View Javadoc
1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.xray.parsers;
40  import static java.lang.Double.parseDouble;
41  import static java.lang.Float.parseFloat;
42  import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt;
43  import static java.lang.String.format;
44  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.cos;
45  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.max;
46  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.min;
47  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sin;
48  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sqrt;
49  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.toRadians;
51  import ffx.crystal.Crystal;
52  import ffx.crystal.HKL;
53  import ffx.crystal.ReflectionList;
54  import ffx.crystal.Resolution;
55  import ffx.crystal.SpaceGroupInfo;
56  import ffx.numerics.math.ComplexNumber;
57  import ffx.xray.DiffractionRefinementData;
58  import ffx.xray.parsers.MTZWriter.MTZType;
59  import;
60  import;
61  import;
62  import;
63  import;
64  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
65  import java.nio.ByteOrder;
66  import java.util.ArrayList;
67  import java.util.Iterator;
68  import java.util.logging.Level;
69  import java.util.logging.Logger;
70  import org.apache.commons.configuration2.CompositeConfiguration;
71  import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
73  /**
74   * This class parses CCP4 MTZ files.<br>
75   *
76   * @author Timothy D. Fenn<br>
77   * @see <a href="" target="_blank">CCP4 map format</a>
78   * @see <a href="" target="_blank">CCP4 library
79   *     documentation</a>
80   * @since 1.0
81   */
82  public class MTZFilter implements DiffractionFileFilter {
84    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MTZFilter.class.getName());
85    private final ArrayList<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
86    private final ArrayList<Dataset> dataSets = new ArrayList<>();
87    private boolean headerParsed = false;
88    private String title;
89    private String foString, sigFoString, rFreeString;
90    private int h, k, l, fo, sigFo, rFree;
91    private int fPlus, sigFPlus, fMinus, sigFMinus, rFreePlus, rFreeMinus;
92    private int fc, phiC, fs, phiS;
93    private int dsetOffset = 1;
94    private int nColumns;
95    private int nReflections;
96    private int spaceGroupNum;
97    private String spaceGroupName;
98    private double resLow;
99    private double resHigh;
101   /** Constructor for MTZFilter. */
102   public MTZFilter() {
103   }
105   /**
106    * Average the computed structure factors for two systems.
107    *
108    * @param mtzFile1 This file will be overwritten and become the new average.
109    * @param mtzFile2 Second MTZ file.
110    * @param reflectionlist List of HKLs.
111    * @param iter The iteration in the running average.
112    * @param properties The CompositeConfiguration defines the properties of each system.
113    */
114   public void averageFcs(
115       File mtzFile1,
116       File mtzFile2,
117       ReflectionList reflectionlist,
118       int iter,
119       CompositeConfiguration properties) {
121     DiffractionRefinementData fcdata1 = new DiffractionRefinementData(properties, reflectionlist);
122     DiffractionRefinementData fcdata2 = new DiffractionRefinementData(properties, reflectionlist);
124     readFcs(mtzFile1, reflectionlist, fcdata1, properties);
125     readFcs(mtzFile2, reflectionlist, fcdata2, properties);
127     // compute running average using mtzFile1 as current average
128" Iteration for averaging: %d.", iter));
129     for (int i = 0; i < reflectionlist.hklList.size(); i++) {
130       fcdata1.fc[i][0] += (fcdata2.fc[i][0] - fcdata1.fc[i][0]) / iter;
131       fcdata1.fc[i][1] += (fcdata2.fc[i][1] - fcdata1.fc[i][1]) / iter;
133       fcdata1.fs[i][0] += (fcdata2.fs[i][0] - fcdata1.fs[i][0]) / iter;
134       fcdata1.fs[i][1] += (fcdata2.fs[i][1] - fcdata1.fs[i][1]) / iter;
135     }
137     // overwrite original MTZ
138     MTZWriter mtzOut = new MTZWriter(reflectionlist, fcdata1, mtzFile1.getName(), MTZType.FCONLY);
139     mtzOut.write();
140   }
142   /** {@inheritDoc} */
143   @Override
144   public ReflectionList getReflectionList(File mtzFile, CompositeConfiguration properties) {
145     ByteOrder byteOrder = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
146     FileInputStream fileInputStream;
147     DataInputStream dataInputStream;
148     try {
149       fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(mtzFile);
150       dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(fileInputStream);
152       byte[] headerOffset = new byte[4];
153       byte[] bytes = new byte[80];
154       int offset = 0;
156       // Eat "MTZ" title.
