Class ManyBodyTest

public class ManyBodyTest extends AlgorithmsTest
Tests many body optimization and the many body groovy script under global, box and monte carlo parameter conditions.
Mallory R. Tollefson
  • Constructor Details

    • ManyBodyTest

      public ManyBodyTest()
  • Method Details

    • testManyBodyBoxOptimization

      public void testManyBodyBoxOptimization()
      Tests ManyBody.groovy and by running a box optimization simulation on a small pdb file.
    • testManyBodyBoxRestart

      public void testManyBodyBoxRestart()
      Tests the restart file functionality for box optimization. The test applies a 1.5 angstrom 2-body and 3-body cutoff but the restart file was generated using 2-body and 3-body cutoffs of 2 angstroms.
    • testManyBodyGlobal

      public void testManyBodyGlobal()
    • testManyBodyHelp

      public void testManyBodyHelp()
    • testManyBodyMonteCarlo

      public void testManyBodyMonteCarlo()
      Tests ManyBody.groovy and by running a monte carlo optimization simulation on a small pdb file. Elimination criteria are not used during this test. A Monte Carlo search is done on the permutations.
    • testManyBodyRestart

      public void testManyBodyRestart()
      Tests the restart file functionality. The test applies a 1.5 angstrom 2-body and 3-body cutoff but the restart file was generated using 2-body and 3-body cutoffs of 2 angstroms.
    • testManyBodyTitration

      public void testManyBodyTitration()