Package ffx.ui
package ffx.ui
The UI package provides views and controllers for manipulating molecular systems.
- Since:
- 1.0
- Author:
- Michael J. Schnieders
ClassDescriptionFFXExec encapsulates a native replacement for the JDK System.exec() method.The FFXSystem class contains extensions to the generic MolecularAssembly class.The GraphicsAxis class encapsulates the 3D Axis that is used to display and control rotation/translation in the global frame.The GraphicsCanvas class provides a Canvas on which to render 3D Graphics.The ImageFormat enum lists supported image formats.The LeftButtonMode enum describes what the left mouse button does.The MouseMode enum describes what system is affected by mouse drags.The GraphicsEvents class listens for mouse events over the Java3D GraphicsCanvas, dispatching work to more specialized System Rotation and Translation Behaviors or to the GlobalOrbitBehavior.The FullScreenWindow class controls full screen graphics.The GraphicsPanel class contains the 3D Canvas and its status box.The GraphicsPicking class is used to make selections and measurements.The GraphicsPrefs class allows users to select graphics preferences.The GraphicsSplitPane is an early attempt at working around issues caused by the heavyweight Canvas3D inside a lightweight Swing SplitPane.The Hierarchy Class creates and manages a JTree view of the data structure.The KeyFileEditor class is a wrapper for the KeywordPanel to create a stand alone Key File Editor (it needs updating).The KeywordComponent class is used to represent one TINKER keyword.The KeywordPanel class provides a View and Control of TINKER Keyword (*.KEY) files.A minor extension to the SimpleFormatter to reduce verbosity if debugging is not turned on.The default ConsoleHanlder publishes logging to System.err.The MainMenu class creates the Force Field X Menu BarThe MainPanel class is the main container for Force Field X, handles file input/output and is used to pass references among the various sub-Panels.The ModelingPanel class encapsulates functionality needed to run FFX Modeling Commands.The ModelingShell is used to script Multiscale Modeling Routines via the Groovy scripting language.The OSXAdapter class was developed by following an example supplied on the OS X site.The Selection class will be used to make recursive multiscale selections, however its implementation is not yet complete.This SimulationLoader class oversees loading information from an executing FFX instance program this instance of Force Field X.This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.The Trajectory class controls playback of a TINKER trajectory.The UIFileCloser class wraps the closing of an FFXSystem within a thread.The UIFileOpener class opens a file into Force Field X using a filter from the ffx.potential.parsers package.UIUtils implements core and extended functionality for many Force Field X algorithms and scripts, such as opening and closing structure files, basic force field evaluations, molecular dynamics, etc.