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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.potential.parameters;
40  import static ffx.potential.parameters.ForceField.ForceFieldType.IMPROPER;
41  import static ffx.potential.parameters.ForceField.ForceFieldType.TORSION;
42  import static ffx.utilities.PropertyGroup.EnergyUnitConversion;
43  import static ffx.utilities.PropertyGroup.PotentialFunctionParameter;
44  import static java.lang.Double.parseDouble;
45  import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt;
46  import static java.lang.String.format;
47  import static java.util.Arrays.copyOf;
48  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.cos;
49  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sin;
50  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.toRadians;
52  import ffx.utilities.FFXProperty;
54  import java.util.Arrays;
55  import java.util.Comparator;
56  import java.util.HashMap;
57  import java.util.logging.Level;
58  import java.util.logging.Logger;
60  /**
61   * The TorsionType class defines a torsional angle.
62   *
63   * @author Michael J. Schnieders
64   * @since 1.0
65   */
66  @FFXProperty(name = "improper", clazz = String.class, propertyGroup = PotentialFunctionParameter, description = """
67      [4 integers and 2 reals]"
68      Provides the values for a single CHARMM-style improper dihedral angle parameter.
69      The integer modifiers give the atom class numbers for the four kinds of atoms involved in the torsion which is to be defined.
70      The real number modifiers give the force constant value for the deviation from the target improper torsional angle, and the target value for the torsional angle, respectively.
71      The default units for the improper force constant are kcal/mole/radian^2, but this can be controlled via the impropunit keyword.
72      """)
73  @FFXProperty(name = "torsion", clazz = String.class, propertyGroup = PotentialFunctionParameter, description = """
74      [4 integers and up to 6 real/real/integer triples]
75      Provides the values for a single torsional angle parameter.
76      The first four integer modifiers give the atom class numbers for the atoms involved in the torsional angle to be defined.
77      Each of the remaining triples of real/real/integer modifiers give the amplitude,
78      phase offset in degrees and periodicity of a particular torsional function term, respectively.
79      Periodicities through 6-fold are allowed for torsional parameters.
80      """)
81  public final class TorsionType extends BaseType implements Comparator<String> {
83    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TorsionType.class.getName());
84    /**
85     * Atom classes that for this Torsion angle.
86     */
87    public final int[] atomClasses;
88    /**
89     * Number of terms in the Fourier series.
90     */
91    public final int terms;
92    /**
93     * Amplitudes of the Fourier series.
94     */
95    public final double[] amplitude;
96    /**
97     * Phases of the Fourier series in degrees.
98     */
99    public final double[] phase;
100   /**
101    * Cosine of the phase angle.
102    */
103   public final double[] cosine;
104   /**
105    * Sine of the phase angle.
106    */
107   public final double[] sine;
108   /**
109    * Periodicity of the Fourier series.
110    */
111   public final int[] periodicity;
112   /**
113    * The torsion mode in use.
114    */
115   private final TorsionMode torsionMode;
117   public static final double DEFAULT_TORSION_UNIT = 1.0;
118   /**
119    * Unit conversion.
120    */
121   @FFXProperty(name = "torsionunit", propertyGroup = EnergyUnitConversion, defaultValue = "1.0", description = """
122       Sets the scale factor needed to convert the energy value computed by the torsional angle potential into units of kcal/mole.
123       The correct value is force field dependent and typically provided in the header of the master force field parameter file.
124       """)
125   public double torsionUnit = DEFAULT_TORSION_UNIT;
127   /**
128    * TorsionType Constructor.
129    *
130    * @param atomClasses Atom classes.
131    * @param amplitude   Amplitudes of the Fourier series.
132    * @param phase       Phases of the Fourier series in degrees.
133    * @param periodicity Periodicity of the Fourier series.
134    */
135   public TorsionType(int[] atomClasses, double[] amplitude, double[] phase, int[] periodicity) {
136     this(atomClasses, amplitude, phase, periodicity, TorsionMode.NORMAL);
137   }
139   /**
140    * TorsionType Constructor.
141    *
142    * @param atomClasses Atom classes.
143    * @param amplitude   Amplitudes of the Fourier series.
144    * @param phase       Phases of the Fourier series in degrees.
145    * @param periodicity Periodicity of the Fourier series.
146    * @param torsionMode Define the TorsionMode for this TorsionType.
147    */
148   public TorsionType(int[] atomClasses, double[] amplitude, double[] phase, int[] periodicity,
149                      TorsionMode torsionMode) {
150     super(TORSION, sortKey(atomClasses));
151     this.atomClasses = atomClasses;
152     int max = 1;
153     for (int i1 : periodicity) {
154       if (i1 > max) {
155         max = i1;
156       }
157     }
158     terms = max;
159     this.amplitude = new double[terms];
160     this.phase = new double[terms];
161     this.periodicity = new int[terms];
162     for (int i = 0; i < terms; i++) {
163       this.periodicity[i] = i + 1;
164     }
165     for (int i = 0; i < amplitude.length; i++) {
166       int j = periodicity[i] - 1;
167       if (j >= 0 && j < terms) {
168         this.amplitude[j] = amplitude[i];
169         this.phase[j] = phase[i];
170       }
171     }
173     cosine = new double[terms];
174     sine = new double[terms];
175     for (int i = 0; i < terms; i++) {
176       double angle = toRadians(this.phase[i]);
177       cosine[i] = cos(angle);
178       sine[i] = sin(angle);
179     }
181     this.torsionMode = torsionMode;
182     if (torsionMode == TorsionMode.IMPROPER) {
183       forceFieldType = IMPROPER;
184     }
185   }
187   /**
188    * average.