157, offset, 4);
159       // Header offset.
160, offset, 4);
162       // Machine stamp.
163, offset, 4);
164       ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
165       int stamp = byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).getInt();
166       String stampstr = Integer.toHexString(stamp);
167       switch (stampstr.charAt(0)) {
168         case '1':
169         case '3':
170           if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)) {
171             byteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
172           }
173           break;
174         case '4':
175           if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) {
176             byteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
177           }
178           break;
179       }
181       byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(headerOffset);
182       int headerOffsetI = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
184       // skip to header and parse
185       dataInputStream.skipBytes((headerOffsetI - 4) * 4);
187       for (Boolean parsing = true; parsing;, offset, 80)) {
188         String mtzstr = new String(bytes);
189         parsing = parseHeader(mtzstr);
190       }
191     } catch (EOFException e) {
192       String message = " MTZ end of file reached.";
193       logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
194       return null;
195     } catch (IOException e) {
196       String message = " MTZ IO exception.";
197       logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
198       return null;
199     }
201     // column identifiers
202     foString = sigFoString = rFreeString = null;
203     if (properties != null) {
204       foString = properties.getString("fostring", null);
205       sigFoString = properties.getString("sigfostring", null);
206       rFreeString = properties.getString("rfreestring", null);
207     }
208     h = k = l = fo = sigFo = rFree = -1;
209     fPlus = sigFPlus = fMinus = sigFMinus = rFreePlus = rFreeMinus = -1;
210     fc = phiC = -1;
211     boolean print = false;
212     parseColumns(print);
213     parseFcColumns(print);
215     if (fo < 0 && fPlus < 0 && sigFo < 0 && sigFPlus < 0 && fc < 0 && phiC < 0) {
217           " The MTZ header contains insufficient information to generate the reflection list.");
219           " For non-default column labels set fostring/sigfostring in the properties file.");
220       return null;
221     }
223     Column column;
224     if (fo > 0) {
225       column = columns.get(fo);
226     } else if (fPlus > 0) {
227       column = columns.get(fPlus);
228     } else {
229       column = columns.get(fc);
230     }
231     Dataset dataSet = dataSets.get( - dsetOffset);
233     if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
234       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
235       sb.append(format(" Reading %s\n", mtzFile.getName()));
236       sb.append("  Setting up reflection list based on MTZ file.\n");
237       sb.append(
238           format(
239               "  Space group number: %d (name: %s)\n",
240               spaceGroupNum, SpaceGroupInfo.spaceGroupNames[spaceGroupNum - 1]));
241       sb.append(format("  Resolution:         %8.3f\n", 0.999999 * resHigh));
242       sb.append(
243           format(
244               "  Cell:               %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f",
245               dataSet.cell[0],
246               dataSet.cell[1],
247               dataSet.cell[2],
248               dataSet.cell[3],
249               dataSet.cell[4],
250               dataSet.cell[5]));
252     }
254     Crystal crystal =
255         new Crystal(
256             dataSet.cell[0],
257             dataSet.cell[1],
258             dataSet.cell[2],
259             dataSet.cell[3],
260             dataSet.cell[4],
261             dataSet.cell[5],
262             SpaceGroupInfo.spaceGroupNames[spaceGroupNum - 1]);
264     double sampling = 0.6;
265     if (properties != null) {
266       sampling = properties.getDouble("sampling", 0.6);
267     }
268     Resolution resolution = new Resolution(0.999999 * resHigh, sampling);
270     return new ReflectionList(crystal, resolution, properties);
271   }
273   /** {@inheritDoc} */
274   @Override
275   public ReflectionList getReflectionList(File mtzFile) {
276     return getReflectionList(mtzFile, null);
277   }
279   /** {@inheritDoc} */
280   @Override
281   public double getResolution(File mtzFile, Crystal crystal) {
282     ReflectionList reflectionList = getReflectionList(mtzFile, null);
283     return reflectionList.getMaxResolution();
284   }
286   /** printHeader */
287   public void printHeader() {
288     if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
289       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
290       sb.append(" MTZ title: ").append(title).append("\n");
