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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2025.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit;
40  import static ffx.potential.nonbonded.VanDerWaalsForm.getCombinedEps;
41  import static ffx.potential.nonbonded.VanDerWaalsForm.getCombinedRadius;
42  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.PI;
43  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.max;
44  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.min;
45  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.pow;
46  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sqrt;
48  import edu.rit.pj.IntegerForLoop;
49  import edu.rit.pj.ParallelRegion;
50  import edu.rit.pj.reduction.SharedDouble;
51  import ffx.crystal.Crystal;
52  import ffx.numerics.atomic.AtomicDoubleArray3D;
53  import ffx.potential.bonded.Atom;
54  import ffx.potential.parameters.VDWType.EPSILON_RULE;
55  import ffx.potential.parameters.VDWType.RADIUS_RULE;
56  import ffx.potential.parameters.ForceField;
57  import ffx.potential.parameters.VDWType;
58  import java.util.logging.Level;
59  import java.util.logging.Logger;
61  /**
62   * Parallel calculation of continuum dispersion energy via pairwise descreening.
63   *
64   * @author Michael J. Schnieders
65   * @since 1.0
66   */
67  public class DispersionRegion extends ParallelRegion {
69    /** The dispersion integral begins for each atom at: Rmin_ij + DISPERSION_OFFSET */
70    public static final double DEFAULT_DISPERSION_OFFSET = 1.056;
71    /** Each solute atom blocks dispersion interactions with solvent: Rmin + SOLUTE_OFFSET */
72    public static final double DEFAULT_SOLUTE_OFFSET = 0.0;
74    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DispersionRegion.class.getName());
75    /** The dispersion integral HCT overlap scale factor. */
76    private static final double DEFAULT_DISP_OVERLAP_FACTOR = 0.75;
77    /**
78     * Conversion between solute-solvent dispersion enthalpy and solute-solvent dispersion free
79     * energy.
80     */
81    private static final double SLEVY = 1.0;
82    /** Number density of water (water per A^3). */
83    private static final double AWATER = 0.033428;
84    /** AMOEBA '03 Water oxygen epsilon. */
85    private static final double EPSO = 0.1100;
86    /** AMOEBA '03 Water hydrogen epsilon. */
87    private static final double EPSH = 0.0135;
88    /** AMOEBA '03 Water oxygen Rmin (A). */
89    private static final double RMINO = 1.7025;
90    /** AMOEBA '03 Water hydrogen Rmin (A). */
91    private static final double RMINH = 1.3275;
92    /** AMOEBA epsilon rule. */
93    private static final EPSILON_RULE epsilonRule = VDWType.EPSILON_RULE.HHG;
94    /** AMOEBA radius rule. */
95    private static final RADIUS_RULE radiusRule = VDWType.RADIUS_RULE.CUBIC_MEAN;
97    private final DispersionLoop[] dispersionLoop;
98    private final SharedDouble sharedDispersion;
99    /** An ordered array of atoms in the system. */
100   protected Atom[] atoms;
101   /** Periodic boundary conditions and symmetry. */
102   private Crystal crystal;
103   /** Flag to indicate if an atom should be included. */
104   private boolean[] use = null;
105   /** Neighbor lists for each atom and symmetry operator. */
106   private int[][][] neighborLists;
107   /** Cartesian coordinates of each atom. */
108   private double[] x, y, z;
109   /** GK cut-off distance squared. */
110   private double cut2;
111   /** Boolean flag to indicate GK will be scaled by the lambda state variable. */
112   private boolean gradient = false;
113   /** Gradient array for each thread. */
114   private AtomicDoubleArray3D grad;
115   /** Where the dispersion integral begins for each atom (A): Rmin + dispersionOffset */
116   private double dispersionOffest;
117   /**
118    * Each solute atom blocks dispersion interactions with solvent with this radius (A): Rmin +
119    * soluteOffset
120    */
121   private double soluteOffset;
122   /** The dispersion integral HCT overlap scale factor (unitless). */
123   private double dispersionOverlapFactor;
125   /**
126    * DispersionRegion constructor.
127    *
128    * @param nt Number of threads.
129    * @param atoms Atom array.
130    * @param forceField ForceField in use.