189    *
190    * @param torsionType1 a {@link ffx.potential.parameters.TorsionType} object.
191    * @param torsionType2 a {@link ffx.potential.parameters.TorsionType} object.
192    * @param atomClasses  an array of {@link int} objects.
193    * @return a {@link ffx.potential.parameters.TorsionType} object.
194    */
195   public static TorsionType average(TorsionType torsionType1, TorsionType torsionType2,
196                                     int[] atomClasses) {
197     if (torsionType1 == null || torsionType2 == null || atomClasses == null) {
198       return null;
199     }
200     int len = torsionType1.amplitude.length;
201     if (len != torsionType2.amplitude.length) {
202       return null;
203     }
204     double[] amplitude = new double[len];
205     double[] phase = new double[len];
206     int[] periodicity = new int[len];
207     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
208       amplitude[i] = (torsionType1.amplitude[i] + torsionType2.amplitude[i]) / 2.0;
209       phase[i] = (torsionType1.phase[i] + torsionType2.phase[i]) / 2.0;
210       periodicity[i] = (torsionType1.periodicity[i] + torsionType2.periodicity[i]) / 2;
211     }
213     return new TorsionType(atomClasses, amplitude, phase, periodicity);
214   }
216   /**
217    * Construct a TorsionType from an input string.
218    *
219    * @param input  The overall input String.
220    * @param tokens The input String tokenized.
221    * @return a TorsionType instance.
222    */
223   public static TorsionType parse(String input, String[] tokens) {
224     if (tokens.length < 5) {
225       logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid TORSION type:\n{0}", input);
226     } else {
227       try {
228         int[] atomClasses = new int[4];
229         atomClasses[0] = parseInt(tokens[1]);
230         atomClasses[1] = parseInt(tokens[2]);
231         atomClasses[2] = parseInt(tokens[3]);
232         atomClasses[3] = parseInt(tokens[4]);
233         int terms = (tokens.length - 5) / 3;
234         double[] amplitude = new double[terms];
235         double[] phase = new double[terms];
236         int[] periodicity = new int[terms];
237         int index = 5;
238         for (int i = 0; i < terms; i++) {
239           amplitude[i] = parseDouble(tokens[index++]);
240           phase[i] = parseDouble(tokens[index++]);
241           periodicity[i] = parseInt(tokens[index++]);
242         }
243         return new TorsionType(atomClasses, amplitude, phase, periodicity);
244       } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
245         String message = "NumberFormatException parsing TORSION type:\n" + input + "\n";
246         logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
247       } catch (Exception e) {
248         String message = "Exception parsing TORSION type:\n" + input + "\n";
249         logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
250       }
251     }
252     return null;
253   }
255   /**
256    * Construct a TorsionType with <code>TorsionMode.IMPROPER</code> from an input string.
257    *
258    * @param input  The overall input String.
259    * @param tokens The input String tokenized.
260    * @return a TorsionType instance.
261    */
262   public static TorsionType parseImproper(String input, String[] tokens) {
263     if (tokens.length < 5) {
264       logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid IMPROPER type:\n{0}", input);
265     } else {
266       try {
267         int[] atomClasses = new int[4];
268         atomClasses[0] = parseInt(tokens[1]);
269         atomClasses[1] = parseInt(tokens[2]);
270         atomClasses[2] = parseInt(tokens[3]);
271         atomClasses[3] = parseInt(tokens[4]);
272         double[] amplitude = new double[1];
273         double[] phase = new double[1];
274         int[] periodicity = new int[1];
275         int index = 5;
276         amplitude[0] = parseDouble(tokens[index++]);
277         phase[0] = parseDouble(tokens[index]);
278         periodicity[0] = 1;
279         return new TorsionType(atomClasses, amplitude, phase, periodicity, TorsionMode.IMPROPER);
280       } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
281         String message = "Exception parsing IMPROPER type:\n" + input + "\n";
282         logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
283       }
284     }
285     return null;
286   }
288   /**
289    * This method sorts the atom classes for the torsion.
290    *
291    * @param c atomClasses
292    * @return lookup key
293    * @since 1.0
294    */
295   public static String sortKey(int[] c) {
296     if (c == null || c.length != 4) {
297       return null;
298     }
299     if (c[1] < c[2]) {
300       // Do nothing.
301     } else if (c[2] < c[1]) {
302       // Reverse the order.
303       int temp = c[0];
304       c[0] = c[3];
305       c[3] = temp;
306       temp = c[1];
307       c[1] = c[2];
308       c[2] = temp;
309     } else if (c[1] == c[2]) {
310       if (c[0] > c[3]) {
311         // Reverse the order.