291       sb.append(" MTZ space group: ")
292           .append(spaceGroupName)
293           .append(" space group number: ")
294           .append(spaceGroupNum)
295           .append(" (")
296           .append(SpaceGroupInfo.spaceGroupNames[spaceGroupNum - 1])
297           .append(")\n");
298       sb.append(" MTZ resolution: ").append(resLow).append(" - ").append(resHigh).append("\n");
299       sb.append(" Number of reflections: ").append(nReflections).append("\n");
301       int ndset = 1;
302       for (Iterator<Dataset> i = dataSets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ndset++) {
303         Dataset d =;
304         sb.append("  dataset ").append(ndset).append(": ").append(d.dataset).append("\n");
305         sb.append("  project ").append(ndset).append(": ").append(d.project).append("\n");
306         sb.append("  wavelength ").append(ndset).append(": ").append(d.lambda).append("\n");
307         sb.append("  cell ").append(ndset).append(": ")
308             .append(d.cell[0]).append(" ").append(d.cell[1]).append(" ")
309             .append(d.cell[2]).append(" ").append(d.cell[3]).append(" ")
310             .append(d.cell[4]).append(" ").append(d.cell[5]).append("\n");
311         sb.append("\n");
312       }
314       sb.append(" Number of columns: ").append(nColumns).append("\n");
315       int nc = 0;
316       for (Iterator<Column> i = columns.iterator(); i.hasNext(); nc++) {
317         Column c =;
318         sb.append(format("  column %d: dataset id: %d min: %9.2f max: %9.2f label: %s type: %c\n",
319             nc,, c.min, c.max, c.label, c.type));
320       }
322     }
323   }
325   /** {@inheritDoc} */
326   @Override
327   public boolean readFile(
328       File mtzFile,
329       ReflectionList reflectionList,
330       DiffractionRefinementData refinementData,
331       CompositeConfiguration properties) {
332     int nRead, nIgnore, nRes, nFriedel, nCut;
333     ByteOrder byteOrder = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
334     FileInputStream fileInputStream;
335     DataInputStream dataInputStream;
336     boolean transpose = false;
338     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
339     try {
340       fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(mtzFile);
341       dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(fileInputStream);
343       byte[] headerOffset = new byte[4];
344       byte[] bytes = new byte[80];
345       int offset = 0;
347       // Eat "MTZ" title.
348, offset, 4);
349       // String mtzstr;
351       // Header offset.
352, offset, 4);
354       // Machine stamp.
355, offset, 4);
356       ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
357       int stamp = byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).getInt();
358       String stampString = Integer.toHexString(stamp);
359       switch (stampString.charAt(0)) {
360         case '1':
361         case '3':
362           if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)) {
363             byteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
364           }
365           break;
366         case '4':
367           if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) {
368             byteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
369           }
370           break;
371       }
373       byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(headerOffset);
374       int headerOffsetI = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
376       // skip to header and parse
377       dataInputStream.skipBytes((headerOffsetI - 4) * 4);
379       for (Boolean parsing = true; parsing;, offset, 80)) {
380         String mtzstr = new String(bytes);
381         parsing = parseHeader(mtzstr);
382       }
384       // column identifiers
385       foString = sigFoString = rFreeString = null;
386       if (properties != null) {
387         foString = properties.getString("fostring", null);
388         sigFoString = properties.getString("sigfostring", null);
389         rFreeString = properties.getString("rfreestring", null);
390       }
391       h = k = l = fo = sigFo = rFree = -1;
392       fPlus = sigFPlus = fMinus = sigFMinus = rFreePlus = rFreeMinus = -1;
393       boolean print = true;
394       parseColumns(print);
396       if (h < 0 || k < 0 || l < 0) {
397         String message = "Fatal error in MTZ file - no H K L indexes?\n";
398         logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message);
399         return false;
400       }
402       // Reopen to start at beginning.
403       fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(mtzFile);
404       dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(fileInputStream);
406       // Skip initial header.
407       dataInputStream.skipBytes(80);
409       // Check if HKLs need to be transposed or not.
