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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
39  package ffx.potential.extended;
41  import edu.rit.pj.reduction.SharedDouble;
42  import ffx.numerics.Constraint;
43  import ffx.numerics.Potential;
44  import ffx.potential.ForceFieldEnergy;
45  import ffx.potential.MolecularAssembly;
46  import ffx.potential.SystemState;
47  import ffx.potential.bonded.AminoAcidUtils;
48  import ffx.potential.bonded.AminoAcidUtils.AminoAcid3;
49  import ffx.potential.bonded.Atom;
50  import ffx.potential.bonded.Residue;
51  import ffx.potential.constraint.ShakeChargeConstraint;
52  import ffx.potential.parameters.ForceField;
53  import ffx.potential.parameters.PolarizeType;
54  import ffx.potential.parameters.TitrationUtils;
55  import ffx.potential.parsers.ESVFilter;
56  import ffx.utilities.Constants;
57  import ffx.utilities.FileUtils;
58  import org.apache.commons.configuration2.CompositeConfiguration;
59  import;
61  import;
62  import java.util.*;
63  import java.util.logging.Level;
64  import java.util.logging.Logger;
66  import static ffx.potential.bonded.BondedUtils.hasAttachedAtom;
67  import static ffx.utilities.Constants.kB;
68  import static java.lang.String.format;
69  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.*;
71  /**
72   * ExtendedSystem class.
73   *
74   * @author Andrew Thiel
75   * @since 1.0
76   */
77  public class ExtendedSystem implements Potential {
79      private static final double DISCR_BIAS = 1.0; // kcal/mol
80      private static final double LOG10 = log(10.0);
81      private static final double THETA_FRICTION = 0.5; // psec^-1
82      private static final double THETA_MASS = 5.0; //Atomic Mass Units
83      private static final int dDiscr_dTautIndex = 6;
84      private static final int dDiscr_dTitrIndex = 3;
85      private static final int dModel_dTautIndex = 8;
86      private static final int dModel_dTitrIndex = 5;
87      private static final int dPh_dTautIndex = 7;
88      private static final int dPh_dTitrIndex = 4;
89      private static final int discrBiasIndex = 0;
90      private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ExtendedSystem.class.getName());
91      private static final int modelBiasIndex = 2;
92      private static final int pHBiasIndex = 1;
93      public final boolean guessTitrState;
94      /**
95       * Array of AminoAcid3 initialized  to match the number of atoms in the system.
96       * Used to know how to apply vdW or electrostatic ESV terms for the atom.
97       */
98      public final AminoAcid3[] residueNames;
99      /**
100      * Array of ints that is initialized to match the number of atoms in the molecular assembly.
101      * 1 indicates that the tautomer lambda direction is normal.
102      * -1 indicates that the tautomer lambda direction is reversed (1-x).
103      * 0 indicates that the atom is not a tautomerizing atom.
104      */
105     public final int[] tautomerDirections;
106     /**
107      * Coefficients that define the per residue type Fmod polynomial
108      * quadratic * titrationLambda^2 + linear * titrationLambda
109      */
110     private final double ASHlinear;
111     private final double ASHquadratic;
112     private final double ASHcubic;
113     /**
114      * Descritizer Bias Magnitude. Default is 1 kcal/mol.
115      */
116     private final double ASHtautBiasMag;
117     private final double ASHtitrBiasMag;
118     private final double CYScubic;
119     private final double CYSlinear;
120     private final double CYSquadratic;
121     /**
122      * Descritizer Bias Magnitude. Default is 1 kcal/mol.
123      */
124     private final double CYStitrBiasMag;
125     private final double GLHcubic;
126     private final double GLHlinear;
127     private final double GLHquadratic;
128     /**
129      * Descritizer Bias Magnitude. Default is 1 kcal/mol.
130      */
131     private final double GLHtautBiasMag;
132     private final double GLHtitrBiasMag;
133     private final double HIDlinear;
134     private final double HIDquadratic;
135     private final double HIDcubic;
136     private final double HIDtoHIElinear;
137     /**
138      * Coefficients that define the tautomer component of the bivariate Histidine Fmod
139      * quadratic * tautomerLambda^2 + linear * tautomerLambda
140      */
141     private final double HIDtoHIEquadratic;
142     private final double HIDtoHIEcubic;
143     private final double HIElinear;
144     private final double HIEquadratic;
145     private final double HIEcubic;
146     /**
147      * Descritizer Bias Magnitude. Default is 1 kcal/mol.
148      */
149     private final double HIStautBiasMag;
150     private final double HIStitrBiasMag;
151     private final double LYSlinear;
152     private final double LYSquadratic;
153     private final double LYScubic;
154     /**
155      * Descritizer Bias Magnitude. Default is 1 kcal/mol.
156      */
157     private final double LYStitrBiasMag;
158     private final boolean doBias;
159     private final boolean doElectrostatics;
160     private final boolean doPolarization;
161     // Controls for turning of certain terms for testing.
162     private final boolean doVDW;
163     /**
164      * 3D array to store the titration and tautomer population states for each ESV
165      */
166     final private int[][][] esvHistogram;
167     private final SharedDouble[] esvIndElecDerivs;
168     private final SharedDouble[] esvPermElecDerivs;
169     /**
170      * Shared double that is initialized to match the number of ESVs in the system.
171      * Once reduced, will equal either dU_Titr/dLambda or dU_Taut/dLambda for specific ESV
172      */
173     private final SharedDouble[] esvVdwDerivs;
174     /**
175      * Extended Atoms
176      */
177     private final Atom[] extendedAtoms;
178     /**
179      * Array of lambda values that matches residues in extendedResidueList
180      */
181     private final double[] extendedLambdas;
182     /**
183      * Extended Molecules
184      */
185     private final int[] extendedMolecules;
186     /**
187      * Concatenated list of titrating residues + tautomerizing residues.
188      */
189     private final List<Residue> extendedResidueList;
190     /**
191      * ForceField Energy Instance. This instance is only used for Potential implementations for grabbing the energy components.
192      */
193     private final ForceFieldEnergy forceFieldEnergy;
194     /**
195      * Array of booleans that is initialized to match the number of atoms in the molecular assembly
196      * noting whether the atom is tautomerizing. Note that any side chain atom that belongs to a tautomerizing residue
197      * will be flagged as tautomerizing for purposes of scaling electrostatic parameters.
198      */
199     private final boolean[] isTautomerizing;
200     /**
201      * Array of booleans that is initialized to match the number of atoms in the molecular assembly
202      * noting whether the atom is titrating. Note that any side chain atom that belongs to a titrating residue
203      * will be flagged as titrating for purposes of scaling electrostatic parameters.
204      */
205     private final boolean[] isTitrating;
206     /**
207      * Array of booleans that is initialized to match the number of atoms in the assembly to note whether an atom is
208      * specifically a heavy atom with changing polarizability (CYS SG, ASP OD1/OD2, GLU OE1/OE2).
209      */
210     private final boolean[] isTitratingHeavy;
211     /**
212      * Array of booleans that is initialized to match the number of atoms in the assembly to note whether an atom is
213      * specifically a titrating hydrogen.
214      */
215     private final boolean[] isTitratingHydrogen;
216     /**
217      * Boolean similar to fixTitrationState/fixTautomerState but is even more restrictive in that set methods
218      * are not allowed to change lambda values from their initialized values.
219      * Mainly used when evaluating archive snapshots at different initialized lambda values.
220      * If not set to true the archive and esv files set the lambdas automatically.
221      */
222     private final boolean lockStates;
223     /**
224      * Number of atoms in the molecular assembly. Since all protons are instantiated at start, this int will not change.
225      */
226     private final int nAtoms;
227     /**
228      * Number of ESVs attached to the molecular assembly. This number is the sum of tautomerizing + titrating ESVs.
229      */
230     private final int nESVs;
231     /**
232      * Number of titrating ESVs attached to the molecular assembly.
233      */
234     private final int nTitr;
235     /**
236      * Array of ints that is initialized to match the number of atoms in the molecular assembly.
237      * Elements correspond to residue index in the tautomerizingResidueList. Only set for tautomerizing residues, -1 otherwise.
238      */
239     private final SystemState esvState;
240     private final int[] tautomerIndexMap;
241     /**
242      * Array of doubles that is initialized to match the number of atoms in the molecular assembly.
243      * Only elements that match a tautomerizing atom will have their lambda updated.
244      */
245     private final double[] tautomerLambdas;
246     /**
247      * List of tautomerizing residues.
248      */
249     private final List<Residue> tautomerizingResidueList;
250     /**
251      * Friction for the ESV system
252      */
253     private final double thetaFriction;
254     /**
255      * The system defined theta mass of the fictional particle. Used to fill theta mass array.
256      */
257     private final double thetaMass;
258     /**
259      * List of titrating residues.
260      */
261     private final List<Residue> titratingResidueList;
262     /**
263      * Array of ints that is initialized to match the number of atoms in the molecular assembly.
264      * Elements correspond to residue index in the titratingResidueList. Only set for titrating residues, -1 otherwise.
265      */
266     private final int[] titrationIndexMap;
267     /**
268      * Array of doubles that is initialized to match the number of atoms in the molecular assembly.
269      * Only elements that match a titrating atom will have their lambda updated.
270      */
271     private final double[] titrationLambdas;
272     /**
273      * Titration Utils instance. This instance is the master copy that will be distributed to electrostatics classes
274      * when an Extended System is attached.
275      */
276     private final TitrationUtils titrationUtils;
277     /**
278      * Dynamics restart file.
279      */
280     File restartFile = null;
281     /**
282      * Boolean to keep the lambdas from updating over the course of dynamics. Useful for running dynamics
283      * with extended system variables at fixed windows (i.e. BAR)
284      */
285     private boolean fixTautomerState;
286     private boolean fixTitrationState;
287     private final ArrayList<Double> specialResidues;
288     private final ArrayList<Double> specialResiduePKAs;
289     private final ArrayList<Double> specialInitTitration;
290     private final ArrayList<Double> specialInitTautomer;
291     private final boolean useChargeConstraint;
292     private final List<Constraint> constraints;
294     /**
295      * Filter to parse the dynamics restart file.
