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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.algorithms.dynamics;
40  import static ffx.utilities.Constants.KCAL_TO_GRAM_ANG2_PER_PS2;
41  import static ffx.utilities.Constants.kB;
42  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.exp;
44  import;
45  import;
46  import;
47  import edu.rit.pj.Comm;
48  import ffx.algorithms.Terminatable;
49  import ffx.numerics.Potential;
50  import ffx.potential.extended.ExtendedSystem;
51  import;
52  import;
53  import;
54  import;
55  import java.nio.file.Files;
56  import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
57  import java.util.ArrayList;
58  import java.util.Arrays;
59  import java.util.List;
60  import java.util.Random;
61  import java.util.logging.Level;
62  import java.util.logging.Logger;
64  import ffx.potential.parameters.TitrationUtils;
65  import jline.internal.Nullable;
66  import;
68  /**
69   * The PhReplicaExchange implements pH replica exchange. Adapted from "" by
70   * Timothy D. Fenn and Michael J. Schnieders
71   *
72   * @author Matthew Speranza and Andrew Thiel
73   * @since 1.0
74   */
75  public class PhReplicaExchange implements Terminatable {
77    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PhReplicaExchange.class.getName());
78    private final MolecularDynamics replica;
79    private final MolecularDynamicsOpenMM openMM;
80    private final Potential potential;
81    private final ExtendedSystem extendedSystem;
82    private final Random random;
83    /** Parallel Java world communicator. */
84    private final Comm world;
85    private File dyn, esv, esvBackup, dynBackup;
86    private ArrayList<Double> readPhScale;
87    /**
88     * Each parameter array is wrapped inside a Parallel Java DoubleBuf for the All-Gather
89     * communication calls.
90     */
91    private final DoubleBuf[] parametersBuf;
92    private final DoubleBuf myParametersBuf;
93    /**
94     * The parameters array stores communicated parameters for each process (i.e. each RepEx system).
95     * Currently, the array is of size [number of Processes][2].
96     */
97    private final double[][] parameters;
98    private final int[][][] parametersHis;
99    private final IntegerBuf[] parametersHisBuf;
100   private final int[] pH2Rank, rank2Ph, pHAcceptedCount, pHTrialCount;
101   /** Rank of this process. */
102   private final int rank, nReplicas;
103   private boolean done = false, restart, terminate = false, backupNeeded = false;
104   private final double[] myParameters, pHScale;
105   private double[] x;
106   private final double pH, temp;
107   private int restartStep;
109   /**
110    * pHReplicaExchange constructor.
111    *
112    * @param molecularDynamics a {@link MolecularDynamics} object.
113    * @param pH pH = pKa will be changed from this initial value
114    * @param extendedSystem extended system attached to this process
115    * @param pHLadder range of pH's that replicas are created for
116    * @param temp temperature of replica
117    */
118   public PhReplicaExchange(MolecularDynamics molecularDynamics, File structureFile, double pH,
119                            double[] pHLadder, double temp, ExtendedSystem extendedSystem, double[] x) {
120     this(molecularDynamics, structureFile, pH, pHLadder, temp, extendedSystem, x, null, null);
121   }
123   /**
124    * OpenMM cycled pHReplicaExchange constructor.
125    *
126    * @param molecularDynamics a {@link MolecularDynamics} object.
127    * @param pH pH = pKa will be changed from this initial value
128    * @param extendedSystem extended system attached to this process
129    * @param pHLadder range of pH's that replicas are created for
130    * @param temp temperature of replica
131    * @param x array of coordinates
132    * @param molecularDynamicsOpenMM for running config steps on GPU
133    */
134   public PhReplicaExchange(MolecularDynamics molecularDynamics, File structureFile, double pH,
135                            double[] pHLadder, double temp, ExtendedSystem extendedSystem, @Nullable double[] x,
136                            @Nullable MolecularDynamicsOpenMM molecularDynamicsOpenMM, @Nullable Potential potential) {
138     this.replica = molecularDynamics;
139     this.temp = temp;
140     this.extendedSystem = extendedSystem;
141     this.pH = pH;
142     this.pHScale = pHLadder;
143     this.x = x;
144     this.openMM = molecularDynamicsOpenMM;
145     this.potential = potential;
147     // Set up the Replica Exchange communication variables for Parallel Java communication between nodes.
