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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.xray;
40  import static java.lang.Double.isNaN;
41  import static java.lang.String.format;
42  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.abs;
43  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.exp;
44  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.pow;
45  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sqrt;
47  import ffx.crystal.Crystal;
48  import ffx.crystal.HKL;
49  import ffx.crystal.ReflectionList;
50  import ffx.crystal.ReflectionSpline;
51  import ffx.numerics.math.ComplexNumber;
52  import ffx.xray.CrystalReciprocalSpace.SolventModel;
53  import java.util.logging.Logger;
55  /**
56   * Crystal statistics output/logger
57   *
58   * @author Timothy D. Fenn
59   * @since 1.0
60   */
61  public class CrystalStats {
63    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CrystalStats.class.getName());
64    private final ReflectionList reflectionList;
65    private final DiffractionRefinementData refinementData;
66    private final Crystal crystal;
67    private final int nBins;
68    private final double[][] fSigF;
69    private final int[] freeR;
70    private final double[][] fcTot;
71    private final double[][] fomPhi;
72    private final ReflectionSpline spline;
74    private double blowDPI = -1.0;
75    private boolean print = true;
77    private int nObsHKL, highnObsHKL, nObsRFree, highnObsRFree;
78    private double resHigh, resLow, highResHigh, highResLow;
79    private double completeness, highCompleteness;
80    private double rall, r, rfree, highR, highRfree;
81    private double blowDPIH, cruickDPI, cruickDPIH;
83    /**
84     * constructor
85     *
86     * @param reflectionList {@link ffx.crystal.ReflectionList} to use for logging
87     * @param refinementData {@link ffx.xray.DiffractionRefinementData} to use for logging
88     */
89    CrystalStats(ReflectionList reflectionList, DiffractionRefinementData refinementData) {
90      this.reflectionList = reflectionList;
91      this.refinementData = refinementData;
92      this.crystal = reflectionList.crystal;
93      this.nBins = refinementData.nBins;
94      this.fSigF = refinementData.fSigF;
95      this.freeR = refinementData.freeR;
96      this.fcTot = refinementData.fcTot;
97      this.fomPhi = refinementData.fomPhi;
98      this.spline = new ReflectionSpline(reflectionList, refinementData.spline.length);
99    }
101   /**
102    * Simply return the current R value.
103    *
104    * @return R value as a percent.
105    */
106   public double getR() {
107     double numer;
108     double denom;
109     double sum = 0.0;
110     double sumfo = 0.0;
111     double sumall = 0.0;
112     double sumfoall = 0.0;
113     for (HKL ih : reflectionList.hklList) {
114       int i = ih.getIndex();
116       // Ignored cases
117       if (isNaN(fcTot[i][0]) || isNaN(fSigF[i][0]) || fSigF[i][1] <= 0.0) {
118         continue;
119       }
121       // Spline setup
122       double ss = crystal.invressq(ih);
123       double fh = spline.f(ss, refinementData.spline);
125       ComplexNumber c = new ComplexNumber(fcTot[i][0], fcTot[i][1]);
126       numer = abs(abs(fSigF[i][0]) - fh * abs(c.abs()));
127       denom = abs(fSigF[i][0]);
128       sumall += numer;
129       sumfoall += denom;
130       if (!refinementData.isFreeR(i)) {
131         sum += numer;
132         sumfo += denom;
133       }
134     }
136     rall = (sumall / sumfoall) * 100.0;
137     r = (sum / sumfo) * 100.0;
138     return r;
139   }
141   /**
142    * Simply return the current sigmaA value.
143    *
144    * @return sigmaA
145    */
146   public double getSigmaA() {
147     double sum = 0.0;
148     int nhkl = 0;
149     ReflectionSpline sigmaaspline =
150         new ReflectionSpline(reflectionList, refinementData.sigmaA.length);
152     for (HKL ih : reflectionList.hklList) {
153       int i = ih.getIndex();
155       // Ignored cases
156       if (isNaN(fcTot[i][0]) || isNaN(fSigF[i][0]) || fSigF[i][1] <= 0.0) {
157         continue;
158       }
160       // Spline setup
161       double ss = crystal.invressq(ih);
162       spline.f(ss, refinementData.spline);
163       double sa = sigmaaspline.f(ss, refinementData.sigmaA);
165       nhkl++;
166       sum += (sa - sum) / nhkl;
167     }
169     return sum;
170   }
172   /**
173    * getPDBHeaderString
174    *
175    * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object.
