
Tests BAR script with tinker bar files input.
testBARHelp() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.BARDualTopologyTest
testBARHelp() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.BARFilesTest
testBARHelp() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.BARSingleTopologyTest
testBaseAverageSuperposeCrystals() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script with default settings and average linkage.
testBaseAverageSuperposeCrystalsAlchemicalAtoms() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script alchemical atoms functionality.
testBaseAverageSuperposeCrystalsHandedness() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script on tricky handedness case.
testBaseAverageSuperposeCrystalsHydrogen() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script with hydrogens.
testBaseAverageSuperposeCrystalsPrintSym() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script print symmetry operator functionality.
testBaseAverageSuperposeCrystalsSmallProtein() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script on protein crystal.
testBaseAverageSuperposeCrystalsSohnckeGroup() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script in Sohncke group.
testBaseAverageSuperposeCrystalsZPrime2() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script on asymmetric unit greater than one.
testBaseCluster() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ClusteringTest
Tests the Cluster script.
testBaseSingleAUSuperposeCrystals() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script with RMSD size of one.
testBaseSingleMTSuperposeCrystals() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script with small symmetric molecules (can be tricky to determine conformations).
testBaseSingleMTSuperposeCrystals2() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script with small symmetric molecules (can be tricky to determine conformations).
testBaseSingleSuperposeCrystals() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script with default settings.
testBaseSingleSuperposeCrystalsHandedness() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script on tricky handedness case.
testBaseSingleSuperposeCrystalsHydrogen() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script with hydrogens.
testBaseSingleSuperposeCrystalsSmallProtein() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script on protein crystal.
testBaseSingleSuperposeCrystalsSohnckeGroup() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script in Sohncke group.
testBaseSingleSuperposeCrystalsZPrime2() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script on asymmetric unit greater than one.
testBiotype() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.BiotypeTest
testBiotypeHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.BiotypeTest
testBSpline() - Method in class ffx.numerics.spline.UniformBSplineTest
Test of bSpline method, of class UniformBSpline.
testBSplineDerivatives() - Method in class ffx.numerics.spline.UniformBSplineTest
Test of bSplineDerivatives method, of class UniformBSpline.
testByBinIntegral() - Method in class ffx.numerics.integrate.Integrate1DTest
Ensures that the by-bin integration machinery matches an all-at-once integral.
testCarbonFF() - Method in class ffx.xray.FormFactorTest
testCarbonfrho() - Method in class ffx.xray.FormFactorTest
testCart2Frac() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.Cart2FracTest
testCart2FractHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.Cart2FracTest
testCIFFilter2DRM() - Method in class ffx.xray.parsers.CIFFilterTest
testCIFFilter3DYC() - Method in class ffx.xray.parsers.CIFFilterTest
testClusterHelp() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ClusteringTest
testConnollyMolecularButane() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly molecular surface area and volume without hydrogen and a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollyMolecularCrambin() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly SEV invalid input: '&' SASA with a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollyMolecularEthylbenzene() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly molecular surface area and volume without hydrogen and a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollyMolecularHydrogenButane() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly molecular surface area and volume without hydrogen and a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollyMolecularHydrogenCrambin() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly SEV invalid input: '&' SASA with a 1.4 A exclude radius and hydrogen atoms.
testConnollyMolecularHydrogenEthylbenzene() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly molecular surface area and volume with hydrogen and a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollySEVButane() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly SEV invalid input: '&' SASA without hydrogen and a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollySEVCrambin() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly SEV invalid input: '&' SASA with a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollySEVEthylbenzene() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly SEV invalid input: '&' SASA without hydrogen and a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollySEVHydrogenButane() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly SEV invalid input: '&' SASA with hydrogen and a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollySEVHydrogenCrambin() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly SEV invalid input: '&' SASA with a 1.4 A exclude radius and hydrogen atoms.
testConnollySEVHydrogenEthylbenzene() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly SEV invalid input: '&' SASA with hydrogen and a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollySEVHydrogenEthylbenzeneDerivatives() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly SEV invalid input: '&' SASA with hydrogen and a 1.4 A exclude radius.
