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1   //******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  //******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.potential.nonbonded.pme;
40  import static ffx.numerics.math.DoubleMath.X;
41  import static ffx.numerics.math.DoubleMath.add;
42  import static;
43  import static ffx.numerics.math.DoubleMath.length;
44  import static ffx.numerics.math.DoubleMath.normalize;
45  import static ffx.numerics.math.DoubleMath.scale;
46  import static ffx.numerics.math.DoubleMath.sub;
47  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.abs;
48  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sqrt;
50  import ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType;
51  import ffx.potential.parameters.MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition;
52  import java.util.logging.Level;
53  import java.util.logging.Logger;
55  public class Torque {
57    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Torque.class.getName());
59    private final double[] vecZ = new double[3];
60    private final double[] vecX = new double[3];
61    private final double[] vecY = new double[3];
62    private final double[] sumXY = new double[3];
63    private final double[] sumZXY = new double[3];
64    private final double[] r = new double[3];
65    private final double[] del = new double[3];
66    private final double[] eps = new double[3];
67    private final double[] xZXY = new double[3];
68    private final double[] xXZ = new double[3];
69    private final double[] xYZ = new double[3];
70    private final double[] xYX = new double[3];
71    private final double[] xXYZ = new double[3];
72    private final double[] xxZXYZ = new double[3];
73    private final double[] xxZXYX = new double[3];
74    private final double[] xxZXYY = new double[3];
75    private final double[] t1 = new double[3];
76    private final double[] t2 = new double[3];
77    private final double[] localOrigin = new double[3];
79    private int[][] axisAtom;
80    private MultipoleFrameDefinition[] frame;
81    private double[][][] coordinates;
83    public void init(int[][] axisAtom, MultipoleFrameDefinition[] frame, double[][][] coordinates) {
84      this.axisAtom = axisAtom;
85      this.frame = frame;
86      this.coordinates = coordinates;
87    }
89    public void torque(int i, int iSymm, double[] trq, int[] frameIndex, double[][] g) {
90      final int[] ax = axisAtom[i];
91      // Ions, for example, have no torque.
92      if (frame[i] == MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition.NONE) {
93        return;
94      }
96      // Get the local frame type and the frame-defining atoms.
97      int nAxisAtoms = ax.length;
98      final int iz = ax[0];
99      int ix = -1;
100     int iy = -1;
101     if (nAxisAtoms > 1) {
102       ix = ax[1];
103       if (nAxisAtoms > 2) {
104         iy = ax[2];
105       }
106     }
107     frameIndex[0] = iz;
108     frameIndex[1] = ix;
109     frameIndex[2] = iy;
110     frameIndex[3] = i;
111     double[] x = coordinates[iSymm][0];
112     double[] y = coordinates[iSymm][1];
113     double[] z = coordinates[iSymm][2];
114     localOrigin[0] = x[i];
115     localOrigin[1] = y[i];
116     localOrigin[2] = z[i];
117     vecZ[0] = x[iz];
118     vecZ[1] = y[iz];
119     vecZ[2] = z[iz];
120     sub(vecZ, localOrigin, vecZ);
121     double rZ = length(vecZ);
122     if (frame[i] != MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition.ZONLY) {
123       vecX[0] = x[ix];
124       vecX[1] = y[ix];
125       vecX[2] = z[ix];
126       sub(vecX, localOrigin, vecX);
127     } else {
128       vecX[0] = 1.0;
129       vecX[1] = 0.0;
130       vecX[2] = 0.0;
131       double dot = vecZ[0] / rZ;
132       if (abs(dot) > 0.866) {
133         vecX[0] = 0.0;
134         vecX[1] = 1.0;
135       }
136     }
137     double rX = length(vecX);
138     if (frame[i] == MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition.ZTHENBISECTOR
139         || frame[i] == MultipoleType.MultipoleFrameDefinition.THREEFOLD) {
140       vecY[0] = x[iy];
141       vecY[1] = y[iy];
142       vecY[2] = z[iy];
143       sub(vecY, localOrigin, vecY);
144     } else {
145       X(vecZ, vecX, vecY);
146     }
147     double rY = length(vecY);
148     scale(vecZ, 1.0 / rZ, vecZ);
149     scale(vecX, 1.0 / rX, vecX);
150     scale(vecY, 1.0 / rY, vecY);
151     // Find the perpendicular and angle for each pair of axes.
