Uses of Package
Packages that use ffx.potential.parsers
The Bonded package implements bonded molecular mechanics terms such as bonds, angles, torsions,
The Parsers package handles reading/writing files to/from the internal data structure.
The Utils package implements core functionality needed for using the Potential package, such as
opening and closing structure files, basic force field energy evaluations, etc.
The UI package provides views and controllers for manipulating molecular systems.
The Commands package implements a Client/Server interface between Force Field X and simulations.
Classes in ffx.potential.parsers used by ffx.potential.bondedClassDescriptionPresently, VERSION3_3 is default, and VERSION3_2 is anything non-standard.
Classes in ffx.potential.parsers used by ffx.potential.parsersClassDescriptionPresently, VERSION3_3 is default, and VERSION3_2 is anything non-standard.The SystemFilter class is the base class for most Force Field X file parsers.
Classes in ffx.potential.parsers used by ffx.potential.utilsClassDescriptionThe FileOpener interface specifies Runnable objects which can return one or more MolecularAssemblies.The SystemFilter class is the base class for most Force Field X file parsers.
Classes in ffx.potential.parsers used by ffx.uiClassDescriptionThe FileOpener interface specifies Runnable objects which can return one or more MolecularAssemblies.The SystemFilter class is the base class for most Force Field X file parsers.
Classes in ffx.potential.parsers used by ffx.ui.commandsClassDescriptionThe SystemFilter class is the base class for most Force Field X file parsers.