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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.potential.nonbonded;
40  import static ffx.numerics.atomic.AtomicDoubleArray.atomicDoubleArrayFactory;
41  import static ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.DispersionRegion.DEFAULT_DISPERSION_OFFSET;
42  import static ffx.potential.parameters.ForceField.toEnumForm;
43  import static ffx.potential.parameters.SoluteType.setSoluteRadii;
44  import static ffx.utilities.Constants.dWater;
45  import static ffx.utilities.PropertyGroup.ImplicitSolvent;
46  import static java.lang.String.format;
47  import static java.util.Arrays.fill;
48  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.max;
50  import edu.rit.pj.ParallelTeam;
51  import ffx.crystal.Crystal;
52  import ffx.numerics.atomic.AtomicDoubleArray;
53  import ffx.numerics.atomic.AtomicDoubleArray.AtomicDoubleArrayImpl;
54  import ffx.numerics.atomic.AtomicDoubleArray3D;
55  import ffx.potential.bonded.Atom;
56  import ffx.potential.bonded.LambdaInterface;
57  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.pme.Polarization;
58  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.BornGradRegion;
59  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.BornRadiiRegion;
60  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.BornTanhRescaling;
61  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.ChandlerCavitation;
62  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.ConnollyRegion;
63  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.DispersionRegion;
64  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.GKEnergyRegion;
65  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.GaussVol;
66  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.InducedGKFieldRegion;
67  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.InitializationRegion;
68  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.PermanentGKFieldRegion;
69  import ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit.SurfaceAreaRegion;
70  import ffx.potential.parameters.AtomType;
71  import ffx.potential.parameters.ForceField;
72  import ffx.potential.parameters.SoluteType;
73  import ffx.potential.parameters.SoluteType.SOLUTE_RADII_TYPE;
74  import ffx.utilities.Constants;
75  import ffx.utilities.FFXProperty;
77  import java.util.Arrays;
78  import java.util.HashMap;
79  import java.util.logging.Level;
80  import java.util.logging.Logger;
82  /**
83   * This Generalized Kirkwood class implements GK for the AMOEBA polarizable atomic multipole force
84   * field in parallel using a {@link ffx.potential.nonbonded.NeighborList}.
85   *
86   * @author Michael J. Schnieders<br> derived from:<br> TINKER code by Michael J. Schnieders and Jay
87   * W. Ponder<br>
88   * @see <a href="" target="_blank">M. J. Schnieders and J. W.
89   * Ponder, Polarizable atomic multipole solutes in a generalized Kirkwood continuum, Journal of
90   * Chemical Theory and Computation 2007, 3, (6), 2083-2097.</a><br>
91   * @since 1.0
92   */
93  public class GeneralizedKirkwood implements LambdaInterface {
95    /**
96     * Default dielectric offset
97     */
98    public static final double DEFAULT_DIELECTRIC_OFFSET = 0.09;
100   private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GeneralizedKirkwood.class.getName());
101   /**
102    * Default Bondi scale factor.
103    */
104   private static final double DEFAULT_SOLUTE_SCALE = 1.0;
106   /**
107    * Dielectric offset from:
108    *
109    * <p>W. C. Still, A. Tempczyk, R. C. Hawley and T. Hendrickson, "A Semianalytical Treatment of
110    * Solvation for Molecular Mechanics and Dynamics", J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 112, 6127-6129 (1990)
111    */
112   private final double dOffset = DEFAULT_DIELECTRIC_OFFSET;
113   /**
114    * Force field in use.
115    */
116   private final ForceField forceField;
117   /**
118    * Treatment of polarization.
119    */
120   private final Polarization polarization;
121   /**
122    * Particle mesh Ewald instance, which contains variables such as expanded coordinates and
123    * multipoles in the global frame that GK uses.
124    */
125   private final ParticleMeshEwald particleMeshEwald;
126   /**
127    * Parallel team object for shared memory parallelization.
128    */
129   private final ParallelTeam parallelTeam;
130   /**
131    * Initialize GK output variables.
132    */
133   private final InitializationRegion initializationRegion;
134   /**
135    * Parallel computation of Born Radii.
136    */
137   private final BornRadiiRegion bornRadiiRegion;
138   /**
139    * Parallel computation of the Permanent GK Field.
140    */
141   private final PermanentGKFieldRegion permanentGKFieldRegion;
142   /**
143    * Parallel computation of the Induced GK Field.
144    */
145   private final InducedGKFieldRegion inducedGKFieldRegion;
146   /**
147    * Parallel computation of the GK continuum electrostatics energy.
148    */
149   private final GKEnergyRegion gkEnergyRegion;
150   /**
151    * Parallel computation of Born radii chain rule term.
152    */
153   private final BornGradRegion bornGradRegion;
154   /**
155    * Parallel computation of Dispersion energy.
156    */
157   private final DispersionRegion dispersionRegion;
158   /**
159    * Parallel computation of Cavitation.
160    */
161   private final SurfaceAreaRegion surfaceAreaRegion;
162   /**
163    * Volume to Surface Area Cavitation Dependence.
164    */
165   private final ChandlerCavitation chandlerCavitation;
166   /**
167    * Maps radii overrides (by AtomType) specified from the command line. e.g.
168    * -DradiiOverride=134r1.20,135r1.20 sets atom types 134,135 to Bondi=1.20
169    */
170   private final HashMap<Integer, Double> radiiOverride = new HashMap<>();
171   /**
172    * Conversion from electron**2/Ang to kcal/mole.
173    */
174   public double electric;
175   /**
176    * Empirical scaling of the Bondi radii.
177    */
178   private final double bondiScale;
180   /**
181    * Array of Atoms being considered.
182    */
183   private Atom[] atoms;
184   /**
185    * Number of atoms.
186    */
187   private int nAtoms;
188   /**
189    * Cartesian coordinates of each atom.
190    */
191   private double[] x, y, z;
192   /**
193    * Base radius of each atom.
194    */
195   private double[] baseRadius;
196   /**
197    * Descreen radius of each atom.
198    */
199   private double[] descreenRadius;
200   /**
201    * Overlap scale factor for each atom, when using the Hawkins, Cramer & Truhlar pairwise
202    * descreening algorithm.
203    *
204    * <p>G. D. Hawkins, C. J. Cramer and D. G. Truhlar, "Parametrized Models of Aqueous Free Energies
205    * of Solvation Based on Pairwise Descreening of Solute Atomic Charges from a Dielectric Medium",
206    * J. Phys. Chem., 100, 19824-19839 (1996).
207    */
208   private double[] overlapScale;
209   /**
210    * Sneck scaling parameter for each atom. Set based on maximum Sneck scaling parameter and number
211    * of bound non-hydrogen atoms
212    */
213   private double[] neckScale;
214   /**
215    * If true, the descreening integral includes overlaps with the volume of the descreened atom
216    */
217   private final boolean perfectHCTScale;
219   /**
220    * The requested permittivity for the solvent.
221    */
222   @FFXProperty(name = "solvent-dielectric", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "78.3", description = """
223       The dielectric constant used for the solvent in generalized Kirkwood calculations.
224       The default of 78.3 corresponds to water.
225       """)
226   private final double solventDielectric;
227   /**
228    * The requested permittivity for the solute.
229    */
230   @FFXProperty(name = "solute-dielectric", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "1.0", description = """
231       The dielectric constant used for the solute(s) in generalized Kirkwood calculations.
232       The default of 1.0 is consistent with all solute dielectric response arising from either
233       polarization via induced dipoles and/or permanent dipole realignment.
234       """)
235   private final double soluteDielectric;
237   /**
238    * Default overlap scale factor for the Hawkins, Cramer & Truhlar pairwise descreening algorithm:
239    * 0.69 New default overlap scale factor set during implicit solvent model optimization: 0.72
240    */
241   private static final double DEFAULT_HCT_SCALE = 0.72;
243   /**
244    * Base overlap HCT overlap scale factor.
245    */
246   @FFXProperty(name = "hct-scale", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "0.72", description =
247       "The default overlap scale factor for Hawkins-Cramer-Truhlar pairwise descreening.")
248   private final double hctScale;
250   /**
251    * If true, HCT overlap scale factors are element-specific
252    */
253   @FFXProperty(name = "element-hct-scale", clazz = Boolean.class, propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "true",
254       description =
255           "Flag to turn on element specific overlap scale factors for Hawkins-Cramer-Truhlar pairwise descreening.")
256   private final boolean elementHCTScale;
258   /**
259    * Element-specific HCT overlap scale factors
260    */
261   private final HashMap<Integer, Double> elementHCTScaleFactors;
263   /**
264    * If true, the descreening size of atoms is based on their force field vdW radius.