312         int temp = c[0];
313         c[0] = c[3];
314         c[3] = temp;
315       }
316     } else if (c[0] <= c[3]) {
317       // Do nothing.
318     } else {
319       // Reverse the order.
320       int temp = c[0];
321       c[0] = c[3];
322       c[3] = temp;
323       temp = c[1];
324       c[1] = c[2];
325       c[2] = temp;
326     }
328     return c[0] + " " + c[1] + " " + c[2] + " " + c[3];
329   }
331   /**
332    * {@inheritDoc}
333    *
334    * @since 1.0
335    */
336   @Override
337   public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
338     String[] keys1 = s1.split(" ");
339     String[] keys2 = s2.split(" ");
340     int[] c1 = new int[4];
341     int[] c2 = new int[4];
343     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
344       c1[i] = parseInt(keys1[i]);
345       c2[i] = parseInt(keys2[i]);
346     }
348     if (c1[1] < c2[1]) {
349       return -1;
350     } else if (c1[1] > c2[1]) {
351       return 1;
352     } else if (c1[2] < c2[2]) {
353       return -1;
354     } else if (c1[2] > c2[2]) {
355       return 1;
356     } else if (c1[0] < c2[0]) {
357       return -1;
358     } else if (c1[0] > c2[0]) {
359       return 1;
360     } else if (c1[3] < c2[3]) {
361       return -1;
362     } else if (c1[3] > c2[3]) {
363       return 1;
364     }
366     return 0;
367   }
369   /**
370    * {@inheritDoc}
371    *
372    * <p>Override the default <code>equals</code> method.
373    *
374    * @since 1.0
375    */
376   @Override
377   public boolean equals(Object o) {
378     if (this == o) {
379       return true;
380     }
381     if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
382       return false;
383     }
384     TorsionType torsionType = (TorsionType) o;
385     return Arrays.equals(atomClasses, torsionType.atomClasses);
386   }
388   /**
389    * {@inheritDoc}
390    *
391    * <p>Implementation of the <code>hashCode</code> method.
392    *
393    * @since 1.0
394    */
395   @Override
396   public int hashCode() {
397     return Arrays.hashCode(atomClasses);
398   }
400   /**
401    * Increment the atom classes by a specified amount.
402    *
403    * @param increment The increment to add to the atom classes.
404    */
405   public void incrementClasses(int increment) {
406     for (int i = 0; i < atomClasses.length; i++) {
407       if (atomClasses[i] != 0) {
408         atomClasses[i] += increment;
409       }
410     }
411     setKey(sortKey(atomClasses));
412   }
414   /**
415    * Remap new atom classes to known internal ones.
416    *
417    * @param typeMap a lookup between new atom types and known atom types.
418    * @return a {@link ffx.potential.parameters.TorsionType} object.
419    */
420   public TorsionType patchClasses(HashMap<AtomType, AtomType> typeMap) {
421     int count = 0;
422     int len = atomClasses.length;
424     // Look for new TorsionTypes that contain 1 to 3 mapped atom classes.
425     for (AtomType newType : typeMap.keySet()) {
426       for (int atomClass : atomClasses) {
427         if (atomClass == newType.atomClass) {
428           count++;
429         }
430       }
431     }
433     // If found, create a new TorsionType that bridges to known classes.
434     if (count == 1 || count == 2 || count == 3) {
435       int[] newClasses = copyOf(atomClasses, len);
436       for (AtomType newType : typeMap.keySet()) {
437         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
438           if (atomClasses[i] == newType.atomClass) {
439             AtomType knownType = typeMap.get(newType);
440             newClasses[i] = knownType.atomClass;
441           }
442         }
443       }
444       return new TorsionType(newClasses, amplitude, phase, periodicity);
445     }
446     return null;
447   }
449   /**
450    * {@inheritDoc}
451    *
452    * <p>Nicely formatted Torsion angle.
453    *
454    * @since 1.0
455    */
456   @Override
457   public String toString() {
458     StringBuilder torsionBuffer;
459     if (torsionMode == TorsionMode.IMPROPER) {
460       torsionBuffer = new StringBuilder("improper");
461     } else {
462       torsionBuffer = new StringBuilder("torsion");
463     }
464     for (int i : atomClasses) {
465       torsionBuffer.append(format(" %5d", i));
466     }
468     boolean nonZero = false;
469     for (double v : amplitude) {
470       if (v != 0.0) {
471         nonZero = true;
472         break;
473       }
474     }
476     for (int i = 0; i < amplitude.length; i++) {
477       if (amplitude[i] == 0.0 && (i > 0 || nonZero)) {
478         continue;
479       }
480       if (torsionMode == TorsionMode.NORMAL) {
481         torsionBuffer.append(format(" %7.3f %7.3f %1d", amplitude[i], phase[i], periodicity[i]));
482       } else {
483         torsionBuffer.append(format(" %7.3f %7.3f", amplitude[i], phase[i]));
484       }
485     }
486     return torsionBuffer.toString();
487   }
489   /**
490    * Torsion modes include Normal or In-Plane
491    */
492   public enum TorsionMode {
494   }
495 }