176    */
177   String getPDBHeaderString() {
178     print = false;
179     printHKLStats();
180     printRStats();
181     print = true;
183     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
185     sb.append("REMARK   3  DATA USED IN REFINEMENT\n");
186     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   RESOLUTION RANGE HIGH (ANGSTROMS) : %6.2f\n", resHigh));
187     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   RESOLUTION RANGE LOW  (ANGSTROMS) : %6.2f\n", resLow));
188     if (refinementData.fSigFCutoff > 0.0) {
189       sb.append(
190           format(
191               "REMARK   3   DATA CUTOFF            (SIGMA(F)) : %6.2f\n",
192               refinementData.fSigFCutoff));
193     } else {
194       sb.append("REMARK   3   DATA CUTOFF            (SIGMA(F)) : NONE\n");
195     }
196     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   COMPLETENESS FOR RANGE        (%%) : %6.2f\n", completeness));
197     sb.append("REMARK   3   NUMBER OF REFLECTIONS             : ").append(nObsHKL).append("\n");
198     sb.append("REMARK   3\n");
199     sb.append("REMARK   3  FIT TO DATA USED IN REFINEMENT\n");
200     sb.append("REMARK   3   CROSS-VALIDATION METHOD          : THROUGHOUT\n");
201     sb.append("REMARK   3   FREE R VALUE TEST SET SELECTION  : RANDOM\n");
202     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   R VALUE               (OBSERVED) : %8.6f\n", rall / 100.0));
203     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   R VALUE            (WORKING SET) : %8.6f\n", r / 100.0));
204     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   FREE R VALUE                     : %8.6f\n", rfree / 100.0));
205     sb.append(
206         format(
207             "REMARK   3   FREE R VALUE TEST SET SIZE   (%%) : %6.1f\n",
208             (((double) nObsRFree) / nObsHKL) * 100.0));
209     sb.append("REMARK   3   FREE R VALUE TEST SET COUNT      : ").append(nObsRFree).append("\n");
210     sb.append("REMARK   3\n");
211     sb.append("REMARK   3  FIT IN THE HIGHEST RESOLUTION BIN\n");
212     sb.append("REMARK   3   TOTAL NUMBER OF BINS USED           : ").append(nBins).append("\n");
213     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   BIN RESOLUTION RANGE HIGH           : %6.2f\n", highResHigh));
214     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   BIN RESOLUTION RANGE LOW            : %6.2f\n", highResLow));
215     sb.append("REMARK   3   REFLECTION IN BIN     (WORKING SET) : ").append(highnObsHKL).append("\n");
216     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   BIN COMPLETENESS (WORKING+TEST) (%%) : %6.2f\n", highCompleteness));
217     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   BIN R VALUE           (WORKING SET) : %8.6f\n", highR / 100.0));
218     sb.append("REMARK   3   BIN FREE R VALUE SET COUNT          : ").append(highnObsRFree)
219         .append("\n");
220     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   BIN FREE R VALUE                    : %8.6f\n", highRfree / 100.0));
221     sb.append("REMARK   3\n");
223     sb.append("REMARK   3  OVERALL SCALE FACTORS\n");
224     sb.append(format("REMARK   3   SCALE: %4.2f\n", exp(0.25 * refinementData.modelScaleK)));
225     sb.append("REMARK   3   ANISOTROPIC SCALE TENSOR:\n");
226     sb.append(
227         format(
228             "REMARK   3    %g %g %g\n",
229             refinementData.modelAnisoB[0],
230             refinementData.modelAnisoB[3],
231             refinementData.modelAnisoB[4]));
232     sb.append(
233         format(
234             "REMARK   3    %g %g %g\n",
235             refinementData.modelAnisoB[3],
236             refinementData.modelAnisoB[1],
237             refinementData.modelAnisoB[5]));
