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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2025.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.potential.nonbonded.implicit;
40  import edu.rit.pj.IntegerForLoop;
41  import edu.rit.pj.ParallelRegion;
42  import ffx.crystal.Crystal;
43  import ffx.crystal.SymOp;
44  import ffx.numerics.atomic.AtomicDoubleArray3D;
45  import ffx.potential.bonded.Atom;
47  import java.util.List;
48  import java.util.logging.Level;
49  import java.util.logging.Logger;
51  import static;
52  import static ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.t000;
53  import static ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.t001;
54  import static ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.t002;
55  import static ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.t010;
56  import static ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.t011;
57  import static ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.t020;
58  import static ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.t100;
59  import static ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.t101;
60  import static ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.t110;
61  import static ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.t200;
62  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.exp;
63  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sqrt;
65  /**
66   * Parallel computation of the Generalized Kirkwood permanent reaction field.
67   *
68   * @author Michael J. Schnieders
69   * @since 1.0
70   */
71  public class PermanentGKFieldRegion extends ParallelRegion {
73    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PermanentGKFieldRegion.class.getName());
74    /** Constant factor used with quadrupoles. */
75    private static final double oneThird = 1.0 / 3.0;
76    /** Empirical constant that controls the GK cross-term. */
77    private final double gkc;
78    /** Kirkwood monopole reaction field constant. */
79    private final double fc;
80    /** Kirkwood dipole reaction field constant. */
81    private final double fd;
82    /** Kirkwood quadrupole reaction field constant. */
83    private final double fq;
85    private final PermanentGKFieldLoop[] permanentGKFieldLoop;
86    /** An ordered array of atoms in the system. */
87    protected Atom[] atoms;
88    /** Multipole moments for each symmetry operator. */
89    private double[][][] globalMultipole;
90    /** Periodic boundary conditions and symmetry. */
91    private Crystal crystal;
92    /** Atomic coordinates for each symmetry operator. */
93    private double[][][] sXYZ;
94    /** Neighbor lists for each atom and symmetry operator. */
95    private int[][][] neighborLists;
96    /** Flag to indicate if an atom should be included. */
97    private boolean[] use = null;
98    /** GK cut-off distance squared. */
99    private double cut2;
100   /** Born radius of each atom. */
101   private double[] born;
102   /** Atomic GK field array. */
103   private AtomicDoubleArray3D sharedGKField;
105   /**
106    * Compute the GK field due to the permanent multipoles.
107    *
108    * @param nt  Number of threads.
109    * @param soluteDieletric The solute dielectric.
110    * @param solventDieletric The solvent dielectric.
111    * @param gkc The generalizing function parameter.
112    */
113   public PermanentGKFieldRegion(int nt, double soluteDieletric, double solventDieletric, double gkc) {
115     fc = cn(0, soluteDieletric, solventDieletric);
116     fd = cn(1, soluteDieletric, solventDieletric);
117     fq = cn(2, soluteDieletric, solventDieletric);
118     this.gkc = gkc;
120     permanentGKFieldLoop = new PermanentGKFieldLoop[nt];
121     for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
122       permanentGKFieldLoop[i] = new PermanentGKFieldLoop();
123     }
124   }
126   public void init(
127       Atom[] atoms,
128       double[][][] globalMultipole,
129       Crystal crystal,
130       double[][][] sXYZ,
131       int[][][] neighborLists,
132       boolean[] use,
133       double cut2,
134       double[] born,
135       AtomicDoubleArray3D sharedGKField) {
136     this.atoms = atoms;
137     this.globalMultipole = globalMultipole;
138     this.crystal = crystal;
139     this.sXYZ = sXYZ;
140     this.neighborLists = neighborLists;
141     this.use = use;
142     this.cut2 = cut2;
143     this.born = born;
144     this.sharedGKField = sharedGKField;
145   }
147   @Override
148   public void run() {
149     try {
150       int threadIndex = getThreadIndex();
151       int nAtoms = atoms.length;
152       execute(0, nAtoms - 1, permanentGKFieldLoop[threadIndex]);
153     } catch (Exception e) {
154       String message = "Fatal exception computing GK Energy in thread " + getThreadIndex() + "\n";
155       logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
156     }
157   }
159   /**
160    * Compute the Generalized Kirkwood permanent reaction field.
