Uses of Interface
Packages that use AlgorithmFunctions
The Algorithms package has support for local and global optimization, molecular dynamics
simulations, and calculation of free energy differences.
The Algorithms CLI package defines options for PicoCLI command line scripts.
The UI package provides views and controllers for manipulating molecular systems.
Uses of AlgorithmFunctions in ffx.algorithms
Classes in ffx.algorithms that implement AlgorithmFunctionsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
AlgorithmUtils, on top of the core functionality of PotentialsUtils, implements additional functionality such as molecular dynamics and L-BFGS local optimization. -
Uses of AlgorithmFunctions in ffx.algorithms.cli
Fields in ffx.algorithms.cli declared as AlgorithmFunctionsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionAlgorithmsScript.algorithmFunctions
An instance of AlgorithmFunctions passed into the current context.Methods in ffx.algorithms.cli with parameters of type AlgorithmFunctionsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(MolecularAssembly[] molecularAssemblies, CrystalPotential crystalPotential, AlgorithmFunctions algorithmFunctions, int rank, int worldSize) If residues selected for distributing initial configurations, performs many-body optimization for this distribution.void
(MolecularAssembly[] molecularAssemblies, Potential[] potentials, CrystalPotential crystalPotential, AlgorithmFunctions algorithmFunctions, int rank, int worldSize) If residues selected for distributing initial configurations, performs many-body optimization for this distribution.MultiDynamicsOptions.openFile
(AlgorithmFunctions algorithmFunctions, TopologyOptions topologyOptions, int threadsPer, String toOpen, int topNum, AlchemicalOptions alchemicalOptions, File structureFile, int rank) Opens a file and processes it. -
Uses of AlgorithmFunctions in ffx.ui
Classes in ffx.ui that implement AlgorithmFunctionsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
UIUtils implements core and extended functionality for many Force Field X algorithms and scripts, such as opening and closing structure files, basic force field evaluations, molecular dynamics, etc.Methods in ffx.ui that return AlgorithmFunctions