265    */
266   @FFXProperty(name = "descreen-vdw", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "true", description =
267       "If true, the descreening size of each atom is based on its force field van der Waals radius.")
268   private final boolean descreenVDW;
270   /**
271    * If true, hydrogen atoms displace solvent during the pairwise descreening integral.
272    */
273   @FFXProperty(name = "descreen-hydrogen", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "false", description =
274       "If true, hydrogen atoms are contribute to the pairwise descreening integrals.")
275   private final boolean descreenHydrogen;
277   private static final double DEFAULT_DESCREEN_OFFSET = 0.3;
278   /**
279    * Offset applied to the pairwise descreening integral to improve stability at small separation.
280    */
281   @FFXProperty(name = "descreen-offset", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "0.3", description =
282       "Offset applied to the pairwise descreening integral to improve stability at small separation.")
283   private final double descreenOffset;
285   /**
286    * Apply a neck correction during descreening.
287    */
288   @FFXProperty(name = "neck-correction", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "true", description =
289       "Apply a neck correction during descreening.")
290   private final boolean neckCorrection;
292   /**
293    * Default Sneck scaling factor (for proteins)
294    */
295   private static final double DEFAULT_NECK_SCALE = 0.1350;
296   /**
297    * Maximum Sneck scaling parameter value
298    */
299   @FFXProperty(name = "neck-scale", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "0.1350", description =
300       "The overlap scale factor to use during the descreening neck correction.")
301   private double sneck;
303   /**
304    * Use the Corrigan et al. chemically aware neck correction; atoms with more heavy atom bonds are
305    * less capable of forming interstitial necks.
306    */
307   @FFXProperty(name = "chemically-aware-neck-scale", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "true",
308       description = """
309           If the neck descreening correction is being used, apply a smaller overlap scale
310           factors as the number of bonded heavy atoms increases.
311           """)
312   private final boolean chemicallyAwareSneck;
314   /**
315    * If true, the descreening integral includes the tanh correction to better approximate molecular
316    * surface
317    */
318   @FFXProperty(name = "tanh-correction", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "true", description = """
319       If the neck descreening correction is being used, apply a smaller overlap scale
320       factors as the number of bonded heavy atoms increases.
321       """)
322   private final boolean tanhCorrection;
324   /**
325    * Default value of beta0 for tanh scaling
326    */
327   public static final double DEFAULT_TANH_BETA0 = 0.9563;
328   /**
329    * Default value of beta1 for tanh scaling
330    */
331   public static final double DEFAULT_TANH_BETA1 = 0.2578;
332   /**
333    * Default value of beta2 for tanh scaling
334    */
335   public static final double DEFAULT_TANH_BETA2 = 0.0810;
337   /**
338    * The coefficient beta0 for tanh rescaling of descreening integrals.
339    */
340   @FFXProperty(name = "tanh-beta0", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "0.9563", description =
341       "The coefficient beta0 for tanh rescaling of descreening integrals.")
342   private double beta0;
344   /**
345    * The coefficient beta1 for tanh rescaling of descreening integrals.
346    */
347   @FFXProperty(name = "tanh-beta1", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "0.2578", description =
348       "The coefficient beta1 for tanh rescaling of descreening integrals.")
349   private double beta1;
351   /**
352    * The coefficient beta2 for tanh rescaling of descreening integrals.
353    */
354   @FFXProperty(name = "tanh-beta2", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "0.0810", description =
355       "The coefficient beta2 for tanh rescaling of descreening integrals.")
356   private double beta2;
358   /**
359    * Default constant for the Generalized Kirkwood cross-term.
360    */
361   public static final double DEFAULT_GKC = 2.455;
362   /**
363    * The Generalized Kirkwood cross-term parameter.
364    */
365   @FFXProperty(name = "gkc", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "2.455", description =
366       "The Generalized Kirkwood cross-term parameter.")
367   public final double gkc;
369   private static final NonPolarModel DEFAULT_NONPOLAR_MODEL = NonPolarModel.GAUSS_DISP;
371   /**
372    * Treatment of non-polar interactions.
373    */
374   @FFXProperty(name = "nonpolar-model", clazz = String.class, propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent,
375       defaultValue = "gauss-disp", description = """ 
377       The non-polar contribution to the implicit solvent.
378       """)
379   private final NonPolarModel nonPolarModel;
381   /**
382    * Default surface tension for non-polar models without an explicit dispersion term. This is lower
383    * than CAVDISP, since the favorable dispersion term is implicitly included.
384    */
385   private static final double DEFAULT_CAVONLY_SURFACE_TENSION = 0.0049;
387   /**
388    * Water probe radius.
389    */
390   public final double probe;
392   /**
393    * Default solvent pressure for apolar models with an explicit volume term.
394    *
395    * <p>From work by Chandler et al., the following relationship for cavitation free energy as a
396    * function of spherical particle size was found: Cross-Over = 3 * S.T. / S.P.
397    *
398    * <p>A S.P. of 0.0334 kcal/mol/A^3 was obtained using explicit AMOEBA water simulations and
399    * solvent excluded volumes.
400    *
401    * <p>A S.P. of 0.0343 kcal/mol/A^3 is obtained assuming a macroscopic surface tension of 0.103
402    * kcal/mol/A^3 and a cross-over of 9.0 (i.e. S.P. = 3 * S.T. / Cross-Over)
403    *
404    * <p>Both values are in reasonably good agreement, and 0.0334 is chosen as our default.
405    */
406   public static final double DEFAULT_SOLVENT_PRESSURE = 0.0334;
408   /**
409    * Default surface tension for apolar models with an explicit dispersion term.
410    *
411    * <p>Experimental value: 0.103 kcal/mol/Ang^2
412    * <p>More physical value, used for simulations: 0.080 kcal/mol/Ang^2
413    */
414   public static final double DEFAULT_CAVDISP_SURFACE_TENSION = 0.080;
416   /**
417    * Using a S.P. of 0.0334 kcal/mol/A^3, and a limiting surface tension of 0.103 kcal/mol/A^2, the
418    * cross-over point is 9.2515 A.
419    *
420    * <p>Using a S.P. of 0.0334 kcal/mol/A^3, and a limiting surface tension of 0.08 (i.e. 80% of the
421    * experimentally observed surface tension of 0.103 kcal/mol/A^2), we derive a cross-over of:
422    *
423    * <p>9.251 A = 3 * 0.103 kcal/mol/A^2 / 0.0334 kcal/mol/A^3.
424    */
425   public static final double DEFAULT_CROSSOVER =
428   /**
429    * Cavitation surface tension coefficient (kcal/mol/A^2).
430    */
431   @FFXProperty(name = "surface-tension", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "0.080", description =
432       "The cavitation surface tension coefficient (kcal/mol/A^2).")
433   private final double surfaceTension;
435   /**
436    * Cavitation solvent pressure coefficient (kcal/mol/A^3).
437    */
438   @FFXProperty(name = "solvent-pressure", propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "0.0334", description =
439       "The solvent pressure for nonpolar models with an explicit volume term (kcal/mol/A^3).")
440   private final double solventPressue;
442   /**
443    * The base radii to use for GK.
444    */
445   @FFXProperty(name = "gk-radius", clazz = String.class, propertyGroup = ImplicitSolvent, defaultValue = "solute",
446       description = """
447           [SOLUTE / VDW / CONSENSUS]
448           The base atomic radii to use for generalized Kirkwood calculations. The default is to use solute radii,
449           which were fit to experimental solvation free energy differences. Alternatively, force field
450           specific van der Waals radii (vdw) or consensus Bondi radii (consensus) can be chosen.
451           """)
452   private SOLUTE_RADII_TYPE soluteRadiiType;
454   /**
455    * Born radius of each atom.
456    */
457   private double[] born;
458   /**
459    * Flag to indicate if an atom should be included.
460    */
461   private boolean[] use = null;
462   /**
463    * Periodic boundary conditions and symmetry.
464    */
465   private Crystal crystal;
466   /**
467    * Atomic coordinates for each symmetry operator.
468    */
469   private double[][][] sXYZ;
470   /**
471    * Multipole moments for each symmetry operator.
472    */
473   private double[][][] globalMultipole;
474   /**
475    * Induced dipoles for each symmetry operator.
476    */
477   private double[][][] inducedDipole;
478   /**
479    * Induced dipole chain rule terms for each symmetry operator.
480    */
481   private double[][][] inducedDipoleCR;
482   /**
483    * AtomicDoubleArray implementation to use.