238     sb.append(
239         format(
240             "REMARK   3    %g %g %g\n",
241             refinementData.modelAnisoB[4],
242             refinementData.modelAnisoB[5],
243             refinementData.modelAnisoB[2]));
244     sb.append("REMARK   3\n");
246     if (refinementData.crystalReciprocalSpaceFs.solventModel != SolventModel.NONE) {
247       sb.append("REMARK   3  BULK SOLVENT MODELLING\n");
248       switch (refinementData.crystalReciprocalSpaceFs.solventModel) {
249         case BINARY:
250           sb.append("REMARK   3   METHOD USED: BINARY MASK\n");
251           sb.append(format("REMARK   3    PROBE RADIUS  : %g\n", refinementData.solventA));
252           sb.append(format("REMARK   3    SHRINK RADIUS : %g\n", refinementData.solventB));
253           break;
254         case POLYNOMIAL:
255           sb.append("REMARK   3   METHOD USED: POLYNOMIAL SWITCH\n");
256           sb.append(format("REMARK   3    ATOMIC RADIUS BUFFER : %g\n", refinementData.solventA));
257           sb.append(format("REMARK   3    SWITCH RADIUS        : %g\n", refinementData.solventB));
258           break;
259         case GAUSSIAN:
260           sb.append("REMARK   3   METHOD USED: GAUSSIAN\n");
261           sb.append(format("REMARK   3    ATOMIC RADIUS BUFFER : %g\n", refinementData.solventA));
262           sb.append(format("REMARK   3    STD DEV SCALE        : %g\n", refinementData.solventB));
263           break;
264       }
265       sb.append(format("REMARK   3    K_SOL: %g\n", refinementData.bulkSolventK));
266       sb.append(
267           format(
268               "REMARK   3    B_SOL: %g\n",
269               refinementData.bulkSolventUeq * 8.0 * Math.PI * Math.PI));
270       sb.append("REMARK   3\n");
271     }
273     if (blowDPI > 0.0) {
274       sb.append("REMARK   3  ERROR ESTIMATES\n");
275       sb.append("REMARK   3   ACTA CRYST (1999) D55, 583-601\n");
276       sb.append("REMARK   3   ACTA CRYST (2002) D58, 792-797\n");
277       sb.append(format("REMARK   3   BLOW DPI ALL ATOMS (EQN 7)          : %7.4f\n", blowDPIH));
278       sb.append(format("REMARK   3   BLOW DPI NONH ATOMS (EQN 7)         : %7.4f\n", blowDPI));
279       sb.append(format("REMARK   3   CRUICKSHANK DPI ALL ATOMS (EQN 27)  : %7.4f\n", cruickDPIH));
280       sb.append(format("REMARK   3   CRUICKSHANK DPI NONH ATOMS (EQN 27) : %7.4f\n", cruickDPI));
281       sb.append("REMARK   3\n");
282     }
284     sb.append("REMARK   3  DATA TARGET\n");
285     sb.append("REMARK   3   METHOD USED: MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD\n");
286     sb.append(format("REMARK   3    -LOG LIKELIHOOD            : %g\n", refinementData.llkR));
287     sb.append(format("REMARK   3    -LOG LIKELIHOOD (FREE SET) : %g\n", refinementData.llkF));
288     sb.append("REMARK   3\n");
290     return sb.toString();
291   }
293   /**
294    * Simply return the current R free value.
295    *
296    * @return R free value as a percent.
297    */
298   double getRFree() {
299     double sum = 0.0;
300     double sumfo = 0.0;
301     for (HKL ih : reflectionList.hklList) {
302       int i = ih.getIndex();
304       // Ignored cases
305       if (isNaN(fcTot[i][0]) || isNaN(fSigF[i][0]) || fSigF[i][1] <= 0.0) {
306         continue;
307       }
309       // Spline setup
310       double ss = crystal.invressq(ih);
311       double fh = spline.f(ss, refinementData.spline);
313       ComplexNumber c = new ComplexNumber(fcTot[i][0], fcTot[i][1]);
314       if (refinementData.isFreeR(i)) {
315         sum += abs(abs(fSigF[i][0]) - fh * abs(c.abs()));
316         sumfo += abs(fSigF[i][0]);
317       }
318     }
320     rfree = (sum / sumfo) * 100.0;
321     return rfree;
322   }
324   /**
325    * Simply return the current sigmaW value.
