Uses of Package
Packages that use ffx.ui.behaviors
The UI package provides views and controllers for manipulating molecular systems.
The Behaviors package contains Java3D Behaviors that turn user actions into scenegraph changes.
Classes in ffx.ui.behaviors used by ffx.uiClassDescriptionThe MouseBehaviorCallback interface is implemented by classes that want to receive callbacks when transforms are updated.The PickMouseBehavior class is the base class for mouse picking behaviors.
Classes in ffx.ui.behaviors used by ffx.ui.behaviorsClassDescriptionThe MouseBehavior class is the Base class for all mouse manipulators.The MouseBehaviorCallback interface is implemented by classes that want to receive callbacks when transforms are updated.The MouseOrbit class implements a mouse orbit behavior.The MouseRotate class implements a mouse rotation behavior.The MouseTranslate class implements a mouse translate behavior.The MouseZoom class implements a Mouse Zoom behavior.The PickingCallback interface is implemented by classes wishing to recieve notification that a picked object has moved.The PickMouseBehavior class is the base class for mouse picking behaviors.