148     world =;
150     // Number of processes is equal to the number of replicas.
151     int numProc = world.size();
152     rank = world.rank();
154     nReplicas = numProc;
155     pH2Rank = new int[nReplicas];
156     rank2Ph = new int[nReplicas];
157     pHAcceptedCount = new int[nReplicas];
158     pHTrialCount = new int[nReplicas];
160     // Init map
161     for (int i = 0; i < nReplicas; i++) {
162       rank2Ph[i] = i;
163       pH2Rank[i] = i;
164     }
165     extendedSystem.setConstantPh(pHScale[rank]);
167     random = new Random();
168     random.setSeed(0);
170     // Create arrays to store the parameters of all processes.
171     parameters = new double[nReplicas][4];
172     parametersHis = new int[nReplicas][extendedSystem.getTitratingResidueList().size()][100];
173     parametersBuf = new DoubleBuf[nReplicas];
174     parametersHisBuf = new IntegerMatrixBuf_1[nReplicas];
175     for (int i = 0; i < nReplicas; i++) {
176       parametersBuf[i] = DoubleBuf.buffer(parameters[i]);
177       parametersHisBuf[i] = IntegerMatrixBuf_1.buffer(parametersHis[i]);
178     }
180     // A convenience reference to the parameters of this process are updated during communication calls.
181     myParameters = parameters[rank];
182     myParametersBuf = parametersBuf[rank];
184     // Set the ESV that this rank will share has correct values after a restart
185     if (manageFilesAndRestart(structureFile)) {
186" Startup Successful! ");
187       extendedSystem.getESVHistogram(parametersHis[rank]);
188     } else {
189       logger.severe(" Unable to restart. Fix issues with restart files.");
190     }
191   }
193   /**
194    * This deals with anything having to do with restarts and backup files. Is identical between CPU
195    * and GPU.
196    *
197    * @param structureFile pdb file
198    * @return whether the restart was successful or not
199    */
200   private boolean manageFilesAndRestart(File structureFile) {
201     // My directory info
202     File parent = structureFile.getParentFile();
203     File rankDir = new File(parent + File.separator + rank);
204     restart = !rankDir.mkdir();
206     // My files
207     esv = new File(
208             rankDir.getPath() + File.separator + FilenameUtils.removeExtension(structureFile.getName())
209                     + ".esv");
210     dyn = new File(
211             rankDir.getPath() + File.separator + FilenameUtils.removeExtension((structureFile.getName()))
212                     + ".dyn");
213     esvBackup = new File(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(esv.getAbsolutePath()) + "_backup.esv");
214     dynBackup = new File(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(dyn.getAbsolutePath()) + "_backup.dyn");
216     // Set restart files - does not do any reading yet
217     extendedSystem.setRestartFile(esv);
218     replica.setFallbackDynFile(dyn);
219     replica.setArchiveFiles(new File[] {new File(
220             rankDir.getPath() + File.separator + FilenameUtils.removeExtension((structureFile.getName()))
221                     + ".arc")});
222     if (openMM != null) {
223       openMM.setAutomaticWriteouts(false);
224     }
226     // Build restart
227     restartStep = 0;
228     if (restart) {
229" Attempting to restart. ");
230       readPhScale = new ArrayList<>();
232       // Read normal restarts
233       backupNeeded = false;
234       if (checkForRestartFiles(parent, esv.getName()) && checkForRestartFiles(parent,
235               dyn.getName())) {
236         for (int i = 0; i < nReplicas; i++) {
237           File checkThisESV = new File(
238                   parent.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + i + File.separator + esv.getName());
239           backupNeeded = !readESV(checkThisESV, i);
240           if (backupNeeded) {
241             logger.warning(" Searching backup esv files.");
242             break;
243           }
244         }
245         if (!backupNeeded) {
246 " Reading in from: " + esv);
247           extendedSystem.readESVInfoFrom(esv);
248         }
249       } else {
250" Directories do not contain all of the correct restart files.");
251         backupNeeded = true;
252       }
254       // Read backup restarts
255       if (backupNeeded && checkForRestartFiles(parent, esvBackup.getName()) && checkForRestartFiles(
256               parent, dynBackup.getName())) {
257         for (int i = 0; i < nReplicas; i++) {
258           File checkThisESV = new File(