484    */
485   private AtomicDoubleArrayImpl atomicDoubleArrayImpl;
486   /**
487    * Atomic Gradient array.
488    */
489   private AtomicDoubleArray3D grad;
490   /**
491    * Atomic Torque array.
492    */
493   private AtomicDoubleArray3D torque;
494   /**
495    * Atomic Born radii chain-rule array.
496    */
497   private AtomicDoubleArray bornRadiiChainRule;
498   /**
499    * Atomic GK field array.
500    */
501   private final AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldGK;
502   /**
503    * Atomic GK field chain-rule array.
504    */
505   private final AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldGKCR;
506   /**
507    * Neighbor lists for each atom and symmetry operator.
508    */
509   private int[][][] neighborLists;
510   /**
511    * This field is because re-initializing the force field resizes some arrays but not others; that
512    * second category must, when called on, be resized not to the current number of atoms but to the
513    * maximum number of atoms (and thus to the size of the first category of arrays).
514    */
515   private int maxNumAtoms;
516   /**
517    * GK cut-off distance.
518    */
519   private double cutoff;
520   /**
521    * GK cut-off distance squared.
522    */
523   private double cut2;
524   /**
525    * Boolean flag to indicate GK will be scaled by the lambda state variable.
526    */
527   private boolean lambdaTerm;
528   /**
529    * The current value of the lambda state variable.
530    */
531   private double lambda = 1.0;
532   /**
533    * lPow equals lambda^polarizationLambdaExponent, where polarizationLambdaExponent is also used by
534    * PME.
535    */
536   private double lPow = 1.0;
537   /**
538    * First derivative of lPow with respect to l.
539    */
540   private double dlPow = 0.0;
541   /**
542    * Second derivative of lPow with respect to l.
543    */
544   private double dl2Pow = 0.0;
545   /**
546    * Total Solvation Energy.
547    */
548   private double solvationEnergy = 0.0;
549   /**
550    * Electrostatic Solvation Energy.
551    */
552   private double gkEnergy = 0.0;
553   /**
554    * Electrostatic Solvation Energy from Permanent Multipoles.
555    */
556   private double gkPermanentEnergy = 0.0;
557   /**
558    * Electrostatic Solvation Energy from Induced Dipoles.
559    */
560   private double gkPolarizationEnergy = 0.0;
561   /**
562    * Dispersion Solvation Energy.
563    */
564   private double dispersionEnergy = 0.0;
565   /**
566    * Cavitation Solvation Energy.
567    */
568   private double cavitationEnergy = 0.0;
569   /**
570    * Time to compute GK electrostatics.
571    */
572   private long gkTime = 0;
573   /**
574    * Time to compute Dispersion energy.
575    */
576   private long dispersionTime = 0;
577   /**
578    * Time to compute Cavitation energy.
579    */
580   private long cavitationTime = 0;
581   /**
582    * Forces all atoms to be considered during Born radius updates.
583    */
584   private final boolean nativeEnvironmentApproximation;
585   /**
586    * Flag to turn on use of perfect Born radii.
587    */
588   private final boolean perfectRadii;
590   /**
591    * Constructor for GeneralizedKirkwood.
592    *
593    * @param forceField        a {@link ffx.potential.parameters.ForceField} object.
594    * @param atoms             an array of {@link ffx.potential.bonded.Atom} objects.
595    * @param particleMeshEwald a {@link ParticleMeshEwald} object.
596    * @param crystal           a {@link ffx.crystal.Crystal} object.
597    * @param parallelTeam      a {@link edu.rit.pj.ParallelTeam} object.
598    */
599   public GeneralizedKirkwood(ForceField forceField, Atom[] atoms, ParticleMeshEwald particleMeshEwald,
600                              Crystal crystal, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, double gkCutoff) {
601     this.forceField = forceField;
602     this.atoms = atoms;
603     this.particleMeshEwald = particleMeshEwald;
604     this.crystal = crystal;
605     this.parallelTeam = parallelTeam;
606     this.electric = electric;
607     this.cutoff = gkCutoff;
608     nAtoms = atoms.length;
609     maxNumAtoms = nAtoms;
610     polarization = particleMeshEwald.polarization;
612     // Read in the value of electric conversion factor.
613     electric = forceField.getDouble("ELECTRIC", Constants.DEFAULT_ELECTRIC);
614     // Set the Kirkwood multipolar reaction field constants for solvent.
615     solventDielectric = forceField.getDouble("SOLVENT_DIELECTRIC", dWater);
616     // Set the Kirkwood multipolar reaction field constants for solute.
617     soluteDielectric = forceField.getDouble("SOLUTE_DIELECTRIC", 1.0);
619     // Define how force arrays will be accumulated.
620     String value = forceField.getString("ARRAY_REDUCTION", "MULTI");
621     try {
622       atomicDoubleArrayImpl = AtomicDoubleArrayImpl.valueOf(toEnumForm(value));
623     } catch (Exception e) {
624       atomicDoubleArrayImpl = AtomicDoubleArrayImpl.MULTI;
626           format(" Unrecognized ARRAY-REDUCTION %s; defaulting to %s", value,
627               atomicDoubleArrayImpl));
628     }
630     String gkRadius = forceField.getString("GK_RADIUS", "SOLUTE");
631     try {
632       soluteRadiiType = SOLUTE_RADII_TYPE.valueOf(gkRadius.trim().toUpperCase());
633     } catch (Exception e) {
634       soluteRadiiType = SOLUTE_RADII_TYPE.SOLUTE;
635     }
637     // Define default Bondi scale factor, and HCT overlap scale factors.
638     if (soluteRadiiType != SOLUTE_RADII_TYPE.SOLUTE) {
639       bondiScale = forceField.getDouble("SOLUTE_SCALE", DEFAULT_SOLUTE_SCALE);
640     } else {
641       // Default Bondi scale factor for Solute Radii is 1.0.
642       bondiScale = forceField.getDouble("SOLUTE_SCALE", 1.0);
643     }
645     hctScale = forceField.getDouble("HCT_SCALE", DEFAULT_HCT_SCALE);
646     elementHCTScale = forceField.getBoolean("ELEMENT_HCT_SCALE", true);
647     descreenVDW = forceField.getBoolean("DESCREEN_VDW", true);
648     descreenHydrogen = forceField.getBoolean("DESCREEN_HYDROGEN", false);
649     if (descreenVDW && !descreenHydrogen) {
650       perfectHCTScale = forceField.getBoolean("PERFECT_HCT_SCALE", false);
651     } else {
652       perfectHCTScale = false;
653     }
654     descreenOffset = forceField.getDouble("DESCREEN_OFFSET", DEFAULT_DESCREEN_OFFSET);
655     // If true, the descreening integral includes the neck correction to better approximate molecular surface.
656     neckCorrection = forceField.getBoolean("NECK_CORRECTION", true);
657     double sn = forceField.getDouble("SNECK", DEFAULT_NECK_SCALE);
658     sneck = forceField.getDouble("NECK_SCALE", sn);
659     chemicallyAwareSneck = forceField.getBoolean("CHEMICALLY_AWARE_SNECK", true);
660     tanhCorrection = forceField.getBoolean("TANH_CORRECTION", true);
661     double b0 = forceField.getDouble("BETA0", DEFAULT_TANH_BETA0);
662     double b1 = forceField.getDouble("BETA1", DEFAULT_TANH_BETA1);
663     double b2 = forceField.getDouble("BETA2", DEFAULT_TANH_BETA2);
664     beta0 = forceField.getDouble("TANH_BETA0", b0);
665     beta1 = forceField.getDouble("TANH_BETA1", b1);
666     beta2 = forceField.getDouble("TANH_BETA2", b2);
668     BornTanhRescaling.setBeta0(beta0);
669     BornTanhRescaling.setBeta1(beta1);
670     BornTanhRescaling.setBeta2(beta2);
672     // Default overlap element specific scale factors for the Hawkins, Cramer & Truhlar pairwise descreening algorithm.
