View Javadoc
1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.algorithms.thermodynamics;
40  import;
41  import edu.rit.pj.Comm;
42  import ffx.algorithms.AlgorithmListener;
43  import ffx.algorithms.cli.DynamicsOptions;
44  import ffx.algorithms.cli.LambdaParticleOptions;
45  import ffx.algorithms.dynamics.Barostat;
46  import ffx.algorithms.dynamics.integrators.Stochastic;
47  import ffx.algorithms.optimize.Minimize;
48  import ffx.crystal.Crystal;
49  import ffx.crystal.CrystalPotential;
50  import ffx.numerics.Potential;
51  import ffx.numerics.integrate.DataSet;
52  import ffx.numerics.integrate.DoublesDataSet;
53  import ffx.numerics.integrate.Integrate1DNumeric;
54  import ffx.numerics.integrate.Integrate1DNumeric.IntegrationType;
55  import ffx.potential.MolecularAssembly;
56  import ffx.potential.SystemState;
57  import ffx.potential.Utilities;
58  import ffx.potential.bonded.LambdaInterface;
59  import ffx.potential.parsers.PDBFilter;
60  import ffx.potential.parsers.SystemFilter;
61  import ffx.potential.parsers.XYZFilter;
62  import org.apache.commons.configuration2.CompositeConfiguration;
63  import;
65  import javax.annotation.Nullable;
66  import;
67  import;
68  import java.util.ArrayList;
69  import java.util.Arrays;
70  import java.util.List;
71  import java.util.Optional;
72  import java.util.logging.Level;
73  import java.util.logging.Logger;
75  import static ffx.numerics.integrate.Integrate1DNumeric.IntegrationType.SIMPSONS;
76  import static ffx.utilities.Constants.R;
77  import static java.lang.String.format;
78  import static java.lang.System.arraycopy;
79  import static java.util.Arrays.fill;
80  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.PI;
81  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.abs;
82  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.asin;
83  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.exp;
84  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.floor;
85  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sin;
86  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sqrt;
88  /**
89   * An implementation of the Orthogonal Space Tempering algorithm.
90   *
91   * <p>This only partially implements the LambdaInterface, since it does not return 2nd lambda
92   * derivatives. The 2nd derivatives of the bias require 3rd derivatives of the underlying Hamiltonian
93   * (not these derivatives are not needed for OST MD).
94   *
95   * @author Michael J. Schnieders, James Dama, Wei Yang and Pengyu Ren
96   * @since 1.0
97   */
98  public class OrthogonalSpaceTempering implements CrystalPotential, LambdaInterface {
100   private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OrthogonalSpaceTempering.class.getName());
101   /**
102    * The potential energy of the system.
103    */
104   protected final CrystalPotential potential;
105   /**
106    * Reference to the Barostat in use; if present this must be turned off during optimization.
107    */
108   protected final Barostat barostat;
109   /**
110    * The AlgorithmListener is called each time a count is added.
111    */
112   protected final AlgorithmListener algorithmListener;
113   /**
114    * Print detailed energy information.
115    */
116   protected final boolean print = false;
117   /**
118    * Number of variables.
119    */
120   protected final int nVariables;
121   /**
122    * A potential energy that implements the LambdaInterface.
123    */
124   private final LambdaInterface lambdaInterface;
125   /**
126    * List of additional Histograms this OST can switch to.
127    */
128   private final List<Histogram> allHistograms = new ArrayList<>();
129   /**
130    * Parameters to control saving local optimizations.
131    */
132   private final OptimizationParameters optimizationParameters;
133   /**
134    * Properties.
135    */
136   private final CompositeConfiguration properties;
137   /**
138    * The MolecularAssembly being simulated.
139    */
140   protected MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly;
141   /**
142    * Are FAST varying energy terms being computed, SLOW varying energy terms, or BOTH. OST is not
143    * active when only FAST varying energy terms are being propagated.
144    */
145   protected Potential.STATE state = Potential.STATE.BOTH;
146   /**
147    * Force Field Potential Energy (i.e. with no bias terms added).
148    */
149   protected double forceFieldEnergy;
150   /**
151    * Contains counts for the OST bias.
152    */
153   private Histogram histogram;
154   /**
155    * Index of the current Histogram.
156    */
157   private int histogramIndex;
158   /**
159    * Flag to indicate that the Lambda particle should be propagated.
160    */
161   private boolean propagateLambda = true;
162   /**
163    * Mixed second partial derivative with respect to coordinates and lambda.
164    */
165   private final double[] dUdXdL;
167   /**
168    * Gradient array needed when the OST Energy method is called.
169    */
170   private final double[] tempGradient;
172   /**
173    * Partial derivative of the force field energy with respect to lambda.
174    */
175   private double dForceFieldEnergydL;
176   /**
177    * Magnitude of the 2D orthogonal space bias G(L,dE/dL).
178    */
179   private double gLdEdL = 0.0;
180   /**
181    * OST Bias energy.
182    */
183   private double biasEnergy;
184   /**
185    * Total system energy.
186    */
187   private double totalEnergy;
188   /**
189    * Total partial derivative of the potential (U) being sampled with respect to lambda.
190    */
191   private double dUdLambda;
192   /**
193    * Second partial derivative of the potential being sampled with respect to lambda.
194    */
195   private double d2UdL2;
196   /**
197    * If true, values of (lambda, dU/dL) that have not been observed are rejected.
198    */
199   private boolean hardWallConstraint = false;
201   private final DynamicsOptions dynamicsOptions;
203   private final LambdaParticleOptions lambdaParticleOptions;
205   /**
206    * OST Constructor.
207    *
208    * @param lambdaInterface       defines Lambda and dU/dL.
209    * @param potential             defines the Potential energy.
210    * @param histogramData         contains histogram restart data.
211    * @param lambdaData            contains lambda restart data.
212    * @param properties            defines System properties.
213    * @param dynamicsOptions       defines molecular dynamics parameters.
214    * @param lambdaParticleOptions defines lambda particle parameters.
215    * @param algorithmListener     the AlgorithmListener to be notified of progress.
216    */
217   public OrthogonalSpaceTempering(LambdaInterface lambdaInterface, CrystalPotential potential,
218                                   HistogramData histogramData, LambdaData lambdaData, CompositeConfiguration properties,
219                                   DynamicsOptions dynamicsOptions, LambdaParticleOptions lambdaParticleOptions,
220                                   AlgorithmListener algorithmListener) {
221     this.lambdaInterface = lambdaInterface;
222     this.potential = potential;
223 = properties;
224     this.dynamicsOptions = dynamicsOptions;
225     this.lambdaParticleOptions = lambdaParticleOptions;
226     this.algorithmListener = algorithmListener;
227     nVariables = potential.getNumberOfVariables();
229     if (potential instanceof Barostat) {
230       barostat = (Barostat) potential;
231     } else {
232       barostat = null;
233     }
235     dUdXdL = new double[nVariables];
236     tempGradient = new double[nVariables];
238     // Init the Histogram.
239     histogram = new Histogram(properties, histogramData, lambdaData);
240     histogramIndex = 0;
241     allHistograms.add(histogram);
243     // Configure optimization parameters.
244     optimizationParameters = new OptimizationParameters(properties);
245   }
247   /**
248    * Add an alternate Histogram this OST can use.
249    *
250    * @param histogramData Settings to use for the new Histogram.
251    */
252   public void addHistogram(HistogramData histogramData, LambdaData lambdaData) {
253     Histogram newHisto = new Histogram(properties, histogramData, lambdaData);
254     histogramData.asynchronous = this.histogram.hd.asynchronous;
255     allHistograms.add(newHisto);
256   }
258   /**
259    * {@inheritDoc}
260    */
261   @Override
262   public boolean dEdLZeroAtEnds() {
263     return false;
264   }
266   /**
267    * {@inheritDoc}
268    */
269   @Override
270   public boolean destroy() {
271     // Shut down the CountReceiveThread.
272     histogram.destroy();
273     return potential.destroy();
274   }
276   /**
277    * Compute the force field + bias energy.
278    */
279   public double energy(double[] x) {
281     // OST is propagated with the slowly varying terms.
282     if (state == Potential.STATE.FAST) {
283       forceFieldEnergy =;
284       return forceFieldEnergy;
285     }
287     // Stochastic dynamics pre-force propagation.
288     if (propagateLambda) {
289       histogram.stochasticPreForce();
290     }
292     // We have to compute the energy and gradient, since we need dU/dL to be computed.
293     fill(tempGradient, 0.0);
294     forceFieldEnergy = potential.energyAndGradient(x, tempGradient);
296     dForceFieldEnergydL = lambdaInterface.getdEdL();
297     d2UdL2 = lambdaInterface.getd2EdL2();
298     int lambdaBin = histogram.indexForLambda();
299     dUdLambda = dForceFieldEnergydL;
301     gLdEdL = 0.0;
302     double bias1D;
303     // Update the free energy difference.
304     histogram.updateFreeEnergyDifference(false, false);
305     if (histogram.hd.metaDynamics) {
306       bias1D = histogram.energyAndGradientMeta(true);
307     } else {
308       // Calculate recursion kernel G(L, F_L) and its derivatives with respect to L and F_L.
309       if (histogram.hd.biasMag > 0.0) {
310         double[] chainRule = new double[2];
311         gLdEdL = histogram.energyAndGradient2D(dUdLambda, chainRule);
312         double dGdLambda = chainRule[0];
313         double dGdFLambda = chainRule[1];
314         dUdLambda += dGdLambda + dGdFLambda * d2UdL2;
315       }
317       // Compute the energy and gradient for the recursion worker at F(L) using interpolation.
318       bias1D = histogram.energyAndGradient1D(true);
319     }
321     // The total bias energy is the sum of the 1D and 2D terms.
322     biasEnergy = bias1D + gLdEdL;
324     if (print) {
325" Bias Energy        %16.8f", biasEnergy));
326" %s %16.8f  (Kcal/mole)", "OST Potential    ", forceFieldEnergy + biasEnergy));
327     }
329     if (propagateLambda) {
330       histogram.stochasticPostForce();
332       histogram.ld.stepsTaken++;
333       long energyCount = histogram.ld.stepsTaken;
335       // Log the current Lambda state.
336       int printFrequency = dynamicsOptions.getReportFrequency(100);
337       if (energyCount % printFrequency == 0) {
338         double dBdL = dUdLambda - dForceFieldEnergydL;
339         double lambda = histogram.ld.lambda;
340         int lambdaBins = histogram.hd.getLambdaBins();
341         if (lambdaBins < 1000) {
342 " L=%6.4f (%3d) F_LU=%10.4f F_LB=%10.4f F_L=%10.4f V_L=%10.4f", lambda,
343               lambdaBin, dForceFieldEnergydL, dBdL, dUdLambda, histogram.ld.thetaVelocity));
344         } else {
345 " L=%6.4f (%4d) F_LU=%10.4f F_LB=%10.4f F_L=%10.4f V_L=%10.4f", lambda,
346               lambdaBin, dForceFieldEnergydL, dBdL, dUdLambda, histogram.ld.thetaVelocity));
347         }
348       }
350       // Metadynamics grid counts (every 'countInterval' steps).
351       if (energyCount % histogram.hd.countInterval == 0) {
352         histogram.addBias(dForceFieldEnergydL);
354         // Locally optimize the current state.
355         if (optimizationParameters.doOptimization) {
356           optimizationParameters.optimize(forceFieldEnergy, x, tempGradient);
357         }
359         if (algorithmListener != null) {
360           algorithmListener.algorithmUpdate(molecularAssembly);
361         }
362       }
363     }
365     totalEnergy = forceFieldEnergy + biasEnergy;
367     return totalEnergy;
368   }
370   /**
371    * {@inheritDoc}
372    */
373   @Override
374   public double energyAndGradient(double[] x, double[] gradient) {
376     // Stochastic dynamics pre-force propagation.
377     if (state != STATE.FAST && propagateLambda) {
378       histogram.stochasticPreForce();
379     }
381     // Compute the force field energy and gradient.
382     forceFieldEnergy = potential.energyAndGradient(x, gradient);
384     // OST is propagated with the slowly varying terms.