410       float[] data = new float[nColumns];
411       HKL mate = new HKL();
412       int nPosIgnore = 0;
413       int nTransIgnore = 0;
414       int nZero = 0;
415       int none = 0;
416       for (int i = 0; i < nReflections; i++) {
417         for (int j = 0; j < nColumns; j++) {
418 , offset, 4);
419           byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
420           data[j] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
421         }
422         int ih = (int) data[h];
423         int ik = (int) data[k];
424         int il = (int) data[l];
425         reflectionList.findSymHKL(ih, ik, il, mate, false);
426         HKL hklpos = reflectionList.getHKL(mate);
427         if (hklpos == null) {
428           nPosIgnore++;
429         }
431         reflectionList.findSymHKL(ih, ik, il, mate, true);
432         HKL hkltrans = reflectionList.getHKL(mate);
433         if (hkltrans == null) {
434           nTransIgnore++;
435         }
436         if (rFree > 0) {
437           if (((int) data[rFree]) == 0) {
438             nZero++;
439           } else if (((int) data[rFree]) == 1) {
440             none++;
441           }
442         }
443         if (rFreePlus > 0) {
444           if (((int) data[rFreePlus]) == 0) {
445             nZero++;
446           } else if (((int) data[rFreePlus]) == 1) {
447             none++;
448           }
449         }
450         if (rFreeMinus > 0) {
451           if (((int) data[rFreeMinus]) == 0) {
452             nZero++;
453           } else if (((int) data[rFreeMinus]) == 1) {
454             none++;
455           }
456         }
457       }
458       if (nPosIgnore > nTransIgnore) {
459         transpose = true;
460       }
462       if (none > (nZero * 2) && refinementData.rFreeFlag < 0) {
463         refinementData.setFreeRFlag(0);
464         sb.append(
465             format(
466                 " Setting R free flag to %d based on MTZ file data.\n", refinementData.rFreeFlag));
467       } else if (nZero > (none * 2) && refinementData.rFreeFlag < 0) {
468         refinementData.setFreeRFlag(1);
469         sb.append(
470             format(
471                 " Setting R free flag to %d based on MTZ file data.\n", refinementData.rFreeFlag));
472       } else if (refinementData.rFreeFlag < 0) {
473         refinementData.setFreeRFlag(0);
474         sb.append(format(" Setting R free flag to MTZ default: %d\n", refinementData.rFreeFlag));
475       }
477       // Reopen to start at beginning
478       fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(mtzFile);
479       dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(fileInputStream);
481       // Skip initial header
482       dataInputStream.skipBytes(80);
484       // Read in data
485       double[][] anofSigF = new double[refinementData.n][4];
486       for (int i = 0; i < refinementData.n; i++) {
487         anofSigF[i][0] = anofSigF[i][1] = anofSigF[i][2] = anofSigF[i][3] = Double.NaN;
488       }
489       nRead = nIgnore = nRes = nFriedel = nCut = 0;
490       for (int i = 0; i < nReflections; i++) {
491         for (int j = 0; j < nColumns; j++) {
492 , offset, 4);
493           byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
494           data[j] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
495         }
496         int ih = (int) data[h];
497         int ik = (int) data[k];
498         int il = (int) data[l];
499         boolean friedel = reflectionList.findSymHKL(ih, ik, il, mate, transpose);
500         HKL hkl = reflectionList.getHKL(mate);
501         if (hkl != null) {
502           if (fo > 0 && sigFo > 0) {
503             if (refinementData.fSigFCutoff > 0.0) {
504               if ((data[fo] / data[sigFo]) < refinementData.fSigFCutoff) {
505                 nCut++;
506                 continue;
507               }
508             }
509             if (friedel) {
510               anofSigF[hkl.getIndex()][2] = data[fo];
511               anofSigF[hkl.getIndex()][3] = data[sigFo];
512               nFriedel++;
513             } else {
514               anofSigF[hkl.getIndex()][0] = data[fo];
515               anofSigF[hkl.getIndex()][1] = data[sigFo];
516             }
517           } else {
518             if (fPlus > 0 && sigFPlus > 0) {
519               if (refinementData.fSigFCutoff > 0.0) {
520                 if ((data[fPlus] / data[sigFPlus]) < refinementData.fSigFCutoff) {
521                   nCut++;
522                   continue;
523                 }
524               }
525               anofSigF[hkl.getIndex()][0] = data[fPlus];
526               anofSigF[hkl.getIndex()][1] = data[sigFPlus];
527             }
528             if (fMinus > 0 && sigFMinus > 0) {
529               if (refinementData.fSigFCutoff > 0.0) {
530                 if ((data[fMinus] / data[sigFMinus]) < refinementData.fSigFCutoff) {
531                   nCut++;
532                   continue;
533                 }
534               }
535               anofSigF[hkl.getIndex()][2] = data[fMinus];
536               anofSigF[hkl.getIndex()][3] = data[sigFMinus];
537             }
538           }
539           if (rFree > 0) {
540             refinementData.setFreeR(hkl.getIndex(), (int) data[rFree]);
541           } else {
542             if (rFreePlus > 0 && rFreeMinus > 0) {
543               // not sure what the correct thing to do here is?