152     X(vecX, vecZ, xXZ);
153     X(vecY, vecZ, xYZ);
154     X(vecY, vecX, xYX);
155     normalize(xXZ, xXZ);
156     normalize(xYZ, xYZ);
157     normalize(xYX, xYX);
158     // Compute the sine of the angle between the rotation axes.
159     double cosZX = dot(vecZ, vecX);
160     double sinZX = sqrt(1.0 - cosZX * cosZX);
161     /*
162      * Negative of dot product of torque with unit vectors gives
163      * result of infinitesimal rotation along these vectors.
164      */
165     double dPhidZ = -(trq[0] * vecZ[0] + trq[1] * vecZ[1] + trq[2] * vecZ[2]);
166     double dPhidX = -(trq[0] * vecX[0] + trq[1] * vecX[1] + trq[2] * vecX[2]);
167     double dPhidY = -(trq[0] * vecY[0] + trq[1] * vecY[1] + trq[2] * vecY[2]);
168     switch (frame[i]) {
169       case ZONLY:
170         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
171           double dZ = xXZ[j] * dPhidX / (rZ * sinZX) + xYZ[j] * dPhidY / rZ;
172           g[0][j] = dZ; // Atom Z
173           g[3][j] = -dZ; // Atom I
174         }
175         break;
176       case ZTHENX:
177         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
178           double dZ = xXZ[j] * dPhidX / (rZ * sinZX) + xYZ[j] * dPhidY / rZ;
179           double dX = -xXZ[j] * dPhidZ / (rX * sinZX);
180           g[0][j] = dZ; // Atom Z
181           g[1][j] = dX; // Atom X
182           g[3][j] = -(dZ + dX); // Atom I
183         }
184         break;
185       case BISECTOR:
186         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
187           double dZ = xXZ[j] * dPhidX / (rZ * sinZX) + 0.5 * xYZ[j] * dPhidY / rZ;
188           double dX = -xXZ[j] * dPhidZ / (rX * sinZX) + 0.5 * xYX[j] * dPhidY / rX;
189           g[0][j] = dZ; // Atom Z
190           g[1][j] = dX; // Atom X
191           g[3][j] = -(dZ + dX); // Atom I
192         }
193         break;
194       case ZTHENBISECTOR:
195         // Build some additional axes needed for the Z-then-Bisector method
196         add(vecX, vecY, sumXY);
197         X(vecZ, sumXY, xZXY);
198         normalize(sumXY, sumXY);
199         normalize(xZXY, xZXY);
200         // Find the perpendicular and angle for each pair of axes.
201         X(sumXY, vecZ, xXYZ);
202         X(xZXY, vecZ, xxZXYZ);
203         X(xZXY, vecX, xxZXYX);
204         X(xZXY, vecY, xxZXYY);
205         normalize(xXYZ, xXYZ);
206         normalize(xxZXYZ, xxZXYZ);
207         normalize(xxZXYX, xxZXYX);
208         normalize(xxZXYY, xxZXYY);
209         // Compute the sine of the angle between the rotation axes
210         double cosZXY = dot(vecZ, sumXY);
211         double sinZXY = sqrt(1.0 - cosZXY * cosZXY);
212         double cosXZXY = dot(vecX, xZXY);
213         double sinXZXY = sqrt(1.0 - cosXZXY * cosXZXY);
214         double cosYZXY = dot(vecY, xZXY);
215         double sinYZXY = sqrt(1.0 - cosYZXY * cosYZXY);
216         // Compute the projection of v and w onto the ru-plane
217         scale(xZXY, -cosXZXY, t1);
218         scale(xZXY, -cosYZXY, t2);
219         add(vecX, t1, t1);
220         add(vecY, t2, t2);
221         normalize(t1, t1);
222         normalize(t2, t2);
223         double ut1cos = dot(vecZ, t1);
224         double ut1sin = sqrt(1.0 - ut1cos * ut1cos);
225         double ut2cos = dot(vecZ, t2);
226         double ut2sin = sqrt(1.0 - ut2cos * ut2cos);