131    */
132   public DispersionRegion(int nt, Atom[] atoms, ForceField forceField) {
133     dispersionLoop = new DispersionLoop[nt];
134     for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
135       dispersionLoop[i] = new DispersionLoop();
136     }
137     sharedDispersion = new SharedDouble();
139     dispersionOffest = forceField.getDouble("DISPERSION_OFFSET", DEFAULT_DISPERSION_OFFSET);
140     soluteOffset = forceField.getDouble("SOLUTE_OFFSET", DEFAULT_SOLUTE_OFFSET);
141     dispersionOverlapFactor =
144     allocate(atoms);
145   }
147   /**
148    * Compute a Buffered-14-7 tail correction.
149    *
150    * @param r0 The separation distance where the intregal begins.
151    * @param eps The mixed eps value.
152    * @param rmin The mixed rmin value.
153    * @return The tail correction.
154    */
155   private static double tailCorrection(double r0, double eps, double rmin) {
156     if (r0 < rmin) {
157       double r03 = r0 * r0 * r0;
158       double rmin3 = rmin * rmin * rmin;
159       return -eps * 4.0 * PI * (rmin3 - r03) / 3.0 - eps * PI * 18.0 * rmin3 / 11.0;
160     } else {
161       double ri2 = r0 * r0;
162       double ri4 = ri2 * ri2;
163       double ri7 = r0 * ri2 * ri4;
164       double ri11 = ri7 * ri4;
165       double rmin2 = rmin * rmin;
166       double rmin4 = rmin2 * rmin2;
167       double rmin7 = rmin * rmin2 * rmin4;
168       return 2.0 * PI * eps * rmin7 * (2.0 * rmin7 - 11.0 * ri7) / (11.0 * ri11);
169     }
170   }
172   /**
173    * Allocate storage given the Atom array.
174    *
175    * @param atoms Atom array in use.
176    */
177   public void allocate(Atom[] atoms) {
178     this.atoms = atoms;
179   }
181   /**
182    * The dispersion integral begins offset from the vdW radius.
183    *
184    * @param dispersionOffest The dispersion integral offset.
185    */
186   public void setDispersionOffest(double dispersionOffest) {
187     this.dispersionOffest = dispersionOffest;
188   }
190   /**
191    * The dispersion integral begins offset from the vdW radius.
192    *
193    * @return the dispersion integral offset.
194    */
195   public double getDispersionOffset() {
196     return dispersionOffest;
197   }
199   public double getDispersionOverlapFactor() {
200     return dispersionOverlapFactor;
201   }
203   /**
204    * Set the dispersion overlap HCT scale factor.
205    *
206    * @param dispersionOverlapFactor The dispersion integral HCT scale factor.
207    */
208   public void setDispersionOverlapFactor(double dispersionOverlapFactor) {
209     this.dispersionOverlapFactor = dispersionOverlapFactor;
210   }
212   public double getEnergy() {
213     return sharedDispersion.get();
214   }
216   public double getSoluteOffset() {
217     return soluteOffset;
218   }
220   public void setSoluteOffset(double soluteOffset) {
221     this.soluteOffset = soluteOffset;
222   }
224   /**
225    * Initialize the DispersionRegion for energy calculation.
226    *
227    * @param atoms Atom array.
228    * @param crystal Crystal for periodic boundary conditions.
229    * @param use Flag to indicate an atom is to be used.
230    * @param neighborLists Neighbor-list for each atom.
231    * @param x X-coordinate array.
232    * @param y Y-coordinate array.
233    * @param z Z-coordinate array.
234    * @param cut2 The cut-off distance squared.
235    * @param gradient If true, compute the gradient.
236    * @param grad Array to store the gradient.
237    */
238   public void init(
239       Atom[] atoms,
240       Crystal crystal,
241       boolean[] use,
242       int[][][] neighborLists,
243       double[] x,
244       double[] y,
245       double[] z,
246       double cut2,
247       boolean gradient,
248       AtomicDoubleArray3D grad) {
249     this.atoms = atoms;
250     this.crystal = crystal;
251     this.use = use;
252     this.neighborLists = neighborLists;
253     this.x = x;
254     this.y = y;
255     this.z = z;
256     this.cut2 = cut2;
257     this.gradient = gradient;
258     this.grad = grad;
259   }
261   /** {@inheritDoc} */
262   @Override
263   public void run() {
264     try {
265       int nAtoms = atoms.length;
266       execute(0, nAtoms - 1, dispersionLoop[getThreadIndex()]);
267     } catch (Exception e) {
268       String message =
269           "Fatal exception computing Dispersion energy in thread " + getThreadIndex() + "\n";
270       logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
271     }
272   }
274   /** {@inheritDoc} */
275   @Override
276   public void start() {
277     sharedDispersion.set(0.0);
278   }
280   /**
281    * Compute Dispersion energy for a range of atoms via pairwise descreening.