385     if (state == STATE.FAST) {
386       return forceFieldEnergy;
387     }
389     // dU/dL is the partial derivative of the force field energy with respect to lambda.
390     dForceFieldEnergydL = lambdaInterface.getdEdL();
391     dUdLambda = dForceFieldEnergydL;
392     d2UdL2 = lambdaInterface.getd2EdL2();
394     gLdEdL = 0.0;
395     double bias1D;
396     // Update the free energy difference.
397     histogram.updateFreeEnergyDifference(false, false);
398     if (histogram.hd.metaDynamics) {
399       bias1D = histogram.energyAndGradientMeta(true);
400     } else {
401       if (histogram.hd.biasMag > 0) {
402         double[] chainRule = new double[2];
403         gLdEdL = histogram.energyAndGradient2D(dUdLambda, chainRule);
404         double dGdLambda = chainRule[0];
405         double dGdFLambda = chainRule[1];
407         // Lambda gradient due to recursion kernel G(L, F_L).
408         dUdLambda += dGdLambda + dGdFLambda * d2UdL2;
410         // Cartesian coordinate gradient due to recursion kernel G(L, F_L).
411         fill(dUdXdL, 0.0);
412         lambdaInterface.getdEdXdL(dUdXdL);
413         for (int i = 0; i < nVariables; i++) {
414           gradient[i] += dGdFLambda * dUdXdL[i];
415         }
416       }
418       // Compute the energy and gradient for the recursion worker at F(L) using interpolation.
419       bias1D = histogram.energyAndGradient1D(true);
420     }
422     // The total bias is the sum of 1D and 2D terms.
423     biasEnergy = bias1D + gLdEdL;
425     if (print) {
426" %s %16.8f", "Bias Energy       ", biasEnergy));
427" %s %16.8f  %s", "OST Potential    ", forceFieldEnergy + biasEnergy, "(Kcal/mole)"));
428     }
430     if (propagateLambda) {
431       histogram.stochasticPostForce();
433       histogram.ld.stepsTaken++;
434       long energyCount = histogram.ld.stepsTaken;
436       // Log the current Lambda state.
437       int printFrequency = dynamicsOptions.getReportFrequency(100);
438       if (energyCount % printFrequency == 0) {
439         double dBdL = dUdLambda - dForceFieldEnergydL;
440         int lambdaBin = histogram.indexForLambda();
441         double lambda = histogram.ld.lambda;
442         int lambdaBins = histogram.hd.getLambdaBins();
443         if (lambdaBins < 1000) {
444 " L=%6.4f (%3d) F_LU=%10.4f F_LB=%10.4f F_L=%10.4f V_L=%10.4f", lambda,
445               lambdaBin, dForceFieldEnergydL, dBdL, dUdLambda, histogram.ld.thetaVelocity));
446         } else {
447 " L=%6.4f (%4d) F_LU=%10.4f F_LB=%10.4f F_L=%10.4f V_L=%10.4f", lambda,
448               lambdaBin, dForceFieldEnergydL, dBdL, dUdLambda, histogram.ld.thetaVelocity));
449         }
450       }
452       // Metadynamics grid counts (every 'countInterval' steps).
453       if (energyCount % histogram.hd.countInterval == 0) {
454         histogram.addBias(dForceFieldEnergydL);
456         // Locally optimize the current state.
457         if (optimizationParameters.doOptimization) {
458           optimizationParameters.optimize(forceFieldEnergy, x, gradient);
459         }
461         if (algorithmListener != null) {
462           algorithmListener.algorithmUpdate(molecularAssembly);
463         }
464       }
465     }
467     totalEnergy = forceFieldEnergy + biasEnergy;
469     return totalEnergy;
470   }
472   /**
473    * {@inheritDoc}
474    */
475   @Override
476   public double[] getAcceleration(double[] acceleration) {
477     return potential.getAcceleration(acceleration);
478   }
480   public Histogram[] getAllHistograms() {
481     int nHisto = allHistograms.size();
482     Histogram[] ret = new Histogram[nHisto];
483     ret = allHistograms.toArray(ret);
484     return ret;
485   }
487   /**
488    * {@inheritDoc}
489    */
490   @Override
491   public double[] getCoordinates(double[] doubles) {
492     return potential.getCoordinates(doubles);
493   }
495   /**
496    * {@inheritDoc}
497    */
498   @Override
499   public Crystal getCrystal() {
500     return potential.getCrystal();
501   }
503   /**
504    * {@inheritDoc}
505    */
506   @Override
507   public void setCrystal(Crystal crystal) {
508     potential.setCrystal(crystal);
509   }
511   /**
512    * Returns the number of energy evaluations performed by this OST, including those picked up in the
513    * lambda file.
514    *
515    * @return Number of energy steps taken by this walker.
516    */
517   public long getEnergyCount() {
518     return histogram.ld.stepsTaken;
519   }
521   /**
522    * {@inheritDoc}
523    */
524   @Override
525   public Potential.STATE getEnergyTermState() {
526     return state;
527   }
529   /**
530    * {@inheritDoc}
531    */
532   @Override
533   public void setEnergyTermState(Potential.STATE state) {
534     this.state = state;
535     potential.setEnergyTermState(state);
536   }
538   /**
539    * Getter for the field <code>forceFieldEnergy</code>.
540    *
541    * @return a double.
542    */
543   public double getForceFieldEnergy() {
544     return forceFieldEnergy;
545   }
547   /**
548    * Return the current 2D Histogram of counts.
549    *
550    * @return the Histogram.
551    */
552   public Histogram getHistogram() {
553     return histogram;
554   }
556   /**
557    * Getter for the field <code>lambda</code>.
558    *
559    * @return a double.
560    */
561   public double getLambda() {
562     return histogram.ld.lambda;
563   }
565   /**
566    * Setter for the field <code>lambda</code>.
567    *
568    * @param lambda a double.
569    */
570   public void setLambda(double lambda) {
571     if (histogram != null) {
572       lambda = histogram.mapLambda(lambda);
573     } else {
574       logger.warning(" OrthogonalSpaceTempering.setLambda was called before histogram constructed!");
575 RuntimeException()));
576     }
577     lambdaInterface.setLambda(lambda);
578     histogram.ld.lambda = lambda;
579     histogram.ld.theta = asin(sqrt(lambda));
580   }
582   /**
583    * {@inheritDoc}
584    */
585   @Override
586   public double[] getMass() {
587     return potential.getMass();
588   }
590   /**
591    * {@inheritDoc}
592    */
593   @Override
594   public int getNumberOfVariables() {
595     return potential.getNumberOfVariables();
596   }
598   /**
599    * Return the OST optimization information.
600    *
601    * @return The OST optimization parameters.
602    */
603   public OptimizationParameters getOptimizationParameters() {
604     return optimizationParameters;
605   }
607   /**
608    * getPotentialEnergy.
609    *
610    * @return a {@link ffx.numerics.Potential} object.
611    */
612   public Potential getPotentialEnergy() {
613     return potential;
614   }
616   /**
617    * {@inheritDoc}
618    */
619   @Override
620   public double[] getPreviousAcceleration(double[] previousAcceleration) {
621     return potential.getPreviousAcceleration(previousAcceleration);
622   }
624   /**
625    * {@inheritDoc}
626    */
627   @Override
628   public double[] getScaling() {
629     return potential.getScaling();
630   }
632   /**
633    * {@inheritDoc}
634    */
635   @Override
636   public void setScaling(double[] scaling) {
637     potential.setScaling(scaling);
638   }
640   /**
641    * {@inheritDoc}
642    */
643   @Override
644   public double getTotalEnergy() {
645     return totalEnergy;
646   }
648   /**
649    * getTotaldEdLambda.
650    *
651    * @return a double.
652    */
653   public double getTotaldEdLambda() {
654     return dUdLambda;
655   }
657   /**
658    * {@inheritDoc}
659    *
660    * <p>Return a reference to each variables type.
661    */
662   @Override
663   public Potential.VARIABLE_TYPE[] getVariableTypes() {
664     return potential.getVariableTypes();
665   }
667   /**
668    * {@inheritDoc}
669    */
670   @Override
671   public double[] getVelocity(double[] velocity) {
672     return potential.getVelocity(velocity);
673   }
675   /**
676    * {@inheritDoc}
677    */
678   @Override
679   public double getd2EdL2() {
680     throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
681         " Second derivatives of the bias are not implemented, as they require third derivatives of the potential.");
682   }
684   /**
685    * {@inheritDoc}
686    */
687   @Override
688   public double getdEdL() {
689     return getTotaldEdLambda();
690   }
692   /**
693    * {@inheritDoc}
694    */
695   @Override
696   public void getdEdXdL(double[] gradient) {
697     throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
698         " Second derivatives of the bias are not implemented, as they require third derivatives of the potential.");
699   }
701   // TODO: Delete method when debugging of RepexOST is done.
702   public void logOutputFiles(int index) {
703" OST: Lambda file %s, histogram %s", histogram.ld.getLambdaFile(),
704         allHistograms.get(index).hd.getHistogramFile()));
705   }
707   /**
708    * {@inheritDoc}
709    */
710   @Override
711   public void setAcceleration(double[] acceleration) {
712     potential.setAcceleration(acceleration);
713   }
715   /**
716    * If this flag is true, (lambda, dU/dL) Monte Carlo samples that have no weight in the Histogram
717    * are rejected.
718    *
719    * @param hardWallConstraint If true, MC samples outside the current range are rejected.
720    */
721   public void setHardWallConstraint(boolean hardWallConstraint) {
722     this.hardWallConstraint = hardWallConstraint;
723   }
725   public void setMolecularAssembly(MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly) {
726     this.molecularAssembly = molecularAssembly;
727   }
729   /**
730    * {@inheritDoc}
731    */
732   @Override
733   public void setPreviousAcceleration(double[] previousAcceleration) {
734     potential.setPreviousAcceleration(previousAcceleration);
735   }
737   /**
738    * Indicate if the Lambda extended system particle should be propagated using Langevin dynamics.
739    *
740    * @param propagateLambda If true, Lambda will be propagated using Langevin dynamics.
741    */
742   public void setPropagateLambda(boolean propagateLambda) {
743     this.propagateLambda = propagateLambda;
744   }
746   /**
747    * If true, the Lambda extended system particle is propagated using Langevin dynamics.
748    */
749   public boolean getPropagateLambda() {
750     return propagateLambda;
751   }
753   /**
754    * {@inheritDoc}
755    */
756   @Override
757   public void setVelocity(double[] velocity) {
758     potential.setVelocity(velocity);
759   }
761   /**
762    * Switch to an alternate Histogram.
763    *
764    * @param index Index of the Histogram to use.
765    */
766   public void switchHistogram(int index) {
767     histogramIndex = index;
768     histogram = allHistograms.get(histogramIndex);
769" OST switching to histogram " + histogramIndex);
770   }
772   @Override
773   public void writeAdditionalRestartInfo(boolean recursive) {
774     histogram.writeRestart();
775     if (recursive) {
776       potential.writeAdditionalRestartInfo(recursive);
777     }
778   }
780   double getLambdaWriteOut() {
781     return histogram.hd.resetHistogramAtLambda;
782   }
784   /**
785    * getForceFielddEdL.
786    *
787    * @return a double.
788    */
789   double getForceFielddEdL() {
790     return dForceFieldEnergydL;
791   }
793   /**
794    * Getter for the field <code>biasEnergy</code>.
795    *
796    * @return a double.
797    */
798   double getBiasEnergy() {
799     return biasEnergy;
800   }
802   /**
803    * If the dUdLHardWall flag is set to true, this method will return false if the (lambda, dU/dL)
804    * sample is has not been seen.
805    *
806    * @param lambda The proposed lambda value.
807    * @param dUdL   The proposed dU/dL value.
808    * @return Returns false only if the dUdLHardWall flag is true, and the (lambda, dU/dL) sample has
809    * not been seen.
810    */
811   boolean insideHardWallConstraint(double lambda, double dUdL) {
812     if (hardWallConstraint) {
813       double weight = histogram.getRecursionKernelValue(lambda, dUdL);
814       return weight > 0.0;
815     }
816     return true;
817   }
819   /**
820    * Parameters for running local optimizations during OST sampling.