296      */
297     private ESVFilter esvFilter = null;
298     /**
299      * System PH.
300      */
301     private double constantSystemPh = 7.4;
302     /**
303      * Target system temperature.
304      */
305     private double currentTemperature = Constants.ROOM_TEMPERATURE;
307     /**
308      * Construct extended system with the provided configuration.
309      *
310      * @param mola a {@link MolecularAssembly} object.
311      */
312     public ExtendedSystem(MolecularAssembly mola, double pH, final File esvFile) {
313         extendedAtoms = mola.getAtomArray();
314         extendedMolecules = mola.getMoleculeNumbers();
315         setConstantPh(pH);
316         ForceField forceField = mola.getForceField();
317         forceFieldEnergy = mola.getPotentialEnergy();
318         if (forceFieldEnergy == null) {
319             logger.severe("No potential energy found?");
320         }
321         CompositeConfiguration properties = mola.getProperties();
322         titrationUtils = new TitrationUtils(forceField);
324         doVDW = properties.getBoolean("esv.vdW", true);
325         doElectrostatics = properties.getBoolean("esv.elec", true);
326         doBias = properties.getBoolean("esv.bias", true);
327         doPolarization = properties.getBoolean("esv.polarization", true);
328         thetaFriction = properties.getDouble("esv.friction", ExtendedSystem.THETA_FRICTION);
329         thetaMass = properties.getDouble("esv.mass", ExtendedSystem.THETA_MASS);
331         lockStates = properties.getBoolean("lock.esv.states", false); // Prevents setTitrationLambda/setTautomerLambda
332         double initialTitrationLambda = properties.getDouble("lambda.titration.initial", 0.5);
333         double initialTautomerLambda = properties.getDouble("lambda.tautomer.initial", 0.5);
334         guessTitrState = properties.getBoolean("guess.titration.state", false);
335         specialResidues = getPropertyList(properties, "esv.special.residues");
336         specialResiduePKAs = getPropertyList(properties, "esv.special.residues.pka");
337         specialInitTautomer = getPropertyList(properties, "esv.special.residues.tautomer");
338         specialInitTitration = getPropertyList(properties, "esv.special.residues.titration");
339         initSpecialResidues(specialResidues, specialResiduePKAs, specialInitTautomer, specialInitTitration, mola);
341         fixTitrationState = properties.getBoolean("fix.titration.lambda", false);
342         fixTautomerState = properties.getBoolean("fix.tautomer.lambda", false);
343         useChargeConstraint = properties.getBoolean("esv.charge.constraint",false);
344         int totalCharge = properties.getInt("esv.charge.constraint.value", 0);
347         ASHcubic = properties.getDouble("ASH.cubic", TitrationUtils.Titration.ASHtoASP.cubic);
348         ASHquadratic = properties.getDouble("ASH.quadratic", TitrationUtils.Titration.ASHtoASP.quadratic);
349         ASHlinear = properties.getDouble("ASH.linear", TitrationUtils.Titration.ASHtoASP.linear);
350         ASHtitrBiasMag = properties.getDouble("ASH.titration.bias.magnitude", DISCR_BIAS);
351         ASHtautBiasMag = properties.getDouble("ASH.tautomer.bias.magnitude", DISCR_BIAS);
353         GLHcubic = properties.getDouble("GLH.cubic", TitrationUtils.Titration.GLHtoGLU.cubic);
354         GLHquadratic = properties.getDouble("GLH.quadratic", TitrationUtils.Titration.GLHtoGLU.quadratic);
355         GLHlinear = properties.getDouble("GLH.linear", TitrationUtils.Titration.GLHtoGLU.linear);
356         GLHtitrBiasMag = properties.getDouble("GLH.titration.bias.magnitude", DISCR_BIAS);
357         GLHtautBiasMag = properties.getDouble("GLH.tautomer.bias.magnitude", DISCR_BIAS);
359         LYScubic = properties.getDouble("LYS.cubic", TitrationUtils.Titration.LYStoLYD.cubic);
360         LYSquadratic = properties.getDouble("LYS.quadratic", TitrationUtils.Titration.LYStoLYD.quadratic);
361         LYSlinear = properties.getDouble("LYS.linear", TitrationUtils.Titration.LYStoLYD.linear);
362         LYStitrBiasMag = properties.getDouble("LYS.titration.bias.magnitude", DISCR_BIAS);
364         CYScubic = properties.getDouble("CYS.cubic", TitrationUtils.Titration.CYStoCYD.cubic);
365         CYSquadratic = properties.getDouble("CYS.quadratic", TitrationUtils.Titration.CYStoCYD.quadratic);
366         CYSlinear = properties.getDouble("CYS.linear", TitrationUtils.Titration.CYStoCYD.linear);
367         CYStitrBiasMag = properties.getDouble("CYS.titration.bias.magnitude", DISCR_BIAS);
369         HIDcubic = properties.getDouble("HID.cubic", TitrationUtils.Titration.HIStoHID.cubic);
370         HIDquadratic = properties.getDouble("HID.quadratic", TitrationUtils.Titration.HIStoHID.quadratic);
371         HIDlinear = properties.getDouble("HID.linear", TitrationUtils.Titration.HIStoHID.linear);
372         HIEcubic = properties.getDouble("HIE.cubic", TitrationUtils.Titration.HIStoHIE.cubic);
373         HIEquadratic = properties.getDouble("HIE.quadratic", TitrationUtils.Titration.HIStoHIE.quadratic);
374         HIElinear = properties.getDouble("HIE.linear", TitrationUtils.Titration.HIStoHIE.linear);
375         HIDtoHIEcubic = properties.getDouble("HIDtoHIE.cubic", TitrationUtils.Titration.HIDtoHIE.cubic);
376         HIDtoHIEquadratic = properties.getDouble("HIDtoHIE.quadratic", TitrationUtils.Titration.HIDtoHIE.quadratic);
377         HIDtoHIElinear = properties.getDouble("HIDtoHIE.linear", TitrationUtils.Titration.HIDtoHIE.linear);
378         HIStitrBiasMag = properties.getDouble("HIS.titration.bias.magnitude", DISCR_BIAS);
379         HIStautBiasMag = properties.getDouble("HIS.tautomer.bias.magnitude", DISCR_BIAS);
381         // Log all of the titration bias magnitudes for each titratable residue.
382"\n Titration bias magnitudes:");
383" Lysine titration bias magnitude: " + LYStitrBiasMag);
384" Cysteine titration bias magnitude: " + CYStitrBiasMag);
385" Histidine titration bias magnitude: " + HIStitrBiasMag);
386" Glutamic acid titration bias magnitude: " + GLHtitrBiasMag);
387" Aspartic acid titration bias magnitude: " + ASHtitrBiasMag);
389         // Log all of  the tautomer bias magnitudes for each tautomerizable residue.
390"\n Tautomer bias magnitudes:");
391" Aspartic acid tautomer bias magnitude: " + ASHtautBiasMag);
392" Glutamic acid tautomer bias magnitude: " + GLHtautBiasMag);
393" Histidine tautomer bias magnitude: " + HIStautBiasMag);
395         // Log all of  th cubic, quadratic, and linear terms for all of the amino acid terms
396"\n Titration bias terms:");
397" Lysine cubic term: " + LYScubic);
398" Lysine quadratic term: " + LYSquadratic);
399" Lysine linear term: " + LYSlinear);
400" Cysteine cubic term: " + CYScubic);
401" Cysteine quadratic term: " + CYSquadratic);
402" Cysteine linear term: " + CYSlinear);
403" Histidine cubic term: " + HIDcubic);
404" HID quadratic term: " + HIDquadratic);
405" HID linear term: " + HIDlinear);
406" HIE cubic term: " + HIEcubic);
407" HIE quadratic term: " + HIEquadratic);
408" HIE linear term: " + HIElinear);
409" HID-HIE cubic term: " + HIDtoHIEcubic);
410" HID-HIE quadratic term: " + HIDtoHIEquadratic);
411" HID-HIE linear term: " + HIDtoHIElinear);
412" Glutamic acid cubic term: " + GLHcubic);
413" Glutamic acid quadratic term: " + GLHquadratic);
414" Glutamic acid linear term: " + GLHlinear);
415" Aspartic acid cubic term: " + ASHcubic);
416" Aspartic acid quadratic term: " + ASHquadratic);
417" Aspartic acid linear term: " + ASHlinear);
419         titratingResidueList = new ArrayList<>();
420         tautomerizingResidueList = new ArrayList<>();
421         extendedResidueList = new ArrayList<>();
422         // Initialize atom arrays with the existing assembly.
423         Atom[] atoms = mola.getAtomArray();
424         nAtoms = atoms.length;
425         isTitrating = new boolean[nAtoms];
426         isTitratingHydrogen = new boolean[nAtoms];
427         isTitratingHeavy = new boolean[nAtoms];
428         isTautomerizing = new boolean[nAtoms];
429         titrationLambdas = new double[nAtoms];
430         tautomerLambdas = new double[nAtoms];
431         titrationIndexMap = new int[nAtoms];
432         tautomerIndexMap = new int[nAtoms];
433         tautomerDirections = new int[nAtoms];
434         residueNames = new AminoAcid3[nAtoms];
436         Arrays.fill(isTitrating, false);
437         Arrays.fill(isTitratingHydrogen, false);
438         Arrays.fill(isTitratingHeavy, false);
439         Arrays.fill(isTautomerizing, false);
440         Arrays.fill(titrationLambdas, 1.0);
441         Arrays.fill(tautomerLambdas, 0.0);
442         Arrays.fill(titrationIndexMap, -1);
443         Arrays.fill(tautomerIndexMap, -1);
444         Arrays.fill(tautomerDirections, 0);
445         Arrays.fill(residueNames, AminoAcid3.UNK);
447         // Cycle through each residue to determine if it is titratable or tautomerizing.
448         // If a residue is one of these, add to titration or tautomer lists.
449         // Next, loop through all atoms and check to see if the atom belongs to this residue.
450         // If the atom does belong to this residue, set all corresponding variables in the respective titration or tautomer array (size = numAtoms).
