Class ComplexTest


public class ComplexTest extends FFXTest
Michael J. Schnieders
  • Constructor Details

    • ComplexTest

      public ComplexTest(String info, int n, boolean preferred)
  • Method Details

    • data

      public static Collection<Object[]> data()
    • testPreferredDimension

      public void testPreferredDimension()
      Test of preferredDimension method, of class Complex.
    • testInterleavedScalar

      public void testInterleavedScalar()
      Test of fft method, of class Complex.
    • testBlockedScalar

      public void testBlockedScalar()
      Test of fft method, of class Complex.
    • testInterleavedSIMD

      public void testInterleavedSIMD()
      Test of fft method, of class Complex.
    • testBlockedSIMD

      public void testBlockedSIMD()
      Test of fft method, of class Complex.
    • testInterleavedScalarNFFT

      public void testInterleavedScalarNFFT()
      Test of fft method, of class Complex, using N FFTs packed next to each other.

      This test is designed to mimic a 2D transform, so we'll pack N FFTs into a 1D array of size (2*N)^2

    • testInterleavedSIMDNFFT

      public void testInterleavedSIMDNFFT()
      Test of fft method, of class Complex, using N FFTs packed next to each other.

      This test is designed to mimic a 2D transform, so we'll pack N FFTs into a 1D array of size (2*N)^2

    • testBlockedScalarNFFT

      public void testBlockedScalarNFFT()
      Test of fft method, of class Complex, using N FFTs packed next to each other.

      This test is designed to mimic a 2D transform, so we'll pack N FFTs into a 1D array of size (2*N)^2

    • testBlockedSIMDNFFT

      public void testBlockedSIMDNFFT()
      Test of fft method, of class Complex, using N FFTs packed next to each other.

      This test is designed to mimic a 2D transform, so we'll pack N FFTs into a 1D array of size (2*N)^2