821    */
822   public class OptimizationParameters {
824     /**
825      * Flag to turn on OST optimization.
826      *
827      * <p>The default doOptimization = false.
828      */
829     private boolean doOptimization = false;
830     /**
831      * Reset unit cell parameters, molecular orientation and translation.
832      */
833     private final boolean doUnitCellReset;
834     /**
835      * OST optimization only runs if Lambda is greater than the lambdaCutoff.
836      *
837      * <p>The default lambdaCutoff = 0.8.
838      */
839     private final double lambdaCutoff;
840     /**
841      * The lowest energy found via optimizations.
842      *
843      * <p>The optimumEnergy is initially set to Double.MAX_VALUE.
844      */
845     private double optimumEnergy = Double.MAX_VALUE;
846     /**
847      * The OST optimization frequency
848      *
849      * <p>The default is once every 10,000 steps.
850      */
851     private final int frequency;
852     /**
853      * The OST optimization convergence criteria.
854      *
855      * <p>The default eps = 0.1.
856      */
857     private final double eps;
858     /**
859      * The OST tolerance when checking for equal energy after coordinate reversion.
860      *
861      * <p>The default is 1.0e-8 kcal/mol.
862      */
863     private final double tolerance;
864     /**
865      * The OST optimization energy window.
866      *
867      * <p>The default is 4.0 kcal/mol, which is convenient for small organic crystals.
868      */
869     private final double energyWindow;
870     /**
871      * Holds the lowest potential energy coordinates.
872      */
873     private double[] optimumCoords;
874     /**
875      * File instance used for saving optimized structures.
876      */
877     private File optimizationFile;
878     /**
879      * SystemFilter used to save optimized structures.
880      */
881     private SystemFilter optimizationFilter;
883     /**
884      * Empty constructor.
885      */
886     OptimizationParameters(CompositeConfiguration properties) {
887       energyWindow = properties.getDouble("ost-opt-energy-window", 10.0);
888       eps = properties.getDouble("ost-opt-eps", 0.1);
889       tolerance = properties.getDouble("ost-opt-tolerance", 1.0e-8);
890       frequency = properties.getInt("ost-opt-frequency", 10000);
891       lambdaCutoff = properties.getDouble("ost-opt-lambda-cutoff", 0.8);
892       doUnitCellReset = properties.getBoolean("ost-opt-unitcell-reset", false);
893     }
895     private void log() {
896"\n Optimization Parameters");
897"  Energy Window:                  %6.3f (kcal/mol)", energyWindow));
898"  EPS:                            %6.4f RMS (kcal/mol/Ã…)", eps));
899"  Tolerance:                      %6.4f (kcal/mol)", tolerance));
900"  Frequency:                      %6d (steps)", frequency));
901"  Lambda Cutoff:                  %6.4f", lambdaCutoff));
902"  Unit Cell Reset:                %6B", doUnitCellReset));
903"  File:                           %s", optimizationFile.getName()));
904     }
906     /**
907      * getOptimumCoordinates.
908      *
909      * @return an array of {@link double} objects.
910      */
911     public double[] getOptimumCoordinates() {
912       if (optimumEnergy < Double.MAX_VALUE) {
913         return optimumCoords;
914       } else {
916             "Lambda optimization cutoff was not reached. Try increasing the number of timesteps.");
917         return null;
918       }
919     }
921     /**
922      * getOptimumEnergy.
923      *
924      * @return a double.
925      */
926     public double getOptimumEnergy() {
927       if (optimumEnergy == Double.MAX_VALUE) {
929             "Lambda optimization cutoff was not reached. Try increasing the number of timesteps.");
930       }
931       return optimumEnergy;
932     }
934     /**
935      * Run a local optimization.
936      *
937      * @param e        Current energy.
938      * @param x        Current atomic coordinates.
939      * @param gradient Work array for collecting the gradient.
940      */
941     public void optimize(double e, double[] x, @Nullable double[] gradient) {
943       // Return if the optimization flag is not set, or if lambda is not beyond the cutoff.
944       double lambda = histogram.ld.lambda;
945       long stepsTaken = histogram.ld.stepsTaken;
946       if (doOptimization && lambda > lambdaCutoff && stepsTaken % frequency == 0) {
947         if (gradient == null) {
948           gradient = new double[x.length];
949         }
950       } else {
951         return;
952       }
954"\n OST Minimization (Step %d)", stepsTaken));
956       // Set the underlying Potential's Lambda value to 1.0.
957       lambdaInterface.setLambda(1.0);
959       // Use all energy terms.
960       potential.setEnergyTermState(Potential.STATE.BOTH);
962       // Turn off the Barostat.
963       boolean origBaroActive = true;
964       if (barostat != null) {
965         origBaroActive = barostat.isActive();
966         barostat.setActive(false);
967       }
969       // Optimize the system.
970       try {
971         double startingEnergy =;
972         Minimize minimize = new Minimize(molecularAssembly, potential, algorithmListener);
973         minimize.minimize(eps);
974         // Collect the minimum energy.
975         double minEnergy = potential.getTotalEnergy();
976         // Check for a new minimum within an energy window of the lowest energy structure found.
977         if (minEnergy < optimumEnergy + energyWindow) {
978           if (minEnergy < optimumEnergy) {
979             optimumEnergy = minEnergy;
980           }
981           int n = potential.getNumberOfVariables();
982           optimumCoords = new double[n];
983           optimumCoords = potential.getCoordinates(optimumCoords);
984           double mass = molecularAssembly.getMass();
985           Crystal crystal = molecularAssembly.getCrystal();
986           double density = crystal.getDensity(mass);
987           optimizationFilter.writeFile(optimizationFile, true);
988           Crystal uc = crystal.getUnitCell();
989 " Minimum: %12.6f %s (%12.6f g/cc) optimized from %12.6f at step %d.",
990               minEnergy, uc.toShortString(), density, startingEnergy, stepsTaken));
991         }
992       } catch (Exception ex) {
993         String message = ex.getMessage();
995             format(" Exception minimizing coordinates at lambda=%8.6f\n %s.", lambda, message));
996" Sampling will continue.");
997       }
999       // Set the underlying Potential's Lambda value back to current lambda value.
1000       lambdaInterface.setLambda(lambda);
1002       // Reset the Potential State
1003       potential.setEnergyTermState(state);
1005       // Reset the Barostat
1006       if (barostat != null) {
1007         barostat.setActive(origBaroActive);
1008       }
1010       if (doUnitCellReset) {
1011"\n Resetting Unit Cell");
1012         double mass = molecularAssembly.getMass();
1013         double density = molecularAssembly.getCrystal().getDensity(mass);
1014         molecularAssembly.applyRandomDensity(density);
1015         molecularAssembly.applyRandomSymOp(0.0);
1016         lambda = 0.0;
1017         lambdaInterface.setLambda(lambda);
1018       } else {
1019         // Revert to the coordinates and gradient prior to optimization.
1020         double eCheck = potential.energyAndGradient(x, gradient);
1022         if (abs(eCheck - e) > tolerance) {
1023           logger.warning(
1024               format(" Optimization could not revert coordinates %16.8f vs. %16.8f.", e, eCheck));
1025         }
1026       }
1027     }
1029     /**
1030      * setOptimization.
1031      *
1032      * @param doOptimization    a boolean.
1033      * @param molecularAssembly a {@link ffx.potential.MolecularAssembly} object.
1034      */
1035     public void setOptimization(boolean doOptimization, MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly) {
1036       this.doOptimization = doOptimization;
1037       OrthogonalSpaceTempering.this.molecularAssembly = molecularAssembly;
1038       File file = molecularAssembly.getFile();
1039       String fileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(file.getAbsolutePath());
1040       String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getAbsolutePath());
1041       if (optimizationFilter == null) {
1042         if (ext.toUpperCase().contains("XYZ")) {
1043           optimizationFile = new File(fileName + "_opt.arc");
1044           optimizationFilter = new XYZFilter(optimizationFile, molecularAssembly,
1045               molecularAssembly.getForceField(), molecularAssembly.getProperties());
1046         } else {
1047           optimizationFile = new File(fileName + "_opt.pdb");
1048           PDBFilter pdbFilter = new PDBFilter(optimizationFile, molecularAssembly,
1049               molecularAssembly.getForceField(), molecularAssembly.getProperties());
1050           int models = pdbFilter.countNumModels();
1051           pdbFilter.setModelNumbering(models);
1052           optimizationFilter = pdbFilter;
1053         }
1054       }
1056       if (this.doOptimization) {
1057         log();
1058       }
1059     }
1060   }
1062   /**
1063    * Store and operate on a 2D Histogram of (Lambda, dU/dL) observations to produce an OST bias.
1064    *
1065    * @author Michael J. Schnieders
1066    * @since 1.0
1067    */
1068   public class Histogram {
1070     /**
1071      * If a 2D bias is in use (i.e. lambda-bias-cutoff > 0), do not normalize bias height.
1072      */
1073     private static final double TWO_D_NORMALIZATION = 1.0;
1074     /**
1075      * If a 1D bias is in use (i.e. lambda-bias-cutoff == 0), normalize bias height to deposit the same
1076      * volume of bias.
1077      */
1078     private static final double ONE_D_NORMALIZATION = Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI);
1079     /**
1080      * If the real bias magnitude is 0 (for no 2D bias), temporarily set biasMag to this value to calculate the ensemble average dU/dL.
1081      *
1082      * <p>Any value that does not overflow/underflow double precision summations of the count matrix
1083      * will give identical results. For example, values of 1.0e-20, 1.0 and 1.0e20 were tested and
1084      * found to give identical results.
1085      *
1086      * <p>Thus, a value of 1.0 is good choice.
1087      */
1088     private static final double PSEUDO_BIAS_MAGNITUDE = 1.0;
1089     /**
1090      * Parallel Java world communicator.
1091      */
1092     protected final Comm world;
1093     /**
1094      * Rank of this process.
1095      */
1096     protected final int rank;
1097     /**
1098      * 1D PMF with respect to lambda F(L).
1099      */
1100     final double[] ensembleAveragedUdL;
1101     /**
1102      * This deltaT is used to determine the tempering weight as described below for the
1103      * temperingWeight variable.
1104      *
1105      * <p>deltaT = temperingFactor * kB * T.
1106      */
1107     private final double deltaT;
1108     /**
1109      * The integration algorithm used for thermodynamic integration.
1110      */
1111     private final IntegrationType integrationType;
1112     /**
1113      * Send OST counts asynchronously.
1114      */
1115     private final SendAsynchronous sendAsynchronous;
1116     /**
1117      * Send OST counts synchronously.
1118      */
1119     private final SendSynchronous sendSynchronous;
1120     /**
1121      * The Dama et al. transition-tempering weight. The initial temperingWeight = 1.0,
1122      * and more generally temperingWeight = exp(-biasHeight/deltaT)
1123      */
1124     private double temperingWeight = 1.0;
1125     /**
1126      * If the recursion kernel becomes too large or too small for some combinations of (Lambda,
1127      * dU/dL), then its statistical weight = exp(kernel * beta) cannot be represented by a double
1128      * value.
1129      */
1130     private double[] kernelValues;
1131     /**
1132      * Most recent lambda values for each Walker.
1133      */
1134     private double lastReceivedLambda;
1135     /**
1136      * Most recent dU/dL value for each walker.
1137      */
1138     private double lastReceiveddUdL;
1139     private final boolean spreadBias;
1140     /**
1141      * The HistogramData object contains the parameters for the Histogram that are saved to disk.
1142      */
1143     final HistogramData hd;
1144     /**
1145      * The LambdaData object contains the parameters for the Lambda particle that are saved to disk.
1146      */
1147     final LambdaData ld;
1148     /**
1149      * The Stochastic integrator used to propagate the lambda particle.
1150      */
1151     private final Stochastic stochastic;
1152     /**
1153      * The state of the lambda particle.
1154      */
1155     private final SystemState lambdaState;
1156     /**
1157      * Number of hills when the last free energy estimate was made.