451         // Store the index of the residue in the respective list into a map array (size = numAtoms).
452         List<Residue> residueList = mola.getResidueList();
453         //;
454         List<Residue> preprocessList = new ArrayList<>(residueList);
455         for (Residue residue : preprocessList) {
456             List<Atom> atomList = residue.getSideChainAtoms();
457             for (Atom atom : atomList) {
458                 //Detect disulfide sulfurs so we can exclude these when setting up titrating residues.
459                 if (atom.getAtomicNumber() == 16) {
460                     if (hasAttachedAtom(atom, 16)) {
461                         residueList.remove(residue);
462                     }
463                 }
464             }
465         }
466         //;
467         // Use only a list that contains AminoAcid residues so remove Nucleic Acid residues
468         residueList.removeIf(residue -> (residue.getResidueType() == Residue.ResidueType.NA));
469         for (Residue residue : residueList) {
470             if (isTitratable(residue)) {
471                 titratingResidueList.add(residue);
472                 List<Atom> atomList = residue.getSideChainAtoms();
473                 for (Atom atom : atomList) {
474                     int atomIndex = atom.getArrayIndex();
475                     residueNames[atomIndex] = residue.getAminoAcid3();
476                     isTitrating[atomIndex] = true;
477                     titrationLambdas[atomIndex] = initialTitrationState(residue, initialTitrationLambda, guessTitrState);
478                     int titrationIndex = titratingResidueList.indexOf(residue);
479                     titrationIndexMap[atomIndex] = titrationIndex;
480                     isTitratingHydrogen[atomIndex] = TitrationUtils.isTitratingHydrogen(residue.getAminoAcid3(), atom);
481                     isTitratingHeavy[atomIndex] = TitrationUtils.isTitratingHeavy(residue.getAminoAcid3(), atom);
482                     // Average out pdamp values of the atoms with changing polarizability which will then be used as fixed values throughout simulation.
483                     // When testing end state energies don't average pdamp.
484                     // Default pdamp is set from protonated polarizability so it must be changed when testing deprotonated end state (Titration lambda = 0.0.)
485                     if (isTitratingHeavy(atomIndex)) {
486                         //If polarization is turned off atom.getPolarizeType() will return null
487                         if(atom.getPolarizeType() != null){
488                             double deprotPolar = titrationUtils.getPolarizability(atom, 0.0, 0.0, atom.getPolarizeType().polarizability);
489                             double protPolar = titrationUtils.getPolarizability(atom, 1.0, 1.0, atom.getPolarizeType().polarizability);
490                             double avgPolar = 0.5 * deprotPolar + 0.5 * protPolar;
491                             PolarizeType esvPolarizingHeavyAtom = new PolarizeType(atom.getType(), avgPolar, atom.getPolarizeType().thole,
492                                     atom.getPolarizeType().ddp, atom.getPolarizeType().polarizationGroup);
493                             atom.setPolarizeType(esvPolarizingHeavyAtom);
494                         }
495                     }
496                 }
497                 // If is a tautomer, it must also be titrating.
498                 if (isTautomer(residue)) {
499                     tautomerizingResidueList.add(residue);
500                     for (Atom atom : atomList) {
501                         int atomIndex = atom.getArrayIndex();
502                         if (isTitratingHydrogen[atomIndex]) {
503                   "Residue: " + residue + " Atom: " + atom + " atomType: " +
504                                     atom.getAtomType().type + " " + atom.getAtomType().atomClass);
505                         }
506                         isTautomerizing[atomIndex] = true;
507                         double resNum = residue.getResidueNumber();
508                         tautomerLambdas[atomIndex] = specialResidues.contains(resNum) && specialInitTautomer.size() != 0 &&
509                                 Math.abs(specialInitTitration.get(specialResidues.indexOf(resNum)) + 1) > 1e-4
510                                 ? specialInitTitration.get(specialResidues.indexOf(resNum)) : initialTautomerLambda;
511                         int tautomerIndex = tautomerizingResidueList.indexOf(residue);
512                         tautomerIndexMap[atomIndex] = tautomerIndex;
513                         tautomerDirections[atomIndex] = TitrationUtils.getTitratingHydrogenDirection(residue.getAminoAcid3(), atom);
514                     }
515                 }
516                 // Test the multipole frames during unit testing.
517                 assert (titrationUtils.testResidueTypes(residue));
518             }
519         }
521         //Concatenate titratingResidueList and tautomerizingResidueList
522         extendedResidueList.addAll(titratingResidueList);
523         extendedResidueList.addAll(tautomerizingResidueList);
524         //Arrays that are sent to integrator are based on extendedResidueList size
525         nESVs = extendedResidueList.size();
526         nTitr = titratingResidueList.size();
527         extendedLambdas = new double[nESVs];
528         esvState = new SystemState(nESVs);
529         //thetaPosition = new double[nESVs];
530         //thetaVelocity = new double[nESVs];
531         //thetaAccel = new double[nESVs];
532         //thetaMassArray = new double[nESVs];
533         esvHistogram = new int[nTitr][10][10];
534         esvVdwDerivs = new SharedDouble[nESVs];
535         esvPermElecDerivs = new SharedDouble[nESVs];
536         esvIndElecDerivs = new SharedDouble[nESVs];
537         for (int i = 0; i < nESVs; i++) {
538             esvVdwDerivs[i] = new SharedDouble(0.0);
539             esvPermElecDerivs[i] = new SharedDouble(0.0);
540             esvIndElecDerivs[i] = new SharedDouble(0.0);
541         }
542         if(useChargeConstraint){
543             constraints = new ArrayList<>();
544             ShakeChargeConstraint chargeConstraint = new ShakeChargeConstraint(nTitr,totalCharge,0.000001);
545             constraints.add(chargeConstraint);
546         } else{
547             constraints = Collections.emptyList();
548         }
550         //Theta masses should always be the same for each ESV
551         Arrays.fill(esvState.getMass(), thetaMass);
553         for (int i = 0; i < nESVs; i++) {
554             if (i < nTitr) {
555                 Residue residue = extendedResidueList.get(i);
556                 double initialTitrLambda = initialTitrationState(residue, initialTitrationLambda, guessTitrState);
557                 initializeThetaArrays(i, initialTitrLambda);
558             } else {
559                 double resNum = extendedResidueList.get(i).getResidueNumber();
560                 initialTautomerLambda = specialResidues.contains(resNum) && specialInitTautomer.size() != 0 &&
561                         Math.abs(specialInitTitration.get(specialResidues.indexOf(resNum)) + 1) > 1e-4
562                         ? specialInitTitration.get(specialResidues.indexOf(resNum)) : initialTautomerLambda;
563                 initializeThetaArrays(i, initialTautomerLambda);
564             }
565         }
566         if (esvFilter == null) {
567             esvFilter = new ESVFilter(mola.getName());
568         }
569         if (esvFile == null) {
570             String firstFileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(mola.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
571             restartFile = new File(firstFileName + ".esv");
572         } else {
573             double[] thetaPosition = esvState.x();
574             double[] thetaVelocity = esvState.v();
575             double[] thetaAccel = esvState.a();
576             if (!esvFilter.readESV(esvFile, thetaPosition, thetaVelocity, thetaAccel, esvHistogram)) {
577                 String message = " Could not load the restart file - dynamics terminated.";
578                 logger.log(Level.WARNING, message);
579                 throw new IllegalStateException(message);
580             } else {
581                 restartFile = esvFile;
582                 updateLambdas();
583             }
584         }
585     }
587     /**
588      * Initialize special residues specified in the key file
589      */
590     private void initSpecialResidues(ArrayList<Double> specialResidues, ArrayList<Double> specialResiduePKAs, ArrayList<Double> specialInitTautomer, ArrayList<Double> specialInitTitration, MolecularAssembly mola) {
591         if((specialResidues.size() != specialResiduePKAs.size() && specialResiduePKAs.size() != 0)
592                 || (specialResidues.size() != specialInitTautomer.size() && specialInitTautomer.size() != 0)
593                 || (specialResidues.size() != specialInitTitration.size() && specialInitTitration.size() != 0)
594         ) {
595             logger.severe("The number of special residues and their associated values do not match.");
596         } else if(specialResidues.size() != 0) {
597   "\nSpecial residues and their associated values:");
598             for(int i = 0; i < specialResidues.size(); i++){
599                 int resNum = (int) (double) specialResidues.get(i) - mola.getResidueList().get(0).getResidueNumber(); // Shift pdb index by first residue number
600                 if (specialResiduePKAs.size() != 0) {
601           "Residue: " + specialResidues.get(i) + "-" +
602                             mola.getResidueList().get(resNum).getName()
603                             + " Pka: " + specialResiduePKAs.get(i));
604                 }
605                 if (specialInitTautomer.size() != 0){
606           "Residue: " + specialResidues.get(i) + "-" +
607                             mola.getResidueList().get(resNum).getName()
608                             + " Tautomer: " + specialInitTautomer.get(i));
609                 }
610                 if (specialInitTitration.size() != 0){
611           "Residue: " + specialResidues.get(i) + "-" +
612                             mola.getResidueList().get(resNum).getName()
613                             + " Titration: " + specialInitTitration.get(i));
614                 }
615             }
616   " ");
617         }
618"Special residues: " + specialResidues);
619"Special residues pKa: " + specialResiduePKAs);
620"Special residues titration: " + specialInitTitration);
621"Special residues tautomer: " + specialInitTautomer);
622         for(Residue res : mola.getResidueList()){
623             if(!isTitratable(res) && specialResidues.contains((double) res.getResidueNumber())) {
624                 logger.severe("Given special residue: " + res + " is not titratable.");
625             }
626         }
627     }
629     // Method that takes in properties, a string.
630     private ArrayList<Double> getPropertyList(CompositeConfiguration properties, String s) {
631         ArrayList<Double> list = new ArrayList<>();
632         String[] split = properties.getString(s, "").trim()
633                 .replace("[", "")
634                 .replace("]","")
635                 .replace(","," ")
636                 .split(" ");
637         for (String s1 : split) {
638             if (s1.isEmpty()) {
639                 continue;
640             }
641             list.add(Double.parseDouble(s1));
642         }
643         return list;
644     }
646     // Getter for specialResidues
647     public ArrayList<Double> getSpecialResidueList() {
648         return specialResidues;
649     }
651     /**
652      * During constructor, initialize arrays that will hold theta positions, velocities, and accelerations.