259                   parent.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + i + File.separator + esvBackup.getName());
260           if (!readESV(checkThisESV, i)) {
261   " Restart files & Backups are messed up.");
262             return false;
263           }
264         }
265" Reading in from: " + esvBackup);
266         extendedSystem.readESVInfoFrom(esvBackup);
267       } else if (backupNeeded) {
268" Directories do not contain all of the correct backup restart files.");
269         logger.warning(" No backup files found, treating as a fresh start.");
270         restart = false;
271         return true;
272       }
273     } else {
274" Not a restart.");
275       return true;
276     }
278" Rank " + rank + " staring at pH " + pHScale[rank2Ph[rank]]);
279     extendedSystem.setConstantPh(pHScale[rank2Ph[rank]]);
280" Rank " + rank + " starting hist:");
281     extendedSystem.writeLambdaHistogram(true);
283     return true;
284   }
286   /**
287    * Reads an esv file to find the number of steps logged and if the pH matches the others in
288    * readPhScale. (N.B. - This only checks the first esv in the system for uneven sums, since it is
289    * assumed that all counts will be messed up if the first one is.)
290    *
291    * @param file to read
292    * @return if the esv file of this name at this rank works with the others, or if i=0, then it sets
293    *     the standards
294    */
295   private boolean readESV(File file, int i) {
296     try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) {
297       String data = br.readLine();
298       while (data != null) {
299         List<String> tokens = Arrays.asList(data.split(" +"));
300         if (tokens.contains("pH:")) {
301           double pHOfRankI = Double.parseDouble(tokens.get(tokens.indexOf("pH:") + 1));
303           // Set up map
304           for (int j = 0; j < pHScale.length; j++) {
305             if (Math.abs(pHScale[j] / pHOfRankI - 1) < 0.00001) {
306               rank2Ph[i] = j;
307               pH2Rank[j] = i;
308             }
309           }
311           // Check pH list for duplicates
312           if ( -> (Math.abs(d / pHOfRankI - 1) < 0.00001))) {
313             logger.warning(" Duplicate pH value found in file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
314             readPhScale.clear();
315             restartStep = 0;
316             return false;
317           } else {
318             readPhScale.add(pHOfRankI);
319           }
321           // Find restart steps
322           br.readLine();
323           br.readLine();
324           int sum = 0;
325           for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { // 10 titr windows
326             data = br.readLine().trim();
327             tokens = List.of(data.split(" +"));
328             for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { // 10 tautomer windows
329               sum += Integer.parseInt(tokens.get(k + 1));
330             }
331           }
333           if (restartStep == 0) {
334             restartStep = sum;
335           } else if (restartStep != sum) {
336             logger.warning(" Restart received uneven sums from esv file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
337   " Restart Step: " + restartStep + "    Found: " + sum);
338             restartStep = 0;
339             readPhScale.clear();
340             return false;
341           }
342           break;
343         }
344         data = br.readLine();
345       }
346       return true;
347     } catch (IOException | IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
348       logger.warning("Failed to read file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
349       return false;
350     }
351   }
353   /**
354    * Looks through directories to see if they all contain the right file
355    *
356    * @return whether they all contain the correct file
357    */
358   private boolean checkForRestartFiles(File parent, String fileNameWithExtension) {
359     File searchFile;
360     for (int i = 0; i < nReplicas; i++) {
361       searchFile = new File(
362               parent.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + i + File.separator + fileNameWithExtension);
363       if (!searchFile.exists()) {
364         return false;
365       }
366     }
367     return true;
368   }
370   /**
371    * Sample. Restart file write-outs are entirely handled by this method based on how many steps are per cycle.