161    *
162    * @since 1.0
163    */
164   private class PermanentGKFieldLoop extends IntegerForLoop {
166     private final double[][] a;
167     private final double[] gc;
168     private final double[] gux, guy, guz;
169     private final double[] gqxx, gqyy, gqzz;
170     private final double[] gqxy, gqxz, gqyz;
171     private final double[] dx_local;
172     private int threadID;
173     private double xi, yi, zi;
174     private double ci, uxi, uyi, uzi, qxxi, qxyi, qxzi, qyyi, qyzi, qzzi;
175     private double rbi;
176     private int iSymm;
177     private double[][] transOp;
179     PermanentGKFieldLoop() {
180       a = new double[4][3];
181       gc = new double[11];
182       gux = new double[11];
183       guy = new double[11];
184       guz = new double[11];
185       gqxx = new double[11];
186       gqyy = new double[11];
187       gqzz = new double[11];
188       gqxy = new double[11];
189       gqxz = new double[11];
190       gqyz = new double[11];
191       dx_local = new double[3];
192       transOp = new double[3][3];
193     }
195     @Override
196     public void run(int lb, int ub) {
198       threadID = getThreadIndex();
200       double[] x = sXYZ[0][0];
201       double[] y = sXYZ[0][1];
202       double[] z = sXYZ[0][2];
204       int nSymm = crystal.spaceGroup.symOps.size();
205       List<SymOp> symOps = crystal.spaceGroup.symOps;
206       for (iSymm = 0; iSymm < nSymm; iSymm++) {
207         SymOp symOp = symOps.get(iSymm);
208         crystal.getTransformationOperator(symOp, transOp);
209         for (int i = lb; i <= ub; i++) {
210           if (!use[i]) {
211             continue;
212           }
213           xi = x[i];
214           yi = y[i];
215           zi = z[i];
216           double[] multipolei = globalMultipole[0][i];
217           ci = multipolei[t000];
218           uxi = multipolei[t100];
219           uyi = multipolei[t010];
220           uzi = multipolei[t001];
221           qxxi = multipolei[t200] * oneThird;
222           qxyi = multipolei[t110] * oneThird;
223           qxzi = multipolei[t101] * oneThird;
224           qyyi = multipolei[t020] * oneThird;
225           qyzi = multipolei[t011] * oneThird;
226           qzzi = multipolei[t002] * oneThird;
227           rbi = born[i];
228           int[] list = neighborLists[iSymm][i];
229           for (int k : list) {
230             if (!use[k]) {
231               continue;
232             }
233             permanentGKField(i, k);
234           }
236           // Include the self permanent reaction field, which is not in the neighbor list.
237           if (iSymm == 0) {
238             permanentGKField(i, i);
239           }
240         }
241       }
242     }
244     private void permanentGKField(int i, int k) {
245       dx_local[0] = sXYZ[iSymm][0][k] - xi;
246       dx_local[1] = sXYZ[iSymm][1][k] - yi;
247       dx_local[2] = sXYZ[iSymm][2][k] - zi;
248       final double r2 = crystal.image(dx_local);
249       if (r2 > cut2) {
250         return;
251       }
252       double xr = dx_local[0];
253       double yr = dx_local[1];
254       double zr = dx_local[2];
255       double xr2 = xr * xr;
256       double yr2 = yr * yr;
257       double zr2 = zr * zr;
258       final double rbk = born[k];
259       final double[] multipolek = globalMultipole[iSymm][k];
260       final double ck = multipolek[t000];
261       final double uxk = multipolek[t100];
262       final double uyk = multipolek[t010];
263       final double uzk = multipolek[t001];
264       final double qxxk = multipolek[t200] * oneThird;
265       final double qxyk = multipolek[t110] * oneThird;
266       final double qxzk = multipolek[t101] * oneThird;
267       final double qyyk = multipolek[t020] * oneThird;
268       final double qyzk = multipolek[t011] * oneThird;
269       final double qzzk = multipolek[t002] * oneThird;
270       final double rb2 = rbi * rbk;
271       final double expterm = exp(-r2 / (gkc * rb2));
272       final double expc = expterm / gkc;
273       final double expc1 = 1.0 - expc;
274       final double dexpc = -2.0 / (gkc * rb2);
275       final double expcdexpc = -expc * dexpc;
276       final double gf2 = 1.0 / (r2 + rb2 * expterm);
277       final double gf = sqrt(gf2);
278       final double gf3 = gf2 * gf;
279       final double gf5 = gf3 * gf2;
280       final double gf7 = gf5 * gf2;
282       // Reaction potential auxiliary terms.
283       a[0][0] = gf;
284       a[1][0] = -gf3;
285       a[2][0] = 3.0 * gf5;
286       a[3][0] = -15.0 * gf7;
288       // Reaction potential gradient auxiliary terms.
289       a[0][1] = expc1 * a[1][0];
290       a[1][1] = expc1 * a[2][0];
291       a[2][1] = expc1 * a[3][0];
292       // 2nd reaction potential gradient auxiliary terms.