227         double dPhidR = -(trq[0] * sumXY[0] + trq[1] * sumXY[1] + trq[2] * sumXY[2]);
228         double dPhidZXY = -(trq[0] * xZXY[0] + trq[1] * xZXY[1] + trq[2] * xZXY[2]);
229         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
230           double dZ = xXYZ[j] * dPhidR / (rZ * sinZXY) + xxZXYZ[j] * dPhidZXY / rZ;
231           double dX = (sinXZXY * xZXY[j] - cosXZXY * t1[j]) * dPhidZ / (rX * (ut1sin + ut2sin));
232           double dY = (sinYZXY * xZXY[j] - cosYZXY * t2[j]) * dPhidZ / (rY * (ut1sin + ut2sin));
233           g[0][j] = dZ; // Atom Z
234           g[1][j] = dX; // Atom X
235           g[2][j] = dY; // Atom Y
236           g[3][j] = -(dZ + dX + dY); // Atom I
237         }
238         break;
239       case THREEFOLD:
240         add(vecZ, vecX, sumZXY);
241         add(vecY, sumZXY, sumZXY);
242         double rZXY = length(sumZXY);
243         scale(sumZXY, 1.0 / rZXY, sumZXY);
244         double cosYSum = dot(vecY, sumZXY);
245         double cosZSum = dot(vecZ, sumZXY);
246         double cosXSum = dot(vecX, sumZXY);
247         add(vecX, vecY, r);
248         normalize(r, r);
249         double cosRZ = dot(r, vecZ);
250         double sinRZ = sqrt(1.0 - cosRZ * cosRZ);
251         dPhidR = -trq[0] * r[0] - trq[1] * r[1] - trq[2] * r[2];
252         X(r, vecZ, del);
253         normalize(del, del);
254         double dPhidDel = -trq[0] * del[0] - trq[1] * del[1] - trq[2] * del[2];
255         X(del, vecZ, eps);
256         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
257           double dZ = del[j] * dPhidR / (rZ * sinRZ) + eps[j] * dPhidDel * cosZSum / (rZ * rZXY);
258           g[0][j] = dZ; // Atom Z
259           g[3][j] = -dZ; // Atom I
260         }
261         add(vecZ, vecY, r);
262         normalize(r, r);
263         double cosRX = dot(r, vecX);
264         double sinRX = sqrt(1.0 - cosRX * cosRX);
265         dPhidR = -trq[0] * r[0] - trq[1] * r[1] - trq[2] * r[2];
266         X(r, vecX, del);
267         normalize(del, del);
268         dPhidDel = -trq[0] * del[0] - trq[1] * del[1] - trq[2] * del[2];
269         X(del, vecX, eps);
270         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
271           double dX = del[j] * dPhidR / (rX * sinRX) + eps[j] * dPhidDel * cosXSum / (rX * rZXY);
272           g[1][j] = dX; // Atom X
273           g[3][j] -= dX; // Atom I
274         }
275         add(vecZ, vecX, r);
276         normalize(r, r);
277         double cosRY = dot(r, vecY);
278         double sinRY = sqrt(1.0 - cosRY * cosRY);
279         dPhidR = -trq[0] * r[0] - trq[1] * r[1] - trq[2] * r[2];
280         X(r, vecY, del);
281         normalize(del, del);
282         dPhidDel = -trq[0] * del[0] - trq[1] * del[1] - trq[2] * del[2];
283         X(del, vecY, eps);
284         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
285           double dY = del[j] * dPhidR / (rY * sinRY) + eps[j] * dPhidDel * cosYSum / (rY * rZXY);
286           g[2][j] = dY; // Atom Y
287           g[3][j] -= dY; // Atom I
288         }
289         break;
290       default:
291         String message = "Fatal exception: Unsupported frame definition: " + frame[i] + "\n";
292         logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message);
293     }
294   }
295 }