673     HashMap<Integer, Double> DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS = new HashMap<>();
674     // Fit default values from Corrigan et. al. interstitial spaces work
675     DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.put(1, 0.7200);
676     DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.put(6, 0.6950);
677     DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.put(7, 0.7673);
678     DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.put(8, 0.7965);
679     DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.put(15, 0.6117);
680     DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.put(16, 0.7204);
682     // Add default values for all elements
683     elementHCTScaleFactors = new HashMap<>();
684     elementHCTScaleFactors.put(1, DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.get(1));
685     elementHCTScaleFactors.put(6, DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.get(6));
686     elementHCTScaleFactors.put(7, DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.get(7));
687     elementHCTScaleFactors.put(8, DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.get(8));
688     elementHCTScaleFactors.put(15, DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.get(15));
689     elementHCTScaleFactors.put(16, DEFAULT_HCT_ELEMENTS.get(16));
691     // Fill elementHCTScaleFactors array based on input hct-element property flags
692     // Overwrite defaults with input values, add new values if input elements aren't represented
693     // Input lines read in as "hct-element atomicNumber hctValue"
694     // So "hct-element 1 0.7200" would set the HCT scaling factor value for hydrogen (atomic number 1) to 0.7200
695     String[] tmpElemScaleFactors = forceField.getProperties().getStringArray("hct-element");
696     for (String elemScale : tmpElemScaleFactors) {
697       String[] singleScale = elemScale.trim().split(" +");
698       if (elementHCTScaleFactors.containsKey(Integer.parseInt(singleScale[0]))) {
699         elementHCTScaleFactors.replace(Integer.parseInt(singleScale[0]), Double.parseDouble(singleScale[1]));
700       } else {
701         elementHCTScaleFactors.put(Integer.parseInt(singleScale[0]), Double.parseDouble(singleScale[1]));
702       }
703     }
705     perfectRadii = forceField.getBoolean("PERFECT_RADII", false);
707     // Process any radii override values.
708     String radiiProp = forceField.getString("GK_RADIIOVERRIDE", null);
709     if (radiiProp != null) {
710       String[] tokens = radiiProp.split("A");
711       for (String token : tokens) {
712         if (!token.contains("r")) {
713           logger.severe("Invalid radius override.");
714         }
715         int separator = token.indexOf("r");
716         int type = Integer.parseInt(token.substring(0, separator));
717         double factor = Double.parseDouble(token.substring(separator + 1));
718" (GK) Scaling AtomType %d with bondi factor %.2f", type, factor));
719         radiiOverride.put(type, factor);
720       }
721     }
723     NonPolarModel npModel;
724     try {
725       String cavModel = forceField.getString("CAVMODEL",;
726       cavModel = forceField.getString("NONPOLAR_MODEL", cavModel);
727       npModel = getNonPolarModel(cavModel.toUpperCase());
728     } catch (Exception ex) {
729       npModel = NonPolarModel.NONE;
730       logger.warning(format(" Error parsing non-polar model (set to NONE) %s", ex));
731     }
732     nonPolarModel = npModel;
734     int threadCount = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();
735     fieldGK = new AtomicDoubleArray3D(atomicDoubleArrayImpl, nAtoms, threadCount);
736     fieldGKCR = new AtomicDoubleArray3D(atomicDoubleArrayImpl, nAtoms, threadCount);
738     nativeEnvironmentApproximation =
739         forceField.getBoolean("NATIVE_ENVIRONMENT_APPROXIMATION", false);
740     probe = forceField.getDouble("PROBE_RADIUS", 1.4);
741     cut2 = cutoff * cutoff;
742     lambdaTerm = forceField.getBoolean("GK_LAMBDATERM", forceField.getBoolean("LAMBDATERM", false));
744     // If polarization lambda exponent is set to 0.0, then we're running
745     // Dual-Topology and the GK energy will be scaled with the overall system lambda value.
746     double polLambdaExp = forceField.getDouble("POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT", 3.0);
747     if (polLambdaExp == 0.0) {
748       lambdaTerm = false;
749" GK lambda term set to false.");
750     }
752     // If PME includes polarization and is a function of lambda, GK must also.
753     if (!lambdaTerm
754         && particleMeshEwald.getPolarizationType() != Polarization.NONE) {
755       if (forceField.getBoolean("ELEC_LAMBDATERM",
756           forceField.getBoolean("LAMBDATERM", false))) {
757" If PME includes polarization and is a function of lambda, GK must also.");
758         lambdaTerm = true;
759       }
760     }
762     initAtomArrays();
764     double tensionDefault;
765     switch (nonPolarModel) {
766       case CAV:
767         tensionDefault = DEFAULT_CAVONLY_SURFACE_TENSION;
768         surfaceAreaRegion = new SurfaceAreaRegion(atoms, x, y, z, use,
769             neighborLists, grad, threadCount, probe, tensionDefault);
770         dispersionRegion = null;
771         chandlerCavitation = null;
772         break;
773       case CAV_DISP:
774         tensionDefault = DEFAULT_CAVDISP_SURFACE_TENSION;
775         surfaceAreaRegion = new SurfaceAreaRegion(atoms, x, y, z, use,
776             neighborLists, grad, threadCount, probe, tensionDefault);
777         dispersionRegion = new DispersionRegion(threadCount, atoms, forceField);
778         chandlerCavitation = null;
779         break;
780       case SEV_DISP:
781         tensionDefault = DEFAULT_CAVDISP_SURFACE_TENSION;
782         double[] radii = new double[nAtoms];
783         int index = 0;
784         for (Atom atom : atoms) {
785           radii[index] = atom.getVDWType().radius / 2.0;
786           index++;
787         }
788         ConnollyRegion connollyRegion = new ConnollyRegion(atoms, radii, threadCount);
789         // connollyRegion.setProbe(probe);
790         // connollyRegion.setExclude(0.0);
791         double wiggle = forceField.getDouble("WIGGLE", ConnollyRegion.DEFAULT_WIGGLE);
792         connollyRegion.setWiggle(wiggle);
793         chandlerCavitation = new ChandlerCavitation(atoms, connollyRegion, forceField);
794         dispersionRegion = new DispersionRegion(threadCount, atoms, forceField);
795         surfaceAreaRegion = null;
796         break;
797       case GAUSS_DISP:
798         dispersionRegion = new DispersionRegion(threadCount, atoms, forceField);
799         surfaceAreaRegion = null;
800         tensionDefault = DEFAULT_CAVDISP_SURFACE_TENSION;
801         GaussVol gaussVol = new GaussVol(atoms, forceField, parallelTeam);
802         chandlerCavitation = new ChandlerCavitation(atoms, gaussVol, forceField);
803         break;
804       case BORN_CAV_DISP:
805         tensionDefault = DEFAULT_CAVDISP_SURFACE_TENSION;
806         surfaceAreaRegion = null;
807         chandlerCavitation = null;
808         dispersionRegion = new DispersionRegion(threadCount, atoms, forceField);
809         break;
810       case HYDROPHOBIC_PMF:
811       case BORN_SOLV:
812       case NONE:
813       default:
814         tensionDefault = DEFAULT_CAVONLY_SURFACE_TENSION;
815         surfaceAreaRegion = null;
816         dispersionRegion = null;
817         chandlerCavitation = null;
818         break;
819     }
821     gkc = forceField.getDouble("GKC", DEFAULT_GKC);
823     surfaceTension = forceField.getDouble("SURFACE_TENSION", tensionDefault);
824     solventPressue = forceField.getDouble("SOLVENT_PRESSURE", DEFAULT_SOLVENT_PRESSURE);
825     // Volume to surface area cross-over point (A).
826     double crossOver = forceField.getDouble("CROSS_OVER", DEFAULT_CROSSOVER);
827     if (chandlerCavitation != null) {
828       // Set the cross-over first.
829       chandlerCavitation.setCrossOver(crossOver);
830       // Surface tension and solvent pressure will over-write cross-over if it's not appropriate.
831       chandlerCavitation.setSurfaceTension(surfaceTension);
832       chandlerCavitation.setSolventPressure(solventPressue);
833       crossOver = chandlerCavitation.getCrossOver();
834     }
835     if (surfaceAreaRegion != null) {
836       surfaceAreaRegion.setSurfaceTension(surfaceTension);
837     }
838     double dispersionOffset = forceField.getDouble("DISPERSION_OFFSET", DEFAULT_DISPERSION_OFFSET);
839     if (dispersionRegion != null) {
840       dispersionRegion.setDispersionOffest(dispersionOffset);
841     }
843     initializationRegion = new InitializationRegion(threadCount);
844     bornRadiiRegion = new BornRadiiRegion(threadCount, nAtoms, forceField, neckCorrection,
845         tanhCorrection, perfectHCTScale);
846     permanentGKFieldRegion = new PermanentGKFieldRegion(threadCount, soluteDielectric, solventDielectric, gkc);
847     inducedGKFieldRegion = new InducedGKFieldRegion(threadCount, soluteDielectric, solventDielectric, gkc);
848     if (!perfectRadii) {
849       bornGradRegion = new BornGradRegion(threadCount, neckCorrection, tanhCorrection, perfectHCTScale);
850     } else {
851       // No Born chain-rule terms when using Perfect Born Radii.