testConnollyVDWCrambin() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test Connolly vdW volume and surface area (probe radius = 0.0).
testConvolution() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Complex3DParallelTest
Test of convolution method, of class Complex3D.
testConvolution() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Complex3DTest
Test of convolution method, of class Complex3D.
testConvolution() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Real3DParallelTest
Test of convolution method, of class Real3DParallel.
testConvolution() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Real3DTest
Test of convolution method, of class Real3D.
testCrystalMinConvergenceCriteria() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MinimizeCrystalsTest
Tests convergence criteria flag of the CrystalMin class.
testCrystalMinCoords() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MinimizeCrystalsTest
Tests the fractional flag of the CrystalMin class.
testCrystalMinFractional() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MinimizeCrystalsTest
Tests the fractional flag of the CrystalMin class.
testCrystalMinHelp() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MinimizeCrystalsTest
testCrystalMinIterations() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MinimizeCrystalsTest
Tests the iterations flag of the CrystalMin class.
testCrystalStats() - Method in class ffx.xray.XRayMinimizeTest
testDecode() - Method in class ffx.utilities.Hybrid36Test
Test of decode method, of class Hybrid36.
testDynamicsBeemanBerendsen() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsBeemanBerendsenTest
testDynamicsHelp() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsNVETest
testDynamicsInitVelocities() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsInitVelocitiesTest
testDynamicsNVE() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsNVETest
testDynamicsNVT() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsNVTTest
testDynamicsOpenMMRESPANVE() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsOpenMMRESPANVETest
testDynamicsOpenMMStochastic() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsOpenMMStochasticTest
testDynamicsStochasticRandomSeed() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsStochasticTest
testDynamicsStochasticRandomSeedFriction0() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsStochasticTest
testDynamicsStochasticRandomSeedFriction01() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsStochasticTest
testEncode() - Method in class ffx.utilities.Hybrid36Test
Test of encode method, of class Hybrid36.
testEndStateEnergyAndGradient() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.PhGradientTest
testEnergy() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.OPLSAAEnergyTest
testEnergy() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ParentEnergyTest
testErf() - Method in class ffx.numerics.special.ErfTest
Test of erf method, of class Erf.
testErfc() - Method in class ffx.numerics.special.ErfTest
Test of erfc method, of class Erf.
testFft() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Complex3DParallelTest
Test of the fft and ifft methods, of class Complex3D.
testFft() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Complex3DTest
Test of the fft and ifft methods, of class Complex3D.
testFft() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.ComplexTest
Test of fft method, of class Complex.
testFft() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Real3DParallelTest
Test of the fft and ifft methods, of class Real3DParallel.
testFft() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.Real3DTest
Test of the fft and ifft methods, of class Real3D.
testFft() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.RealTest
Test of fft method, of class Complex.
testFiniteDifferences() - Method in class ffx.xray.FiniteDifferenceTest
testFirstOrderModifiedBessel() - Method in class ffx.numerics.special.ModifiedBesselTest
Test of erfc method, of class Erf.
testFrac2Cart() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.Frac2CartTest
testFrac2CartHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.Frac2CartTest
testGaussVolButane() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test GaussVol without hydrogen and a 0.4 A radii offset.
testGaussVolCrambin() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test GaussVol without hydrogen and a 0.0 A radii offset.
testGaussVolCrambinDerivatives() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test GaussVol derivatives.
testGaussVolEthylbenzene() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test GaussVol without hydrogen and a 0.4 A radii offset.
testGaussVolHydrogenEthylbenzeneDerivatives() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest
Test GaussVol derivatives.
testGradient() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.OPLSAAEnergyTest
testGradient() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ParentEnergyTest
testImportCIF() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ImportCIFTest
Test a basic CIF to XYZ conversion.
testImportCIFarc() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ImportCIFTest
Test ImportCIF on concatenated CIF files (produces multiple ARC files).
testImportCIFdisulfide() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ImportCIFTest
Test ImportCIF across a molecular disulfide bond.
testImportCIFHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ImportCIFTest
Print out help message.
testImportCIFMultipleMolecules() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ImportCIFTest
Test ImportCIF when several molecules are included in asymmetric unit.
testImportCIFNoHydrogen() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ImportCIFTest
Test ImportCIF when the CIF file is missing hydrogen atoms.