544               refinementData.setFreeR(hkl.getIndex(), (int) data[rFreePlus]);
545             } else if (rFreePlus > 0) {
546               refinementData.setFreeR(hkl.getIndex(), (int) data[rFreePlus]);
547             } else if (rFreeMinus > 0) {
548               refinementData.setFreeR(hkl.getIndex(), (int) data[rFreeMinus]);
549             }
550           }
551           nRead++;
552         } else {
553           HKL tmp = new HKL(ih, ik, il);
554           if (!reflectionList.resolution.inInverseResSqRange(
555               reflectionList.crystal.invressq(tmp))) {
556             nRes++;
557           } else {
558             nIgnore++;
559           }
560         }
561       }
563       // Set up fsigf from F+ and F-.
564       refinementData.generateFsigFfromAnomalousFsigF(anofSigF);
566       // Log results.
567       if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
568         sb.append(format(" MTZ file type (machine stamp): %s\n", stampString));
569         sb.append(format(" HKL data is %s\n", transpose ? "transposed" : "not transposed"));
570         sb.append(format(" HKL read in:                             %d\n", nRead));
571         sb.append(format(" HKL read as friedel mates:               %d\n", nFriedel));
572         sb.append(format(" HKL NOT read in (too high resolution):   %d\n", nRes));
573         sb.append(format(" HKL NOT read in (not in internal list?): %d\n", nIgnore));
574         sb.append(format(" HKL NOT read in (F/sigF cutoff):         %d\n", nCut));
575         sb.append(
576             format(" HKL in internal list:                    %d", reflectionList.hklList.size()));
578       }
579       if (rFree < 0 && rFreePlus < 0 && rFreeMinus < 0) {
580         refinementData.generateRFree();
581       }
582     } catch (EOFException e) {
583       String message = " MTZ end of file reached.";
584       logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
585       return false;
586     } catch (IOException e) {
587       String message = " MTZ IO Exception.";
588       logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
589       return false;
590     }
592     return true;
593   }
595   /**
596    * Read the structure factors.
597    *
598    * @param mtzFile a {@link} object.
599    * @param reflectionList a {@link ffx.crystal.ReflectionList} object.
600    * @param fcData a {@link ffx.xray.DiffractionRefinementData} object.
601    * @param properties a {@link org.apache.commons.configuration2.CompositeConfiguration}
602    *     object.
603    * @return a boolean.
604    */
605   private boolean readFcs(
606       File mtzFile,
607       ReflectionList reflectionList,
608       DiffractionRefinementData fcData,
609       CompositeConfiguration properties) {
611     int nRead, nIgnore, nRes, nFriedel, nCut;
612     ByteOrder byteOrder = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
613     FileInputStream fileInputStream;
614     DataInputStream dataInputStream;
616     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
617     try {
618       fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(mtzFile);
619       dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(fileInputStream);
621       byte[] headerOffset = new byte[4];
622       byte[] bytes = new byte[80];
623       int offset = 0;
625       // Eat "MTZ" title.
626, offset, 4);
628       // Header offset.
629, offset, 4);
631       // Machine stamp.
632, offset, 4);
633       ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
634       int stamp = byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).getInt();
635       String stampString = Integer.toHexString(stamp);
636       switch (stampString.charAt(0)) {
637         case '1':
638         case '3':
639           if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)) {
640             byteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
641           }
642           break;
643         case '4':
644           if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) {
645             byteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
646           }
647           break;
648       }
650       byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(headerOffset);
651       int headerOffsetI = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
653       // Skip to header and parse.
654       dataInputStream.skipBytes((headerOffsetI - 4) * 4);
656       for (Boolean parsing = true; parsing;, offset, 80)) {
657         String mtzString = new String(bytes);
658         parsing = parseHeader(mtzString);
659       }
661       // Column identifiers.
662       fc = phiC = fs = phiS = -1;
663       boolean print = true;
664       parseFcColumns(print);
666       if (h < 0 || k < 0 || l < 0) {
667         String message = " Fatal error in MTZ file - no H K L indexes?\n";
668         logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message);
669         return false;
670       }
672       // Reopen to start at beginning.