1158      */
1159     private int currentNumberOfHills = 0;
1160     /**
1161      * The current free energy difference.
1162      */
1163     private double currentFreeEnergyDifference = 0.0;
1165     /**
1166      * Histogram constructor.
1167      *
1168      * @param properties    a CompositeConfiguration used to configure the Histogram.
1169      * @param histogramData An object containing the values this Histogram will be set to.
1170      */
1171     Histogram(CompositeConfiguration properties, HistogramData histogramData, LambdaData lambdaData) {
1172       hd = histogramData;
1173       ld = lambdaData;
1175       /*
1176       double gaussNormalization;
1177       if (hd.lambdaBiasCutoff == 0 && !hd.wasHistogramRead()) {
1178         gaussNormalization = ONE_D_NORMALIZATION;
1179" Bias magnitude multiplied by a factor of %.4f "
1180             + "sqrt(2*pi) to match 1D Gaussian volume to 2D Gaussian volume.", gaussNormalization));
1181       } else {
1182         gaussNormalization = TWO_D_NORMALIZATION;
1183       }
1184       biasMag = settings.getBiasMag() * gaussNormalization;
1185        */
1187       deltaT = hd.temperingFactor * R * dynamicsOptions.getTemperature();
1189       // Allocate space to compute the <dU/dL>
1190       ensembleAveragedUdL = new double[hd.getLambdaBins()];
1192       // Allocate space to regularize kernel values.
1193       kernelValues = new double[hd.getDUDLBins()];
1195       String propString = properties.getString("ost-integrationType", "SIMPSONS");
1196       IntegrationType testType;
1197       try {
1198         testType = IntegrationType.valueOf(propString.toUpperCase());
1199       } catch (Exception ex) {
1200         logger.warning(format(" Invalid argument %s to ost-integrationType; resetting to SIMPSONS", propString));
1201         testType = SIMPSONS;
1202       }
1203       integrationType = testType;
1205       spreadBias = properties.getBoolean("ost-spread-bias", false);
1207       /*
1208        Set up the multi-walker communication variables for Parallel Java
1209        communication between nodes.
1210       */
1211       world =;
1212       int numProc = world.size();
1213       rank = world.rank();
1214       if (hd.asynchronous) {
1215         // Use asynchronous communication.
1216         sendAsynchronous = new SendAsynchronous(this);
1217         sendAsynchronous.start();
1218         sendSynchronous = null;
1219       } else {
1220         Histogram[] histograms = new Histogram[numProc];
1221         int[] rankToHistogramMap = new int[numProc];
1222         for (int i = 0; i < numProc; i++) {
1223           histograms[i] = this;
1224           rankToHistogramMap[i] = 0;
1225         }
1226         sendSynchronous = new SendSynchronous(histograms, rankToHistogramMap);
1227         sendAsynchronous = null;
1228       }
1230       lastReceivedLambda = ld.lambda;
1231       if (hd.discreteLambda) {
1232         lastReceivedLambda = mapLambda(lastReceivedLambda);
1233" Discrete lambda: initializing lambda to nearest bin %.5f", lastReceivedLambda));
1234         ld.lambda = lastReceivedLambda;
1235         ld.theta = asin(sqrt(lastReceivedLambda));
1236         lambdaInterface.setLambda(lastReceivedLambda);
1237         lambdaState = null;
1238         stochastic = null;
1239       } else {
1240         // Configure the Stochastic integrator.
1241         lambdaState = new SystemState(1);
1242         stochastic = new Stochastic(lambdaParticleOptions.getLambdaFriction(), lambdaState);
1243         stochastic.setTemperature(dynamicsOptions.getTemperature());
1244         stochastic.setTimeStep(dynamicsOptions.getDtPsec());
1245         double[] mass = lambdaState.getMass();
1246         double[] thetaPosition = lambdaState.x();
1247         double[] thetaVelocity = lambdaState.v();
1248         double[] thetaAccel = lambdaState.a();
1249         mass[0] = lambdaParticleOptions.getLambdaMass();
1250         thetaPosition[0] = ld.theta;
1251         thetaVelocity[0] = ld.thetaVelocity;
1252         thetaAccel[0] = ld.thetaAcceleration;
1253       }
1255       lastReceiveddUdL = getdEdL();
1257       if (hd.wasHistogramRead()) {
1258         updateFreeEnergyDifference(true, false);
1259       }
1260     }
1262     public void disableResetStatistics() {
1263       hd.resetHistogram = false;
1264     }
1266     /**
1267      * evaluateTotalBias.
1268      *
1269      * @param bias If false, return the negative of the Total OST bias.
1270      * @return A StringBuffer The total OST Bias.
1271      */
1272     public StringBuffer evaluateTotalOSTBias(boolean bias) {
1273       StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1274       double[] chainRule = new double[2];
1275       for (int dUdLBin = 0; dUdLBin < hd.getDUDLBins(); dUdLBin++) {
1276         double currentdUdL = dUdLforBin(dUdLBin);
1277         sb.append(format(" %16.8f", currentdUdL));
1278         for (int lambdaBin = 0; lambdaBin < hd.getLambdaBins(); lambdaBin++) {
1279           double currentLambda = lambdaForIndex(lambdaBin);
1280           double bias1D = energyAndGradient1D(currentLambda, false);
1281           double bias2D = energyAndGradient2D(currentLambda, currentdUdL, chainRule, hd.biasMag);
1282           double totalBias = bias1D + bias2D;
1283           // If the bias flag is false, turn the total bias into the PMF.
1284           if (!bias) {
1285             totalBias = -totalBias;
1286           }
1287           sb.append(format(" %16.8f", totalBias));
1288         }
1289         sb.append("\n");
1290       }
1291       return sb;
1292     }
1294     /**
1295      * evaluate2DOSTBias.
1296      *
1297      * @param bias If false, return the negative of the 2D OST bias.
1298      * @return A StringBuffer with the 2D OST bias.
1299      */
1300     public StringBuffer evaluate2DOSTBias(boolean bias) {
1301       StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1302       double[] chainRule = new double[2];
1303       for (int dUdLBin = 0; dUdLBin < hd.getDUDLBins(); dUdLBin++) {
1304         double currentdUdL = dUdLforBin(dUdLBin);
1305         sb.append(format(" %16.8f", currentdUdL));
1306         for (int lambdaBin = 0; lambdaBin < hd.getLambdaBins(); lambdaBin++) {
1307           double currentLambda = lambdaForIndex(lambdaBin);
1308           double bias2D = energyAndGradient2D(currentLambda, currentdUdL, chainRule, hd.biasMag);
1309           if (!bias) {
1310             bias2D = -bias2D;
1311           }
1312           sb.append(format(" %16.8f", bias2D));
1313         }
1314         sb.append("\n");
1315       }
1316       return sb;
1317     }
1319     /**
1320      * For MPI parallel jobs, returns true if the walkers are independent (i.e. contribute to only
1321      * their own histogram).
1322      *
1323      * @return True if the walkers are independent.
1324      */
1325     public boolean getIndependentWalkers() {
1326       return hd.independentWalkers;
1327     }
1329     public double getLambdaResetValue() {
1330       return hd.resetHistogramAtLambda;
1331     }
1333     /**
1334      * For MPI parallel jobs, return the rank of this process.
1335      *
1336      * @return The rank of this process.
1337      */
1338     public int getRank() {
1339       return rank;
1340     }
1342     public boolean getResetStatistics() {
1343       return hd.resetHistogram;
1344     }
1346     /**
1347      * Return the SynchronousSend associated with this Histogram, if any.
1348      *
1349      * @return The SynchronousSend, if any.
1350      */
1351     public Optional<SendSynchronous> getSynchronousSend() {
1352       return Optional.ofNullable(sendSynchronous);
1353     }
1355     public void setLastReceiveddUdL(double lastReceiveddUdL) {
1356       this.lastReceiveddUdL = lastReceiveddUdL;
1357     }
1359     public double updateFreeEnergyDifference(boolean print, boolean save) {
1360       if (hd.metaDynamics) {
1361         return updateMetaDynamicsFreeEnergyDifference(print, save);
1362       } else {
1363         return updateOSTFreeEnergyDifference(print, save);
1364       }
1365     }
1367     /**
1368      * Update the free energy estimate for Meta Dynamics.
1369      *
1370      * @param print Whether to write the histogram to screen.
1371      * @param save  Whether to write the histogram to disk.
1372      * @return Free energy (via integration of ensemble-average dU/dL)
1373      */
1374     public double updateMetaDynamicsFreeEnergyDifference(boolean print, boolean save) {
1375       synchronized (this) {
1376         if (!print && currentNumberOfHills == hd.counts) {
1377           return currentFreeEnergyDifference;
1378         }
1379         double freeEnergyDifferenceMeta = 0.0;
1380         double freeEnergyDifferenceTI = 0.0;
1382         double minFL = Double.MAX_VALUE;
1384         int lambdaBins = hd.getLambdaBins();
1385         double[] metaFreeEnergy = new double[lambdaBins];
1387         // Total histogram weight.
1388         double totalWeight = 0;
1389         StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
1391         // Loop over lambda bins, computing <dU/dL> for each bin.
1392         for (int lambdaBin = 0; lambdaBin < lambdaBins; lambdaBin++) {
1393           int firstdUdLBin = firstdUdLBin(lambdaBin);
1394           int lastdUdLBin = lastdUdLBin(lambdaBin);
1395           double lambdaCount = 0;
1396           // The dUdL range sampled for lambda.
1397           double mindUdLForLambda = 0.0;
1398           double maxdUdLforLambda = 0.0;
1399           double maxBias = 0;
1400           if (firstdUdLBin == -1 || lastdUdLBin == -1) {
1401             ensembleAveragedUdL[lambdaBin] = 0.0;
1402             minFL = 0.0;
1403           } else {
1404             double ensembleAverageFLambda = 0.0;
1405             double partitionFunction = 0.0;
1407             // Evaluate and regularize all kernel values for this value of lambda.
1408             double offset = evaluateKernelForLambda(lambdaBin, firstdUdLBin, lastdUdLBin);
1410             for (int dUdLBin = firstdUdLBin; dUdLBin <= lastdUdLBin; dUdLBin++) {
1411               double kernel = kernelValues[dUdLBin];
1413               if (kernel - offset > maxBias) {
1414                 maxBias = kernel - offset;
1415               }
1417               // The weight is just the kernel value for no 2D bias.