372    * User command input is ignored.
373    *
374    * @param cycles The number of cycles to run.
375    * @param nSteps The number of steps per cycle.
376    * @param timeStep The time step.
377    * @param printInterval The print interval.
378    */
379   public void sample(int cycles, long nSteps, double timeStep, double printInterval,
380                      double trajInterval, int initTitrDynamics) {
381     sample(cycles, nSteps, 0, timeStep, printInterval, trajInterval, initTitrDynamics);
382   }
384   public void sample(int cycles, long titrSteps, long confSteps, double timeStep,
385                      double printInterval, double trajInterval, int initDynamics) {
386     done = false;
387     terminate = false;
388     replica.setRestartFrequency(cycles * (titrSteps + confSteps) * replica.dt + 100); // Full control over restarts handled by this class
389     extendedSystem.reGuessLambdas();
390     replica.setCoordinates(x);
392     int startCycle = 0;
393     if (initDynamics > 0 && !restart) {
394       extendedSystem.reGuessLambdas();
395       extendedSystem.setFixedTitrationState(true);
396       extendedSystem.setFixedTautomerState(true);
398" ");
399" ------------------Start of Equilibration Dynamics------------------\n");
400" ");
402       if (openMM == null) {
403         replica.dynamic(initDynamics, timeStep, printInterval, trajInterval, temp, true, dyn);
404       } else {
405         x = replica.getCoordinates();
407         openMM.setCoordinates(x);
409         openMM.dynamic(initDynamics, timeStep, printInterval, trajInterval, temp, true, dyn);
411         x = openMM.getCoordinates();
412         replica.setCoordinates(x);
413       }
415       extendedSystem.setFixedTitrationState(false);
416       extendedSystem.setFixedTautomerState(false);
418       extendedSystem.writeLambdaHistogram(true);
419       extendedSystem.copyESVHistogramTo(parametersHis[rank]); // Copy the ESV hist to be empty
421" ");
422" ------------------End of Equilibration Dynamics------------------\n");
423" ");
424     } else if (restart) {
425" Omitting initialization steps because this is a restart.");
426       startCycle = (int) (restartStep / titrSteps) + 1;
427" Restarting pH-REX at cycle " + startCycle + " of " + cycles);
428     }
430     for (int i = startCycle; i < cycles; i++) {
431       // Check for termination request.
432       if (terminate) {
433         done = true;
434         break;
435       }
437       if (openMM != null) {
438         if (confSteps < 3) {
439           logger.severe(" Increase number of steps per cycle.");
440         }
441         dynamicsOpenMM(titrSteps, confSteps, timeStep, printInterval, trajInterval);
442       } else {
443         dynamics(titrSteps, timeStep, printInterval, trajInterval);
444       }
445       // Set backups in case job is killed at bad time
446       if (i == 0 || backupNeeded) {
447         replica.writeRestart();
448       }
449       copyToBackups();
450       replica.writeRestart();
452       if (i % 100 == 0) {
453         extendedSystem.writeLambdaHistogram(true);
454       }
456       try {
457"\n Predicting pKa...");
459       } catch (Exception e) {
461         logger.warning("Failed to predict pKa. Simulation may be too early on.");
462       }
464" ");
465" ------------------Exchange Cycle %d------------------\n", i + 1));
467       if (i != cycles - 1) {
468         exchange();
469       }
470" ");
471" Setting rank " + rank + " esv to pH " + pHScale[rank2Ph[rank]]);
472" ");
473     }
474   }
476   private String pkaPred(int[][][] parametersHis) {// parametersHis shape explanation - [rank (w/ some pH)][residue][histogram --> len = 100]
478     // Calculate collapsed fractions of 10x10 histograms
479     double[][][] collapsedSum = new double[parametersHis.length][parametersHis[0].length][10];