293       a[1][2] = expc1 * a[2][1] + expcdexpc * a[2][0];
295       // Multiply the potential auxiliary terms by their dielectric functions.
296       a[0][1] = fc * a[0][1];
297       a[1][0] = fd * a[1][0];
298       a[1][1] = fd * a[1][1];
299       a[1][2] = fd * a[1][2];
300       a[2][0] = fq * a[2][0];
301       a[2][1] = fq * a[2][1];
303       // Unweighted reaction potential tensor.
304       gux[1] = xr * a[1][0];
305       guy[1] = yr * a[1][0];
306       guz[1] = zr * a[1][0];
308       // Unweighted reaction potential gradient tensor.
309       gc[2] = xr * a[0][1];
310       gc[3] = yr * a[0][1];
311       gc[4] = zr * a[0][1];
312       gux[2] = a[1][0] + xr2 * a[1][1];
313       gux[3] = xr * yr * a[1][1];
314       gux[4] = xr * zr * a[1][1];
315       guy[2] = gux[3];
316       guy[3] = a[1][0] + yr2 * a[1][1];
317       guy[4] = yr * zr * a[1][1];
318       guz[2] = gux[4];
319       guz[3] = guy[4];
320       guz[4] = a[1][0] + zr2 * a[1][1];
321       gqxx[2] = xr * (2.0 * a[2][0] + xr2 * a[2][1]);
322       gqxx[3] = yr * xr2 * a[2][1];
323       gqxx[4] = zr * xr2 * a[2][1];
324       gqyy[2] = xr * yr2 * a[2][1];
325       gqyy[3] = yr * (2.0 * a[2][0] + yr2 * a[2][1]);
326       gqyy[4] = zr * yr2 * a[2][1];
327       gqzz[2] = xr * zr2 * a[2][1];
328       gqzz[3] = yr * zr2 * a[2][1];
329       gqzz[4] = zr * (2.0 * a[2][0] + zr2 * a[2][1]);
330       gqxy[2] = yr * (a[2][0] + xr2 * a[2][1]);
331       gqxy[3] = xr * (a[2][0] + yr2 * a[2][1]);
332       gqxy[4] = zr * xr * yr * a[2][1];
333       gqxz[2] = zr * (a[2][0] + xr2 * a[2][1]);
334       gqxz[3] = gqxy[4];
335       gqxz[4] = xr * (a[2][0] + zr2 * a[2][1]);
336       gqyz[2] = gqxy[4];
337       gqyz[3] = zr * (a[2][0] + yr2 * a[2][1]);
338       gqyz[4] = yr * (a[2][0] + zr2 * a[2][1]);
340       // Unweighted 2nd reaction potential gradient tensor.
341       gux[5] = xr * (3.0 * a[1][1] + xr2 * a[1][2]);
342       gux[6] = yr * (a[1][1] + xr2 * a[1][2]);
343       gux[7] = zr * (a[1][1] + xr2 * a[1][2]);
344       gux[8] = xr * (a[1][1] + yr2 * a[1][2]);
345       gux[9] = zr * xr * yr * a[1][2];
346       gux[10] = xr * (a[1][1] + zr2 * a[1][2]);
347       guy[5] = yr * (a[1][1] + xr2 * a[1][2]);
348       guy[6] = xr * (a[1][1] + yr2 * a[1][2]);
349       guy[7] = gux[9];
350       guy[8] = yr * (3.0 * a[1][1] + yr2 * a[1][2]);
351       guy[9] = zr * (a[1][1] + yr2 * a[1][2]);
352       guy[10] = yr * (a[1][1] + zr2 * a[1][2]);
353       guz[5] = zr * (a[1][1] + xr2 * a[1][2]);
354       guz[6] = gux[9];
355       guz[7] = xr * (a[1][1] + zr2 * a[1][2]);
356       guz[8] = zr * (a[1][1] + yr2 * a[1][2]);
357       guz[9] = yr * (a[1][1] + zr2 * a[1][2]);
358       guz[10] = zr * (3.0 * a[1][1] + zr2 * a[1][2]);
360       // Generalized Kirkwood permanent reaction field.