1418               partitionFunction += kernel;
1420               double currentdUdL = dUdLforBin(dUdLBin);
1421               ensembleAverageFLambda += currentdUdL * kernel;
1422               lambdaCount += getRecursionKernelValue(lambdaBin, dUdLBin);
1423             }
1424             if (minFL > maxBias) {
1425               minFL = maxBias;
1426             }
1427             ensembleAveragedUdL[lambdaBin] = (partitionFunction == 0) ? 0 : ensembleAverageFLambda / partitionFunction;
1428             mindUdLForLambda = hd.dUdLMinimum + firstdUdLBin * hd.dUdLBinWidth;
1429             maxdUdLforLambda = hd.dUdLMinimum + (lastdUdLBin + 1) * hd.dUdLBinWidth;
1430           }
1432           double deltaFreeEnergy = ensembleAveragedUdL[lambdaBin] * deltaForLambdaBin(lambdaBin);
1433           freeEnergyDifferenceTI += deltaFreeEnergy;
1434           totalWeight += lambdaCount;
1437           double lambdaBinWidth = hd.lambdaBinWidth;
1438           double llL = lambdaBin * lambdaBinWidth - hd.lambdaBinWidth_2;
1439           double ulL = llL + lambdaBinWidth;
1440           if (llL < 0.0) {
1441             llL = 0.0;
1442           }
1443           if (ulL > 1.0) {
1444             ulL = 1.0;
1445           }
1447           double midLambda = llL;
1448           if (!hd.discreteLambda) {
1449             midLambda = (llL + ulL) / 2.0;
1450           }
1451           double bias1D = energyAndGradient1D(midLambda, false);
1452           metaFreeEnergy[lambdaBin] = energyAndGradientMeta(midLambda, false);
1453           freeEnergyDifferenceMeta = -(metaFreeEnergy[lambdaBin] - metaFreeEnergy[0]);
1455           if (print || save) {
1456             stringBuilder.append(format(" %6.2e %7.5f %7.1f %7.1f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f\n", lambdaCount,
1457                 midLambda, mindUdLForLambda, maxdUdLforLambda, ensembleAveragedUdL[lambdaBin],
1458                 bias1D, freeEnergyDifferenceTI, metaFreeEnergy[lambdaBin], freeEnergyDifferenceMeta));
1459           }
1460         }
1462         double temperingOffset = hd.getTemperingOffset();
1463         double temperEnergy = (minFL > temperingOffset) ? temperingOffset - minFL : 0;
1464         temperingWeight = exp(temperEnergy / deltaT);
1466         if (print) {
1467 "  Weight   Lambda      dU/dL Bins   <dU/dL>      g(L) dG_OST(L)  Meta(L) dG_Meta(L)");
1468 ;
1469 " Histogram Evaluation");
1470 "  Free Energy Difference: %12.4f kcal/mol", freeEnergyDifferenceMeta));
1471 "  Number of Hills:        %12d", hd.counts));
1472 "  Total Bias Added:       %12.4f kcal/mol", totalWeight * hd.biasMag));
1473 "  Minimum Bias:           %12.4f kcal/mol", minFL));
1474 "  Tempering Percentage:   %12.4f %%\n", temperingWeight * 100));
1475         }
1477         if (save) {
1478           String modelFilename = molecularAssembly.getFile().getAbsolutePath();
1479           File saveDir = new File(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(modelFilename));
1480           String dirName = saveDir + File.separator;
1481           String fileName = dirName + "histogram.txt";
1482           try {
1483   " Writing " + fileName);
1484             PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(fileName);
1485             printWriter.write(stringBuilder.toString());
1486             printWriter.close();
1487           } catch (Exception e) {
1488   " Failed to write %s.", fileName));
1489           }
1490         }
1492         currentNumberOfHills = hd.counts;
1493         currentFreeEnergyDifference = freeEnergyDifferenceMeta;
1494         return currentFreeEnergyDifference;
1495       }
1496     }
1498     /**
1499      * Eqs. 7 and 8 from the 2012 Crystal Thermodynamics paper.
1500      *
1501      * @param print Whether to write the histogram to screen.
1502      * @param save  Whether to write the histogram to disk.
1503      * @return Free energy (via integration of ensemble-average dU/dL)
1504      */
1505     public double updateOSTFreeEnergyDifference(boolean print, boolean save) {
1506       synchronized (this) {
1507         if (!print && currentNumberOfHills == hd.counts) {
1508           return currentFreeEnergyDifference;
1509         }
1511         double freeEnergyDifferenceOST = 0.0;
1512         double minFL = Double.MAX_VALUE;
1514         // If the bias magnitude is zero, computing <dU/dL> from
1515         // counts will not be correct. Assign a temporary non-zero bias magnitude.
1516         boolean biasMagZero = hd.biasMag <= 0.0;
1518         // Total histogram weight.
1519         double totalWeight = 0;
1520         double beta = 1.0 / (R * dynamicsOptions.getTemperature());
1521         StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
1523         // Loop over lambda bins, computing <dU/dL> for each bin.
1524         for (int lambdaBin = 0; lambdaBin < hd.lambdaBins; lambdaBin++) {
1525           int firstdUdLBin = firstdUdLBin(lambdaBin);
1526           int lastdUdLBin = lastdUdLBin(lambdaBin);
1527           double lambdaCount = 0;
1528           // The FL range sampled for lambda bin [iL*dL .. (iL+1)*dL]
1529           double mindUdLforLambda = 0.0;
1530           double maxdUdLforLambda = 0.0;
1531           double maxBias = 0;
1532           if (firstdUdLBin == -1 || lastdUdLBin == -1) {
1533             ensembleAveragedUdL[lambdaBin] = 0.0;
1534             minFL = 0.0;
1535           } else {
1536             double ensembleAverage = 0.0;
1537             double partitionFunction = 0.0;
1539             // Evaluate and regularize all kernel values for this value of lambda.
1540             double offset = evaluateKernelForLambda(lambdaBin, firstdUdLBin, lastdUdLBin);
1542             for (int dUdLBin = firstdUdLBin; dUdLBin <= lastdUdLBin; dUdLBin++) {
1543               double kernel = kernelValues[dUdLBin];
1545               if (kernel - offset > maxBias) {
1546                 maxBias = kernel - offset;
1547               }
1549               double weight;
1550               if (biasMagZero) {
1551                 // The weight is just the kernel value for no 2D bias.
1552                 weight = kernel;
1553               } else {
1554                 // The Boltzmann weight based on temperature and the 2D bias height.
1555                 weight = exp(kernel * beta);
1556               }
1557               partitionFunction += weight;
1559               double currentdUdL = dUdLforBin(dUdLBin);
1560               ensembleAverage += currentdUdL * weight;
1561               lambdaCount += getRecursionKernelValue(lambdaBin, dUdLBin);
1562             }
1563             if (minFL > maxBias) {
1564               minFL = maxBias;
1565             }
1566             ensembleAveragedUdL[lambdaBin] = (partitionFunction == 0) ? 0 : ensembleAverage / partitionFunction;
1567             mindUdLforLambda = hd.dUdLMinimum + firstdUdLBin * hd.dUdLBinWidth;
1568             maxdUdLforLambda = hd.dUdLMinimum + (lastdUdLBin + 1) * hd.dUdLBinWidth;
1569           }
1571           double deltaFreeEnergy = ensembleAveragedUdL[lambdaBin] * deltaForLambdaBin(lambdaBin);
1572           freeEnergyDifferenceOST += deltaFreeEnergy;
1573           totalWeight += lambdaCount;
1575           if (print || save) {
1576             double llL = lambdaBin * hd.lambdaBinWidth - hd.lambdaBinWidth_2;
1577             double ulL = llL + hd.lambdaBinWidth;
1578             if (llL < 0.0) {
1579               llL = 0.0;
1580             }
1581             if (ulL > 1.0) {
1582               ulL = 1.0;
1583             }
1585             double midLambda = llL;
1586             if (!hd.discreteLambda) {
1587               midLambda = (llL + ulL) / 2.0;
1588             }
1589             double bias1D = energyAndGradient1D(midLambda, false);
1591             double bias2D = 0.0;
1592             if (!biasMagZero) {
1593               bias2D = computeBiasEnergy(midLambda, ensembleAveragedUdL[lambdaBin]) - bias1D;
1594             }
1596             stringBuilder.append(
1597                 format(" %6.2e %7.5f %7.1f %7.1f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f   %8.2f\n", lambdaCount,
1598                     midLambda, mindUdLforLambda, maxdUdLforLambda, ensembleAveragedUdL[lambdaBin],
1599                     bias1D, bias2D, bias1D + bias2D, freeEnergyDifferenceOST, bias1D + bias2D + freeEnergyDifferenceOST));
1600           }
1601         }
1603         if (!biasMagZero) {
1604           double temperingOffset = hd.getTemperingOffset();
1605           double temperEnergy = (minFL > temperingOffset) ? temperingOffset - minFL : 0;
1606           temperingWeight = exp(temperEnergy / deltaT);
1607         }
1609         freeEnergyDifferenceOST = integrateNumeric(ensembleAveragedUdL, integrationType);
1611         if (print) {
1612 "  Weight   Lambda      dU/dL Bins  <dU/dL>    g(L)  f(L,<dU/dL>) Bias    dG(L) Bias+dG(L)");
1613 ;
1614 " Histogram Evaluation");
1615 "  Free Energy Difference: %12.4f kcal/mol", freeEnergyDifferenceOST));
1616 "  Number of Hills:        %12d", hd.counts));
1617 "  Total Bias Added:       %12.4f kcal/mol", totalWeight * hd.biasMag));
1618 "  Minimum Bias:           %12.4f kcal/mol", minFL));
1619 "  Tempering Percentage:   %12.4f %%\n", temperingWeight * 100));
1620         }
1622         if (save) {
1623           String modelFilename = molecularAssembly.getFile().getAbsolutePath();
1624           File saveDir = new File(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(modelFilename));
1625           String dirName = saveDir + File.separator;
1626           String fileName = dirName + "histogram.txt";
1627           try {
1628   "\n Writing " + fileName);
1629             PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(fileName);
1630             printWriter.write(stringBuilder.toString());
1631             printWriter.close();
1632           } catch (Exception e) {
1633   " Failed to write %s.", fileName));
1634           }
1635         }
1637         currentNumberOfHills = hd.counts;
1638         currentFreeEnergyDifference = freeEnergyDifferenceOST;
1639         return currentFreeEnergyDifference;
1640       }
1641     }
1643     /**
1644      * For thermodynamic integration, return the integration width for the given Lambda lambdaBin.
1645      *
1646      * @param lambdaBin The lambda lambdaBin.
1647      * @return The integration width.
1648      */
1649     private double deltaForLambdaBin(int lambdaBin) {
1650       if (!hd.discreteLambda && (lambdaBin == 0 || lambdaBin == hd.lambdaBins - 1)) {
1651         // The first and last lambda bins are half size for continuous lambda.
1652         return hd.lambdaBinWidth_2;
1653       } else if (hd.discreteLambda && lambdaBin == 0) {
1654         // The free energy change to move from L=0 to L=0 is zero.
1655         return 0.0;
1656       }
1657       // All other cases.
1658       return hd.lambdaBinWidth;
1659     }
1661     /**
1662      * Returns the index of the first dU/dL bin with counts, or -1 if there are no counts for the
1663      * given lambda bin.
1664      *
1665      * @param lambdaBin Lambda bin to consider.
1666      * @return Index of the first dUdL bin with counts.
1667      */
1668     private int firstdUdLBin(int lambdaBin) {
1669       // Synchronize use of the recursion kernel.
1670       synchronized (this) {
1671         // Find the smallest FL bin that has counts.
1672         for (int jFL = 0; jFL < hd.dUdLBins; jFL++) {
1673           double count = hd.zHistogram[lambdaBin][jFL];
1674           if (count > 0) {
1675             return jFL;
1676           }
1677         }
1678         return -1;
1679       }
1680     }
1682     /**
1683      * Returns the index of the last dU/dL bin with counts, or -1 if there are no counts for the
1684      * given lambda bin.
1685      *
1686      * @param lambdaBin Lambda bin to consider.
1687      * @return Index of the last dUdL bin with counts.
1688      */
1689     private int lastdUdLBin(int lambdaBin) {
1690       // Synchronize use of the recursion kernel.
1691       synchronized (this) {
1692         // Find the largest FL bin that has counts.
1693         for (int jFL = hd.dUdLBins - 1; jFL >= 0; jFL--) {
1694           double count = hd.zHistogram[lambdaBin][jFL];
1695           if (count > 0) {
1696             return jFL;
1697           }
1698         }
1699         return -1;
1700       }
1701     }
1703     /**
1704      * Write histogram and lambda restart files.
1705      * <p>
1706      * For MPI parallel jobs, only rank 0 writes a histogram restart file (unless the "independentWrite" flag is set).
1707      */
1708     void writeRestart() {
1709       if (rank == 0 || hd.independentWrite) {
1710         updateFreeEnergyDifference(true, false);
1711         try {
1712           hd.writeHistogram();
1713 " Wrote histogram restart to: %s.", hd.getHistogramFileName()));
1714         } catch (Exception ex) {
1715           String message = format(" Exception writing histogram restart file %s.", hd.getHistogramFileName());
1716           logger.log(Level.INFO, Utilities.stackTraceToString(ex));
1717           logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex);
1718         }
1719       }
1721       // All ranks write a lambda restart file.
1722       try {
1723         ld.writeLambdaData();
1724" Wrote lambda restart to:    %s.", ld.getLambdaFileName()));
1725       } catch (Exception ex) {
1726         String message = format(" Exception writing lambda restart file %s.", ld.getLambdaFileName());
1727         logger.log(Level.INFO, Utilities.stackTraceToString(ex));
1728         logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex);
1729       }
1730     }
1732     private double mapLambda(double lambda) {
1733       if (hd.discreteLambda) {
1734         return hd.lambdaLadder[indexForDiscreteLambda(lambda)];
1735       } else {
1736         return lambda;
1737       }
1738     }
1740     /**
1741      * For continuous lambda, the returned value is the lambda bin. For discrete lambda, the returned
1742      * value is the discrete lambda index.