480     double[][] collapsedRatio = new double[parametersHis.length][parametersHis[0].length];
481     for(int i = 0; i < parametersHis.length; i++) // pH's
482     {
483       for(int j = 0; j < parametersHis[0].length; j++) // residues
484       {
485         for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // 10 titration states
486         {
487           double sum = 0;
488           for(int l = 0; l < 10; l++) // 10 tautomer states
489           {
490             sum += parametersHis[i][j][k*10 + l];
491           }
492           collapsedSum[i][j][k] = sum;
493         }
494         // Calculate ratio over 0 and 9
495         double ratio = collapsedSum[i][j][0] / (collapsedSum[i][j][0] + collapsedSum[i][j][9]);
496         collapsedRatio[i][j] = ratio;
497       }
498     }
500     // Calculate hill coeff and pKa's of each residue and print
501     StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
502     double[] n = new double[parametersHis[0].length];
503     double[] pka = new double[parametersHis[0].length];
504     double[][] residueRatios = new double[parametersHis[0].length][parametersHis.length];
505     for(int i = 0; i < parametersHis[0].length; i++) // residues
506     {
507       // Create array of fractions for this residue
508       for(int j = 0; j < parametersHis.length; j++) // pH's
509       {
510         residueRatios[i][j] = collapsedRatio[j][i];
511       }
512       Arrays.sort(residueRatios[i]);
514       // L-BFGS minimization of the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation to find the best fit hill coeff and pKa
515       double[] temp = TitrationUtils.predictHillCoeffandPka(pHScale, residueRatios[i]);
516       n[i] = temp[0];
517       pka[i] = temp[1];
519       // Print results for this residue
520       String residueName = extendedSystem.getTitratingResidueList().get(i).toString();
521       output.append(" Residue: ").append(residueName).append("\n");
522       output.append(" Fractions (Dep / (Dep + Pro)): ").append(Arrays.toString(residueRatios[i])).append("\n");
523       output.append(" pH window: ").append(Arrays.toString(pHScale)).append("\n");
524       output.append(" n: ").append(n[i]).append("\n");
525       output.append(" pKa: ").append(pka[i]).append("\n");
526       output.append("\n");
527     }
529     return output.toString();
530   }
532   /**
533    * Sets an even pH ladder based on the pH gap.
534    */
535   public static double[] setEvenSpacePhLadder(double pHGap, double pH, int nReplicas) {
536     double range = nReplicas * pHGap;
537     double pHMin = pH - range / 2;
539     if (nReplicas % 2 != 0) {
540       pHMin += pHGap / 2; // Center range if odd num windows
541     }
543     double[] pHScale = new double[nReplicas];
544     for (int i = 0; i < nReplicas; i++) {
545       pHScale[i] = pHMin + i * pHGap;
546     }
548     return pHScale;
549   }
551   /**
552    * {@inheritDoc}
553    *
554    * <p>This should be implemented as a blocking interrupt; when the method returns the <code>
555    * Terminatable</code> algorithm has reached a clean termination point. For example, between
556    * minimize or molecular dynamics steps.
557    */
558   @Override
559   public void terminate() {
560     terminate = true;
561     while (!done) {
562       synchronized (this) {
563         try {
564           wait(1);
565         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
566           logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception terminating replica exchange.\n", e);
567         }
568       }
569     }
570   }
572   /**
573    * Evaluate whether to exchange.
574    *
575    * @param pH The pH to have as the replica target.
576    */
577   private void compareTwo(int pH) {
578     // Ranks for pH A and B
579     int rankA;
580     int rankB;
582     // Load pH, beta and energy for each rank.