326    *
327    * @return sigmaW
328    */
329   double getSigmaW() {
330     double sum = 0.0;
331     int nhkl = 0;
332     ReflectionSpline sigmaaspline =
333         new ReflectionSpline(reflectionList, refinementData.sigmaA.length);
335     for (HKL ih : reflectionList.hklList) {
336       int i = ih.getIndex();
338       // Ignored cases
339       if (isNaN(fcTot[i][0]) || isNaN(fSigF[i][0]) || fSigF[i][1] <= 0.0) {
340         continue;
341       }
343       // Spline setup
344       double ss = crystal.invressq(ih);
345       spline.f(ss, refinementData.spline);
346       double wa = sigmaaspline.f(ss, refinementData.sigmaW);
348       nhkl++;
349       sum += (wa - sum) / nhkl;
350     }
352     return sum;
353   }
355   /**
356    * Output Cruickshank and Blow DPI indices.
357    *
358    * @param nAtoms number of atoms in the structure
359    * @param nNonHydrogenAtoms number of non-H atoms in the structure
360    * @see <a href="" target="_blank"> D. W. J.
361    *     Cruickshank, Acta Cryst. (1999). D55, 583-601</a>
362    * @see <a href="" target="_blank"> D. M. Blow, Acta
363    *     Cryst. (2002). D58, 792-797</a>
364    */
365   void printDPIStats(int nAtoms, int nNonHydrogenAtoms) {
366     int nhkli = 0;
367     int nhklo = refinementData.n;
368     double rfreefrac = getRFree() * 0.01;
369     double res = reflectionList.resolution.resolutionLimit();
370     for (HKL ih : reflectionList.hklList) {
371       int i = ih.getIndex();
373       // ignored cases
374       if (isNaN(fSigF[i][0]) || fSigF[i][1] <= 0.0) {
375         continue;
376       }
377       nhkli++;
378     }
380     double va = pow(crystal.volume / crystal.spaceGroup.getNumberOfSymOps(), 0.3333);
381     blowDPIH = 1.28 * sqrt(nAtoms) * va * pow(nhkli, -0.8333) * rfreefrac;
382     blowDPI = 1.28 * sqrt(nNonHydrogenAtoms) * va * pow(nhkli, -0.8333) * rfreefrac;
383     double natni = sqrt((double) nAtoms / nhkli);
384     double noni = pow((double) nhkli / nhklo, -0.3333);
385     cruickDPIH = natni * noni * rfreefrac * res;
386     natni = sqrt((double) nNonHydrogenAtoms / nhkli);
387     cruickDPI = natni * noni * rfreefrac * res;
389     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n");
390     sb.append(format(" Blow DPI for all / non-H atoms:        %7.4f / %7.4f\n", blowDPIH, blowDPI));
391     sb.append(
392         format(" Cruickshank DPI for all / non-H atoms: %7.4f / %7.4f", cruickDPIH, cruickDPI));
394     if (print) {
396     }
397   }
399   /** Print HKL statistics/completeness info. */
400   void printHKLStats() {
401     double[][] res = new double[nBins][2];
402     int[][] nhkl = new int[nBins][3];
404     for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) {
405       res[i][0] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
406       res[i][1] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
407     }
409     for (HKL ih : reflectionList.hklList) {
410       int i = ih.getIndex();
411       int b = ih.getBin();
413       // Ignored cases
414       if (isNaN(fSigF[i][0]) || fSigF[i][1] <= 0.0) {
415         nhkl[b][2]++;
416         continue;
417       }
419       // Determine res limits of each bin
420       double rh = crystal.res(ih);
421       if (rh > res[b][0]) {
422         res[b][0] = rh;
423       }
424       if (rh < res[b][1]) {
425         res[b][1] = rh;
426       }
428       // Count the reflection
