Package edu.rit.pj

Class ParallelSection

public abstract class ParallelSection extends ParallelConstruct
Class ParallelSection is the abstract base class for a section of code to be executed in parallel.

A group of parallel sections may be executed concurrently by calling a ParallelRegion's execute() method. Each section in the group is executed by a different thread in the parallel thread team. Here is one way to code a parallel section group with two parallel sections:

     new ParallelTeam(2).execute (new ParallelRegion()
         public void run() throws Exception
                 (new ParallelSection()
                     public void run()
                         // Code for first concurrent parallel section
                         . . .
                  new ParallelSection()
                     public void run()
                         // Code for second concurrent parallel section
                         . . .
Here is another way to code a parallel section group with two parallel sections:
     ParallelSection section_1 = new ParallelSection()
         public void run()
             // Code for first concurrent parallel section
             . . .
     ParallelSection section_2 = new ParallelSection()
         public void run()
             // Code for second concurrent parallel section
             . . .
     new ParallelTeam(2).execute (new ParallelRegion()
         public void run() throws Exception
             execute (section_1, section_2);
A parallel section group may contain any number of parallel sections. There are overloaded execute() methods that take one, two, or three parallel section arguments. If there are four or more parallel sections, put them in an array (type ParallelSection[]) and pass the array to the execute() method.

Normally, at the end of the parallel section group, the parallel team threads wait for each other at a barrier. To eliminate this barrier wait, include BarrierAction.NO_WAIT in the execute() method call:

     new ParallelTeam(2).execute (new ParallelRegion()
         public void run() throws Exception
             execute (section_1, section_2, BarrierAction.NO_WAIT);
To execute a section of code in a single thread as part of the barrier synchronization, include an instance of class BarrierAction in the execute() method call. The barrier action object's run() method contains the code to be executed in a single thread while the other threads wait:
     new ParallelTeam(2).execute (new ParallelRegion()
         public void run() throws Exception
             execute (section_1, section_2, new BarrierAction()
                 public void run()
                     // Single-threaded code goes here
                     . . .
For further information, see class BarrierAction.

A parallel section may be executed by one thread in the parallel thread team by executing a parallel section group consisting of the one parallel section, as shown above:

     new ParallelTeam().execute (new ParallelRegion()
         public void run() throws Exception
             . . .
             execute (new ParallelSection()
                 public void run()
                     // Code to be executed by one parallel team thread
                     . . .
             . . .

A parallel section may be executed in a mutually exclusive fashion by calling a ParallelRegion's critical() or criticalNonexclusive() method. For example:

     new ParallelTeam().execute (new ParallelRegion()
         public void run() throws Exception
             . . .
             critical (new ParallelSection()
                 public void run()
                     // Mutually exclusive code
                     . . .
             . . .

By calling a ParallelForLoop's ordered() method, a parallel section may be executed in the order of the loop indexes within a parallel for loop body, while the rest of the parallel for loop body executes concurrently. See classes IntegerForLoop, IntegerStrideForLoop, LongForLoop, and LongStrideForLoop for further information.

By calling a ParallelIteration's ordered() method, a parallel section may be executed in the order of the items within a parallel iteration body, while the rest of the parallel iteration body executes concurrently. See class ParallelIteration for further information.

Alan Kaminsky
  • Constructor Details

    • ParallelSection

      public ParallelSection()
      Construct a new parallel section.
  • Method Details

    • run

      public abstract void run() throws Exception
      Execute this parallel section.

      The run() method must be implemented in a subclass.

      Exception - The run() method may throw any exception.
      Exception - if any.