361       double fix =
362           uxk * gux[2]
363               + uyk * gux[3]
364               + uzk * gux[4]
365               + 0.5
366                   * (ck * gux[1]
367                       + qxxk * gux[5]
368                       + qyyk * gux[8]
369                       + qzzk * gux[10]
370                       + 2.0 * (qxyk * gux[6] + qxzk * gux[7] + qyzk * gux[9]))
371               + 0.5
372                   * (ck * gc[2]
373                       + qxxk * gqxx[2]
374                       + qyyk * gqyy[2]
375                       + qzzk * gqzz[2]
376                       + 2.0 * (qxyk * gqxy[2] + qxzk * gqxz[2] + qyzk * gqyz[2]));
377       double fiy =
378           uxk * guy[2]
379               + uyk * guy[3]
380               + uzk * guy[4]
381               + 0.5
382                   * (ck * guy[1]
383                       + qxxk * guy[5]
384                       + qyyk * guy[8]
385                       + qzzk * guy[10]
386                       + 2.0 * (qxyk * guy[6] + qxzk * guy[7] + qyzk * guy[9]))
387               + 0.5
388                   * (ck * gc[3]
389                       + qxxk * gqxx[3]
390                       + qyyk * gqyy[3]
391                       + qzzk * gqzz[3]
392                       + 2.0 * (qxyk * gqxy[3] + qxzk * gqxz[3] + qyzk * gqyz[3]));
393       double fiz =
394           uxk * guz[2]
395               + uyk * guz[3]
396               + uzk * guz[4]
397               + 0.5
398                   * (ck * guz[1]
399                       + qxxk * guz[5]
400                       + qyyk * guz[8]
401                       + qzzk * guz[10]
402                       + 2.0 * (qxyk * guz[6] + qxzk * guz[7] + qyzk * guz[9]))
403               + 0.5
404                   * (ck * gc[4]
405                       + qxxk * gqxx[4]
406                       + qyyk * gqyy[4]
407                       + qzzk * gqzz[4]
408                       + 2.0 * (qxyk * gqxy[4] + qxzk * gqxz[4] + qyzk * gqyz[4]));
409       double fkx =
410           uxi * gux[2]
411               + uyi * gux[3]
412               + uzi * gux[4]
413               - 0.5
414                   * (ci * gux[1]
415                       + qxxi * gux[5]
416                       + qyyi * gux[8]
417                       + qzzi * gux[10]
418                       + 2.0 * (qxyi * gux[6] + qxzi * gux[7] + qyzi * gux[9]))
419               - 0.5
420                   * (ci * gc[2]
421                       + qxxi * gqxx[2]
422                       + qyyi * gqyy[2]
423                       + qzzi * gqzz[2]
424                       + 2.0 * (qxyi * gqxy[2] + qxzi * gqxz[2] + qyzi * gqyz[2]));
425       double fky =
426           uxi * guy[2]
427               + uyi * guy[3]
428               + uzi * guy[4]
429               - 0.5
430                   * (ci * guy[1]
431                       + qxxi * guy[5]
432                       + qyyi * guy[8]
433                       + qzzi * guy[10]
434                       + 2.0 * (qxyi * guy[6] + qxzi * guy[7] + qyzi * guy[9]))
435               - 0.5
436                   * (ci * gc[3]
437                       + qxxi * gqxx[3]
438                       + qyyi * gqyy[3]
439                       + qzzi * gqzz[3]
440                       + 2.0 * (qxyi * gqxy[3] + qxzi * gqxz[3] + qyzi * gqyz[3]));
441       double fkz =
442           uxi * guz[2]
443               + uyi * guz[3]
444               + uzi * guz[4]
445               - 0.5
446                   * (ci * guz[1]
447                       + qxxi * guz[5]
448                       + qyyi * guz[8]
449                       + qzzi * guz[10]
450                       + 2.0 * (qxyi * guz[6] + qxzi * guz[7] + qyzi * guz[9]))
451               - 0.5
452                   * (ci * gc[4]
453                       + qxxi * gqxx[4]
454                       + qyyi * gqyy[4]
455                       + qzzi * gqzz[4]
456                       + 2.0 * (qxyi * gqxy[4] + qxzi * gqxz[4] + qyzi * gqyz[4]));
458       // Scale the self-field by half, such that it sums to one below.
459       if (i == k) {
460         fix *= 0.5;
461         fiy *= 0.5;
462         fiz *= 0.5;
463         fkx *= 0.5;
464         fky *= 0.5;
465         fkz *= 0.5;
466       }
468       double xc = fkx;
469       double yc = fky;
470       double zc = fkz;
471       fkx = xc * transOp[0][0] + yc * transOp[1][0] + zc * transOp[2][0];
472       fky = xc * transOp[0][1] + yc * transOp[1][1] + zc * transOp[2][1];
473       fkz = xc * transOp[0][2] + yc * transOp[1][2] + zc * transOp[2][2];
475       sharedGKField.add(threadID, i, fix, fiy, fiz);
476       sharedGKField.add(threadID, k, fkx, fky, fkz);
477     }
478   }
479 }