Package edu.rit.util

@ParametersAreNonnullByDefault package edu.rit.util
The Util package contains utilities that support the PJ API.
  • Class
    Class Arrays provides static methods for various operations on arrays and matrices of primitive types and object types.
    Class ByteSequence provides an abstraction for a sequence of bytes.
    Class DefaultRandom provides a default pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) designed for use in parallel scientific programming.
    Class Hex provides static methods for converting between hexadecimal strings and numbers of various kinds.
    Class Instance provides static methods for creating instances of classes.
    Interface Logger specifies the interface for an object that logs messages.
    Class LongRange provides a range of type long.
    Class Mathe provides useful mathematical operations.
    Class Mcg1Random provides a default pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) designed for use in parallel scientific programming.
    Class Packing provides static methods for packing and unpacking arrays of bytes into and out of integers, long integers, and arrays thereof.
    Class PrintStreamLogger provides an object that logs messages to a print stream.
    Class Random is the abstract base class for a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) designed for use in parallel scientific programming.
    Class RandomSample provides objects that generate random samples from discrete sets.
    Class RandomSubset provides an object that generates a random subset of a set of integers.
    Class Range provides a range of type int.
    Class Searching provides static methods for searching arrays of primitive types and object types.
    Class Searching.Byte is the base class for a helper object used to search an array of type byte[].
    Class Searching.Character is the base class for a helper object used to search an array of type char[].
    Class Searching.Double is the base class for a helper object used to search an array of type double[].
    Class Searching.Float is the base class for a helper object used to search an array of type float[].
    Class Searching.Integer is the base class for a helper object used to search an array of type int[].
    Class Searching.Long is the base class for a helper object used to search an array of type long[].
    Class Searching.Object is the base class for a helper object used to search an array of type T[].
    Class Searching.Short is the base class for a helper object used to search an array of type short[].
    Class Sorting provides static methods for sorting arrays of primitive types and object types.
    Class Sorting.Byte is the base class for a helper object used to sort an array of type byte[].
    Class Sorting.Character is the base class for a helper object used to sort an array of type char[].
    Class Sorting.Double is the base class for a helper object used to sort an array of type double[].
    Class Sorting.Float is the base class for a helper object used to sort an array of type float[].
    Class Sorting.Integer is the base class for a helper object used to sort an array of type int[].
    Class Sorting.Long is the base class for a helper object used to sort an array of type long[].
    Class Sorting.Object is the abstract base class for a helper object used to sort an array of objects of type T[].
    Class Sorting.Short is the base class for a helper object used to sort an array of type short[].
    Class Timer controls the execution of a TimerTask's timed actions.
    Interface TimerTask specifies the interface for an object that performs timed actions under the control of a Timer.
    Class TimerThread encapsulates a thread that does the timing for Timers and performs TimerTasks' actions when timeouts occur.