583     double pHA;
584     double pHB;
585     double beta;
586     double acidostatA;
587     double acidostatB;
588     double acidostatAatB;
589     double acidostatBatA;
591     rankA = pH2Rank[pH];
592     rankB = pH2Rank[pH + 1];
594     pHA = parameters[rankA][0];
595     pHB = parameters[rankB][0];
597     beta = KCAL_TO_GRAM_ANG2_PER_PS2 / (temp * kB);
599     acidostatA = parameters[rankA][2];
600     acidostatB = parameters[rankB][2];
602     acidostatAatB = parameters[rankA][3]; // acidostat of rankA evaluated at the pH of rankB
603     acidostatBatA = parameters[rankB][1];
605" ");
607             " From rank " + rank + ": Comparing ranks " + rankA + " (pH = " + pHA + ") & " + rankB
608                     + " (pH = " + pHB + ")");
610     // Compute the change in energy over kT (E/kT) for the Metropolis criteria.
611     double deltaE = beta * ((acidostatAatB + acidostatBatA) - (acidostatA + acidostatB));
612" DeltaE: " + deltaE);
614     //Count the number of trials for each temp
615     pHTrialCount[pH]++;
617     // If the Metropolis criteria is satisfied, do the switch.
618     if (deltaE < 0.0 || random.nextDouble() < exp(-deltaE)) {
619       int[][] tempHis = new int[extendedSystem.getTitratingResidueList().size()][100];
620       for (int i = 0; i < extendedSystem.getTitratingResidueList().size(); i++) {
621         System.arraycopy(parametersHis[rankA][i], 0, tempHis[i], 0, tempHis[i].length);
622         System.arraycopy(parametersHis[rankB][i], 0, parametersHis[rankA][i], 0,
623                 parametersHis[rankA][i].length);
624         System.arraycopy(tempHis[i], 0, parametersHis[rankB][i], 0, parametersHis[rankB][i].length);
625       }
626       // Swap pH and energy values.
627       parameters[rankA][0] = pHB;
628       parameters[rankB][0] = pHA;
630       // Map pH to process ranks.
631       pH2Rank[pH] = rankB;
632       pH2Rank[pH + 1] = rankA;
634       // Map ranks to pH.
635       rank2Ph[rankA] = pH + 1;
636       rank2Ph[rankB] = pH;
638       pHAcceptedCount[pH]++;
639     }
640   }
642   /** All processes complete the exchanges identically given the same Random number seed. */
643   private void exchange() {
644     // Loop over top and bottom parts of pH scale
645     for (int pH = 0; pH < nReplicas - 1; pH++) {
646       compareTwo(pH);
647     }
649" ");
650     // Print Exchange Info
651     for (int i = 0; i < pHScale.length - 1; i++) {
652       double pHAcceptance = pHAcceptedCount[i] * 100.0 / (pHTrialCount[i]);
654               " Acceptance for pH " + pHScale[i] + " to be exchanged with pH " + pHScale[i + 1] + ": "
655                       + pHAcceptance);
656     }
657" ");
658   }
660   /**
661    * Blocking dynamic steps: when this method returns each replica has completed the requested number
662    * of steps. Both OpenMM and CPU implementations exist
663    *
664    * @param titrSteps the number of time steps on CPU.
665    * @param confSteps the number of time steps on GPU.
666    * @param timeStep the time step.
667    * @param printInterval the number of steps between logging updates.
668    * @param saveInterval the number of steps between saving snapshots.
669    */
670   private void dynamicsOpenMM(final long titrSteps, final long confSteps, final double timeStep,
671                               final double printInterval, final double saveInterval) {
673     int i = rank2Ph[rank];
674     extendedSystem.setConstantPh(pHScale[i]);
675     extendedSystem.copyESVHistogramTo(parametersHis[rank]);
677     // Start this processes MolecularDynamics instance sampling.