282    *
283    * @since 1.0
284    */
285   private class DispersionLoop extends IntegerForLoop {
287     private final double[] dx_local;
288     private double edisp;
289     private double r, r2, r3;
290     private double xr, yr, zr;
291     private int threadID;
293     DispersionLoop() {
294       dx_local = new double[3];
295     }
297     @Override
298     public void finish() {
299       sharedDispersion.addAndGet(edisp);
300     }
302     @Override
303     public void run(int lb, int ub) {
304       for (int i = lb; i <= ub; i++) {
305         if (!use[i]) {
306           continue;
307         }
309         //  Compute the limit of atom alone in solvent.
310         VDWType type = atoms[i].getVDWType();
311         double epsi = type.wellDepth;
312         double rmini = type.radius / 2.0;
313         double cDisp = 0.0;
314         if (rmini > 0.0 && epsi > 0.0) {
315           double emixo = getCombinedEps(EPSO, epsi, RMINO, rmini, epsilonRule);
316           double rmixo = getCombinedRadius(RMINO, rmini, radiusRule);
317           // Start of integration of dispersion for atom i with water oxygen.
318           double riO = rmixo / 2.0 + dispersionOffest;
319           cDisp = tailCorrection(riO, emixo, rmixo);
320           double emixh = getCombinedEps(EPSH, epsi, RMINH, rmini, epsilonRule);
321           double rmixh = getCombinedRadius(RMINH, rmini, radiusRule);
322           // Start of integration of dispersion for atom i with water hydrogen.
323           double riH = rmixh / 2.0 + dispersionOffest;
324           cDisp += 2.0 * tailCorrection(riH, emixh, rmixh);
325           cDisp = SLEVY * AWATER * cDisp;
326         }
328         edisp += cDisp;
330         // Now descreen over neighbors.
331         double sum = 0.0;
332         final double xi = x[i];
333         final double yi = y[i];
334         final double zi = z[i];
335         int[] list = neighborLists[0][i];
336         for (int k : list) {
337           if (!use[k] || i == k) {
338             continue;
339           }
340           if (atoms[k].getVDWType().radius > 0.0) {
341             dx_local[0] = xi - x[k];
342             dx_local[1] = yi - y[k];
343             dx_local[2] = zi - z[k];
344             r2 = crystal.image(dx_local);
345             if (r2 > cut2) {
346               continue;
347             }
348             xr = dx_local[0];
349             yr = dx_local[1];
350             zr = dx_local[2];
351             r = sqrt(r2);
352             r3 = r * r2;
353             // Atom i descreened by atom k.
354             sum += removeSoluteDispersion(i, k);
355             // Flip the sign on {xr, yr, zr};
356             xr = -xr;
357             yr = -yr;
358             zr = -zr;
359             // Atom k descreened by atom i.
360             sum += removeSoluteDispersion(k, i);
361           }
362         }
363         // Subtract descreening.
364         edisp -= SLEVY * AWATER * sum;
365       }
366     }
368     @Override
369     public void start() {
370       threadID = getThreadIndex();
371       edisp = 0;
372     }
374     /**
375      * Remove solute dispersion between atom i and solvent due to blocking of solveny by atom k.
376      *
377      * @param i Atom i index.
378      * @param k Atom k index.
379      * @return Reduction of dispersion.
380      */
381     private double removeSoluteDispersion(int i, int k) {
383       // Van der Waals parameters for atom i.
384       VDWType type = atoms[i].getVDWType();
385       double epsi = type.wellDepth;
386       double rmini = type.radius / 2.0;
388       // Van der Waals radius for atom k.
389       double rmink = atoms[k].getVDWType().radius / 2.0;
391       // Parameters for atom i with water oxygen.
392       double emixo = getCombinedEps(EPSO, epsi, RMINO, rmini, epsilonRule);
393       double rmixo = getCombinedRadius(RMINO, rmini, radiusRule);
394       // Start of integration of dispersion for atom i with water oxygen.
395       double riO = rmixo / 2.0 + dispersionOffest;
396       double nO = 1.0;
398       // Parameters for atom i with water hydrogen.
399       double emixh = getCombinedEps(EPSH, epsi, RMINH, rmini, epsilonRule);
400       double rmixh = getCombinedRadius(RMINH, rmini, radiusRule);
401       // Start of integration of dispersion for atom i with water oxygen.