1743      *
1744      * @param lambda a double.
1745      * @return a int.
1746      */
1747     int indexForLambda(double lambda) {
1748       if (hd.discreteLambda) {
1749         return indexForDiscreteLambda(lambda);
1750       } else {
1751         return indexForContinuousLambda(lambda);
1752       }
1753     }
1755     int indexForLambda() {
1756       return indexForLambda(ld.lambda);
1757     }
1759     private double lambdaForIndex(int bin) {
1760       if (hd.discreteLambda) {
1761         return hd.lambdaLadder[bin];
1762       } else {
1763         return bin * hd.lambdaBinWidth;
1764       }
1765     }
1767     private int indexForContinuousLambda(double lambda) {
1768       int lambdaBin = (int) floor((lambda - hd.minLambda) / hd.lambdaBinWidth);
1769       if (lambdaBin < 0) {
1770         lambdaBin = 0;
1771       }
1772       if (lambdaBin >= hd.lambdaBins) {
1773         lambdaBin = hd.lambdaBins - 1;
1774       }
1775       return lambdaBin;
1776     }
1778     private int indexForDiscreteLambda(double lambda) {
1779       assert hd.discreteLambda && hd.lambdaLadder != null && hd.lambdaLadder.length > 0;
1781       int initialGuess = indexForContinuousLambda(lambda);
1782       double minErr = Double.MAX_VALUE;
1783       int minErrBin = -1;
1784       for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) {
1785         int guessBin = i + initialGuess;
1786         if (guessBin < 0 || guessBin >= hd.lambdaBins) {
1787           continue;
1788         }
1789         double guessLam = hd.lambdaLadder[guessBin];
1790         double guessErr = Math.abs(guessLam - lambda);
1791         if (guessErr < minErr) {
1792           minErr = guessErr;
1793           minErrBin = guessBin;
1794         }
1795       }
1797       assert minErr < 1.0E-6;
1798       return minErrBin;
1799     }
1801     /**
1802      * Find the bin for the supplied dEdLambda.
1803      * <p>
1804      * If the supplied dEdL is outside the range of the count matrix, then -1 is returned.
1805      *
1806      * @param dUdL a double.
1807      * @return The dUdL bin.
1808      */
1809     int binFordUdL(double dUdL) {
1811       // No counts below mindUdL.
1812       if (dUdL < hd.dUdLMinimum) {
1813         return -1;
1814       }
1816       // No counts above the maxdUdL.
1817       if (dUdL > hd.dUdLMaximum) {
1818         return -1;
1819       }
1821       int bin = (int) floor((dUdL - hd.dUdLMinimum) / hd.dUdLBinWidth);
1823       if (bin == hd.dUdLBins) {
1824         bin = hd.dUdLBins - 1;
1825       }
1827       if (bin < 0) {
1828         bin = 0;
1829       }
1831       return bin;
1832     }
1834     /**
1835      * Return the value of a recursion kernel bin. Mirror conditions are applied to the lambda bin.
1836      * If the dUdLBin is outside the range of the count matrix, zero is returned.
1837      *
1838      * @param lambdaBin The lambda bin.
1839      * @param dUdLBin   The dU/dL bin.
1840      * @return The value of the bin.
1841      */
1842     double getRecursionKernelValue(int lambdaBin, int dUdLBin) {
1843       // Synchronize use of the recursion kernel.
1844       synchronized (this) {
1845         // Apply lambda mirror condition.
1846         lambdaBin = lambdaMirror(lambdaBin);
1848         // For dUdL outside the count matrix the weight is 0.
1849         if (dUdLBin < 0 || dUdLBin >= hd.dUdLBins) {
1850           return 0.0;
1851         }
1853         return hd.zHistogram[lambdaBin][dUdLBin];
1854       }
1855     }
1857     /**
1858      * Return the value of a recursion kernel bin. Mirror conditions are applied to the lambda bin.
1859      * If the dUdL is outside the range of the count matrix, zero is returned.
1860      *
1861      * @param lambda the lambda value.
1862      * @param dUdL   the dU/dL value.
1863      * @return The value of the Histogram.
1864      */
1865     double getRecursionKernelValue(double lambda, double dUdL) {
1866       return getRecursionKernelValue(indexForLambda(lambda), binFordUdL(dUdL));
1867     }
1869     /**
1870      * Add to the value of a recursion kernel bin.
1871      *
1872      * @param currentLambda The lambda bin.
1873      * @param currentdUdL   The dU/dL bin.
1874      * @param value         The value of the bin.
1875      */
1876     void addToRecursionKernelValue(double currentLambda, double currentdUdL, double value) {
1877       synchronized (this) {
1878         if (spreadBias) {
1879           // Expand the recursion kernel if necessary.
1880           int dUdLbiasCutoff = hd.dUdLBiasCutoff;
1881           checkRecursionKernelSize(dUdLforBin(binFordUdL(currentdUdL) - dUdLbiasCutoff));
1882           checkRecursionKernelSize(dUdLforBin(binFordUdL(currentdUdL) + dUdLbiasCutoff));
1884           int currentLambdaBin = indexForLambda(currentLambda);
1885           int currentdUdLBin = binFordUdL(currentdUdL);
1887           // Variances are only used when dividing by twice their value.
1888           double invLs2 = 0.5 / hd.lambdaVariance;
1889           double invFLs2 = 0.5 / hd.dUdLVariance;
1891           // Compute the normalization.
1892           double normalize = 0.0;
1893           int lambdaBiasCutoff = hd.lambdaBiasCutoff;
1894           for (int iL = -lambdaBiasCutoff; iL <= lambdaBiasCutoff; iL++) {
1895             int lambdaBin = currentLambdaBin + iL;
1896             double deltaL = currentLambda - lambdaBin * hd.lambdaBinWidth;
1897             double deltaL2 = deltaL * deltaL;
1898             // Pre-compute the lambda bias.
1899             double L2exp = exp(-deltaL2 * invLs2);
1900             for (int jFL = -dUdLbiasCutoff; jFL <= dUdLbiasCutoff; jFL++) {
1901               int dUdLBin = currentdUdLBin + jFL;
1902               double deltaFL = currentdUdL - dUdLforBin(dUdLBin);
1903               double deltaFL2 = deltaFL * deltaFL;
1904               normalize += L2exp * exp(-deltaFL2 * invFLs2);
1905             }
1906           }
1908           for (int iL = -lambdaBiasCutoff; iL <= lambdaBiasCutoff; iL++) {
1909             int lambdaBin = currentLambdaBin + iL;
1910             double deltaL = currentLambda - lambdaBin * hd.lambdaBinWidth;
1911             double deltaL2 = deltaL * deltaL;
1912             // Pre-compute the lambda bias.
1913             double L2exp = exp(-deltaL2 * invLs2);
1914             lambdaBin = lambdaMirror(lambdaBin);
1915             for (int jFL = -dUdLbiasCutoff; jFL <= dUdLbiasCutoff; jFL++) {
1916               int dUdLBin = currentdUdLBin + jFL;
1917               double deltaFL = currentdUdL - dUdLforBin(dUdLBin);
1918               double deltaFL2 = deltaFL * deltaFL;
1919               double weight = value / normalize * L2exp * exp(-deltaFL2 * invFLs2);
1920               hd.zHistogram[lambdaBin][dUdLBin] += weight;
1921             }
1922           }
1923           hd.counts++;
1924         } else {
1925           // Check the recursion kernel size.
1926           checkRecursionKernelSize(currentdUdL);
1927           int lambdaBin = indexForLambda(currentLambda);
1928           int dUdLBin = binFordUdL(currentdUdL);
1929           try {
1930             hd.zHistogram[lambdaBin][dUdLBin] += value;
1931             hd.counts++;
1932           } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
1933             logger.warning(format(
1934                 " Count skipped in addToRecursionKernelValue due to an index out of bounds exception.\n L=%10.8f (%d), dU/dL=%10.8f (%d) and count=%10.8f",
1935                 currentLambda, lambdaBin, currentdUdL, dUdLBin, value));
1936           }
1937         }
1938       }
1939     }
1941     /**
1942      * Allocate memory for the recursion kernel.
1943      */
1944     void allocateRecursionKernel() {
1945       // Synchronize updates of the recursion kernel.
1946       synchronized (this) {
1947         hd.zHistogram = new double[hd.lambdaBins][hd.dUdLBins];
1948         kernelValues = new double[hd.dUdLBins];
1949       }
1950     }
1952     /**
1953      * Integrates dUdL over lambda using more sophisticated techniques than midpoint rectangular
1954      * integration.
1955      *
1956      * <p>The ends (from 0 to dL and 1-dL to 1) are integrated with trapezoids for continuous
1957      * lambda.
1958      *
1959      * @param dUdLs dUdL at the midpoint of each bin.
1960      * @param type  Integration type to use.
1961      * @return Current delta-G estimate.
1962      */
1963     private double integrateNumeric(double[] dUdLs, IntegrationType type) {
1964       double val;
1965       if (hd.discreteLambda) {
1966         // Integrate between the first bin and the last bin.
1967         double[] lams = Integrate1DNumeric.generateXPoints(0.0, 1.0, hd.lambdaBins, false);
1968         DataSet dSet = new DoublesDataSet(lams, dUdLs, false);
1969         val = Integrate1DNumeric.integrateData(dSet, Integrate1DNumeric.IntegrationSide.LEFT, type);
1970       } else {
1971         // Integrate between the second bin midpoint and the second-to-last bin midpoint.
1972         double[] midLams = Integrate1DNumeric.generateXPoints(hd.lambdaBinWidth, 1.0 - hd.lambdaBinWidth,
1973             (hd.lambdaBins - 2), false);
1974         double[] midVals = Arrays.copyOfRange(dUdLs, 1, (hd.lambdaBins - 1));
1975         DataSet dSet = new DoublesDataSet(midLams, midVals, false);
1977         val = Integrate1DNumeric.integrateData(dSet, Integrate1DNumeric.IntegrationSide.LEFT, type);
1979         // Everything after this is just adding in the endpoint contributions.
1981         double dL_4 = hd.lambdaBinWidth_2 * 0.5;
1983         // Initially, assume dU/dL is exactly 0 at the endpoints. This is sometimes a true
1984         // assumption.
1985         double val0 = 0;
1986         double val1 = 0;
1988         // If we cannot guarantee that dUdL is exactly 0 at the endpoints, interpolate.
1989         if (!lambdaInterface.dEdLZeroAtEnds()) {
1990           double recipSlopeLen = 1.0 / (hd.lambdaBinWidth * 0.75);
1992           double slope = dUdLs[0] - dUdLs[1];
1993           slope *= recipSlopeLen;
1994           val0 = dUdLs[0] + (slope * dL_4);
1996           slope = dUdLs[hd.lambdaBins - 1] - dUdLs[hd.lambdaBins - 2];
1997           slope *= recipSlopeLen;
1998           val1 = dUdLs[hd.lambdaBins - 1] + (slope * dL_4);
1999           logger.fine(format(" Inferred dU/dL values at 0 and 1: %10.5g , %10.5g", val0, val1));
2000         }
2002         // Integrate trapezoids from 0 to the second bin midpoint, and from second-to-last bin
2003         // midpoint to 1.
2004         val += trapezoid(0, dL_4, val0, dUdLs[0]);
2005         val += trapezoid(dL_4, hd.lambdaBinWidth, dUdLs[0], dUdLs[1]);
2006         val += trapezoid(1.0 - hd.lambdaBinWidth, 1.0 - dL_4, dUdLs[hd.lambdaBins - 2],
2007             dUdLs[hd.lambdaBins - 1]);
2008         val += trapezoid(1.0 - dL_4, 1.0, dUdLs[hd.lambdaBins - 1], val1);
2009       }
2011       return val;
2012     }
2014     /**
2015      * Integrates a trapezoid.