852       bornGradRegion = null;
853     }
854     boolean gkQI = forceField.getBoolean("GK_QI", false);
855     gkEnergyRegion = new GKEnergyRegion(threadCount, polarization, nonPolarModel, surfaceTension,
856         probe, electric, soluteDielectric, solventDielectric, gkc, gkQI);
858     if (gkQI) {
859"  Continuum Solvation (QI)");
860     } else {
861"  Continuum Solvation");
862     }
863"   Radii:                              %8s", soluteRadiiType));
864     if (cutoff != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
865"   Generalized Kirkwood Cut-Off:       %8.4f (A)", cutoff));
866     } else {
867"   Generalized Kirkwood Cut-Off:           NONE");
868     }
869"   GKC:                                %8.4f", gkc));
870"   Solvent Dielectric:                 %8.4f", solventDielectric));
871"   Solute Dielectric:                  %8.4f", soluteDielectric));
873     if (perfectRadii) {
874"   Use Perfect Born Radii:             %8B", perfectRadii));
875     } else {
876"   Descreen with vdW Radii:            %8B", descreenVDW));
877"   Descreen with Hydrogen Atoms:       %8B", descreenHydrogen));
878"   Descreen Offset:                    %8.4f", descreenOffset));
879       if (neckCorrection) {
880"   Use Neck Correction:                %8B", neckCorrection));
881"   Sneck Scale Factor:                 %8.4f", sneck));
882"   Chemically Aware Sneck:             %8B", chemicallyAwareSneck));
883       }
884       if (tanhCorrection) {
885"   Use Tanh Correction                 %8B", tanhCorrection));
886"    Beta0:                             %8.4f", beta0));
887"    Beta1:                             %8.4f", beta1));
888"    Beta2:                             %8.4f", beta2));
889       }
890       if (perfectHCTScale) {
891"   GaussVol HCT Scale Factors:         %8B", perfectHCTScale));
892       }
893"   General HCT Scale Factor:           %8.4f",
894           forceField.getDouble("HCT-SCALE", DEFAULT_HCT_SCALE)));
895       if (elementHCTScale) {
896"   Element-Specific HCT Scale Factors: %8B", elementHCTScale));
897         Integer[] elementHCTkeyset = elementHCTScaleFactors.keySet().toArray(new Integer[0]);
898         Arrays.sort(elementHCTkeyset);
899         for (Integer key : elementHCTkeyset) {
900 "    HCT-Element # %d:                   %8.4f", key, elementHCTScaleFactors.get(key)));
901         }
902       }
903     }
906         format("   Non-Polar Model:                  %10s",
907             nonPolarModel.toString().replace('_', '-')));
909     if (nonPolarModel.equals(NonPolarModel.GAUSS_DISP)) {
911           format("    GaussVol Radii Offset:               %2.4f",
912               forceField.getDouble("GAUSSVOL_RADII_OFFSET", 0.0)));
914           format("    GaussVol Radii Scale:                %2.4f",
915               forceField.getDouble("GAUSSVOL_RADII_SCALE", 1.15)));
916     }
918     if (dispersionRegion != null) {
920           format(
921               "   Dispersion Integral Offset:         %8.4f (A)",
922               dispersionRegion.getDispersionOffset()));
923     }
925     if (surfaceAreaRegion != null) {
926"   Cavitation Probe Radius:            %8.4f (A)", probe));
928           format("   Cavitation Surface Tension:         %8.4f (Kcal/mol/A^2)", surfaceTension));
929     } else if (chandlerCavitation != null) {
931           format("   Cavitation Solvent Pressure:        %8.4f (Kcal/mol/A^3)", solventPressue));
933           format("   Cavitation Surface Tension:         %8.4f (Kcal/mol/A^2)", surfaceTension));
934"   Cavitation Cross-Over Radius:       %8.4f (A)", crossOver));
935     }
937     // Print out all Base Radii
938     if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
939       logger.fine("      Base Radii  Descreen Radius  Overlap Scale  Neck Scale");
940       for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
942             format("   %s %8.6f %8.6f %5.3f %5.3f",
943                 atoms[i].toString(), baseRadius[i], descreenRadius[i], overlapScale[i],
944                 neckScale[i]));
945       }
946     }
947   }
949   /**
950    * GK is using perfect radii where available.
951    *
952    * @return True if using perfect radii.
953    */
954   public boolean getUsePerfectRadii() {
955     return perfectRadii;
956   }
958   /**
959    * Return perfect Born radii read in as keywords, or base radii if perfect radii are not
960    * available.
961    *
962    * @return Array of perfect Born radii.
963    */
964   public double[] getPerfectRadii() {
965     bornRadiiRegion.init(atoms, crystal, sXYZ, neighborLists, baseRadius, descreenRadius,
966         overlapScale, neckScale, descreenOffset, use, cut2, nativeEnvironmentApproximation, born);
967     return bornRadiiRegion.getPerfectRadii();
968   }
970   /**
971    * getNonPolarModel.
972    *
973    * @param nonpolarModel a {@link java.lang.String} object.
974    * @return a {@link NonPolarModel} object.
975    */
976   public static NonPolarModel getNonPolarModel(String nonpolarModel) {
977     try {
978       return NonPolarModel.valueOf(toEnumForm(nonpolarModel));
979     } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
980       logger.warning(" Unrecognized nonpolar model requested; defaulting to NONE.");
981       return NonPolarModel.NONE;
982     }
983   }
985   /**
986    * computeBornRadii
987    */
988   public void computeBornRadii() {
989     // The solute radii can change during titration based rotamer optimization.
990     applySoluteRadii();
992     // Update tanh correction parameters.
993     if (tanhCorrection) {
994       BornTanhRescaling.setBeta0(beta0);
995       BornTanhRescaling.setBeta1(beta1);
996       BornTanhRescaling.setBeta2(beta2);
997     }
999     try {
1000       bornRadiiRegion.init(
1001           atoms,
1002           crystal,
1003           sXYZ,
1004           neighborLists,
1005           baseRadius,
1006           descreenRadius,
1007           overlapScale,
1008           neckScale,
1009           descreenOffset,
1010           use,
1011           cut2,
1012           nativeEnvironmentApproximation,
1013           born);
1014       parallelTeam.execute(bornRadiiRegion);
1015     } catch (Exception e) {
1016       String message = "Fatal exception computing Born radii.";
1017       logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
1018     }
1019   }
1021   /**
1022    * computeInducedGKField
1023    */
1024   public void computeInducedGKField() {
1025     try {
1026       fieldGK.reset(parallelTeam);
1027       fieldGKCR.reset(parallelTeam);
1028       inducedGKFieldRegion.init(atoms, inducedDipole, inducedDipoleCR, crystal, sXYZ,
1029           neighborLists, use, cut2, born, fieldGK, fieldGKCR);
1030       parallelTeam.execute(inducedGKFieldRegion);
1031       fieldGK.reduce(parallelTeam);
1032       fieldGKCR.reduce(parallelTeam);
1033     } catch (Exception e) {
1034       String message = "Fatal exception computing induced GK field.";
1035       logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
1036     }
1037   }
1039   /**
1040    * computePermanentGKField
1041    */
1042   public void computePermanentGKField() {
1043     try {
1044       fieldGK.reset(parallelTeam);
1045       permanentGKFieldRegion.init(
1046           atoms, globalMultipole, crystal, sXYZ, neighborLists, use, cut2, born, fieldGK);
1047       parallelTeam.execute(permanentGKFieldRegion);
1048       fieldGK.reduce(parallelTeam);
1049     } catch (Exception e) {
1050       String message = "Fatal exception computing permanent GK field.";
1051       logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
1052     }
1053   }
1055   /**
1056    * getBaseRadii.
1057    *
1058    * @return an array of {@link double} objects.
1059    */
1060   public double[] getBaseRadii() {
1061     return baseRadius;
1062   }
1064   /**
1065    * getDescreenRadii.
1066    *
1067    * @return an array of {@link double} objects.
1068    */
1069   public double[] getDescreenRadii() {
1070     return descreenRadius;
1071   }
1073   /**
1074    * Returns the cavitation component of the solvation energy.
1075    *
1076    * @return Cavitation energy
1077    */
1078   public double getCavitationEnergy() {
1079     return cavitationEnergy;
1080   }
1082   /**
1083    * Return the Chandler Cavitation instance.
1084    *
1085    * @return ChandlerCavitation instance.
1086    */
1087   public ChandlerCavitation getChandlerCavitation() {
1088     return chandlerCavitation;
1089   }
1091   /**
1092    * Getter for the field <code>cutoff</code>.
1093    *
1094    * @return a double.