653      * Positions determined from starting lambda.
654      * Velocities randomly set according to Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution based on temperature.
655      * Accelerations determined from initial forces.
656      *
657      * @param index  index of ExtendedResidueList for which to set these values.
658      * @param lambda starting lambda value for each ESV.
659      */
660     private void initializeThetaArrays(int index, double lambda) {
661         extendedLambdas[index] = lambda;
662         double[] thetaPosition = esvState.x();
663         double[] thetaVelocity = esvState.v();
664         double[] thetaAccel = esvState.a();
665         thetaPosition[index] = Math.asin(Math.sqrt(lambda));
666         //Perform unit analysis carefully
667         Random random = new Random();
668         thetaVelocity[index] = random.nextGaussian() * sqrt(kB * 298.15 / thetaMass);
669         double dUdL = getDerivatives()[index];
670         double dUdTheta = dUdL * sin(2 * thetaPosition[index]);
671         thetaAccel[index] = -Constants.KCAL_TO_GRAM_ANG2_PER_PS2 * dUdTheta / thetaMass;
672         //"Index: %d, dU/dL: %6.8f, dU/dTheta: %6.8f Theta Accel: %6.8f, Theta Velocity: %6.8f", index, -Constants.KCAL_TO_GRAM_ANG2_PER_PS2*dUdL, -Constants.KCAL_TO_GRAM_ANG2_PER_PS2*dUdTheta, thetaAccel[index], thetaVelocity[index]));
673     }
675     /**
676      * get array of dU/dL for each titrating residue
677      *
678      * @return esvDeriv a double[]
679      */
680     public double[] getDerivatives() {
681         double[] esvDeriv = new double[nESVs];
682         double[] biasDerivComponents = new double[9];
684         for (Residue residue : titratingResidueList) {
685             int resTitrIndex = titratingResidueList.indexOf(residue);
686             //Bias Terms
687             if (doBias) {
688                 getBiasTerms(residue, biasDerivComponents);
689                 //Sum up titration bias derivs
690                 esvDeriv[resTitrIndex] += biasDerivComponents[dDiscr_dTitrIndex] + biasDerivComponents[dPh_dTitrIndex] + biasDerivComponents[dModel_dTitrIndex];
691                 //Sum up tautomer bias derivs
692                 if (isTautomer(residue)) {
693                     int resTautIndex = tautomerizingResidueList.indexOf(residue) + nTitr;
694                     esvDeriv[resTautIndex] += biasDerivComponents[dDiscr_dTautIndex] + biasDerivComponents[dPh_dTautIndex] + biasDerivComponents[dModel_dTautIndex];
695                 }
696             }
698             if (doVDW) {
699                 esvDeriv[resTitrIndex] += getVdwDeriv(resTitrIndex);
700                 //Sum up tautomer bias derivs
701                 if (isTautomer(residue)) {
702                     int resTautIndex = tautomerizingResidueList.indexOf(residue) + nTitr;
703                     esvDeriv[resTautIndex] += getVdwDeriv(resTautIndex);
704                 }
705             }
707             if (doElectrostatics) {
708                 esvDeriv[resTitrIndex] += getPermElecDeriv(resTitrIndex);
709                 //Sum up tautomer bias derivs
710                 if (isTautomer(residue)) {
711                     int resTautIndex = tautomerizingResidueList.indexOf(residue) + nTitr;
712                     esvDeriv[resTautIndex] += getPermElecDeriv(resTautIndex);
713                 }
714                 if (doPolarization) {
715                     esvDeriv[resTitrIndex] += getIndElecDeriv(resTitrIndex);
716                     if (isTautomer(residue)) {
717                         int resTautIndex = tautomerizingResidueList.indexOf(residue) + nTitr;
718                         esvDeriv[resTautIndex] += getIndElecDeriv(resTautIndex);
719                     }
720                 }
721             }
722         }
723         return esvDeriv;
724     }
726     /**
727      * Collect respective pH, model, and discr bias terms and their derivatives for each titrating residue.
728      */
729     private void getBiasTerms(Residue residue, double[] biasEnergyAndDerivs) {
730         AminoAcidUtils.AminoAcid3 AA3 = residue.getAminoAcid3();
731         double titrationLambda = getTitrationLambda(residue);
732         double titrationLambdaSquared = titrationLambda * titrationLambda;
733         double titrationLambdaCubed = titrationLambdaSquared * titrationLambda;
734         double discrBias;
735         double pHBias;
736         double modelBias;
737         double dDiscr_dTitr;
738         double dDiscr_dTaut;
739         double dPh_dTitr;
740         double dPh_dTaut;
741         double dMod_dTitr;
742         double dMod_dTaut;
743         //If bias terms shouldn't be computed, set AA3 to UNK so that default case executes and all terms are set to zero.
744         if (!doBias) {
745             AA3 = AminoAcid3.UNK;
746         }
747         switch (AA3) {
748             case ASD:
749             case ASH:
750             case ASP:
751                 // Discr Bias & Derivs
752                 double tautomerLambda = getTautomerLambda(residue);
753                 discrBias = -4.0 * ASHtitrBiasMag * (titrationLambda - 0.5) * (titrationLambda - 0.5);
754                 discrBias += -4.0 * ASHtautBiasMag * (tautomerLambda - 0.5) * (tautomerLambda - 0.5);
755                 dDiscr_dTitr = -8.0 * ASHtitrBiasMag * (titrationLambda - 0.5);
756                 dDiscr_dTaut = -8.0 * ASHtautBiasMag * (tautomerLambda - 0.5);
758                 // pH Bias & Derivs
759                 double pKa1 = TitrationUtils.Titration.ASHtoASP.pKa;
760                 double pKa2 = pKa1;
761                 pHBias = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * (1.0 - titrationLambda)
762                         * (tautomerLambda * (pKa1 - constantSystemPh) + (1.0 - tautomerLambda) * (pKa2 - constantSystemPh));
763                 dPh_dTitr = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * -1.0
764                         * (tautomerLambda * (pKa1 - constantSystemPh) + (1.0 - tautomerLambda) * (pKa2 - constantSystemPh));
765                 dPh_dTaut = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * (1.0 - titrationLambda)
766                         * ((pKa1 - constantSystemPh) - (pKa2 - constantSystemPh));
768                 // Model Bias & Derivs
769                 double cubic = ASHcubic;
770                 double quadratic = ASHquadratic;
771                 double linear = ASHlinear;
772                 modelBias = cubic * titrationLambdaCubed + quadratic * titrationLambdaSquared + linear * titrationLambda;
773                 dMod_dTitr = 3 * cubic * titrationLambdaSquared + 2 * quadratic * titrationLambda + linear;
774                 dMod_dTaut = 0.0;
775                 break;
776             case GLD:
777             case GLH:
778             case GLU:
779                 // Discr Bias & Derivs
780                 tautomerLambda = getTautomerLambda(residue);
781                 discrBias = -4.0 * GLHtitrBiasMag * (titrationLambda - 0.5) * (titrationLambda - 0.5);
782                 discrBias += -4.0 * GLHtautBiasMag * (tautomerLambda - 0.5) * (tautomerLambda - 0.5);
783                 dDiscr_dTitr = -8.0 * GLHtitrBiasMag * (titrationLambda - 0.5);
784                 dDiscr_dTaut = -8.0 * GLHtautBiasMag * (tautomerLambda - 0.5);
786                 // pH Bias & Derivs
787                 pKa1 = TitrationUtils.Titration.GLHtoGLU.pKa;
788                 pKa2 = pKa1;
789                 pHBias = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * (1.0 - titrationLambda)
790                         * (tautomerLambda * (pKa1 - constantSystemPh) + (1.0 - tautomerLambda) * (pKa2 - constantSystemPh));
791                 dPh_dTitr = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * -1.0
792                         * (tautomerLambda * (pKa1 - constantSystemPh) + (1.0 - tautomerLambda) * (pKa2 - constantSystemPh));
793                 dPh_dTaut = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * (1.0 - titrationLambda)
794                         * ((pKa1 - constantSystemPh) - (pKa2 - constantSystemPh));
796                 // Model Bias & Derivs
797                 cubic = GLHcubic;
798                 quadratic = GLHquadratic;
799                 linear = GLHlinear;
800                 modelBias = cubic * titrationLambdaCubed + quadratic * titrationLambdaSquared + linear * titrationLambda;
801                 dMod_dTitr = 3 * cubic * titrationLambdaSquared + 2 * quadratic * titrationLambda + linear;
802                 dMod_dTaut = 0.0;
803                 break;
804             case HIS:
805             case HID:
806             case HIE:
807                 // Discr Bias & Derivs
808                 tautomerLambda = getTautomerLambda(residue);
810                 discrBias = -4.0 * HIStitrBiasMag * (titrationLambda - 0.5) * (titrationLambda - 0.5);
811                 discrBias += -4.0 * HIStautBiasMag * (tautomerLambda - 0.5) * (tautomerLambda - 0.5);
812                 dDiscr_dTitr = -8.0 * HIStitrBiasMag * (titrationLambda - 0.5);
813                 dDiscr_dTaut = -8.0 * HIStautBiasMag * (tautomerLambda - 0.5);
815                 // pH Bias & Derivs
816                 // At tautomerLambda=1 HIE is fully on.
817                 pKa1 = TitrationUtils.Titration.HIStoHIE.pKa;
818                 // At tautomerLambda=0 HID is fully on.