429       if (freeR[i] == refinementData.rFreeFlag) {
430         nhkl[b][1]++;
431       } else {
432         nhkl[b][0]++;
433       }
434     }
436     StringBuilder sb =
437         new StringBuilder(
438             format(
439                 "\n %15s | %8s|%9s| %7s | %7s | %s\n",
440                 "Res. Range", " HKL (R)", " HKL (cv)", " Bin", " Miss", "Complete (%)"));
441     for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) {
442       sb.append(format(" %7.3f %7.3f | ", res[i][0], res[i][1]));
443       sb.append(
444           format(
445               "%7d | %7d | %7d | %7d | ",
446               nhkl[i][0], nhkl[i][1], nhkl[i][0] + nhkl[i][1], nhkl[i][2]));
447       sb.append(
448           format(
449               "%6.2f\n",
450               (((double) nhkl[i][0] + nhkl[i][1]) / (nhkl[i][0] + nhkl[i][1] + nhkl[i][2]))
451                   * 100.0));
452     }
453     sb.append(format(" %7.3f %7.3f | ", res[0][0], res[nBins - 1][1]));
454     int sum1 = 0;
455     int sum2 = 0;
456     int sum3 = 0;
457     for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) {
458       sum1 += nhkl[i][0];
459       sum2 += nhkl[i][1];
460       sum3 += nhkl[i][2];
461     }
462     sb.append(format("%7d | %7d | %7d | %7d | ", sum1, sum2, sum1 + sum2, sum3));
463     sb.append(format("%6.2f\n", (((double) sum1 + sum2) / (sum1 + sum2 + sum3)) * 100.0));
464     sb.append(format(" Number of reflections if complete: %10d", refinementData.n));
466     nObsHKL = sum1 + sum2;
467     highnObsHKL = nhkl[nBins - 1][0] + nhkl[nBins - 1][1];
468     nObsRFree = sum2;
469     highnObsRFree = nhkl[nBins - 1][1];
470     completeness = (((double) sum1 + sum2) / (sum1 + sum2 + sum3)) * 100.0;
471     highCompleteness =
472         (((double) nhkl[nBins - 1][0] + nhkl[nBins - 1][1])
473                 / (nhkl[nBins - 1][0] + nhkl[nBins - 1][1] + nhkl[nBins - 1][2]))
474             * 100.0;
476     if (print) {
478     }
479   }
481   /** Print R factors and associated statistics in a binned fashion. */
482   void printRStats() {
483     double[][] res = new double[nBins][2];
484     double[] nhkl = new double[nBins + 1];
485     double[][] rb = new double[nBins + 1][2];
486     double[][] sumfo = new double[nBins + 1][2];
487     double[][] s = new double[nBins + 1][4];
488     double numer;
489     double denom;
490     double sumall = 0.0;
491     double sumfoall = 0.0;
492     ReflectionSpline sigmaASpline =
493         new ReflectionSpline(reflectionList, refinementData.sigmaA.length);
495     for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) {
496       res[i][0] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
497       res[i][1] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
498     }
500     for (HKL ih : reflectionList.hklList) {
501       int i = ih.getIndex();
502       int b = ih.getBin();
504       // Ignored cases
505       if (isNaN(fcTot[i][0]) || isNaN(fSigF[i][0]) || fSigF[i][1] <= 0.0) {
506         continue;
507       }
509       // Spline setup
510       double ss = crystal.invressq(ih);
511       double fh = spline.f(ss, refinementData.spline);
512       double sa = sigmaASpline.f(ss, refinementData.sigmaA);
513       double wa = sigmaASpline.f(ss, refinementData.sigmaW);
514       double eoscale = sigmaASpline.f(ss, refinementData.esqFo);
516       // Determine res limits of each bin
517       double rs = crystal.res(ih);
