Package ffx.potential.groovy
Class GKEnergyTest
Test the Energy script with Generalized Kirkwood parameters.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ffx.potential.utils.PotentialTest
binding, potentialScript
Constructor Summary
(String info, String filename, int nAtoms, double bondEnergy, int nBonds, double angleEnergy, int nAngles, double stretchBendEnergy, int nStretchBends, double ureyBradleyEnergy, int nUreyBradleys, double outOfPlaneBendEnergy, int nOutOfPlaneBends, double torsionEnergy, int nTorsions, double improperTorsionEnergy, int nImproperTorsions, double piOrbitalTorsionEnergy, int nPiOrbitalTorsions, double torsionTorsionEnergy, int nTorsionTorsions, double stretchTorsionEnergy, int nStretchTorsions, double angleTorsionEnergy, int nAngleTorsions, double vanDerWaalsEnergy, int nVanDerWaals, double permanentEnergy, int nPermanent, double polarizationEnergy, int nPolar, double gkEnergy, int nGK, boolean testOpenMM) -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class ffx.potential.groovy.ParentEnergyTest
testEnergy, testGradient, testLambdaGradient, testOpenMMEnergy
Methods inherited from class ffx.potential.utils.PotentialTest
afterTest, beforeTest, getResourceFile, getResourcePath
Methods inherited from class ffx.utilities.FFXTest
afterClass, beforeClass, registerTemporaryDirectory
Constructor Details
public GKEnergyTest(String info, String filename, int nAtoms, double bondEnergy, int nBonds, double angleEnergy, int nAngles, double stretchBendEnergy, int nStretchBends, double ureyBradleyEnergy, int nUreyBradleys, double outOfPlaneBendEnergy, int nOutOfPlaneBends, double torsionEnergy, int nTorsions, double improperTorsionEnergy, int nImproperTorsions, double piOrbitalTorsionEnergy, int nPiOrbitalTorsions, double torsionTorsionEnergy, int nTorsionTorsions, double stretchTorsionEnergy, int nStretchTorsions, double angleTorsionEnergy, int nAngleTorsions, double vanDerWaalsEnergy, int nVanDerWaals, double permanentEnergy, int nPermanent, double polarizationEnergy, int nPolar, double gkEnergy, int nGK, boolean testOpenMM)
Method Details