1095    */
1096   public double getCutoff() {
1097     return cutoff;
1098   }
1100   /**
1101    * Setter for the field <code>cutoff</code>.
1102    *
1103    * @param cutoff a double.
1104    */
1105   public void setCutoff(double cutoff) {
1106     this.cutoff = cutoff;
1107     this.cut2 = cutoff * cutoff;
1108   }
1110   /**
1111    * Returns the dielectric offset (in Angstroms).
1112    *
1113    * @return Currently: 0.09 Angstroms.
1114    */
1115   public double getDielecOffset() {
1116     return dOffset;
1117   }
1119   /**
1120    * Return the descreening dielectric offset.
1121    *
1122    * @return The offset (A).
1123    */
1124   public double getDescreenOffset() {
1125     return descreenOffset;
1126   }
1128   /**
1129    * Returns the dispersion component of the solvation energy.
1130    *
1131    * @return Dispersion energy
1132    */
1133   public double getDispersionEnergy() {
1134     return dispersionEnergy;
1135   }
1137   public DispersionRegion getDispersionRegion() {
1138     return dispersionRegion;
1139   }
1141   public AtomicDoubleArray3D getFieldGK() {
1142     return fieldGK;
1143   }
1145   public AtomicDoubleArray3D getFieldGKCR() {
1146     return fieldGKCR;
1147   }
1149   public SurfaceAreaRegion getSurfaceAreaRegion() {
1150     return surfaceAreaRegion;
1151   }
1153   /**
1154    * Returns the GK component of the solvation energy.
1155    *
1156    * @return GK electrostatic energy
1157    */
1158   public double getGeneralizedKirkwoordEnergy() {
1159     return gkEnergy;
1160   }
1162   /**
1163    * Returns the GK component of the solvation energy.
1164    *
1165    * @return GK electrostatic energy
1166    */
1167   public double getGeneralizedKirkwoordPermanentEnergy() {
1168     return gkPermanentEnergy;
1169   }
1171   /**
1172    * Returns the GK component of the solvation energy.
1173    *
1174    * @return GK electrostatic energy
1175    */
1176   public double getGeneralizedKirkwoordPolariztionEnergy() {
1177     return gkPolarizationEnergy;
1178   }
1180   public AtomicDoubleArray3D getGrad() {
1181     return grad;
1182   }
1184   /**
1185    * getInteractions
1186    *
1187    * @return a int.
1188    */
1189   public int getInteractions() {
1190     return gkEnergyRegion.getInteractions();
1191   }
1193   /**
1194    * {@inheritDoc}
1195    */
1196   @Override
1197   public double getLambda() {
1198     return lambda;
1199   }
1201   /**
1202    * {@inheritDoc}
1203    *
1204    * <p>Updates the value of lPow.
1205    */
1206   @Override
1207   public void setLambda(double lambda) {
1208     if (lambdaTerm) {
1209       this.lambda = lambda;
1210     } else {
1211       // If the lambdaTerm flag is false, lambda is set to one.
1212       this.lambda = 1.0;
1213       lPow = 1.0;
1214       dlPow = 0.0;
1215       dl2Pow = 0.0;
1216     }
1217   }
1219   /**
1220    * Checks whether GK uses the Native Environment Approximation.
1221    *
1222    * <p>This (previously known as born-use-all) is useful for rotamer optimization under continuum
1223    * solvent. If a large number of sidechain atoms are completely removed from the GK/GB calculation,
1224    * the remaining sidechains are overly solvated. The NEA says "we will keep all sidechains not
1225    * under optimization in some default state and let them contribute to Born radii calculations, but
1226    * still exclude their solvation energy components."
1227    *
1228    * @return Whether the NEA is in use.
1229    */
1230   public boolean getNativeEnvironmentApproximation() {
1231     return nativeEnvironmentApproximation;
1232   }
1234   /**
1235    * getNonPolarModel.
1236    *
1237    * @return a {@link NonPolarModel} object.
1238    */
1239   public NonPolarModel getNonPolarModel() {
1240     return nonPolarModel;
1241   }
1243   /**
1244    * Getter for the field <code>overlapScale</code>.
1245    *
1246    * @return an array of {@link double} objects.
1247    */
1248   public double[] getOverlapScale() {
1249     return overlapScale;
1250   }
1252   /**
1253    * Getter for the field <code>neckScale</code>.
1254    *
1255    * @return an array of {@link double} objects.
1256    */
1257   public double[] getNeckScale() {
1258     return neckScale;
1259   }
1261   public boolean getTanhCorrection() {
1262     return tanhCorrection;
1263   }
1265   /**
1266    * Returns the probe radius (typically 1.4 Angstroms).
1267    *
1268    * @return Radius of the solvent probe.
1269    */
1270   public double getProbeRadius() {
1271     return probe;
1272   }
1274   /**
1275    * Returns the solvent relative permittivity (typically 78.3).
1276    *
1277    * @return Relative permittivity of the solvent.
1278    */
1279   public double getSolventPermittivity() {
1280     return solventDielectric;
1281   }
1283   /**
1284    * Returns the solvent relative permittivity (typically 1.0).
1285    *
1286    * @return Relative permittivity of the solute.
1287    */
1288   public double getSolutePermittivity() {
1289     return soluteDielectric;
1290   }
1292   /**
1293    * Getter for the field <code>surfaceTension</code>.
1294    *
1295    * @return a double.
1296    */
1297   public double getSurfaceTension() {
1298     return surfaceTension;
1299   }
1301   public AtomicDoubleArray3D getTorque() {
1302     return torque;
1303   }
1305   /**
1306    * {@inheritDoc}
1307    *
1308    * <p>The 2nd derivative is 0.0. (U=Lambda*Egk, dU/dL=Egk, d2U/dL2=0.0)
1309    */
1310   @Override
1311   public double getd2EdL2() {
1312     if (lambdaTerm) {
1313       return dl2Pow * solvationEnergy;
1314     } else {
1315       return 0.0;
1316     }
1317   }
1319   /**
1320    * {@inheritDoc}
1321    */
1322   @Override
1323   public double getdEdL() {
1324     if (lambdaTerm) {
1325       return dlPow * solvationEnergy;
1326     }
1327     return 0.0;
1328   }
1330   /**
1331    * {@inheritDoc}
1332    *
1333    * <p>These contributions are already aggregated into the arrays used by PME.
1334    */
1335   @Override
1336   public void getdEdXdL(double[] gradient) {
1337     // This contribution is collected by GeneralizedKirkwood.reduce
1338   }
1340   public void init() {
1341     initializationRegion.init(this, atoms, lambdaTerm, grad, torque, bornRadiiChainRule);
1342     initializationRegion.executeWith(parallelTeam);
1343   }
1345   public void reduce(
1346       AtomicDoubleArray3D g,
1347       AtomicDoubleArray3D t,
1348       AtomicDoubleArray3D lg,
1349       AtomicDoubleArray3D lt) {
1350     grad.reduce(parallelTeam);
1351     torque.reduce(parallelTeam);
1352     for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
1353       g.add(0, i, lPow * grad.getX(i), lPow * grad.getY(i), lPow * grad.getZ(i));
1354       t.add(0, i, lPow * torque.getX(i), lPow * torque.getY(i), lPow * torque.getZ(i));
1355       if (lambdaTerm) {
1356         lg.add(0, i, dlPow * grad.getX(i), dlPow * grad.getY(i), dlPow * grad.getZ(i));
1357         lt.add(0, i, dlPow * torque.getX(i), dlPow * torque.getY(i), dlPow * torque.getZ(i));
1358       }
1359     }
1360   }
1362   public AtomicDoubleArray getSelfEnergy() {
1363     // Init and execute gkEnergyRegion (?)
1364     return gkEnergyRegion.getSelfEnergy();
1365   }
1367   public double[] getBorn() {
1368     return bornRadiiRegion.getBorn();
1369   }
1371   /**
1372    * Setter for element-specific HCT overlap scale factors
1373    *
1374    * @param elementHCT HashMap containing element name keys and scale factor values
1375    */
1376   public void setElementHCTScaleFactors(HashMap<Integer, Double> elementHCT) {
1377     for (Integer element : elementHCT.keySet()) {
1378       if (elementHCTScaleFactors.containsKey(element)) {
1379         elementHCTScaleFactors.replace(element, elementHCT.get(element));
1380       } else {
1381"No HCT scale factor set for element: " + element);
1382       }
1383     }
1384     initAtomArrays();
1385   }
1387   /**
1388    * Setter for the field <code>atoms</code>.
1389    *
1390    * @param atoms an array of {@link ffx.potential.bonded.Atom} objects.
