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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.numerics.special;
40  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.PI;
41  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.abs;
42  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.exp;
43  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.floor;
44  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sqrt;
46  /**
47   * Static methods to evaluate erf(x) and erfc(x) for a real argument x. Rational functions are used
48   * that approximate erf(x) and erfc(x) to machine precision (approximately 15 decimal digits).
49   *
50   * <p>Adapted from an original program written by W. J. Cody, Mathematics and Computer Science
51   * Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439
52   *
53   * <p>
54   *
55   * @author Michael J. Schnieders
56   * @since 1.0
57   */
58  public class Erf {
60    /**
61     * Mathematical and machine-dependent constants.
62     */
63    private static final double sqrtPI = 1.0 / sqrt(PI);
65    private static final double oneSixteenth = 1.0 / 16.0;
66    private static final double thresh = 0.46875;
67    /**
68     * The xSmall argument below which erf(x) may be represented by 2*x/sqrt(pi) and above which x*x won't underflow.
69     * <p>
70     * A conservative value is the largest machine number X such that 1.0 + X = 1.0 to machine precision.
71     */
72    private static final double xSmall = 1.11e-16;
73    /**
74     * xBig is the largest argument acceptable for erfc.
75     * <p>
76     * Solution to the equation:
77     * <p>
78     * W(x) * (1-0.5/x**2) = xMin, where
79     * <p>
80     * W(x) = exp(-x*x)/[x*sqrt(pi)]
81     */
82    private static final double xBig = 26.543;
84    private Erf() {
85    }
87    /**
88     * Evaluates erf(x) for a real argument x.
89     *
90     * @param arg the value to evaluate erf at.
91     * @return erf of the argument.
92     * @since 1.0
93     */
94    public static double erf(double arg) {
95      return erfCore(arg, false);
96    }
98    /**
99     * Evaluate erfc(x) for a real argument x.
100    *
101    * @param arg the value to evaluate erfc at.
102    * @return erfc of the argument.
103    * @since 1.0
104    */
105   public static double erfc(double arg) {
106     return erfCore(arg, true);
107   }
109   /**
110    * Evaluates erf(x) or erfc(x) for a real argument x. When called with mode = false, erf is
111    * returned, while with mode = true, erfc is returned.
112    *
113    * @param x    the value to evaluate erf or erfc at.
114    * @param mode if mode is true, evaluate erfc, otherwise evaluate erf.
115    * @return if (!mode) erf(arg), else erfc(arg)
116    * @since 1.0
117    */
118   private static double erfCore(double x, boolean mode) {
120     // Store the argument and its absolute value.
121     final double y = abs(x);
122     double result = 0.0;
124     // Evaluate error function for |x| less than 0.46875.
125     if (y <= thresh) {
126       double ysq = 0.0;
127       if (y > xSmall) {
128         ysq = y * y;
129       }
130       double xNum = 1.85777706184603153e-1 * ysq;
131       double xDen = ysq;
132       xNum = (xNum + 3.16112374387056560e0) * ysq;
133       xDen = (xDen + 2.36012909523441209e1) * ysq;
134       xNum = (xNum + 1.13864154151050156e2) * ysq;
135       xDen = (xDen + 2.44024637934444173e2) * ysq;
136       xNum = (xNum + 3.77485237685302021e2) * ysq;
137       xDen = (xDen + 1.28261652607737228e3) * ysq;
138       result = x * (xNum + 3.20937758913846947e3) / (xDen + 2.84423683343917062e3);
139       if (mode) {
140         result = 1.0 - result;
141       }
142     } else if (y <= 4.0) {
143       // Get complementary error function for 0.46875 <= |x| <= 4.0.
144       double xNum = 2.15311535474403846e-8 * y;
145       double xDen = y;
146       xNum = (xNum + 5.64188496988670089e-1) * y;
147       xDen = (xDen + 1.57449261107098347e1) * y;
148       xNum = (xNum + 8.88314979438837594e0) * y;
149       xDen = (xDen + 1.17693950891312499e2) * y;
150       xNum = (xNum + 6.61191906371416295e1) * y;
151       xDen = (xDen + 5.37181101862009858e2) * y;
152       xNum = (xNum + 2.98635138197400131e2) * y;
153       xDen = (xDen + 1.62138957456669019e3) * y;
154       xNum = (xNum + 8.81952221241769090e2) * y;
155       xDen = (xDen + 3.29079923573345963e3) * y;
156       xNum = (xNum + 1.71204761263407058e3) * y;
157       xDen = (xDen + 4.36261909014324716e3) * y;
158       xNum = (xNum + 2.05107837782607147e3) * y;
159       xDen = (xDen + 3.43936767414372164e3) * y;
160       result = (xNum + 1.23033935479799725e3) / (xDen + 1.23033935480374942e3);
161       double ysq = floor(16.0 * y) * oneSixteenth;
162       double del = (y - ysq) * (y + ysq);
163       result = exp(-ysq * ysq - del) * result;
164       if (!mode) {
165         result = 1.0 - result;
166         if (x < 0.0) {
167           result = -result;
168         }
169       } else if (x < 0.0) {
170         result = 2.0 - result;
171       }
172     } else {
173       // Get complementary error function for |x| greater than 4.0.
174       if (y < xBig) {
175         double iy = 1.0 / y;
176         double ysq = iy * iy;
177         double xNum = 1.63153871373020978e-2 * ysq;
178         double xDen = ysq;
179         xNum = (xNum + 3.05326634961232344e-1) * ysq;
180         xDen = (xDen + 2.56852019228982242e0) * ysq;
181         xNum = (xNum + 3.60344899949804439e-1) * ysq;
182         xDen = (xDen + 1.87295284992346047e0) * ysq;
183         xNum = (xNum + 1.25781726111229246e-1) * ysq;
184         xDen = (xDen + 5.27905102951428412e-1) * ysq;
185         xNum = (xNum + 1.60837851487422766e-2) * ysq;
186         xDen = (xDen + 6.05183413124413191e-2) * ysq;
187         result = ysq * (xNum + 6.58749161529837803e-4) / (xDen + 2.33520497626869185e-3);
188         result = (sqrtPI - result) * iy;
189         ysq = floor(16.0 * y) * oneSixteenth;
190         double del = (y - ysq) * (y + ysq);
191         result = exp(-ysq * ysq - del) * result;
192       }
193       if (!mode) {
194         result = 1.0 - result;
195         if (x < 0.0) {
196           result = -result;
197         }
198       } else {
199         if (x < 0.0) {
200           result = 2.0 - result;
201         }
202       }
203     }
204     return result;
205   }
206 }