402       double riH = rmixh / 2.0 + dispersionOffest;
403       double nH = 2.0;
405       // Atom k blocks the interaction of atom i with solvent.
406       double sk = (rmink + soluteOffset) * dispersionOverlapFactor;
407       return interact(i, k, nO, riO, sk, rmixo, emixo) + interact(i, k, nH, riH, sk, rmixh, emixh);
408     }
410     /**
411      * Solvent dispersion blocking of atom i by atom k.
412      *
413      * @param i Index of atom i.
414      * @param k Index of atom k.
415      * @param factor Apply this factor to the interaction.
416      * @param ri Start of the dispersion integral.
417      * @param sk Size of the solvent blocking atom.
418      * @param rmix Combined Rmin for atom i and solvent atom.
419      * @param emix Combined Eps for atom i and solvent atom.
420      * @return Contribution of atom k to removing dispersion.
421      */
422     private double interact(
423         int i, int k, double factor, double ri, double sk, double rmix, double emix) {
424       double sum = 0.0;
425       // Nothing to do if the integral begins beyond r + sk (i.e. atom k does not exclude solvent)
426       if (ri < r + sk) {
427         // Zero out the derivative contribution of atom k.
428         double de = 0.0;
429         double sk2 = sk * sk;
430         // Compute the maximum of 1) the beginning of the integral and 2) closest edge of atom K.
431         double iStart = max(ri, r - sk);
432         // Use this as the lower limit for integrating the constant eps value below Rmin.
433         double lik = iStart;
434         // Interaction with water from lik to Rmin; nothing to do if the lower limit is greater than
435         // Rmin.
436         if (lik < rmix) {
437           double lik2 = lik * lik;
438           double lik3 = lik2 * lik;
439           double lik4 = lik3 * lik;
440           // Upper limit is the minimum of Rmin and the farthest edge of atom K.
441           double uik = min(r + sk, rmix);
442           double uik2 = uik * uik;
443           double uik3 = uik2 * uik;
444           double uik4 = uik3 * uik;
445           sum = integralBeforeRMin(emix, r, r2, sk2, lik2, lik3, lik4, uik2, uik3, uik4);
446           if (gradient) {
447             de =
448                 integralBeforeRminDerivative(
449                     ri, emix, rmix, r, r2, r3, sk, sk2, lik, lik2, lik3, uik, uik2, uik3);
450           }
451         }
452         // Upper limit the variable part of Uwca always the farthest edge of atom K.
453         double uik = r + sk;
454         // Interaction with water beyond Rmin, from lik to uik = r + sk.
455         if (uik > rmix) {
456           // Start the integral at the max of 1) iStart and 2) Rmin.
457           lik = max(iStart, rmix);
458           double lik2 = lik * lik;
459           double lik3 = lik2 * lik;
460           double lik4 = lik3 * lik;
461           double lik5 = lik4 * lik;
462           double lik6 = lik5 * lik;
463           double lik10 = lik5 * lik5;
464           double lik11 = lik10 * lik;
465           double lik12 = lik11 * lik;
466           double uik2 = uik * uik;
467           double uik3 = uik2 * uik;
468           double uik4 = uik3 * uik;
469           double uik5 = uik4 * uik;
470           double uik10 = uik5 * uik5;
471           double uik11 = uik10 * uik;
472           double uik12 = uik11 * uik;
473           double rmix7 = pow(rmix, 7);
474           sum +=
475               integratlAfterRmin(
476                   emix, rmix7, r, r2, sk2, lik, lik2, lik3, lik4, lik5, lik10, lik11, lik12, uik,
477                   uik2, uik3, uik4, uik5, uik10, uik11, uik12);
478           if (gradient) {
479             double lik13 = lik12 * lik;
480             double uik6 = uik5 * uik;
481             double uik13 = uik12 * uik;
482             de +=
483                 integratlAfterRminDerivative(
484                     ri, emix, rmix, rmix7, iStart, r, r2, r3, sk, sk2, lik, lik2, lik3, lik5, lik6,
485                     lik12, lik13, uik, uik2, uik3, uik6, uik13);
486           }
487         }
488         // Increment the individual dispersion gradient components.
489         if (gradient) {
490           de = -de / r * factor * SLEVY * AWATER;
491           double dedx = de * xr;
492           double dedy = de * yr;
493           double dedz = de * zr;
494           grad.add(threadID, i, dedx, dedy, dedz);
495           grad.sub(threadID, k, dedx, dedy, dedz);
496         }
497       }
498       return factor * sum;
499     }
501     /**
502      * Integrate over the constant portion of the WCA disperion interaction Uwca(x) = eps; x < rmin.
