Package edu.rit.pj

Class ParallelIteration<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Data type of the items iterated over.

public abstract class ParallelIteration<T> extends ParallelConstruct
Class ParallelIteration is the abstract base class for a parallel iteration that is executed inside a ParallelRegion. The parallel iteration lets you iterate over a group of items, with a separate parallel team thread processing each item. The generic type parameter T specifies the items' data type. The items can be the elements of an array, the items obtained from an Iterator, or the items contained in an Iterable collection.

To execute a parallel iteration, create a ParallelRegion object; create an instance of a concrete subclass of class ParallelIteration; and pass this instance to the parallel region's execute() method. Either every parallel team thread must call the parallel region's execute() method with identical arguments, or every thread must not call the execute() method. You can do all this using an anonymous inner class; for example:

     new ParallelRegion()
         ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
         . . .
         public void run()
             . . .
             execute (list, new ParallelIteration<String>()
                 // Thread local variable declarations
                 . . .
                 public void start()
                     // Per-thread pre-loop initialization code
                     . . .
                 public void run (String item)
                     // Loop body code
                     . . .
                 public void finish()
                     // Per-thread post-loop finalization code
                     . . .
         . . .

The parallel region's execute() method does the following. One of the parallel team threads sets up the source of the items to be iterated over -- either an array's elements, an iterator's items, or an iterable collection's contents. (Note that only one thread does this setup; but because all threads must call the parallel region's execute() method with identical arguments, it doesn't matter which thread does the setup.) Each parallel team thread calls the parallel iteration's start() method once before beginning any loop iterations. Each thread repeatedly calls the parallel iteration's run() method, passing in a different item on each call, until all the items have been processed. When a thread has finished calling run(), the thread calls the parallel iteration's finish() method. Then the thread waits at a barrier. When all the threads have reached the barrier, the execute() method returns.

Note that each parallel team thread actually creates its own instance of the parallel iteration class and passes that instance to the parallel region's execute() method. Thus, any fields declared in the parallel iteration class will not be shared by all the threads, but instead will be private to each thread.

The start() method is intended for performing per-thread initialization before starting the loop iterations. If no such initialization is needed, omit the start() method.

The run() method contains the code for the loop body. It does whatever processing is needed on the one item passed in as an argument. Note that, unlike a parallel for loop (class ParallelForLoop), a parallel iteration is not "chunked;" each parallel team thread always processes just one item at a time.

The finish() method is intended for performing per-thread finalization after finishing the loop iterations. If no such finalization is needed, omit the finish() method.

Sometimes a portion of a parallel iteration has to be executed sequentially in the same order as the items' iteration order, while the rest of the parallel iteration can be executed concurrently. For example, the loop body is performing some computation that can be executed in parallel for different items, but the results of each computation must be written to a file sequentially in the items' iteration order. The ordered() method is provided for this purpose. A call to the ordered() method may appear once in the parallel iteration's run() method, like so:

     public void run (String item)
         // This portion executed concurrently
         . . .
         ordered (new ParallelSection()
             public void run()
                 // This portion executed sequentially
                 // in the items' iteration order
                 . . .
         // This portion executed concurrently again
         . . .
When called, the ordered() method waits until the ordered() method has been called and has returned for all items prior to the current item. Then the ordered() method calls the given parallel section's run() method. When the parallel section's run() method returns, the ordered() method returns. If the parallel section's run() method throws an exception, the ordered() method throws that same exception.

It is possible to stop a parallel iteration using the stopLoop() method, like this:

     public void run (String item)
         // Loop body
         . . .
         if (/*time to stop the loop*/)
         // More loop body
         . . .
Once stopLoop() is called, after each parallel team thread finishes processing its current item, each thread will process no further items and will proceed to finish the parallel iteration. Note well that stopping a parallel iteration is not the same as executing a break statement in a regular loop. The parallel iteration does not stop until each thread, including the thread that called stopLoop(), has finished processing its current item. Thus, processing may continue for a while after stopLoop() is called. (The return statement in the above example causes the thread that called stopLoop() to stop its processing early.)

Normally, at the end of the parallel iteration, the parallel team threads wait for each other at a barrier. To eliminate this barrier wait, include BarrierAction.NO_WAIT in the execute() method call:

     new ParallelRegion()
         . . .
         public void run()
             . . .
             execute (list, new ParallelIteration<String>()
                 . . .
             . . .
To execute a section of code in a single thread as part of the barrier synchronization, include an instance of class BarrierAction in the execute() method call. The barrier action object's run() method contains the code to be executed in a single thread while the other threads wait:
     new ParallelRegion()
         . . .
         public void run()
             . . .
             execute (list, new ParallelIteration<String>()
                 . . .
             new BarrierAction()
                 public void run()
                     // Single-threaded code goes here
                     . . .
             . . .
For further information, see class BarrierAction.

If the parallel iteration's start(), run(), or finish() method throws an exception in one of the threads, then that thread executes no further code in the loop, and the parallel region's execute() method throws that same exception in that thread. Furthermore, the other threads in the parallel team also process no further items after finishing their current items. Thus, if one thread throws an exception, the whole parallel iteration exits with some (perhaps none) of the iterations unperformed.

Alan Kaminsky
  • Constructor Details

    • ParallelIteration

      public ParallelIteration()
      Construct a new parallel iteration.
  • Method Details

    • start

      public void start() throws Exception
      Perform per-thread initialization actions before starting the loop iterations.

      The start() method may be overridden in a subclass. If not overridden, the start() method does nothing.

      Exception - The start() method may throw any exception.
      Exception - if any.
    • run

      public abstract void run(T item) throws Exception
      Process one item in this parallel iteration. The run() method must perform the loop body for the given item.

      The run() method must be overridden in a subclass.

      item - Item.
      Exception - The run() method may throw any exception.
      Exception - if any.
    • finish

      public void finish() throws Exception
      Perform per-thread finalization actions after finishing the loop iterations.

      The finish() method may be overridden in a subclass. If not overridden, the finish() method does nothing.

      Exception - The finish() method may throw any exception.
      Exception - if any.
    • ordered

      public final void ordered(ParallelSection theSection) throws Exception
      Execute the given section of code in the items' iteration order. A call to the ordered() method may appear in this parallel iteration's run() method. When called, the ordered() method waits until the ordered() method has been called and has returned for all items prior to the current item. Then the ordered() method calls the run() method of theParallelSection. When the parallel section's run() method returns, the ordered() method returns. If the parallel section's run() method throws an exception, the ordered() method throws that same exception.

      The ordered() method is used when a portion of a parallel iteration has to be executed sequentially in the items' iteration order, while the rest of the parallel iteration can be executed concurrently.

      Note: Either the ordered() method must be called exactly once during each call of the parallel iteration's run() method, or the ordered() method must not be called at all.

      theSection - Parallel section to execute in order.
      NullPointerException - (unchecked exception) Thrown if theSection is null.
      IllegalStateException - (unchecked exception) Thrown if no parallel team is executing this parallel iteration.
      Exception - Thrown if theSection's run() method throws an exception.
      Exception - if any.
    • stopLoop

      public final void stopLoop()
      Stop this parallel iteration. Once stopLoop() is called, after each parallel team thread finishes processing its current item, each thread will process no further items and will proceed to finish this parallel iteration.
      IllegalStateException - (unchecked exception) Thrown if no parallel team is executing this parallel iteration.