testImportCIFpdb() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ImportCIFTest
Test ImportCIF conversion to PDB.
testImportCIFWriteAsCIF() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ImportCIFTest
Test writing out a CIF file (XYZ to CIF).
testImportCIFzPrimeChallenge() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ImportCIFTest
Test ImportCIF when similar (but different) molecules are in asymmetric unit.
testInverseSqrt() - Method in class ffx.numerics.math.SquareRootTest
Test inverse sqrt method, of class InverseSqrt.
testLambdaGradient() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.LambdaGradientTest
Tests the End States of the LambdaGradient class.
testLambdaGradient() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.OPLSAAEnergyTest
testLambdaGradient() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ParentEnergyTest
testLambdaGradientHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.LambdaGradientTest
testLambdaGradientIntermolecularSoftcore() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.LambdaGradientTest
Tests the End States of the LambdaGradient class when softcore is active.
testLambdaGradientSymOp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.LambdaGradientTest
Tests the End States of the LambdaGradient class when mapped via sym op.
testManyBodyBoxOptimization() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ManyBodyTest
Tests ManyBody.groovy and by running a box optimization simulation on a small pdb file.
testManyBodyBoxRestart() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ManyBodyTest
Tests the restart file functionality for box optimization.
testManyBodyGlobal() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ManyBodyTest
testManyBodyGlobal() - Method in class ffx.realspace.RealspaceManyBodyTest
testManyBodyGlobal() - Method in class ffx.xray.XRayManyBodyTest
testManyBodyHelp() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ManyBodyTest
testManyBodyHelp() - Method in class ffx.realspace.RealspaceManyBodyTest
testManyBodyHelp() - Method in class ffx.xray.XRayManyBodyTest
testManyBodyMonteCarlo() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ManyBodyTest
Tests ManyBody.groovy and by running a monte carlo optimization simulation on a small pdb file.
testManyBodyRestart() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ManyBodyTest
Tests the restart file functionality.
testManyBodyTitration() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ManyBodyTest
testMBARFiles() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MBARFilesTest
Tests MBAR groovy script that reads in MBAR files.
testMBAROscillators() - Method in class ffx.numerics.estimator.MBARHarmonicOscillatorsTest
Test the MBAR estimator numerics with harmonic oscillators.
testMetaDynamicsGradient() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.OSTGradientTest
testMinimizeConvergenceCriteria() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MinimizeTest
Tests convergence criteria flag of the minimize class.
testMinimizeHelp() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MinimizeTest
testMinimizeIterations() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.MinimizeTest
Tests the iterations flag of the minimize class.
testMoveIntoUnitCell() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.MoveIntoUnitCellTest
testMoveIntoUnitCellHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.MoveIntoUnitCellTest
testMTZHKL() - Method in class ffx.xray.parsers.MTZFilterTest
testMTZParams() - Method in class ffx.xray.parsers.MTZFilterTest
testMTZReadFile() - Method in class ffx.xray.parsers.MTZFilterTest
testMTZReflectionList() - Method in class ffx.xray.parsers.MTZFilterTest
testOpenMMEnergy() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ParentEnergyTest
testOSTBiasHelp() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.OSTGradientTest
testOSTGradient() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.OSTGradientTest
testPairEnergyElimination() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.optimize.RotamerOptimizationTest
testParse() - Method in class ffx.potential.parsers.ForceFieldFilterTest
Test of parse method, of class ForceFieldFilter.
testPoints() - Method in class ffx.numerics.func1d.QuasiLinearSwitchTest
testPowerInterpolation() - Method in class ffx.potential.utils.SwitchFunctionTest
Tests interpolation via the PowerSwitch class.
testPreferredDimension() - Method in class ffx.numerics.fft.ComplexTest
Test of preferredDimension method, of class Complex.
testPrepareSpaceGroupHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.PrepareSpaceGroupsTest
testPrepareSpaceGroups() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.PrepareSpaceGroupsTest
testPrepareSpaceGroupsAChiral() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.PrepareSpaceGroupsTest
testPrepareSpaceGroupsChiral() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.PrepareSpaceGroupsTest
testreflections() - Method in class ffx.crystal.ReflectionListTest
testRESPANVE() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.DynamicsRESPANVETest
testSaveAsP1() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.SaveAsP1Test
testSaveAsP1Help() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.SaveAsP1Test
testSaveAsPDB() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.SaveAsPDBTest
testSaveAsPDBHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.SaveAsPDBTest
testSaveAsXYZ() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.SaveAsXYZTest
testSaveAsXYZHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.SaveAsXYZTest
testScaleBulk() - Method in class ffx.xray.XRayMinimizeTest
testSelfEnergyElimination() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.optimize.RotamerOptimizationTest
testSettingConstants() - Method in class ffx.potential.nonbonded.NeckIntegralTest
testSigmaA() - Method in class ffx.xray.XRayMinimizeTest
testSimulatedAnnealing() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SimulatedAnnealingTest
testSinCosine() - Method in class ffx.numerics.integrate.Integrate1DTest
testsize() - Method in class ffx.crystal.ReflectionListTest
testSolvator() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.SolvatorTest
testSplineF1F2() - Method in class ffx.xray.XRayMinimizeTest
testSplineFCTOESQ() - Method in class ffx.xray.XRayMinimizeTest
testSplineFOFC() - Method in class ffx.xray.XRayMinimizeTest
testSplineFOTOESQ() - Method in class ffx.xray.XRayMinimizeTest
testSqrt() - Method in class ffx.numerics.math.SquareRootTest
Test sqrt method, of class InverseSqrt.
testSuperposeCrystalsHelp() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
testSuperposeCrystalsLongMolecule() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.SuperposeCrystalsTest
Tests the SuperposeCrystals script on long molecule (potential issue with inflation factor).
testThermodynamics() - Method in class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ThermodynamicsTest
testTimer() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.TimerTest
testTimerHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.TimerTest
testXYZtoQE() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ExportQETest
Tests the XYZtoQE script.
testXYZtoQEHelp() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.ExportQETest
testZeroOrderModifiedBessel() - Method in class ffx.numerics.special.ModifiedBesselTest
Test of erf method, of class Erf.
ThermodynamicsTest - Class in ffx.algorithms.groovy
Tests the functionality of the OST algorithm in Force Field X, both by running a very simple and quick OST run, and setting up a number of systems, comparing output energies and gradients from the starting algorithmConfig.
ThermodynamicsTest(String, String[], ThermodynamicsTest.ThermoTestMode, boolean, double, double, int[], double[], double[], double[], double[][][], double[][][], String[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class ffx.algorithms.groovy.ThermodynamicsTest
TimerTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
Test the Energy script.
TimerTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.TimerTest
Torsion_constructor() - Method in class ffx.potential.bonded.TorsionTest
TorsionTest - Class in ffx.potential.bonded
Unit tests for the Torsion class.
TorsionTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.bonded.TorsionTest
toString() - Method in class ffx.numerics.func1d.QuasiLinearSwitchTest
toString() - Method in class ffx.potential.groovy.SolvatorTest
trigTest() - Method in class ffx.potential.utils.SwitchFunctionTest


uI - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
Ui - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
uIDirect - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
UiEwald - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
uK - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
Uk - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
uKDirect - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
UkEwald - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
UniformBSplineTest - Class in ffx.numerics.spline
Parameterized test of the UniformBSpline class.
UniformBSplineTest(String, int, double, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class ffx.numerics.spline.UniformBSplineTest
Parameterized test of the UniformBSpline class.


VolumeTest - Class in ffx.potential.groovy
JUnit Tests for the Volume Script
VolumeTest() - Constructor for class ffx.potential.groovy.VolumeTest


watPermEnergy - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
watPolDirect - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
watPolEnergy - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
watTotalDirect - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest
watTotalEnergy - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.GKTensorGlobalTest


XRayManyBodyTest - Class in ffx.xray
Tests X-Ray many body optimization and the X-Ray many body groovy script under varying parameters.
XRayManyBodyTest() - Constructor for class ffx.xray.XRayManyBodyTest
XRayMinimizeTest - Class in ffx.xray
XRayMinimizeTest(boolean, String, String, String, String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ffx.xray.XRayMinimizeTest
xyz - Static variable in class ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest
A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 
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