503      *
504      * @param eps The well depth.
505      * @param rij The separation between the current atom and solvent blocking atom.
506      * @param rij2 The separation squared.
507      * @param rho2 The scaled size of the solvent blocking atom squared.
508      * @param lik2 The beginning of the integral squared.
509      * @param lik3 The beginning of the integral to the third.
510      * @param lik4 The beginning of the integral to the fourth.
511      * @param uik2 The end of the integral squared.
512      * @param uik3 The end of the integral to the third.
513      * @param uik4 The end of the integral to the fourth.
514      * @return The integral.
515      */
516     private double integralBeforeRMin(
517         double eps,
518         double rij,
519         double rij2,
520         double rho2,
521         double lik2,
522         double lik3,
523         double lik4,
524         double uik2,
525         double uik3,
526         double uik4) {
527       return -eps
528           * (4.0
529           * PI
530           * (3.0 * (lik4 - uik4) - 8.0 * rij * (lik3 - uik3) + 6.0 * (rij2 - rho2) * (lik2 - uik2))
531           / (48.0 * rij));
532     }
534     /**
535      * Derivative of the integral over the constant portion of the WCA disperion interaction Uwca(x)
536      * = eps; x < rmin.
537      *
538      * @param ri The beginning of the integral.
539      * @param eps The well depth.
540      * @param rmin The Rmin value.
541      * @param rij The separation between the current atom and solvent blocking atom.
542      * @param rij2 The separation squared.
543      * @param rij3 The separation to the third.
544      * @param rho The scaled size of the solvent blocking atom.
545      * @param rho2 The scaled size of the solvent blocking atom squared.
546      * @param lik The beginning of the integral.
547      * @param lik2 The beginning of the integral squared.
548      * @param lik3 The beginning of the integral to the third.
549      * @param uik The end of the integral.
550      * @param uik2 The end of the integral squared.
551      * @param uik3 The end of the integral to the third.
552      * @return The derivative of the integral.
553      */
554     private double integralBeforeRminDerivative(
555         double ri,
556         double eps,
557         double rmin,
558         double rij,
559         double rij2,
560         double rij3,
561         double rho,
562         double rho2,
563         double lik,
564         double lik2,
565         double lik3,
566         double uik,
567         double uik2,
568         double uik3) {
569       double dl;
570       if (ri > rij - rho) {
571         dl = (-lik2 + 2.0 * rij2 + 2.0 * rho2) * lik2;
572       } else {
573         dl =
574             (-lik3 + 4.0 * lik2 * rij - 6.0 * lik * rij2 + 2.0 * lik * rho2 + 4.0 * rij3
575                 - 4.0 * rij * rho2)
576                 * lik;
577       }
578       double du;
579       if (rij + rho > rmin) {
580         du = -(-uik2 + 2.0 * rij2 + 2.0 * rho2) * uik2;
581       } else {
582         du =
583             -(-uik3 + 4.0 * uik2 * rij - 6.0 * uik * rij2 + 2.0 * uik * rho2 + 4.0 * rij3
584                 - 4.0 * rij * rho2)
585                 * uik;
586       }
587       return -eps * PI * (dl + du) / (4.0 * rij2);
588     }
590     /**
591      * @param eps The well depth.
592      * @param rmin7 The rmin value to the seventh.
593      * @param rij The separation between the current atom and solvent blocking atom.
594      * @param rij2 The separation squared.
595      * @param rho2 The scaled size of the solvent blocking atom squared.
596      * @param lik The beginning of the integral.
597      * @param lik2 The beginning of the integral squared.
598      * @param lik3 The beginning of the integral to the third.
599      * @param lik4 The beginning of the integral to the fourth.
600      * @param lik5 The beginning of the integral to the fifth.
601      * @param lik10 The beginning of the integral to the tenth.
602      * @param lik11 The beginning of the integral to the eleventh.
603      * @param lik12 The beginning of the integral to the twelfth.
604      * @param uik The end of the integral.
605      * @param uik2 The end of the integral squared.
606      * @param uik3 The end of the integral to the third.
607      * @param uik4 The end of the integral to the fourth.
608      * @param uik5 The end of the integral to the fifth.
609      * @param uik10 The end of the integral to the tenth.
610      * @param uik11 The end of the integral to the eleventh.