1391    */
1392   public void setAtoms(Atom[] atoms) {
1393     this.atoms = atoms;
1394     nAtoms = atoms.length;
1395     maxNumAtoms = max(nAtoms, maxNumAtoms);
1396     initAtomArrays();
1397   }
1399   /**
1400    * Setter for the field <code>crystal</code>.
1401    *
1402    * @param crystal a {@link ffx.crystal.Crystal} object.
1403    */
1404   public void setCrystal(Crystal crystal) {
1405     this.crystal = crystal;
1406   }
1408   /**
1409    * setNeighborList.
1410    *
1411    * @param neighbors an array of {@link int} objects.
1412    */
1413   public void setNeighborList(int[][][] neighbors) {
1414     this.neighborLists = neighbors;
1415   }
1417   /**
1418    * Setter for the field <code>use</code>.
1419    *
1420    * @param use an array of {@link boolean} objects.
1421    */
1422   public void setUse(boolean[] use) {
1423     this.use = use;
1424   }
1426   /**
1427    * solvationEnergy
1428    *
1429    * @param gradient a boolean.
1430    * @param print    a boolean.
1431    * @return a double.
1432    */
1433   public double solvationEnergy(boolean gradient, boolean print) {
1434     return solvationEnergy(0.0, gradient, print);
1435   }
1437   /**
1438    * solvationEnergy
1439    *
1440    * @param gkInducedCorrectionEnergy GK vacuum to SCRF polarization energy cost.
1441    * @param gradient                  a boolean.
1442    * @param print                     a boolean.
1443    * @return a double.
1444    */
1445   public double solvationEnergy(double gkInducedCorrectionEnergy, boolean gradient, boolean print) {
1446     cavitationEnergy = 0.0;
1447     dispersionEnergy = 0.0;
1448     gkEnergy = 0.0;
1450     try {
1451       // Find the GK energy.
1452       gkTime = -System.nanoTime();
1453       gkEnergyRegion.init(
1454           atoms,
1455           globalMultipole,
1456           inducedDipole,
1457           inducedDipoleCR,
1458           crystal,
1459           sXYZ,
1460           neighborLists,
1461           use,
1462           cut2,
1463           baseRadius,
1464           born,
1465           gradient,
1466           parallelTeam,
1467           grad,
1468           torque,
1469           bornRadiiChainRule);
1470       parallelTeam.execute(gkEnergyRegion);
1471       gkTime += System.nanoTime();
1473       // Find the nonpolar energy.
1474       switch (nonPolarModel) {
1475         case CAV:
1476           cavitationTime = -System.nanoTime();
1477           parallelTeam.execute(surfaceAreaRegion);
1478           cavitationEnergy = surfaceAreaRegion.getEnergy();
1479           cavitationTime += System.nanoTime();
1480           break;
1481         case CAV_DISP:
1482           dispersionTime = -System.nanoTime();
1483           dispersionRegion.init(atoms, crystal, use, neighborLists, x, y, z, cut2, gradient, grad);
1484           parallelTeam.execute(dispersionRegion);
1485           dispersionEnergy = dispersionRegion.getEnergy();
1486           dispersionTime += System.nanoTime();
1487           cavitationTime = -System.nanoTime();
1488           parallelTeam.execute(surfaceAreaRegion);
1489           cavitationEnergy = surfaceAreaRegion.getEnergy();
1490           cavitationTime += System.nanoTime();
1491           break;
1492         case SEV_DISP:
1493           dispersionTime = -System.nanoTime();
1494           dispersionRegion.init(atoms, crystal, use, neighborLists, x, y, z, cut2, gradient, grad);
1495           parallelTeam.execute(dispersionRegion);
1496           dispersionEnergy = dispersionRegion.getEnergy();
1497           dispersionTime += System.nanoTime();
1498           cavitationTime = -System.nanoTime();
1499           cavitationTime = -System.nanoTime();
1500           double[][] positions = new double[nAtoms][3];
1501           for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
1502             positions[i][0] = atoms[i].getX();
1503             positions[i][1] = atoms[i].getY();
1504             positions[i][2] = atoms[i].getZ();
1505           }
1506           chandlerCavitation.energyAndGradient(positions, grad);
1507           cavitationEnergy = chandlerCavitation.getEnergy();
1508           cavitationTime += System.nanoTime();
1509           break;
1510         case GAUSS_DISP:
1511           dispersionTime = -System.nanoTime();
1512           dispersionRegion.init(atoms, crystal, use, neighborLists, x, y, z, cut2, gradient, grad);
1513           parallelTeam.execute(dispersionRegion);
1514           dispersionEnergy = dispersionRegion.getEnergy();
1515           dispersionTime += System.nanoTime();
1516           cavitationTime = -System.nanoTime();
1517           positions = new double[nAtoms][3];
1518           for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
1519             positions[i][0] = atoms[i].getX();
1520             positions[i][1] = atoms[i].getY();
1521             positions[i][2] = atoms[i].getZ();
1522           }
1523           chandlerCavitation.energyAndGradient(positions, grad);
1524           cavitationEnergy = chandlerCavitation.getEnergy();
1525           cavitationTime += System.nanoTime();
1526           break;
1527         case BORN_CAV_DISP:
1528           dispersionTime = -System.nanoTime();
1529           dispersionRegion.init(atoms, crystal, use, neighborLists, x, y, z, cut2, gradient, grad);
1530           parallelTeam.execute(dispersionRegion);
1531           dispersionEnergy = dispersionRegion.getEnergy();
1532           dispersionTime += System.nanoTime();
1533           break;
1534         case HYDROPHOBIC_PMF:
1535         case BORN_SOLV:
1536         case NONE:
1537         default:
1538           break;
1539       }
1540     } catch (Exception e) {
1541       String message = "Fatal exception computing the continuum solvation energy.";
1542       logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
1543     }
1545     // Compute the Born radii chain rule term.
1546     if (gradient && !perfectRadii) {
1547       try {
1548         gkTime -= System.nanoTime();
1549         bornGradRegion.init(
1550             atoms, crystal, sXYZ, neighborLists,
1551             baseRadius, descreenRadius, overlapScale, neckScale, descreenOffset,
1552             bornRadiiRegion.getUnscaledBornIntegral(), use, cut2,
1553             nativeEnvironmentApproximation, born, grad, bornRadiiChainRule);
1554         bornGradRegion.executeWith(parallelTeam);
1555         gkTime += System.nanoTime();
1556       } catch (Exception e) {
1557         String message = "Fatal exception computing Born radii chain rule term.";
1558         logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
1559       }
1560     }
1562     gkEnergy = gkEnergyRegion.getEnergy() + gkInducedCorrectionEnergy;
1563     gkPermanentEnergy = gkEnergyRegion.getPermanentEnergy();
1564     gkPolarizationEnergy = gkEnergy - gkPermanentEnergy;
1566     // The following expression is equivalent to the former.