673       fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(mtzFile);
674       dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(fileInputStream);
676       // Skip initial header.
677       dataInputStream.skipBytes(80);
679       float[] data = new float[nColumns];
680       HKL mate = new HKL();
682       // Read in data.
683       ComplexNumber complexNumber = new ComplexNumber();
684       nRead = nIgnore = nRes = nFriedel = nCut = 0;
685       for (int i = 0; i < nReflections; i++) {
686         for (int j = 0; j < nColumns; j++) {
687 , offset, 4);
688           byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
689           data[j] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
690         }
691         int ih = (int) data[h];
692         int ik = (int) data[k];
693         int il = (int) data[l];
694         reflectionList.findSymHKL(ih, ik, il, mate, false);
695         HKL hkl = reflectionList.getHKL(mate);
697         if (hkl != null) {
698           if (fc > 0 && phiC > 0) {
699   [fc] * cos(toRadians(data[phiC])));
700   [fc] * sin(toRadians(data[phiC])));
701             fcData.setFc(hkl.getIndex(), complexNumber);
702           }
703           if (fs > 0 && phiS > 0) {
704   [fs] * cos(toRadians(data[phiS])));
705   [fs] * sin(toRadians(data[phiS])));
706             fcData.setFs(hkl.getIndex(), complexNumber);
707           }
708           nRead++;
709         } else {
710           HKL tmp = new HKL(ih, ik, il);
711           if (!reflectionList.resolution.inInverseResSqRange(
712               reflectionList.crystal.invressq(tmp))) {
713             nRes++;
714           } else {
715             nIgnore++;
716           }
717         }
718       }
720       if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
721         sb.append(format(" MTZ file type (machine stamp): %s\n", stampString));
722         sb.append(format("  Fc HKL read in:                             %d\n", nRead));
723         sb.append(format("  Fc HKL read as friedel mates:               %d\n", nFriedel));
724         sb.append(format("  Fc HKL NOT read in (too high resolution):   %d\n", nRes));
725         sb.append(format("  Fc HKL NOT read in (not in internal list?): %d\n", nIgnore));
726         sb.append(format("  Fc HKL NOT read in (F/sigF cutoff):         %d\n", nCut));
727         sb.append(
728             format(
729                 "  HKL in internal list:                       %d\n",
730                 reflectionList.hklList.size()));
732       }
733     } catch (EOFException e) {
734       String message = " MTZ end of file reached.";
735       logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
736       return false;
737     } catch (IOException e) {
738       String message = " MTZ IO Exception.";
739       logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
740       return false;
741     }
743     return true;
744   }
746   /**
747    * Parse the header.
748    *
749    * @param str The header to parse.
750    * @return
751    */
752   private Boolean parseHeader(String str) {
753     boolean parsing = true;
754     Dataset dataSet;
755     String[] strArray = str.split("\\s+");
757     if (headerParsed) {
758       return Header.toHeader(strArray[0]) != Header.END;
759     }
761     switch (Header.toHeader(strArray[0])) {
762       case TITLE:
763         title = str.substring(5);
764         break;
765       case NCOL:
766         nColumns = parseInt(strArray[1]);
767         nReflections = parseInt(strArray[2]);
768         int nBatches = parseInt(strArray[3]);
769         break;
770       case SYMINF:
771         String[] tmp = str.split("\'+");
772         spaceGroupNum = parseInt(strArray[4]);
773         if (tmp.length > 1) {
774           spaceGroupName = tmp[1];
775         }
776         break;
777       case RESO:
778         double r1 = sqrt(1.0 / parseFloat(strArray[1]));
779         double r2 = sqrt(1.0 / parseFloat(strArray[2]));
780         resLow = max(r1, r2);
781         resHigh = min(r1, r2);
782         break;
783       case NDIF:
784         int ndif = parseInt(strArray[1]);
785         break;
786       case COL:
787       case COLUMN:
788         int nDataSet = parseInt(strArray[5]);
789         if (nDataSet == 0) {
790           dsetOffset = 0;
791         }
792         Column column = new Column();
793         columns.add(column);
794         column.label = strArray[1];
795         column.type = strArray[2].charAt(0);
796 = nDataSet;
797         column.min = parseDouble(strArray[3]);
798         column.max = parseDouble(strArray[4]);
799         break;
800       case PROJECT:
801         nDataSet = parseInt(strArray[1]);
802         if (nDataSet == 0) {
803           dsetOffset = 0;
804         }
805         try {
806           dataSet = dataSets.get(nDataSet - dsetOffset);
807         } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
808           dataSet = new Dataset();
809           dataSets.add(dataSet);
810         }
811         dataSet.project = strArray[2];
812         break;
813       case DATASET:
814         nDataSet = parseInt(strArray[1]);
815         if (nDataSet == 0) {
816           dsetOffset = 0;
817         }
818         try {
819           dataSet = dataSets.get(nDataSet - dsetOffset);
820         } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
821           dataSet = new Dataset();
822           dataSets.add(dataSet);
823         }
824         dataSet.dataset = strArray[2];
825         break;
826       case DCELL:
827         nDataSet = Integer.parseInt(strArray[1]);
828         if (nDataSet == 0) {
829           dsetOffset = 0;
830         }
831         try {
832           dataSet = dataSets.get(nDataSet - dsetOffset);
833         } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
834           dataSet = new Dataset();
835           dataSets.add(dataSet);
836         }
837         dataSet.cell[0] = parseDouble(strArray[2]);
838         dataSet.cell[1] = parseDouble(strArray[3]);
839         dataSet.cell[2] = parseDouble(strArray[4]);
840         dataSet.cell[3] = parseDouble(strArray[5]);
841         dataSet.cell[4] = parseDouble(strArray[6]);
842         dataSet.cell[5] = parseDouble(strArray[7]);
843         break;
844       case DWAVEL:
845         nDataSet = parseInt(strArray[1]);
846         if (nDataSet == 0) {
847           dsetOffset = 0;
848         }
849         try {
850           dataSet = dataSets.get(nDataSet - dsetOffset);
851         } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
852           dataSet = new Dataset();
853           dataSets.add(dataSet);
854         }
855         dataSet.lambda = parseDouble(strArray[2]);
856         break;
857       case END:
858         headerParsed = true;
859         parsing = false;
860         break;
861       default:
862         break;
863     }
865     return parsing;
866   }
868   /**