2016      *
2017      * @param x0  First x point
2018      * @param x1  Second x point
2019      * @param fx0 First f(x) point
2020      * @param fx1 Second f(x) point
2021      * @return The area under a trapezoid.
2022      */
2023     private double trapezoid(double x0, double x1, double fx0, double fx1) {
2024       double val = 0.5 * (fx0 + fx1);
2025       val *= (x1 - x0);
2026       return val;
2027     }
2029     /**
2030      * Evaluate the kernel across dU/dL values at given value of lambda. The largest kernel value V
2031      * is used to define an offset (-V), which is added to all to kernel values. Then, the largest
2032      * kernel value is zero, and will result in a statistical weight of 1.
2033      *
2034      * <p>The offset avoids the recursion kernel becoming too large for some combinations of
2035      * (Lambda, dU/dL). This can result in its statistical weight = exp(kernel * beta) exceeding the
2036      * maximum representable double value.
2037      *
2038      * @param lambda Value of Lambda to evaluate the kernel for.
2039      * @param llFL   Lower FLambda bin.
2040      * @param ulFL   Upper FLambda bin.
2041      * @return the applied offset.
2042      */
2043     private double evaluateKernelForLambda(int lambda, int llFL, int ulFL) {
2044       double maxKernel = Double.MIN_VALUE;
2046       double gaussianBiasMagnitude = hd.biasMag;
2047       if (hd.biasMag <= 0.0) {
2048         gaussianBiasMagnitude = PSEUDO_BIAS_MAGNITUDE;
2049       }
2051       for (int jFL = llFL; jFL <= ulFL; jFL++) {
2052         double value = evaluateKernel(lambda, jFL, gaussianBiasMagnitude);
2053         kernelValues[jFL] = value;
2054         if (value > maxKernel) {
2055           maxKernel = value;
2056         }
2057       }
2059       // Only offset the kernel values for use with the 2D OST bias.
2060       double offset = 0.0;
2061       if (hd.biasMag > 0.0 && !hd.metaDynamics) {
2062         offset = -maxKernel;
2063         for (int jFL = llFL; jFL <= ulFL; jFL++) {
2064           kernelValues[jFL] += offset;
2065         }
2066       }
2067       return offset;
2068     }
2070     /**
2071      * Mirror the lambda bin if its less < 0 or greater than the last bin.
2072      *
2073      * @param bin Lambda bin to mirror.
2074      * @return The mirrored lambda bin.
2075      */
2076     private int lambdaMirror(int bin) {
2077       if (bin < 0) {
2078         return -bin;
2079       }
2080       int lastBin = hd.lambdaBins - 1;
2081       if (bin > lastBin) {
2082         // Number of bins past the last bin.
2083         bin -= lastBin;
2084         // Return Mirror bin
2085         return lastBin - bin;
2086       }
2087       // No mirror condition.
2088       return bin;
2089     }
2091     /**
2092      * For continuous lambda, the width of the first and last bins is dLambda_2, so the mirror
2093      * condition is to double their counts.
2094      *
2095      * @param bin Current lambda bin.
2096      * @return The mirror factor (either 1.0 or 2.0).
2097      */
2098     private double mirrorFactor(int bin) {
2099       if (hd.discreteLambda) {
2100         return 1.0;
2101       }
2102       if (bin == 0 || bin == hd.lambdaBins - 1) {
2103         return 2.0;
2104       }
2105       return 1.0;
2106     }
2108     /**
2109      * Compute the value of dU/dL for the given Histogram bin.
2110      *
2111      * @param dUdLBin The bin index in the dU/dL dimension.
2112      * @return The value of dU/dL at the center of the bin.
2113      */
2114     private double dUdLforBin(int dUdLBin) {
2115       return hd.dUdLMinimum + dUdLBin * hd.dUdLBinWidth + hd.dUdLBinWidth_2;
2116     }
2118     /**
2119      * Evaluate the bias at [currentLambdaBin, cF_lambda]
2120      */
2121     private double evaluateKernel(int currentLambdaBin, int currentdUdLBin, double gaussianBiasMagnitude) {
2122       // Compute the value of L and FL for the center of the current bin.
2123       double currentLambda = currentLambdaBin * hd.lambdaBinWidth;
2124       double currentdUdL = dUdLforBin(currentdUdLBin);
2126       // Variances are only used when dividing by twice their value.
2127       double invLs2 = 0.5 / hd.lambdaVariance;
2128       double invFLs2 = 0.5 / hd.dUdLVariance;
2130       double sum = 0.0;
2131       int lambdaBiasCutoff = hd.lambdaBiasCutoff;
2132       for (int iL = -lambdaBiasCutoff; iL <= lambdaBiasCutoff; iL++) {
2133         int lambdaBin = currentLambdaBin + iL;
2134         double deltaL = currentLambda - lambdaBin * hd.lambdaBinWidth;
2135         double deltaL2 = deltaL * deltaL;
2137         // Pre-compute the lambda bias.
2138         double L2exp = exp(-deltaL2 * invLs2);
2140         // Mirror condition for Lambda counts.
2141         lambdaBin = lambdaMirror(lambdaBin);
2142         double mirrorFactor = mirrorFactor(lambdaBin);
2144         int dUdLbiasCutoff = hd.dUdLBiasCutoff;
2145         for (int jFL = -dUdLbiasCutoff; jFL <= dUdLbiasCutoff; jFL++) {
2146           int dUdLBin = currentdUdLBin + jFL;
2147           double weight = mirrorFactor * getRecursionKernelValue(lambdaBin, dUdLBin);
2148           if (weight <= 0.0) {
2149             continue;
2150           }
2151           double deltaFL = currentdUdL - dUdLforBin(dUdLBin);
2152           double deltaFL2 = deltaFL * deltaFL;
2153           double e = weight * L2exp * exp(-deltaFL2 * invFLs2);
2154           sum += e;
2155         }
2156       }
2157       return gaussianBiasMagnitude * sum;
2158     }
2160     /**
2161      * Compute the total Bias energy at (currentLambda, currentdUdL).
2162      *
2163      * @param currentLambda The value of lambda.
2164      * @param currentdUdL   The value of dU/dL.
2165      * @return The bias energy.
2166      */
2167     double computeBiasEnergy(double currentLambda, double currentdUdL) {
2168       synchronized (this) {
2169         int currentLambdaBin = indexForLambda(currentLambda);
2170         int currentdUdLBin = binFordUdL(currentdUdL);
2172         double bias1D;
2173         double bias2D = 0.0;
2175         if (!hd.metaDynamics) {
2176           if (hd.biasMag > 0.0) {
2177             int lambdaBiasCutoff = hd.lambdaBiasCutoff;
2178             for (int iL = -lambdaBiasCutoff; iL <= lambdaBiasCutoff; iL++) {
2180               int lambdaBin = currentLambdaBin + iL;
2181               double deltaL = currentLambda - (lambdaBin * hd.lambdaBinWidth);
2182               double deltaL2 = deltaL * deltaL;
2183               double expL2 = exp(-deltaL2 / (2.0 * hd.lambdaVariance));
2185               // Mirror conditions for recursion kernel counts.
2186               lambdaBin = lambdaMirror(lambdaBin);
2187               double mirrorFactor = mirrorFactor(lambdaBin);
2189               int dUdLbiasCutoff = hd.dUdLBiasCutoff;
2190               for (int iFL = -dUdLbiasCutoff; iFL <= dUdLbiasCutoff; iFL++) {
2191                 int dUdLBin = currentdUdLBin + iFL;
2193                 double weight = mirrorFactor * getRecursionKernelValue(lambdaBin, dUdLBin);
2194                 if (weight <= 0.0) {
2195                   continue;
2196                 }
2198                 double deltaFL = currentdUdL - dUdLforBin(dUdLBin);
2199                 double deltaFL2 = deltaFL * deltaFL;
2200                 double bias = weight * hd.biasMag * expL2 * exp(-deltaFL2 / (2.0 * hd.dUdLVariance));
2201                 bias2D += bias;
2202               }
2203             }
2204           }
2205           // Compute the energy for the recursion worker at F(L) using interpolation.
2206           bias1D = energyAndGradient1D(currentLambda, false);
2207         } else {
2208           bias1D = energyAndGradientMeta(currentLambda, false);
2209         }
2211         // Return the total bias.
2212         return bias1D + bias2D;
2213       }
2214     }
2216     /**
2217      * Compute the total Bias energy at (currentLambda, currentdUdL) and its gradient.
2218      *
2219      * @param currentdUdLambda The value of dU/dL.
2220      * @param chainRule        The chain rule terms for the bias.
2221      * @return The bias energy.
2222      */
2223     double energyAndGradient2D(double currentdUdLambda, double[] chainRule) {
2224       return energyAndGradient2D(ld.lambda, currentdUdLambda, chainRule, hd.biasMag);
2225     }
2227     /**
2228      * Compute the total Bias energy at (currentLambda, currentdUdL) and its gradient.
2229      *
2230      * @param currentLambda         The value of lambda.
2231      * @param currentdUdLambda      The value of dU/dL.
2232      * @param chainRule             The chain rule terms for the bias.
2233      * @param gaussianBiasMagnitude The magnitude of the Gaussian bias.
2234      * @return The bias energy.
2235      */
2236     double energyAndGradient2D(double currentLambda, double currentdUdLambda, double[] chainRule,
2237                                double gaussianBiasMagnitude) {
2239       if (gaussianBiasMagnitude <= 0.0) {
2240         chainRule[0] = 0.0;
2241         chainRule[1] = 0.0;
2242         return 0;
2243       }
2245       // Calculate recursion kernel G(L, F_L) and its derivatives with respect to L and F_L.
2246       double gLdEdL = 0.0;
2247       double dGdLambda = 0.0;
2248       double dGdFLambda = 0.0;
2249       int currentLambdaBin = indexForLambda(currentLambda);
2250       int currentdUdLBin = binFordUdL(currentdUdLambda);
2252       int lambdaBiasCutoff = hd.lambdaBiasCutoff;
2253       for (int iL = -lambdaBiasCutoff; iL <= lambdaBiasCutoff; iL++) {
2254         int lambdaBin = currentLambdaBin + iL;
2256         // Pass in the bin offset to the weight instance.
2257         double deltaL = currentLambda - (lambdaBin * hd.lambdaBinWidth);
2258         double deltaL2 = deltaL * deltaL;
2259         double expL2 = exp(-deltaL2 / (2.0 * hd.lambdaVariance));
2261         // Mirror conditions for recursion kernel counts.
2262         double mirrorFactor = mirrorFactor(lambdaBin);
2263         int dUdLbiasCutoff = hd.dUdLBiasCutoff;
2264         for (int iFL = -dUdLbiasCutoff; iFL <= dUdLbiasCutoff; iFL++) {
2265           int dUdLBin = currentdUdLBin + iFL;
2267           double weight = mirrorFactor * getRecursionKernelValue(lambdaBin, dUdLBin);
2268           if (weight <= 0.0) {
2269             continue;
2270           }
2272           double deltaFL = currentdUdLambda - dUdLforBin(dUdLBin);
2273           double deltaFL2 = deltaFL * deltaFL;
2274           double bias = weight * gaussianBiasMagnitude * expL2 * exp(-deltaFL2 / (2.0 * hd.dUdLVariance));
2275           gLdEdL += bias;
2276           dGdLambda -= deltaL / hd.lambdaVariance * bias;
2277           dGdFLambda -= deltaFL / hd.dUdLVariance * bias;
2278         }
2279       }
2281       chainRule[0] = dGdLambda;
2282       chainRule[1] = dGdFLambda;
2283       return gLdEdL;
2284     }
2287     /**
2288      * This calculates the 1D OST bias and its derivative with respect to Lambda.
2289      * <p>
2290      * See Equation 8 in <a href="">
2291      * The Structure, Thermodynamics, and Solubility of Organic Crystals from Simulation with a
2292      * Polarizable Force Field</a>.
2293      * <p>
2294      *
2295      * @param gradient If true, compute the gradient.
2296      * @return a double.