819                 pKa2 = TitrationUtils.Titration.HIStoHID.pKa;
820                 pHBias = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * (1.0 - titrationLambda)
821                         * (tautomerLambda * (pKa1 - constantSystemPh) + (1.0 - tautomerLambda) * (pKa2 - constantSystemPh));
822                 dPh_dTitr = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * -1.0
823                         * (tautomerLambda * (pKa1 - constantSystemPh) + (1.0 - tautomerLambda) * (pKa2 - constantSystemPh));
824                 dPh_dTaut = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * (1.0 - titrationLambda)
825                         * ((pKa1 - constantSystemPh) - (pKa2 - constantSystemPh));
827                 // Model Bias & Derivs
829                 double coeffA0 = HIDtoHIEcubic;
830                 double coeffA1 = HIDtoHIEquadratic;
831                 double coeffA2 = HIDtoHIElinear;
832                 double coeffB0 = HIEcubic;
833                 double coeffB1 = HIEquadratic;
834                 double coeffB2 = HIElinear;
835                 double coeffC0 = HIDcubic;
836                 double coeffC1 = HIDquadratic;
837                 double coeffC2 = HIDlinear;
838                 double tautomerLambdaSquared = tautomerLambda * tautomerLambda;
839                 double tautomerLambdaCubed = tautomerLambdaSquared * tautomerLambda;
840                 double oneMinusTitrationLambda = (1.0 - titrationLambda);
841                 double oneMinusTautomerLambda = (1.0 - tautomerLambda);
842                 double coeffBSum = coeffB0 + coeffB1 + coeffB2;
843                 double coeffCSum = coeffC0 + coeffC1 + coeffC2;
844                 modelBias = oneMinusTitrationLambda * (coeffA0 * tautomerLambdaCubed + coeffA1 * tautomerLambdaSquared + coeffA2 * tautomerLambda) +
845                         tautomerLambda * (coeffB0 * titrationLambdaCubed + coeffB1 * titrationLambdaSquared + coeffB2 * titrationLambda) +
846                         oneMinusTautomerLambda * (coeffC0 * titrationLambdaCubed + coeffC1 * titrationLambdaSquared + coeffC2 * titrationLambda) +
847                         //Enforce that HIS(titration==1) state is equal energy no matter tautomer value
848                         titrationLambda * (coeffCSum - coeffBSum) * tautomerLambda;
849                 dMod_dTitr = -(coeffA0 * tautomerLambdaCubed + coeffA1 * tautomerLambdaSquared + coeffA2 * tautomerLambda) +
850                         tautomerLambda * (3.0 * coeffB0 * titrationLambdaSquared + 2.0 * coeffB1 * titrationLambda + coeffB2) +
851                         oneMinusTautomerLambda * (3.0 * coeffC0 * titrationLambdaSquared + 2.0 * coeffC1 * titrationLambda + coeffC2) +
852                         tautomerLambda * (coeffCSum - coeffBSum);
853                 dMod_dTaut = oneMinusTitrationLambda * (3.0 * coeffA0 * tautomerLambdaSquared + 2.0 * coeffA1 * tautomerLambda + coeffA2) +
854                         (coeffB0 * titrationLambdaCubed + coeffB1 * titrationLambdaSquared + coeffB2 * titrationLambda) +
855                         -1.0*(coeffC0 * titrationLambdaCubed + coeffC1 * titrationLambdaSquared + coeffC2 * titrationLambda) +
856                         titrationLambda * (coeffCSum - coeffBSum);
858                 break;
859             case LYS:
860             case LYD:
861                 // Discr Bias & Derivs
862                 discrBias = -4.0 * LYStitrBiasMag * (titrationLambda - 0.5) * (titrationLambda - 0.5);
863                 dDiscr_dTitr = -8.0 * LYStitrBiasMag * (titrationLambda - 0.5);
864                 dDiscr_dTaut = 0.0;
866                 // pH Bias & Derivs
867                 pKa1 = TitrationUtils.Titration.LYStoLYD.pKa;
868                 pHBias = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * (1.0 - titrationLambda) * (pKa1 - constantSystemPh);
869                 dPh_dTitr = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * -1.0 * (pKa1 - constantSystemPh);
870                 dPh_dTaut = 0.0;
872                 // Model Bias & Derivs
873                 cubic = LYScubic;
874                 quadratic = LYSquadratic;
875                 linear = LYSlinear;
876                 modelBias = cubic * titrationLambdaCubed + quadratic * titrationLambdaSquared + linear * titrationLambda;
877                 dMod_dTitr = 3 * cubic * titrationLambdaSquared + 2 * quadratic * titrationLambda + linear;
878                 dMod_dTaut = 0.0;
879                 break;
880             case CYS:
881             case CYD:
882                 // Discr Bias & Derivs
883                 discrBias = -4.0 * CYStitrBiasMag * (titrationLambda - 0.5) * (titrationLambda - 0.5);
884                 dDiscr_dTitr = -8.0 * CYStitrBiasMag * (titrationLambda - 0.5);
885                 dDiscr_dTaut = 0.0;
887                 // pH Bias & Derivs
888                 pKa1 = TitrationUtils.Titration.CYStoCYD.pKa;
889                 pHBias = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * (1.0 - titrationLambda) * (pKa1 - constantSystemPh);
890                 dPh_dTitr = LOG10 * Constants.R * currentTemperature * -1.0 * (pKa1 - constantSystemPh);
891                 dPh_dTaut = 0.0;
893                 // Model Bias & Derivs
894                 cubic = CYScubic;
895                 quadratic = CYSquadratic;
896                 linear = CYSlinear;
897                 modelBias = cubic * titrationLambdaCubed + quadratic * titrationLambdaSquared + linear * titrationLambda;
898                 dMod_dTitr = 3 * cubic * titrationLambdaSquared + 2 * quadratic * titrationLambda + linear;
899                 dMod_dTaut = 0.0;
900                 break;
901             default:
902                 discrBias = 0.0;
903                 pHBias = 0.0;
904                 modelBias = 0.0;
905                 dDiscr_dTitr = 0.0;
906                 dDiscr_dTaut = 0.0;
907                 dPh_dTitr = 0.0;
908                 dPh_dTaut = 0.0;
909                 dMod_dTitr = 0.0;
910                 dMod_dTaut = 0.0;
911                 break;
912         }
913         biasEnergyAndDerivs[0] = discrBias;
914         biasEnergyAndDerivs[1] = pHBias;
915         biasEnergyAndDerivs[2] = -modelBias;
916         biasEnergyAndDerivs[3] = dDiscr_dTitr;
917         biasEnergyAndDerivs[4] = dPh_dTitr;
918         biasEnergyAndDerivs[5] = -dMod_dTitr;
919         biasEnergyAndDerivs[6] = dDiscr_dTaut;
920         biasEnergyAndDerivs[7] = dPh_dTaut;
921         biasEnergyAndDerivs[8] = -dMod_dTaut;
922     }
924     /**
925      * Gets the titration lambda for the input residue if the residue is titrating
926      *
927      * @param residue a titrating residue
928      * @return the titration lambda for the residue
929      */
930     public double getTitrationLambda(Residue residue) {
931         if (titratingResidueList.contains(residue)) {
932             int resIndex = titratingResidueList.indexOf(residue);
933             return extendedLambdas[resIndex];
934         } else {
935             return 1.0;
936         }
937     }
939     /**
940      * Gets the tautomer lambda for the input residue if the residue is tautomerizing
941      *
942      * @param residue a tautomer residue
943      * @return the tautomer lambda for the residue
944      */
945     public double getTautomerLambda(Residue residue) {
946         if (tautomerizingResidueList.contains(residue)) {
947             int resIndex = tautomerizingResidueList.indexOf(residue);
948             return extendedLambdas[nTitr + resIndex];
949         } else {
950             return 1.0;
951         }
952     }
954     /**
955      * get total dUvdw/dL for the selected extended system variable
956      */
957     private double getVdwDeriv(int esvID) {
958         return esvVdwDerivs[esvID].get();
959     }
961     /**
962      * get total dUpermElec/dL for the selected extended system variable.
963      */
964     private double getPermElecDeriv(int esvID) {
965         return esvPermElecDerivs[esvID].get();
966     }
968     /**
969      * get total dUindElec/dL for the selected extended system variable
970      */
971     private double getIndElecDeriv(int esvID) {
972         return esvIndElecDerivs[esvID].get();
973     }
975     /**
976      * Returns the titratibility of the passed residue
977      */
978     public boolean isTitratable(Residue residue) {
979         if (residue.getResidueType() == Residue.ResidueType.NA) {
980             return false;
981         }
982         AminoAcidUtils.AminoAcid3 AA3 = residue.getAminoAcid3();
983         return AA3.isConstantPhTitratable;
984     }
986     /**
987      * Returns the tautomerizibility of a residue
988      */
989     public boolean isTautomer(Residue residue) {
990         if (residue.getResidueType() == Residue.ResidueType.NA) {
991             return false;
992         }
993         AminoAcidUtils.AminoAcid3 AA3 = residue.getAminoAcid3();
994         return AA3.isConstantPhTautomer;
995     }
997     /**
998      * Update all theta (lambda) positions after each move from the Stochastic integrator
999      */
1000     private void updateLambdas() {
1001         //If lockStates is true, then the titration and tautomer states are permanently locked.
1002         if (lockStates) {
1003             return;
1004         }
1005         double[] thetaPosition = esvState.x();
1006         //This will prevent recalculating multiple sinTheta*sinTheta that are the same number.