1567     // gkPolarizationEnergy = gkEnergyRegion.getPolarizationEnergy() + gkInducedCorrectionEnergy;
1569     // Solvation energy is the sum of cavitation, dispersion and GK
1570     solvationEnergy = cavitationEnergy + dispersionEnergy + gkEnergy;
1572     if (print) {
1573" Generalized Kirkwood%16.8f %10.3f", gkEnergy, gkTime * 1e-9));
1574       switch (nonPolarModel) {
1575         case CAV:
1577               format(
1578                   " Cavitation          %16.8f %10.3f", cavitationEnergy, cavitationTime * 1e-9));
1579           break;
1580         case CAV_DISP:
1581         case SEV_DISP:
1582         case GAUSS_DISP:
1584               format(
1585                   " Cavitation          %16.8f %10.3f", cavitationEnergy, cavitationTime * 1e-9));
1587               format(
1588                   " Dispersion          %16.8f %10.3f", dispersionEnergy, dispersionTime * 1e-9));
1589           break;
1590         case BORN_CAV_DISP:
1592               format(
1593                   " Dispersion          %16.8f %10.3f", dispersionEnergy, dispersionTime * 1e-9));
1594           break;
1595         case HYDROPHOBIC_PMF:
1596         case BORN_SOLV:
1597         case NONE:
1598         default:
1599           break;
1600       }
1601     }
1603     if (lambdaTerm) {
1604       return lPow * solvationEnergy;
1605     } else {
1606       return solvationEnergy;
1607     }
1608   }
1610   private void initAtomArrays() {
1611     sXYZ = particleMeshEwald.coordinates;
1613     x = sXYZ[0][0];
1614     y = sXYZ[0][1];
1615     z = sXYZ[0][2];
1617     globalMultipole = particleMeshEwald.globalMultipole;
1618     inducedDipole = particleMeshEwald.inducedDipole;
1619     inducedDipoleCR = particleMeshEwald.inducedDipoleCR;
1620     neighborLists = particleMeshEwald.neighborLists;
1622     if (grad == null) {
1623       int threadCount = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();
1624       grad = new AtomicDoubleArray3D(atomicDoubleArrayImpl, nAtoms, threadCount);
1625       torque = new AtomicDoubleArray3D(atomicDoubleArrayImpl, nAtoms, threadCount);
1626       bornRadiiChainRule = atomicDoubleArrayFactory(atomicDoubleArrayImpl, threadCount, nAtoms);
1627     } else {
1628       grad.alloc(nAtoms);
1629       torque.alloc(nAtoms);
1630       bornRadiiChainRule.alloc(nAtoms);
1631     }
1633     fieldGK.alloc(nAtoms);
1634     fieldGKCR.alloc(nAtoms);
1636     if (baseRadius == null || baseRadius.length < nAtoms) {
1637       baseRadius = new double[nAtoms];
1638       descreenRadius = new double[nAtoms];
1639       overlapScale = new double[nAtoms];
1640       neckScale = new double[nAtoms];
1641       born = new double[nAtoms];
1642       use = new boolean[nAtoms];
1643     }
1645     fill(use, true);
1647     setSoluteRadii(forceField, atoms, soluteRadiiType);
1648     applySoluteRadii();
1650     if (dispersionRegion != null) {
1651       dispersionRegion.allocate(atoms);
1652     }
1654     if (surfaceAreaRegion != null) {
1655       surfaceAreaRegion.init();
1656     }
1658     if (chandlerCavitation != null) {
1659       GaussVol gaussVol = chandlerCavitation.getGaussVol();
1660       try {
1661         gaussVol.allocate(atoms);
1662       } catch (Exception e) {
1663         logger.severe(" " + e);
1664       }
1665     }
1666   }
1668   /**
1669    * Update GK solute parameters for a given atom. This should only be called after each atom is
1670    * assigned a "SoluteType".
1671    *
1672    * @param i The atom to update.
1673    */
1674   public void udpateSoluteParameters(int i) {
1675     Atom atom = atoms[i];
1676     SoluteType soluteType = atom.getSoluteType();
1677     if (soluteType == null) {
1678       logger.severe(format(" No SoluteType for atom %s.", atom));
1679       return;
1680     }
1682     // Assign the base radius.
1683     baseRadius[i] = soluteType.gkDiameter * 0.5 * bondiScale;
1684     // Assign a default overlap scale factor.
1685     overlapScale[i] = hctScale;
1686     // Use element specific HCT scaling factors.
1687     if (elementHCTScale) {
1688       int atomicNumber = atom.getAtomicNumber();
1689       if (elementHCTScaleFactors.containsKey(atomicNumber)) {
1690         overlapScale[i] = elementHCTScaleFactors.get(atomicNumber);
1691       } else {
1692         logger.fine(format(" No element-specific HCT scale factor for %s", atom));
1693         overlapScale[i] = hctScale;
1694       }
1695     }
1696     // Assign the default descreen radius to equal the base radius.
1697     descreenRadius[i] = baseRadius[i];
1699     // Handle radii override values.
1700     AtomType atomType = atom.getAtomType();
1701     if (radiiOverride.containsKey(atomType.type)) {
1702       double override = radiiOverride.get(atomType.type);
1703       // Remove default bondiFactor, and apply override.
1704       baseRadius[i] = baseRadius[i] * override / bondiScale;
1705       logger.fine(format(
1706           " Scaling %s (atom type %d) to %7.4f (Bondi factor %7.4f)",
1707           atom, atomType.type, baseRadius[i], override));
1708       descreenRadius[i] = baseRadius[i];
1709     }
1711     // Apply the descreenWithVDW flag.
1712     if (descreenVDW) {
1713       descreenRadius[i] = atom.getVDWType().radius / 2.0;
1714     }
1716     // Apply the descreenWithHydrogen flag.
1717     if (!descreenHydrogen && atom.getAtomicNumber() == 1) {
1718       overlapScale[i] = 0.0;
1719     }
1721     // Set Sneck scaling parameters based on atom type and number of bound non-hydrogen atoms.
1722     // The Sneck values for hydrogen atoms are controlled by their heavy atom.
1723     if (!atom.isHydrogen()) {
1724       // If the overlap scale factor is zero, then so is the neck overlap.
1725       if (!neckCorrection || overlapScale[i] == 0.0) {
1726         neckScale[i] = 0.0;
1727       } else {
1728         if (chemicallyAwareSneck) {
1729           // Determine number of bound heavy atoms for each non-hydrogen atom if chemically aware Sneck is being used
1730           int numBoundHeavyAtoms = 0;
1731           for (Atom boundAtom : atom.get12List()) {
1732             if (!boundAtom.isHydrogen()) {
1733               numBoundHeavyAtoms++;
1734             }
1735           }
1736           // Use this number to determine Sneck scaling parameter
1737           if (numBoundHeavyAtoms == 0) {
1738             // Sneck for lone ions or molecules like methane, which are not descreened by any other atoms
1739             neckScale[i] = 1.0;
1740           } else {
1741             neckScale[i] = atom.getSoluteType().sneck * (5.0 - numBoundHeavyAtoms) / 4.0;
1742           }
1743         } else {
1744           // Non-chemically aware Sneck - set neckScale to the max (input) Sneck value for all non-hydrogen atoms
1745           neckScale[i] = atom.getSoluteType().sneck;
1746         }
1747       }
1749       // Set hydrogen atom neck scaling factors to match those of their heavy atom binding partner.
1750       // By default, hydrogen atoms don't descreen other atoms. However, when they're descreened,
1751       // their contribution to the mixed neck value should matches their heavy atom.
1752       for (Atom boundAtom : atom.get12List()) {
1753         if (boundAtom.isHydrogen()) {
1754           int hydrogenIndex = boundAtom.getIndex();
1755           neckScale[hydrogenIndex - 1] = neckScale[i];
1756         }
1757       }
1758     }
1759   }
1761   /**
1762    * Apply solute radii definitions used to calculate Born radii.
1763    */
1764   public void applySoluteRadii() {
1765     // Set base radii, descreen radii, HCT overlap scale factor and neck scale factor.
1766     for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
1767       udpateSoluteParameters(i);
1768     }
1770     // Compute "perfect" HCT scale factors.
1771     if (perfectHCTScale) {
1772       double[][] coords = new double[nAtoms][3];
1773       int index = 0;
1774       for (Atom atom : atoms) {
1775         coords[index][0] = atom.getX();
1776         coords[index][1] = atom.getY();
1777         coords[index][2] = atom.getZ();
1778         index++;
1779       }
1780       GaussVol gaussVol = new GaussVol(atoms, forceField, parallelTeam);
1781       gaussVol.computeVolumeAndSA(coords);
1782       double[] selfVolumesFractions = gaussVol.getSelfVolumeFractions();
1783       for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
1784         // Use the self volume fractions, plus add the GK overlap scale.
1785         overlapScale[i] = selfVolumesFractions[i] * hctScale;
1787         // Apply the descreenWithHydrogen flag.
1788         if (!descreenHydrogen && atoms[i].getAtomicNumber() == 1) {
1789           overlapScale[i] = 0.0;
1790         }
1791       }
1792     }
1793   }
1795   public void setSneck(double sneck_input) {
1796     this.sneck = sneck_input;
1797     initAtomArrays();
1798   }
1800   public double[] getTanhBetas() {
1801     double[] betas = {beta0, beta1, beta2};
1802     return betas;
1803   }
1805   public void setTanhBetas(double[] betas) {
1806     this.beta0 = betas[0];
1807     this.beta1 = betas[1];
1808     this.beta2 = betas[2];
1809   }
1811   void setLambdaFunction(double lPow, double dlPow, double dl2Pow) {
1812     if (lambdaTerm) {
1813       this.lPow = lPow;
1814       this.dlPow = dlPow;
1815       this.dl2Pow = dl2Pow;
1816     } else {
1817       // If the lambdaTerm flag is false, lambda must be set to one.
1818       this.lambda = 1.0;
1819       this.lPow = 1.0;
1820       this.dlPow = 0.0;
1821       this.dl2Pow = 0.0;
1822     }
1823   }
1825   public enum NonPolarModel {
1826     CAV,
1827     CAV_DISP,
1828     SEV_DISP,
1829     GAUSS_DISP,
1831     BORN_CAV_DISP,
1832     BORN_SOLV,
1833     NONE
1834   }
1835 }