2297      */
2298     private double energyAndGradient1D(boolean gradient) {
2299       return energyAndGradient1D(ld.lambda, gradient);
2300     }
2302     /**
2303      * This calculates the 1D OST bias and its derivative with respect to Lambda.
2304      * <p>
2305      * See Equation 8 in <a href="">
2306      * The Structure, Thermodynamics, and Solubility of Organic Crystals from Simulation with a
2307      * Polarizable Force Field</a>.
2308      * <p>
2309      *
2310      * @param currentLambda The current value of lambda.
2311      * @param gradient      If true, compute the gradient.
2312      * @return a double.
2313      */
2314     private double energyAndGradient1D(double currentLambda, boolean gradient) {
2315       synchronized (this) {
2316         double biasEnergy = 0.0;
2317         for (int iL0 = 0; iL0 < hd.lambdaBins - 1; iL0++) {
2318           int iL1 = iL0 + 1;
2320           // Find bin centers and values for interpolation / extrapolation points.
2321           double L0 = iL0 * hd.lambdaBinWidth;
2322           double L1 = L0 + hd.lambdaBinWidth;
2323           double FL0 = ensembleAveragedUdL[iL0];
2324           double FL1 = ensembleAveragedUdL[iL1];
2325           double deltaFL = FL1 - FL0;
2326           /*
2327            If the lambda is less than or equal to the upper limit, this is
2328            the final interval. Set the upper limit to L, compute the partial
2329            derivative and break.
2330           */
2331           boolean done = false;
2332           if (currentLambda <= L1) {
2333             done = true;
2334             L1 = currentLambda;
2335           }
2337           // Upper limit - lower limit of the integral of the extrapolation / interpolation.
2338           biasEnergy += (FL0 * L1 + deltaFL * L1 * (0.5 * L1 - L0) / hd.lambdaBinWidth);
2339           biasEnergy -= (FL0 * L0 + deltaFL * L0 * (-0.5 * L0) / hd.lambdaBinWidth);
2340           if (done) {
2341             // Compute the gradient d F(L) / dL at L.
2342             if (gradient) {
2343               dUdLambda -= FL0 + (L1 - L0) * deltaFL / hd.lambdaBinWidth;
2344             }
2345             break;
2346           }
2347         }
2348         return -biasEnergy;
2349       }
2350     }
2352     /**
2353      * This calculates the 1D Metadynamics bias and its derivative with respect to Lambda.
2354      *
2355      * @param gradient If true, compute the gradient.
2356      * @return a double.
2357      */
2358     private double energyAndGradientMeta(boolean gradient) {
2359       return energyAndGradientMeta(ld.lambda, gradient);
2360     }
2362     /**
2363      * This calculates the 1D Metadynamics bias and its derivative with respect to Lambda.
2364      *
2365      * @param currentLambda The current value of lambda.
2366      * @param gradient      If true, compute the gradient.
2367      * @return a double.
2368      */
2369     private double energyAndGradientMeta(double currentLambda, boolean gradient) {
2370       // Zero out the metadynamics bias energy.
2371       double biasEnergy = 0.0;
2373       // Current lambda bin.
2374       int currentBin = indexForLambda(currentLambda);
2376       // Loop over bins within the cutoff.
2377       int lambdaBiasCutoff = hd.lambdaBiasCutoff;
2378       for (int iL = -lambdaBiasCutoff; iL <= lambdaBiasCutoff; iL++) {
2379         int lambdaBin = currentBin + iL;
2380         double deltaL = currentLambda - (lambdaBin * hd.lambdaBinWidth);
2381         double deltaL2 = deltaL * deltaL;
2382         // Mirror conditions for the lambda bin and count magnitude.
2383         lambdaBin = lambdaMirror(lambdaBin);
2384         double mirrorFactor = mirrorFactor(lambdaBin);
2385         double weight = mirrorFactor * hd.biasMag * countsForLambda(lambdaBin);
2386         if (weight > 0) {
2387           double e = weight * exp(-deltaL2 / (2.0 * hd.lambdaVariance));
2388           biasEnergy += e;
2389           // Add the dMeta/dL contribution.
2390           if (gradient) {
2391             dUdLambda -= deltaL / hd.lambdaVariance * e;
2392           }
2393         }
2394       }
2396       return biasEnergy;
2397     }
2399     /**
2400      * Marginalize over dU/dL counts for the given lambda bin.
2401      *
2402      * @param lambdaBin Lambda bin to marginalize for.
2403      * @return Total number of counts.
2404      */
2405     private double countsForLambda(int lambdaBin) {
2406       synchronized (this) {
2407         double count = 0.0;
2408         for (int i = 0; i < hd.dUdLBins; i++) {
2409           count += hd.zHistogram[lambdaBin][i];
2410         }
2411         return count;
2412       }
2413     }
2415     /**
2416      * If necessary, allocate more space.
2417      */
2418     void checkRecursionKernelSize(double currentdUdL) {
2419       // Synchronize updates of the recursion kernel.
2420       synchronized (this) {
2421         if (currentdUdL > hd.dUdLMaximum) {
2422 " Current F_lambda %8.2f > maximum histogram size %8.2f.", currentdUdL, hd.dUdLMaximum));
2424           double origDeltaG = updateFreeEnergyDifference(false, false);
2426           int newdUdLBins = hd.dUdLBins;
2427           while (hd.dUdLMinimum + newdUdLBins * hd.dUdLBinWidth < currentdUdL) {
2428             newdUdLBins += 100;
2429           }
2430           double[][] newRecursionKernel = new double[hd.lambdaBins][newdUdLBins];
2432           // We have added bins above the indices of the current counts just copy them into the new array.
2433           for (int i = 0; i < hd.lambdaBins; i++) {
2434             arraycopy(hd.zHistogram[i], 0, newRecursionKernel[i], 0, hd.dUdLBins);
2435           }
2437           hd.zHistogram = newRecursionKernel;
2438           hd.dUdLBins = newdUdLBins;
2439           kernelValues = new double[hd.dUdLBins];
2440           hd.dUdLMaximum = hd.dUdLMinimum + hd.dUdLBinWidth * hd.dUdLBins;
2441 " New histogram %8.2f to %8.2f with %d bins.\n", hd.dUdLMinimum, hd.dUdLMaximum, hd.dUdLBins));
2443           double newFreeEnergy = updateFreeEnergyDifference(true, false);
2444           assert (origDeltaG == newFreeEnergy);
2445         }
2446         if (currentdUdL < hd.dUdLMinimum) {
2447 " Current F_lambda %8.2f < minimum histogram size %8.2f.", currentdUdL, hd.dUdLMinimum));
2449           double origDeltaG = updateFreeEnergyDifference(false, false);
2451           int offset = 100;
2452           while (currentdUdL < hd.dUdLMinimum - offset * hd.dUdLBinWidth) {
2453             offset += 100;
2454           }
2455           int newdUdLBins = hd.dUdLBins + offset;
2456           double[][] newRecursionKernel = new double[hd.lambdaBins][newdUdLBins];
2458           // We have added bins below the current counts,
2459           // so their indices must be increased by: offset = newFLBins - FLBins
2460           for (int i = 0; i < hd.lambdaBins; i++) {
2461             arraycopy(hd.zHistogram[i], 0, newRecursionKernel[i], offset, hd.dUdLBins);
2462           }
2464           hd.zHistogram = newRecursionKernel;
2465           hd.dUdLMinimum = hd.dUdLMinimum - offset * hd.dUdLBinWidth;
2466           hd.dUdLBins = newdUdLBins;
2467           kernelValues = new double[hd.dUdLBins];
2468 " New histogram %8.2f to %8.2f with %d bins.\n", hd.dUdLMinimum, hd.dUdLMaximum, hd.dUdLBins));
2470           double newFreeEnergy = updateFreeEnergyDifference(true, false);
2471           assert (origDeltaG == newFreeEnergy);
2472         }
2473       }
2474     }
2476     /**
2477      * Add a Gaussian hill to the Histogram at (lambda, dUdL).
2478      *
2479      * @param dUdL The value of dU/dL.
2480      */
2481     void addBias(double dUdL) {
2482       // Communicate adding the bias to all walkers.
2483       if (hd.asynchronous) {
2484         sendAsynchronous.send(ld.lambda, dUdL, temperingWeight);
2485       } else {
2486         sendSynchronous.send(ld.lambda, dUdL, temperingWeight);
2487       }
2488     }
2490     /**
2491      * Pre-force portion of the stochastic integrator.
2492      */
2493     private void stochasticPreForce() {
2494       // Update theta.
2495       double[] thetaPosition = lambdaState.x();
2496       thetaPosition[0] = ld.theta;
2497       stochastic.preForce(OrthogonalSpaceTempering.this);
2498       ld.theta = thetaPosition[0];
2500       // Maintain theta in the interval -PI to PI.
2501       if (ld.theta > PI) {
2502         ld.theta -= 2.0 * PI;
2503       } else if (ld.theta <= -PI) {
2504         ld.theta += 2.0 * PI;
2505       }
2507       // Update lambda as sin(theta)^2.
2508       double sinTheta = sin(ld.theta);
2509       ld.lambda = sinTheta * sinTheta;
2510       lambdaInterface.setLambda(ld.lambda);
2511     }
2513     /**
2514      * Post-force portion of the stochastic integrator.
2515      */
2516     private void stochasticPostForce() {
2517       double[] thetaPosition = lambdaState.x();
2518       double[] gradient = lambdaState.gradient();
2519       // Update theta and dU/dtheta.
2520       gradient[0] = dUdLambda * sin(2 * ld.theta);
2521       thetaPosition[0] = ld.theta;
2522       stochastic.postForce(gradient);
2524       // Load the new theta, velocity and acceleration.
2525       double[] thetaVelocity = lambdaState.v();
2526       double[] thetaAcceleration = lambdaState.a();
2527       ld.theta = thetaPosition[0];
2528       ld.thetaVelocity = thetaVelocity[0];
2529       ld.thetaAcceleration = thetaAcceleration[0];
2531       // Maintain theta in the interval -PI to PI.
2532       if (ld.theta > PI) {
2533         ld.theta -= 2.0 * PI;
2534       } else if (ld.theta <= -PI) {
2535         ld.theta += 2.0 * PI;
2536       }
2538       // Update lambda as sin(theta)^2.
2539       double sinTheta = sin(ld.theta);
2540       ld.lambda = sinTheta * sinTheta;
2541       lambdaInterface.setLambda(ld.lambda);
2542     }
2544     /**
2545      * Gets the last lambda value received by this Histogram. This can be out-of-date w.r.t. the
2546      * OST's current lambda!
2547      *
2548      * @return Lambda value of the last bias added to this Histogram.
2549      */
2550     double getLastReceivedLambda() {
2551       return lastReceivedLambda;
2552     }
2554     public void setLastReceivedLambda(double lastReceivedLambda) {
2555       this.lastReceivedLambda = lastReceivedLambda;
2556     }
2558     /**
2559      * Gets the last dU/dL value received by this Histogram. This can be out-of-date w.r.t. the OST's
2560      * current dU/dL!
2561      *
2562      * @return dU/dL value of the last bias added to this Histogram.
2563      */
2564     double getLastReceivedDUDL() {
2565       return lastReceiveddUdL;
2566     }
2568     void destroy() {
2569       if (sendAsynchronous != null && sendAsynchronous.isAlive()) {
2570         double[] killMessage = new double[]{Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN};
2571         DoubleBuf killBuf = DoubleBuf.buffer(killMessage);
2572         try {
2573           logger.fine(" Sending the termination message.");
2574           world.send(rank, killBuf);
2575           logger.fine(" Termination message was sent successfully.");
2576           logger.fine(format(" Receive thread alive %b status %s", sendAsynchronous.isAlive(),
2577               sendAsynchronous.getState()));
2578         } catch (Exception ex) {
2579           String message = format(" Asynchronous Multiwalker OST termination signal "
2580               + "failed to be sent for process %d.", rank);
2581           logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex);
2582         }
2583       } else {
2584         logger.fine(
2585             " CountReceiveThread was either not initialized, or is not alive. This is the case for the Histogram script.");
2586       }
2587     }
2589   }
2591 }