1007         for (int i = 0; i < nESVs; i++) {
1008             //Check to see if titration/tautomer lambdas are to be fixed
1009             if ((!fixTitrationState && i < nTitr) || (!fixTautomerState && i >= nTitr)) {
1010                 double sinTheta = Math.sin(thetaPosition[i]);
1011                 extendedLambdas[i] = sinTheta * sinTheta;
1012             }
1013         }
1014         for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
1015             int mappedTitrationIndex = titrationIndexMap[i];
1016             int mappedTautomerIndex = tautomerIndexMap[i] + nTitr;
1017             if (isTitrating(i) && mappedTitrationIndex != -1) {
1018                 titrationLambdas[i] = extendedLambdas[mappedTitrationIndex];
1019             }
1020             if (isTautomerizing(i) && mappedTautomerIndex >= nTitr) {
1021                 tautomerLambdas[i] = extendedLambdas[mappedTautomerIndex];
1022             }
1023         }
1024         setESVHistogram();
1025     }
1027     /**
1028      * Returns whether an atom is titrating
1029      */
1030     public boolean isTitrating(int atomIndex) {
1031         return isTitrating[atomIndex];
1032     }
1034     /**
1035      * Returns whether an atom is tautomerizing
1036      */
1037     public boolean isTautomerizing(int atomIndex) {
1038         return isTautomerizing[atomIndex];
1039     }
1041     /**
1042      * Goes through residues updates the ESV histogram based on the residues current state
1043      */
1044     private void setESVHistogram() {
1045         for (Residue residue : titratingResidueList) {
1046             int index = titratingResidueList.indexOf(residue);
1047             if (residue.getAminoAcid3().equals(AminoAcid3.LYS)) { // TODO: Add support for CYS? by adding "|| residue.getAminoAcid3().equals(AminoAcid3.CYS))"
1048                 double titrLambda = getTitrationLambda(residue);
1049                 esvHistogram(index, titrLambda);
1050             } else {
1051                 double titrLambda = getTitrationLambda(residue);
1052                 double tautLambda = getTautomerLambda(residue);
1053                 esvHistogram(index, titrLambda, tautLambda);
1054             }
1055         }
1056     }
1058     /**
1059      * Updates the ESV histogram of the passed residue at the given lambda
1060      *
1061      * @param esv    the index of the esv to be updated
1062      * @param lambda the lambda value to be updated
1063      */
1064     private void esvHistogram(int esv, double lambda) {
1065         int value = (int) (lambda * 10.0);
1066         //Cover the case where lambda could be exactly 1.0
1067         if (value == 10) {
1068             value = 9;
1069         }
1070         esvHistogram[esv][value][0]++;
1071     }
1073     /**
1074      * Updates the ESV histogram of the passed residue at the given titr and taut state
1075      *
1076      * @param esv        the index of the esv to be updated
1077      * @param titrLambda the titration lambda coordinate to be updated
1078      * @param tautLambda the tautomer lambda coordinate to be updated
1079      */
1080     private void esvHistogram(int esv, double titrLambda, double tautLambda) {
1081         int titrValue = (int) (titrLambda * 10.0);
1082         //Cover the case where lambda could be exactly 1.0
1083         if (titrValue == 10) {
1084             titrValue = 9;
1085         }
1086         int tautValue = (int) (tautLambda * 10.0);
1087         if (tautValue == 10) {
1088             tautValue = 9;
1089         }
1090         esvHistogram[esv][titrValue][tautValue]++;
1091     }
1093     /**
1094      * Naive guess as to what the best starting state should be based purely on the acidostat term.
1095      */
1096     private double initialTitrationState(Residue residue, double initialLambda, boolean guessTitrState) {
1097         AminoAcid3 AA3 = residue.getAminoAcid3();
1098         double residueNumber = residue.getResidueNumber();
1099         double initialTitrationLambda = 0.0;
1100         if (specialResidues.contains(residueNumber)) { // If we set a special residue for this state
1101             if (specialResiduePKAs.size() != 0) {
1102                 initialTitrationLambda =
1103                         (constantSystemPh < specialResiduePKAs.get(specialResidues.indexOf(residueNumber))) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
1104             }
1105             if (specialInitTitration.size() != 0) { // Override the pKa value if we have a special initial titration state
1106                 double value = specialInitTitration.get(specialResidues.indexOf(residueNumber));
1107                 if (Math.abs(value + 1) > 1e-4) { // If the value is not -1
1108                     initialTitrationLambda = value;
1109                 }
1110             }
1111         }
1112         else if (!guessTitrState) { // If we do not want to guess the titration state but instead use the value
1113             // passed in via the initialLambda parameter.
1114             initialTitrationLambda = initialLambda;
1115         }
1116         else { // Guess titration state
1117             initialTitrationLambda = switch (AA3) {
1118                 case ASD -> (constantSystemPh < TitrationUtils.Titration.ASHtoASP.pKa) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
1119                 case GLD -> (constantSystemPh < TitrationUtils.Titration.GLHtoGLU.pKa) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
1120                 case HIS -> (constantSystemPh < TitrationUtils.Titration.HIStoHID.pKa) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
1121                 case LYS -> (constantSystemPh < TitrationUtils.Titration.LYStoLYD.pKa) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
1122                 case CYS -> (constantSystemPh < TitrationUtils.Titration.CYStoCYD.pKa) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
1123                 default -> initialLambda;
1124             };
1125         }
1126         return initialTitrationLambda;
1127     }
1129     /**
1130      * Questions whether the current non-hydrogen atom's polarizability is changing in response to lambda being updated.
1131      * Only affects carboxylic oxygen and sulfur.
1132      *
1133      * @param atomIndex
1134      * @return
1135      */
1136     public boolean isTitratingHeavy(int atomIndex) {
1137         return isTitratingHeavy[atomIndex];
1138     }
1140     /**
1141      * Does not allow for changes to the tautomer states of tautomerizing residues
1142      */
1143     public void setFixedTautomerState(boolean fixTautomerState) {
1144         this.fixTautomerState = fixTautomerState;
1145     }
1147     /**
1148      * Does not allow for changes to the tautomer states of titrating residues
1149      */
1150     public void setFixedTitrationState(boolean fixTitrationState) {
1151         this.fixTitrationState = fixTitrationState;
1152     }
1154     /**
1155      * Reset initialized lambdas to a naive guess based on the model pKa for each extended residue
1156      */
1157     public void reGuessLambdas() {
1158" Reinitializing lambdas to match RepEx window pH");
1159         for (Residue residue : titratingResidueList) {
1160             double lambda = initialTitrationState(residue, 1.0, guessTitrState);
1161             setTitrationLambda(residue, lambda);
1162             double resNum = residue.getResidueNumber();
1163             double tautomerLambda = specialResidues.contains(resNum) && specialInitTautomer.size() != 0 &&
1164                     Math.abs(specialInitTitration.get(specialResidues.indexOf(resNum)) + 1) > 1e-4
1165                     ? specialInitTitration.get(specialResidues.indexOf(resNum)) : (int) Math.round(random());
1166             setTautomerLambda(residue, tautomerLambda);
1167         }
1168     }
1170     /**
1171      * Set the tautomer lambda of a residue and update corresponding theta
1172      * @param residue
1173      * @param lambda
1174      */
1175     public void setTautomerLambda(Residue residue, double lambda) {
1176         setTautomerLambda(residue, lambda, true);
1177     }
1179     /**
1180      * Set the tautomer lambda of a residue and update corresponding theta if desired
1181      *
1182      * @param residue      residue to set the lambda of
1183      * @param lambda       value to set the residue to
1184      * @param changeThetas whether or not to change the theta positions ~comes with information loss~
1185      */
1186     public void setTautomerLambda(Residue residue, double lambda, boolean changeThetas) {
1187         double[] thetaPosition = esvState.x();
1188         if (tautomerizingResidueList.contains(residue) && !lockStates) {
1189             // The correct index in the theta arrays for tautomer coordinates is after the titration list.
1190             // So titrationList.size() + tautomerIndex should match with appropriate spot in thetaPosition, etc.
1191             int index = tautomerizingResidueList.indexOf(residue) + nTitr;
1192             extendedLambdas[index] = lambda;
1193             if (changeThetas) {
1194                 thetaPosition[index] = Math.asin(Math.sqrt(lambda));
1195             }
1196             List<Atom> currentAtomList = residue.getSideChainAtoms();
1197             for (Atom atom : currentAtomList) {
1198                 int atomIndex = atom.getArrayIndex();
1199                 tautomerLambdas[atomIndex] = lambda;
1200             }
1201         } /*else {
1202             logger.warning(format("This residue %s does not have any titrating tautomers.", residue.getName()));
1203         }*/
1204     }
1205     /**
1206      * Set the titration lambda of a residue and update corresponding theta
1207      *
1208      * @param residue      residue to set the lambda of
1209      * @param lambda       value to set the residue to
1210      */
1211     public void setTitrationLambda(Residue residue, double lambda) {
1212         setTitrationLambda(residue, lambda, true);
1213     }
1215     /**
1216      * Set the titration lambda of a residue and update corresponding theta if desired
1217      *
1218      * @param residue      residue to set the lambda of
1219      * @param lambda       value to set the residue to
1220      * @param changeThetas whether or not to change the theta positions ~comes with information loss~
1221      */
1222     public void setTitrationLambda(Residue residue, double lambda, boolean changeThetas) {
1223         double[] thetaPosition = esvState.x();
1224         if (titratingResidueList.contains(residue) && !lockStates) {
1225             int index = titratingResidueList.indexOf(residue);
1226             extendedLambdas[index] = lambda;
1227             if (changeThetas) {
1228                 thetaPosition[index] = Math.asin(Math.sqrt(lambda));
1229             }
1230             List<Atom> currentAtomList = residue.getSideChainAtoms();
1231             for (Atom atom : currentAtomList) {
1232                 int atomIndex = atom.getArrayIndex();
1233                 titrationLambdas[atomIndex] = lambda;
1234             }
1235         }
1236     }
1238     /**
1239      * Overwrites the histogram passed into it and returns the new one out ~output never used?~
1240      *
1241      * @param histogram 2D histogram list with the tautomer and titration states compressed to a 1D array
1242      * @return another compressed histogram
1243      */
1244     public int[][] getESVHistogram(int[][] histogram) {
1245         for (int i = 0; i < titratingResidueList.size(); i++) {
1246             int h = 0;
1247             for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
1248                 for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
1249                     histogram[i][h++] = esvHistogram[i][j][k];
1250                 }
1251             }
1252         }
1253         return histogram;
1254     }
1256     /**
1257      * Changes this ESV's histogram to equal the one passed
1258      *
1259      * @param histogram histogram to set this ESV histogram to
1260      */
1261     public void copyESVHistogramTo(int[][] histogram) {
1262         for (int i = 0; i < titratingResidueList.size(); i++) {
1263             int h = 0;
1264             for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
1265                 for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
1266                     esvHistogram[i][j][k] = histogram[i][h++];
1267                 }
1268             }
1269         }
1270     }
1272     /**
1273      * Zero out each array element of the vdW ESV array
1274      */
1275     public void initEsvVdw() {
1276         for (int i = 0; i < nESVs; i++) {
1277             esvVdwDerivs[i].set(0.0);
1278         }
1279     }
1281     /**
1282      * Zero out each array element of the permElec ESV array
1283      */
1284     public void initEsvPermElec() {
1285         for (int i = 0; i < nESVs; i++) {
1286             esvPermElecDerivs[i].set(0.0);
1287         }
1288     }
1290     /**
1291      * Zero out each array element of the indElec ESV array
1292      */
1293     public void initEsvIndElec() {
1294         for (int i = 0; i < nESVs; i++) {
1295             esvIndElecDerivs[i].set(0.0);
1296         }
1297     }
1299     /**
1300      * get Titration Lambda for an extended atom
1301      * @param atomIndex
1302      * @return titrationLambdas[atomIndex]
1303      */
1304     public double getTitrationLambda(int atomIndex) {
1305         return titrationLambdas[atomIndex];
1306     }
1308     /**
1309      * get the index of the extended residue list that corresponds to this atom
1310      * @param i
1311      * @return titrationIndexMap[i]
1312      */
1313     public int getTitrationESVIndex(int i) {
1314         return titrationIndexMap[i];
1315     }
1316     /**
1317      * get Tautomer Lambda for an extended atom
1318      * @param atomIndex
1319      * @return tautomerLambdas[atomIndex]
1320      */
1321     public double getTautomerLambda(int atomIndex) {
1322         return tautomerLambdas[atomIndex];
1323     }
1325     public int getTautomerESVIndex(int i) {
1326         return tautomerIndexMap[i];
1327     }
1329     /**
1330      * Return the List of Titrating Residues
1331      * @return titratingResidueList
1332      */
1333     public List<Residue> getTitratingResidueList() {
1334         return titratingResidueList;
1335     }
1337     /**
1338      * Return the List of Tautomerizing Residues
1339      * @return tautomerizingResidueList
1340      */
1341     public List<Residue> getTautomerizingResidueList() {
1342         return tautomerizingResidueList;
1343     }
1345     /**
1346      * Return the List of Extended Residues which = TitratingResidueList + TautomerizingResidueList
1347      * @return extendedResidueList
1348      */
1349     public List<Residue> getExtendedResidueList() {
1350         return extendedResidueList;
1351     }
1353     public double getThetaMass() {
1354         return thetaMass;
1355     }
1357     public double getThetaFriction() {
1358         return thetaFriction;
1359     }
1361     /**
1362      * Gets a copy of the array of doubles that matches the nESVs correspoding to each titration and tautomer lambda
1363      * @return double array of length nESVs
1364      */
1365     public double[] getExtendedLambdas() {
1366         double[] lambdas = new double[nESVs];
1367         System.arraycopy(extendedLambdas, 0, lambdas, 0, lambdas.length);
1368         return lambdas;
1369     }
1371     /**
1372      * getLambdaList.
