All Classes and Interfaces

Unit tests for the Angle class.
Unit tests for the Atom class.
Test the Biotype script.
Unit tests for the Bond class.
Test the Cart2Frac script.
Test the CIF Filter.
Tests the Cluster command to assess clustering based on distances.
Test the Crystal class.
Test NVT dynamics on a waterbox.
Test the Energy script.
Tests test.XYZtoQE command to test saving an XYZ file to QE format.
Test the FFtoXML script.
FFTTestSuite collects all Unit tests from the ffx.numerics.fft package.
Test creation of a Force Field object from a CompositeConfiguration.
Test the Cart2Frac script.
Test the Energy script with Generalized Kirkwood parameters.
Test the GK tensor evaluated in the global coordinate frame.
Test the GK tensor evaluated in the quasi-internal coordinate frame.
Tests ImportCIF command to determine that files are being translated correctly.
The IntegrationTest is a JUnit test for the Integration program that ensures that the integrals are calculated correctly.
The IntegrationTest is a JUnit test for the Integration program that ensures that the integrals are calculated correctly.
Tests test.LambdaGradient command to determine that the end state potentials and derivatives are correct.
Tests many body optimization and the many body groovy script under global, box and monte carlo parameter conditions.
Tests CrystalMin and CrystalMin.groovy scripts for -e -I -f and -c flags.
Tests Minimize command to determine if the resulting potential energies with the -e and -I flags works properly.
Test the Cart2Frac script.
Unit tests for the MSNode class.
Test the MTZ Filter.
Parameterized Test of the MultipoleTensorSIMD class based on previous MultipoleTensorSIMD tests.
Parameterized Test of the MultipoleTensor class.
Parameterized Test of the MultipoleTensorSIMD class based on previous MultipoleTensorSIMD tests.
Parameterized Test of the MultipoleTensor class.
Parameterized Test of the MultipoleTensor class.
MultipoleTestSuite collects all Unit tests from the ffx.numerics.multipole package.
NumericsTestSuite collects all Unit tests from the ffx.numerics package.
Test OPLS-AA energy and gradient.
Test the Energy script.
JUnit Tests for the PhGradient Script
Test the Energy script.
Tests Real-space many-body optimization.
Test the ReflectionList class.
Test the Goldstein elimination criteria for both self and pair eliminations.
Test the Energy script.
Test the SaveAsPDB script.
Test the SaveAsXYZ script.
Tests SuperposeCrystals command to verify crystals are being aligned and compared.
Test the various switching functions.
Tests the functionality of the OST algorithm in Force Field X, both by running a very simple and quick OST run, and setting up a number of systems, comparing output energies and gradients from the starting algorithmConfig.
Test the Energy script.
Unit tests for the Torsion class.
Parameterized test of the UniformBSpline class.
JUnit Tests for the Volume Script
Tests X-Ray many body optimization and the X-Ray many body groovy script under varying parameters.