678     boolean initVelocities = true;
680     x = replica.getCoordinates();
682     openMM.setCoordinates(x);
684     openMM.dynamic(confSteps, timeStep, printInterval, saveInterval, temp, initVelocities, dyn);
686     x = openMM.getCoordinates();
687     replica.setCoordinates(x);
689     double forceWriteInterval = titrSteps * .001;
690     replica.dynamic(titrSteps, timeStep, printInterval, forceWriteInterval, temp, initVelocities, dyn);
692     // Update this ranks' parameter array to be consistent with the dynamics.lea
693     myParameters[0] = pHScale[i];
694     myParameters[2] = extendedSystem.getBiasEnergy();
696     double lowPh;
697     double highPh;
698     try {
699       lowPh = pHScale[i - 1];
700     } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
701       lowPh = 0;
702     }
704     try {
705       highPh = pHScale[i + 1];
706     } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
707       highPh = 0;
708     }
710     // Evaluate acidostat of ES at different pHs
711     extendedSystem.setConstantPh(lowPh);
712     myParameters[1] = extendedSystem.getBiasEnergy();
714     extendedSystem.setConstantPh(highPh);
715     myParameters[3] = extendedSystem.getBiasEnergy();
717     extendedSystem.setConstantPh(myParameters[0]);
718     extendedSystem.getESVHistogram(parametersHis[rank]);
720     // Gather all parameters from the other processes.
721     try {
722       world.allGather(myParametersBuf, parametersBuf);
723       world.allGather(parametersHisBuf[rank], parametersHisBuf);
724     } catch (IOException ex) {
725       String message = " Replica Exchange allGather failed.";
726       logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex);
727     }
728   }
731   private void dynamics(long nSteps, double timeStep, double printInterval, double saveInterval) {
732     int i = rank2Ph[rank];
734     extendedSystem.setConstantPh(pHScale[i]);
736     extendedSystem.copyESVHistogramTo(parametersHis[rank]);
738     // Start this processes MolecularDynamics instance sampling.
739     boolean initVelocities = true;
741     replica.dynamic(nSteps, timeStep, printInterval, saveInterval, temp, initVelocities, dyn);
743     // Update this ranks' parameter array to be consistent with the dynamics.
744     myParameters[0] = pHScale[i];
745     myParameters[2] = extendedSystem.getBiasEnergy();
747     // Evaluate acidostat of ES at different pHs
748     double lowPh;
749     double highPh;
750     try {
751       lowPh = pHScale[i - 1];
752     } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
753       lowPh = 0;
754     }
756     try {
757       highPh = pHScale[i + 1];
758     } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
759       highPh = 0;
760     }
762     extendedSystem.setConstantPh(lowPh); // B at A-gap
763     myParameters[1] = extendedSystem.getBiasEnergy();
765     extendedSystem.setConstantPh(highPh); // A at A+gap(B)
766     myParameters[3] = extendedSystem.getBiasEnergy();
768     extendedSystem.setConstantPh(myParameters[0]);
770     extendedSystem.getESVHistogram(parametersHis[rank]);
772     // Gather all parameters from the other processes.
773     try {
774       world.allGather(myParametersBuf, parametersBuf);
775       world.allGather(parametersHisBuf[rank], parametersHisBuf);
776     } catch (IOException ex) {
777       String message = " Replica Exchange allGather failed.";
778       logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex);
779     }
780   }
782   private void copyToBackups() {
783     try {
784       Files.move(esv.toPath(), esv.toPath().resolveSibling(esvBackup.getName()),
785               StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
786     } catch (IOException e) {
787       String message = " Could not copy ESV histogram to backup - dynamics terminated.";
788       logger.log(Level.WARNING, message);
789       throw new RuntimeException(e);
790     }
792     try {
793       Files.move(dyn.toPath(), dyn.toPath().resolveSibling(dynBackup.getName()),
794               StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
795     } catch (IOException e) {
796       String message = " Could not copy dyn restart to backup - dynamics terminated.";
797       logger.log(Level.WARNING, message);
798       throw new RuntimeException(e);
799     }
800   }
801 }