1373      *
1374      * @return a {@link String} object.
1375      */
1376     public String getLambdaList() {
1377         if (nESVs < 1) {
1378             return "";
1379         }
1380         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
1381         for (int i = 0; i < nESVs; i++) {
1382             if (i == 0) {
1383                 sb.append("\n  Titration Lambdas: ");
1384             }
1385             if (i > 0) {
1386                 sb.append(", ");
1387             }
1388             if (i == nTitr) {
1389                 sb.append("\n  Tautomer Lambdas: ");
1390             }
1391             sb.append(format("%6.4f", extendedLambdas[i]));
1392         }
1393         return sb.toString();
1394     }
1396     /**
1397      * All atoms of the fully-protonated system (not just those affected by this system).
1398      *
1399      * @return an array of {@link Atom} objects.
1400      */
1401     public Atom[] getExtendedAtoms() {
1402         return extendedAtoms;
1403     }
1405     /**
1406      * Companion to getExtendedAtoms() for vdw::setAtoms and pme::setAtoms.
1407      *
1408      * @return an array of {@link int} objects.
1409      */
1410     public int[] getExtendedMolecule() {
1411         return extendedMolecules;
1412     }
1414     /**
1415      * Sum up total bias (Ubias = UpH + Udiscr - Umod)
1416      *
1417      * @return totalBiasEnergy
1418      */
1419     public double getBiasEnergy() {
1420         double totalBiasEnergy = 0.0;
1421         double[] biasEnergyComponents = new double[9];
1422         //Do not double count residues in tautomer list.
1423         for (Residue residue : titratingResidueList) {
1424             getBiasTerms(residue, biasEnergyComponents);
1425             double biasEnergy = biasEnergyComponents[discrBiasIndex] + biasEnergyComponents[pHBiasIndex] + biasEnergyComponents[modelBiasIndex];
1426             totalBiasEnergy += biasEnergy;
1427         }
1428         return totalBiasEnergy;
1429     }
1431     /**
1432      * getBiasDecomposition.
1433      *
1434      * @return a {@link String} object.
1435      */
1436     public String getBiasDecomposition() {
1437         double discrBias = 0.0;
1438         double phBias = 0.0;
1439         double modelBias = 0.0;
1440         double[] biasEnergyAndDerivs = new double[9];
1441         for (Residue residue : titratingResidueList) {
1442             getBiasTerms(residue, biasEnergyAndDerivs);
1443             discrBias += biasEnergyAndDerivs[discrBiasIndex];
1444             phBias += biasEnergyAndDerivs[pHBiasIndex];
1445             //Reminder: Ubias = UpH + Udiscr - Umod
1446             modelBias += biasEnergyAndDerivs[modelBiasIndex];
1447         }
1448         return format("    %-16s %16.8f\n", "Discretizer", discrBias)
1449                 + format("    %-16s %16.8f\n", "Acidostat", phBias)
1450                 + format("    %-16s %16.8f\n", "Fmod", modelBias);
1451     }
1453     /**
1454      * Calculate prefactor for scaling the van der Waals based on titration/tautomer state if titrating proton
1455      */
1456     public void getVdwPrefactor(int atomIndex, double[] vdwPrefactorAndDerivs) {
1457         double prefactor = 1.0;
1458         double titrationDeriv = 0.0;
1459         double tautomerDeriv = 0.0;
1460         if (!isTitratingHydrogen(atomIndex) || !doVDW) {
1461             vdwPrefactorAndDerivs[0] = prefactor;
1462             vdwPrefactorAndDerivs[1] = titrationDeriv;
1463             vdwPrefactorAndDerivs[2] = tautomerDeriv;
1464             return;
1465         }
1466         AminoAcid3 AA3 = residueNames[atomIndex];
1467         switch (AA3) {
1468             case ASD:
1469             case GLD:
1470                 if (tautomerDirections[atomIndex] == 1) {
1471                     prefactor = titrationLambdas[atomIndex] * tautomerLambdas[atomIndex];
1472                     titrationDeriv = tautomerLambdas[atomIndex];
1473                     tautomerDeriv = titrationLambdas[atomIndex];
1474                 } else if (tautomerDirections[atomIndex] == -1) {
1475                     prefactor = titrationLambdas[atomIndex] * (1.0 - tautomerLambdas[atomIndex]);
1476                     titrationDeriv = (1.0 - tautomerLambdas[atomIndex]);
1477                     tautomerDeriv = -titrationLambdas[atomIndex];
1478                 }
1479                 break;
1480             case HIS:
1481                 if (tautomerDirections[atomIndex] == 1) {
1482                     prefactor = (1.0 - titrationLambdas[atomIndex]) * tautomerLambdas[atomIndex] + titrationLambdas[atomIndex];
1483                     titrationDeriv = -tautomerLambdas[atomIndex] + 1.0;
1484                     tautomerDeriv = (1 - titrationLambdas[atomIndex]);
1485                 } else if (tautomerDirections[atomIndex] == -1) {
1486                     prefactor = (1.0 - titrationLambdas[atomIndex]) * (1.0 - tautomerLambdas[atomIndex]) + titrationLambdas[atomIndex];
1487                     titrationDeriv = tautomerLambdas[atomIndex];
1488                     tautomerDeriv = -(1.0 - titrationLambdas[atomIndex]);
1489                 }
1490                 break;
1491             case LYS:
1492             case CYS:
1493                 prefactor = titrationLambdas[atomIndex];
1494                 titrationDeriv = 1.0;
1495                 tautomerDeriv = 0.0;
1496                 break;
1497         }
1498         vdwPrefactorAndDerivs[0] = prefactor;
1499         vdwPrefactorAndDerivs[1] = titrationDeriv;
1500         vdwPrefactorAndDerivs[2] = tautomerDeriv;
1501     }
1503     /**
1504      * Questions whether the current hydrogen's polarizability is changing in response to lambda being updated.
1505      *
1506      * @param atomIndex
1507      * @return
1508      */
1509     public boolean isTitratingHydrogen(int atomIndex) {
1510         return isTitratingHydrogen[atomIndex];
1511     }
1513     /**
1514      * Add van der Waals deriv to appropriate dU/dL term given the atom index and its contributions.
1515      *
1516      * @param atomI
1517      * @param vdwEnergy
1518      * @param vdwPrefactorAndDerivI
1519      * @param vdwPrefactorJ
1520      */
1521     public void addVdwDeriv(int atomI, double vdwEnergy, double[] vdwPrefactorAndDerivI, double vdwPrefactorJ) {
1522         if (!isTitratingHydrogen(atomI)) {
1523             return;
1524         }
1526         //Sum up dU/dL for titration ESV if atom i is titrating hydrogen
1527         //Sum up dU/dL for tautomer ESV if atom i is titrating hydrogen
1528         int titrationEsvIndex = titrationIndexMap[atomI];
1529         int tautomerEsvIndex = tautomerIndexMap[atomI] + nTitr;// tautomerIndexMap[atomI] = -1 for non tautomerizing residues
1530         double dTitr_dLambda;
1531         double dTaut_dLambda;
1533         dTitr_dLambda = vdwPrefactorAndDerivI[1] * vdwPrefactorJ * vdwEnergy;
1534         dTaut_dLambda = vdwPrefactorAndDerivI[2] * vdwPrefactorJ * vdwEnergy;
1536         esvVdwDerivs[titrationEsvIndex].addAndGet(dTitr_dLambda);
1537         if (tautomerEsvIndex >= nTitr) {
1538             esvVdwDerivs[tautomerEsvIndex].addAndGet(dTaut_dLambda);
1539         }
1540     }
1542     /**
1543      * Add Perm Elec deriv to appropriate dU/dL term given the atom index and its contributions.