518       if (rs > res[b][0]) {
519         res[b][0] = rs;
520       }
521       if (rs < res[b][1]) {
522         res[b][1] = rs;
523       }
525       ComplexNumber c = new ComplexNumber(fcTot[i][0], fcTot[i][1]);
526       numer = abs(abs(fSigF[i][0]) - fh * abs(c.abs()));
527       denom = abs(fSigF[i][0]);
528       if (refinementData.isFreeR(i)) {
529         rb[b][1] += numer;
530         sumfo[b][1] += denom;
531         rb[nBins][1] += numer;
532         sumfo[nBins][1] += denom;
533         sumall += numer;
534         sumfoall += denom;
535       } else {
536         rb[b][0] += numer;
537         sumfo[b][0] += denom;
538         rb[nBins][0] += numer;
539         sumfo[nBins][0] += denom;
540         sumall += numer;
541         sumfoall += denom;
542       }
544       nhkl[b]++;
545       nhkl[nBins]++;
546       s[b][0] += (sa - s[b][0]) / nhkl[b];
547       s[b][1] += (wa - s[b][1]) / nhkl[b];
548       s[b][2] += ((wa / sqrt(eoscale)) - s[b][2]) / nhkl[b];
549       s[b][3] += (fomPhi[i][0] - s[b][3]) / nhkl[b];
550       s[nBins][0] += (sa - s[nBins][0]) / nhkl[nBins];
551       s[nBins][1] += (wa - s[nBins][1]) / nhkl[nBins];
552       s[nBins][2] += ((wa / Math.sqrt(eoscale)) - s[nBins][2]) / nhkl[nBins];
553       s[nBins][3] += (fomPhi[i][0] - s[nBins][3]) / nhkl[nBins];
554     }
556     StringBuilder sb =
557         new StringBuilder(
558             format(
559                 "\n %15s | %7s | %7s | %7s | %7s | %7s | %7s\n",
560                 "Res. Range", "  R", "Rfree", "s", "w(E)", "w(F)", "FOM"));
561     for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) {
562       sb.append(format(" %7.3f %7.3f | ", res[i][0], res[i][1]));
563       sb.append(
564           format(
565               "%7.2f | %7.2f | %7.4f | %7.4f | %7.2f | %7.4f\n",
566               (rb[i][0] / sumfo[i][0]) * 100.0,
567               (rb[i][1] / sumfo[i][1]) * 100.0,
568               s[i][0],
569               s[i][1],
570               s[i][2],
571               s[i][3]));
572     }
574     sb.append(format(" %7.3f %7.3f | ", res[0][0], res[nBins - 1][1]));
575     sb.append(
576         format(
577             "%7.2f | %7.2f | %7.4f | %7.4f | %7.2f | %7.4f\n",
578             (rb[nBins][0] / sumfo[nBins][0]) * 100.0,
579             (rb[nBins][1] / sumfo[nBins][1]) * 100.0,
580             s[nBins][0],
581             s[nBins][1],
582             s[nBins][2],
583             s[nBins][3]));
584     sb.append(" s and w are analagous to D and sum_wc");
586     resLow = res[0][0];
587     resHigh = res[nBins - 1][1];
588     highResLow = res[nBins - 1][0];
589     highResHigh = res[nBins - 1][1];
590     r = (rb[nBins][0] / sumfo[nBins][0]) * 100.0;
591     rfree = (rb[nBins][1] / sumfo[nBins][1]) * 100.0;
592     rall = (sumall / sumfoall) * 100.0;
593     highR = (rb[nBins - 1][0] / sumfo[nBins - 1][0]) * 100.0;
594     highRfree = (rb[nBins - 1][1] / sumfo[nBins - 1][1]) * 100.0;
596     if (print) {
598     }
599   }
601   /** Print scaling and bulk solvent statistics. */
602   void printScaleStats() {
603     int[] nhkl = new int[nBins];
604     double[] scale = new double[nBins];
606     for (HKL ih : reflectionList.hklList) {
607       int i = ih.getIndex();
608       int b = ih.getBin();
610       // Ignored cases.
611       if (isNaN(fSigF[i][0]) || fSigF[i][1] <= 0.0) {
612         continue;
613       }
615       // Spline setup.