869    * Parse columns.
870    *
871    * @param print
872    */
873   private void parseColumns(boolean print) {
875     int nc = 0;
876     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
877     for (Iterator<Column> i = columns.iterator(); i.hasNext(); nc++) {
878       Column column =;
879       String label = column.label.trim();
880       if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("H") && column.type == 'H') {
881         h = nc;
882       } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("K") && column.type == 'H') {
883         k = nc;
884       } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("L") && column.type == 'H') {
885         l = nc;
886       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("free")
887           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("freer")
888           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("freerflag")
889           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("freer_flag")
890           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("rfree")
891           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("rfreeflag")
892           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("r-free-flags")
893           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("test")
894           || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(label, rFreeString))
895           && column.type == 'I') {
896         sb.append(format(" Reading R Free column: \"%s\"\n", column.label));
897         rFree = nc;
898       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("free(+)")
899           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("freer(+)")
900           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("freerflag(+)")
901           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("freer_flag(+)")
902           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("rfree(+)")
903           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("rfreeflag(+)")
904           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("r-free-flags(+)")
905           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("test(+)")
906           || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(label + "(+)", rFreeString))
907           && column.type == 'I') {
908         rFreePlus = nc;
909       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("free(-)")
910           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("freer(-)")
911           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("freerflag(-)")
912           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("freer_flag(-)")
913           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("rfree(-)")
914           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("rfreeflag(-)")
915           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("r-free-flags(-)")
916           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("test(-)")
917           || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(label + "(-)", rFreeString))
918           && column.type == 'I') {
919         rFreeMinus = nc;
920       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("f")
921           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fp")
922           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fo")
923           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fobs")
924           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("f-obs")
925           || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(label, foString))
926           && column.type == 'F') {
927         sb.append(format(" Reading Fo column: \"%s\"\n", column.label));
928         fo = nc;
929       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("f(+)")
930           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fp(+)")
931           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fo(+)")
932           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fobs(+)")
933           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("f-obs(+)")
934           || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(label + "(+)", foString))
935           && column.type == 'G') {
936         fPlus = nc;
937       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("f(-)")
938           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fp(-)")
939           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fo(-)")
940           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fobs(-)")
941           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("f-obs(-)")
942           || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(label + "(-)", foString))
943           && column.type == 'G') {
944         fMinus = nc;
945       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigf")
946           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigfp")
947           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigfo")
948           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigfobs")
949           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigf-obs")
950           || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(label, sigFoString))
951           && column.type == 'Q') {
952         sb.append(format(" Reading sigFo column: \"%s\"\n", column.label));
953         sigFo = nc;
954       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigf(+)")
955           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigfp(+)")
956           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigfo(+)")
957           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigfobs(+)")
958           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigf-obs(+)")
959           || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(label + "(+)", sigFoString))
960           && column.type == 'L') {
961         sigFPlus = nc;
962       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigf(-)")
963           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigfp(-)")
964           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigfo(-)")
965           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigfobs(-)")
966           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("sigf-obs(-)")
967           || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(label + "(-)", sigFoString))
968           && column.type == 'L') {
969         sigFMinus = nc;
970       }
971     }
972     if (fo < 0 && sigFo < 0 && fPlus > 0 && sigFPlus > 0 && fMinus > 0 && sigFMinus > 0) {
973       sb.append(" Reading Fplus/Fminus column to fill in Fo\n");
974     }
975     if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO) && print) {
977     }
978   }
980   /**
981    * Parse Fc columns.