1544      *
1545      * @param atomI
1546      * @param titrationEnergy
1547      * @param tautomerEnergy
1548      */
1549     public void addPermElecDeriv(int atomI, double titrationEnergy, double tautomerEnergy) {
1550         int titrationEsvIndex = titrationIndexMap[atomI];
1551         int tautomerEsvIndex = tautomerIndexMap[atomI] + nTitr;// tautomerIndexMap[atomI] = -1 for non tautomerizing residues
1552         esvPermElecDerivs[titrationEsvIndex].addAndGet(titrationEnergy);
1553         if (tautomerEsvIndex >= nTitr) {
1554             esvPermElecDerivs[tautomerEsvIndex].addAndGet(tautomerEnergy);
1555         }
1556     }
1558     /**
1559      * Add Induced Elec deriv to appropriate dU/dL term given the atom index and its contributions.
1560      *
1561      * @param atomI
1562      * @param titrationEnergy
1563      * @param tautomerEnergy
1564      */
1565     public void addIndElecDeriv(int atomI, double titrationEnergy, double tautomerEnergy) {
1566         int titrationEsvIndex = titrationIndexMap[atomI];
1567         int tautomerEsvIndex = tautomerIndexMap[atomI] + nTitr; // tautomerIndexMap[atomI] = -1 for non tautomerizing residues
1568         esvIndElecDerivs[titrationEsvIndex].addAndGet(titrationEnergy);
1569         if (tautomerEsvIndex >= nTitr) {
1570             esvIndElecDerivs[tautomerEsvIndex].addAndGet(tautomerEnergy);
1571         }
1572     }
1574     /**
1575      * getConstantPh.
1576      *
1577      * @return a double.
1578      */
1579     public double getConstantPh() {
1580         return constantSystemPh;
1581     }
1583     /**
1584      * setConstantPh.
1585      *
1586      * @param pH a double.
1587      */
1588     public void setConstantPh(double pH) {
1589         constantSystemPh = pH;
1590     }
1592     /**
1593      * @return titrationUtils master copy from ExtendedSystem.
1594      */
1595     public TitrationUtils getTitrationUtils() {
1596         return titrationUtils;
1597     }
1599     /**
1600      * Sets the restartFile field of this extended system to the passed file. This does not read the file, it only
1601      * determines where the writeRestartFile() will write to.
1602      *
1603      * @param esvFile
1604      */
1605     public void setRestartFile(File esvFile) {
1606         restartFile = esvFile;
1607     }
1609     /**
1610      * Writes out the current state of the extended system to the specified file without setting the file to that location.
1611      *
1612      * @param esvFile file to be written to
1613      * @return whether the read was successful or not
1614      */
1615     public boolean writeESVInfoTo(File esvFile) {
1616"Writing pH Dynamics out to: " + esvFile.getParentFile().getName() + File.separator + esvFile.getName());
1617         double[] thetaPosition = esvState.x();
1618         double[] thetaVelocity = esvState.v();
1619         double[] thetaAccel = esvState.a();
1620         return esvFilter.writeESV(esvFile, thetaPosition, thetaVelocity, thetaAccel, titratingResidueList, esvHistogram, constantSystemPh);
1621     }
1623     /**
1624      * Method overwrites whatever is in the extended system at the time with the read data.
1625      * <p>
1626      * CAUTION: If the old data is not written out to file before this is called, the data will be lost.
1627      *
1628      * @param esvFile esvFile to read
1629      * @return whether the read was successful or not
1630      */
1631     public boolean readESVInfoFrom(File esvFile) {
1632         double[] thetaPosition = esvState.x();
1633         double[] thetaVelocity = esvState.v();
1634         double[] thetaAccel = esvState.a();
1635         return esvFilter.readESV(esvFile, thetaPosition, thetaVelocity, thetaAccel, esvHistogram);
1636     }
1638     /**
1639      * setTemperature.
1640      *
1641      * @param set a double.
1642      */
1643     public void setTemperature(double set) {
1644         currentTemperature = set;
1645     }
1647     /**
1648      * Processes lambda values based on propagation of theta value from Stochastic integrator in Molecular dynamics
1649      */
1650     public void preForce() {
1651         updateLambdas();
1652     }
1654     /**
1655      * Execute writeESV from esvFilter that is contained within ExtendedSystem
1656      */
1657     public void writeRestart() {
1658         String esvName = FileUtils.relativePathTo(restartFile).toString();
1659         double[] thetaPosition = esvState.x();
1660         double[] thetaVelocity = esvState.v();
1661         double[] thetaAccel = esvState.a();
1662         if (esvFilter.writeESV(restartFile, thetaPosition, thetaVelocity, thetaAccel, titratingResidueList, esvHistogram, constantSystemPh)) {
1663   " Wrote PhDynamics restart file to " + esvName);
1664         } else {
1665   " Writing PhDynamics restart file to " + esvName + " failed");
1666         }
1667     }
1669     /**
1670      * Execute writeLambdaHistogrm from esvFilter that is contained within ExtendedSystem
1671      * Prints the ESV histogram for each titrating residue
1672      */
1673     public void writeLambdaHistogram(boolean printHistograms) {
1674         printProtonationRatios();
1675         if (printHistograms) {
1676   , esvHistogram, constantSystemPh));
1677         }
1678     }
1680     /**
1681      * Calculate the Deprotonation Fraction from the ESV histogram
1682      */
1683     public void printProtonationRatios() {
1684         for (int i = 0; i < esvHistogram.length; i++) {
1685             int[] rowSums = new int[esvHistogram[i].length];
1686             for (int j = 0; j < esvHistogram[i].length; j++) {
1687                 for (int k = 0; k < esvHistogram[i][j].length; k++) {
1688                     rowSums[j] += esvHistogram[i][j][k];
1689                 }
1690             }
1691             int i1 = rowSums[0] + rowSums[rowSums.length - 1];
1692             double buf = i1 == 0 ? 0.0 : .001;
1693   " " + extendedResidueList.get(i).toString() + " Deprotonation Fraction at pH " + constantSystemPh + ": " + (rowSums[0] / (i1 + buf)));
1694             if (buf == 0.0) {
1695       " Buffer required to avoid division by 0");
1696             }
1697         }
1698     }
1700     @Override
1701     public double energyAndGradient(double[] x, double[] g) {
1702         double[] thetaPosition = esvState.x();
1703         System.arraycopy(x, 0, thetaPosition, 0, thetaPosition.length);
1704         updateLambdas();
1705         fillESVgradient(g);
1706         return energy(x);
1707     }
1709     private double[] fillESVgradient(double[] g) {
1710         double[] gradESV = postForce();
1711         System.arraycopy(gradESV, 0, g, 0, g.length);
1712         return g;
1713     }
1715     /**
1716      * Applies a chain rule term to the derivative to account for taking a derivative of lambda = sin(theta)^2
1717      *
1718      * @return dE/dL a double[]
1719      */
1720     public double[] postForce() {
1721         double[] thetaPosition = esvState.x();
1722         double[] dEdL = ExtendedSystem.this.getDerivatives();
1723         double[] dEdTheta = new double[dEdL.length];
1724         for (int i = 0; i < nESVs; i++) {
1725             dEdTheta[i] = dEdL[i] * sin(2 * thetaPosition[i]);
1726             //"dEdL["+i+"]: "+dEdL[i]);
1727         }
1728         return dEdTheta;
1729     }
1731     @Override
1732     public double energy(double[] x) {
1733         double[] coords = new double[forceFieldEnergy.getNumberOfVariables()];
1734         forceFieldEnergy.getCoordinates(coords);
1735         return;
1736     }
1738     @Override
1739     public double[] getAcceleration(double[] acceleration) {
1740         return getThetaAccel();
1741     }
1743     public double[] getThetaAccel() {
1744         return esvState.a();
1745     }
1747     @Override
1748     public double[] getCoordinates(double[] parameters) {
1749         return getThetaPosition();
1750     }
1752     @Override
1753     public List<Constraint> getConstraints() {
1754         return constraints.isEmpty() ? Collections.emptyList() : new ArrayList<>(constraints);
1755     }
1757     public double[] getThetaPosition() {
1758         return esvState.x();
1759     }
1761     @Override
1762     public STATE getEnergyTermState() {
1763         return null;
1764     }
1766     @Override
1767     public void setEnergyTermState(STATE state) {
1769     }
1771     @Override
1772     public double[] getMass() {
1773         return getThetaMassArray();
1774     }
1776     public double[] getThetaMassArray() {
1777         return esvState.getMass();
1778     }
1780     @Override
1781     public int getNumberOfVariables() {
1782         return nESVs;
1783     }
1785     @Override
1786     public double[] getPreviousAcceleration(double[] previousAcceleration) {
1787         return new double[0];
1788     }
1790     @Override
1791     public double[] getScaling() {
1792         double[] scaling = new double[nESVs];
1793         Arrays.fill(scaling, 1.0);
1794         return scaling;
1795     }
1797     @Override
1798     public void setScaling(double[] scaling) {
1800     }
1802     @Override
1803     public double getTotalEnergy() {
1804         return 0;
1805     }
1807     public SystemState getState() {
1808         return esvState;
1809     }
1811     @Override
1812     public VARIABLE_TYPE[] getVariableTypes() {
1813         return new VARIABLE_TYPE[0];
1814     }
1816     @Override
1817     public double[] getVelocity(double[] velocity) {
1818         return getThetaVelocity();
1819     }
1821     public double[] getThetaVelocity() {
1822         return esvState.v();
1823     }
1825     @Override
1826     public void setAcceleration(double[] acceleration) {
1828     }
1830     @Override
1831     public void setPreviousAcceleration(double[] previousAcceleration) {
1833     }
1835     @Override
1836     public void setVelocity(double[] velocity) {
1838     }
1839 }