616       double ss = crystal.invressq(ih);
617       double fh = spline.f(ss, refinementData.spline);
619       nhkl[b]++;
620       scale[b] += (fh - scale[b]) / nhkl[b];
621     }
623     StringBuilder sb =
624         new StringBuilder(
625             format(" Fc to Fo scale: %4.2f\n", exp(0.25 * refinementData.modelScaleK)));
626     sb.append(" Fc to Fo spline scale: ");
627     for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) {
628       sb.append(format("%4.2f ", scale[i]));
629     }
630     sb.append("\n Aniso B tensor:\n");
631     sb.append(
632         format(
633             "  %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n",
634             refinementData.modelAnisoB[0],
635             refinementData.modelAnisoB[3],
636             refinementData.modelAnisoB[4]));
637     sb.append(
638         format(
639             "  %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n",
640             refinementData.modelAnisoB[3],
641             refinementData.modelAnisoB[1],
642             refinementData.modelAnisoB[5]));
643     sb.append(
644         format(
645             "  %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n",
646             refinementData.modelAnisoB[4],
647             refinementData.modelAnisoB[5],
648             refinementData.modelAnisoB[2]));
649     if (refinementData.crystalReciprocalSpaceFs.solventModel != SolventModel.NONE) {
650       switch (refinementData.crystalReciprocalSpaceFs.solventModel) {
651         case BINARY:
652           sb.append(" Bulk solvent model: Binary mask\n");
653           sb.append(
654               format(
655                   "  Probe radius: %8.3f\n  Shrink radius: %8.3f\n",
656                   refinementData.solventA, refinementData.solventB));
657           break;
658         case POLYNOMIAL:
659           sb.append(" Bulk solvent model: Polynomial switch\n");
660           sb.append(
661               format(
662                   "  a:     %8.3f\n  w:     %8.3f\n",
663                   refinementData.solventA, refinementData.solventB));
664           break;
665         case GAUSSIAN:
666           sb.append(" Bulk solvent model: Gaussian\n");
667           sb.append(
668               format(
669                   "  A: %8.3f\n  sd scale: %8.3f\n",
670                   refinementData.solventA, refinementData.solventB));
671           break;
672       }
673       sb.append(
674           format(
675               "  Scale: %8.3f\n  B:     %8.3f\n",
676               refinementData.bulkSolventK,
677               refinementData.bulkSolventUeq * 8.0 * Math.PI * Math.PI));
678     }
679     sb.append(
680         format(
681             "\n -log Likelihood: %14.3f (free set: %14.3f)",
682             refinementData.llkR, refinementData.llkF));
684     if (print) {
686     }
687   }
689   /** Print signal to noise ratio statistics. */
690   void printSNStats() {
691     double[][] res = new double[nBins][2];
692     double[] nhkl = new double[nBins + 1];
693     double[][] sn = new double[nBins + 1][3];
695     for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) {
696       res[i][0] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
697       res[i][1] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
698     }
700     for (HKL ih : reflectionList.hklList) {
701       int i = ih.getIndex();
702       int b = ih.getBin();
704       // Ignored cases
705       if (isNaN(fSigF[i][0]) || fSigF[i][1] <= 0.0) {
706         continue;
707       }
709       // Determine res limits of each bin
710       double rs = crystal.res(ih);
711       if (rs > res[b][0]) {
712         res[b][0] = rs;
713       }
714       if (rs < res[b][1]) {
715         res[b][1] = rs;
716       }
718       // Running mean
719       nhkl[b]++;
720       nhkl[nBins]++;
721       sn[b][0] += (fSigF[i][0] - sn[b][0]) / nhkl[b];
722       sn[b][1] += (fSigF[i][1] - sn[b][1]) / nhkl[b];
723       sn[b][2] += ((fSigF[i][0] / fSigF[i][1]) - sn[b][2]) / nhkl[b];
725       sn[nBins][0] += (fSigF[i][0] - sn[nBins][0]) / nhkl[b];
726       sn[nBins][1] += (fSigF[i][1] - sn[nBins][1]) / nhkl[b];
727       sn[nBins][2] += ((fSigF[i][0] / fSigF[i][1]) - sn[nBins][2]) / nhkl[nBins];
728     }
730     StringBuilder sb =
731         new StringBuilder(
732             format("\n %15s | %7s | %7s | %7s \n", "Res. Range", "Signal", "Sigma", "S/N"));
733     for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) {
734       sb.append(format(" %7.3f %7.3f | ", res[i][0], res[i][1]));
735       sb.append(format("%7.2f | %7.2f | %7.2f\n", sn[i][0], sn[i][1], sn[i][2]));
736     }
738     sb.append(format(" %7.3f %7.3f | ", res[0][0], res[nBins - 1][1]));
739     sb.append(format("%7.2f | %7.2f | %7.2f", sn[nBins][0], sn[nBins][1], sn[nBins][2]));
741     if (print) {
743     }
744   }
745 }