611      * @param uik12 The end of the integral to the twelfth.
612      * @return The value of the integral.
613      */
614     private double integratlAfterRmin(
615         double eps,
616         double rmin7,
617         double rij,
618         double rij2,
619         double rho2,
620         double lik,
621         double lik2,
622         double lik3,
623         double lik4,
624         double lik5,
625         double lik10,
626         double lik11,
627         double lik12,
628         double uik,
629         double uik2,
630         double uik3,
631         double uik4,
632         double uik5,
633         double uik10,
634         double uik11,
635         double uik12) {
636       double er7 = eps * rmin7;
637       double term = (15.0 * uik * lik * rij * (uik4 - lik4)
638           - 10.0 * uik2 * lik2 * (uik3 - lik3)
639           + 6.0 * (rho2 - rij2) * (uik5 - lik5)) / (120.0 * rij * lik5 * uik5);
640       double term2 = (120.0 * uik * lik * rij * (uik11 - lik11)
641           - 66.0 * uik2 * lik2 * (uik10 - lik10)
642           + 55.0 * (rho2 - rij2) * (uik12 - lik12)) / (2640.0 * rij * lik12 * uik12);
643       double idisp = -2.0 * er7 * term;
644       double irep = er7 * rmin7 * term2;
645       return 4.0 * PI * (irep + idisp);
646     }
648     /**
649      * @param ri The beginning of the integral.
650      * @param eps The eps value.
651      * @param rmin The rmin value to the seventh.
652      * @param rmin7 The rmin value to the seventh.
653      * @param rij The separation between the current atom and solvent blocking atom.
654      * @param rij2 The separation squared.
655      * @param rij3 The separation cubed.
656      * @param rho The scaled size of the solvent blocking atom.
657      * @param rho2 The scaled size of the solvent blocking atom squared.
658      * @param lik The beginning of the integral.
659      * @param lik2 The beginning of the integral squared.
660      * @param lik3 The beginning of the integral to the third.
661      * @param lik5 The beginning of the integral to the fifth.
662      * @param lik6 The beginning of the integral to the sixth.
663      * @param lik12 The beginning of the integral to the twelfth.
664      * @param lik13 The beginning of the integral to the thirteenth.
665      * @param uik The end of the integral.
666      * @param uik2 The end of the integral squared.
667      * @param uik3 The end of the integral to the third.
668      * @param uik6 The end of the integral to the sixth.
669      * @param uik13 The end of the integral to the thirteenth.
670      * @return The value of the integral derivative.
671      */
672     private double integratlAfterRminDerivative(
673         double ri,
674         double eps,
675         double rmin,
676         double rmin7,
677         double rmax,
678         double rij,
679         double rij2,
680         double rij3,
681         double rho,
682         double rho2,
683         double lik,
684         double lik2,
685         double lik3,
686         double lik5,
687         double lik6,
688         double lik12,
689         double lik13,
690         double uik,
691         double uik2,
692         double uik3,
693         double uik6,
694         double uik13) {
695       double er7 = eps * rmin7;
696       double lowerTerm = lik2 * rij + rij3 - rij * rho2;
697       double upperTerm = uik2 * rij + rij3 - rij * rho2;
699       double dl;
700       if (ri > rij - rho || rmax < rmin) {
701         dl = -(-5.0 * lik2 + 3.0 * rij2 + 3.0 * rho2) / lik5;
702       } else {
703         dl = (5.0 * lik3 - 33.0 * lik * rij2 - 3.0 * lik * rho2 + 15.0 * lowerTerm) / lik6;
704       }
705       double du = -(5.0 * uik3 - 33.0 * uik * rij2 - 3.0 * uik * rho2 + 15.0 * upperTerm) / uik6;
706       double de = -2.0 * PI * er7 * (dl + du) / (15.0 * rij2);
708       if (ri > rij - rho || rmax < rmin) {
709         dl = -(-6.0 * lik2 + 5.0 * rij2 + 5.0 * rho2) / lik12;
710       } else {
711         dl = (6.0 * lik3 - 125.0 * lik * rij2 - 5.0 * lik * rho2 + 60.0 * lowerTerm) / lik13;
712       }
713       du = -(6.0 * uik3 - 125.0 * uik * rij2 - 5.0 * uik * rho2 + 60.0 * upperTerm) / uik13;
714       de += PI * er7 * rmin7 * (dl + du) / (60.0 * rij2);
716       return de;
717     }
718   }
719 }