982    *
983    * @param print
984    */
985   private void parseFcColumns(boolean print) {
986     int nc = 0;
987     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
988     for (Iterator<Column> i = columns.iterator(); i.hasNext(); nc++) {
989       Column column =;
990       String label = column.label.trim();
991       if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("H") && column.type == 'H') {
992         h = nc;
993       } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("K") && column.type == 'H') {
994         k = nc;
995       } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("L") && column.type == 'H') {
996         l = nc;
997       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("fc") || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fcalc"))
998           && column.type == 'F') {
999         sb.append(format(" Reading Fc column: \"%s\"\n", column.label));
1000         fc = nc;
1001       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("phic")
1002           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("phifc")
1003           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("phicalc")
1004           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("phifcalc"))
1005           && column.type == 'P') {
1006         sb.append(format(" Reading phiFc column: \"%s\"\n", column.label));
1007         phiC = nc;
1008       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("fs") || label.equalsIgnoreCase("fscalc"))
1009           && column.type == 'F') {
1010         sb.append(format(" Reading Fs column: \"%s\"\n", column.label));
1011         fs = nc;
1012       } else if ((label.equalsIgnoreCase("phis")
1013           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("phifs")
1014           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("phiscalc")
1015           || label.equalsIgnoreCase("phifscalc"))
1016           && column.type == 'P') {
1017         sb.append(format(" Reading phiFs column: \"%s\"\n", column.label));
1018         phiS = nc;
1019       }
1020     }
1021     if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO) && print) {
1023     }
1024   }
1026   /**
1027    * Getter for the field <code>nColumns</code>.
1028    *
1029    * @return the nColumns
1030    */
1031   int getnColumns() {
1032     return nColumns;
1033   }
1035   /**
1036    * Getter for the field <code>nReflections</code>.
1037    *
1038    * @return the nReflections
1039    */
1040   int getnReflections() {
1041     return nReflections;
1042   }
1044   /**
1045    * Getter for the field <code>spaceGroupNum</code>.
1046    *
1047    * @return the spaceGroupNum
1048    */
1049   int getSpaceGroupNum() {
1050     return spaceGroupNum;
1051   }
1053   private enum Header {
1054     VERS,
1055     TITLE,
1056     NCOL,
1057     SORT,
1058     SYMINF,
1059     SYMM,
1060     RESO,
1061     VALM,
1062     COL,
1063     COLUMN,
1064     NDIF,
1065     PROJECT,
1066     CRYSTAL,
1067     DATASET,
1068     DCELL,
1069     DWAVEL,
1070     BATCH,
1071     END,
1072     NOVALUE;
1074     public static Header toHeader(String str) {
1075       try {
1076         return valueOf(str);
1077       } catch (Exception ex) {
1078         return NOVALUE;
1079       }
1080     }
1081   }
1083   private static class Column {
1085     public String label;
1086     public char type;
1087     public int id;
1088     public double min, max;
1089   }
1091   private static class Dataset {
1093     public double lambda;
1094     public double[] cell = new double[6];
1095     String project;
1096     String dataset;
1097   }
1098 }