View Javadoc
1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2025.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.potential.nonbonded;
40  import ffx.crystal.Crystal;
41  import ffx.numerics.tornado.FFXTornado;
42  import ffx.potential.bonded.Atom;
43  import ffx.potential.bonded.Bond;
44  import ffx.potential.parameters.AtomType;
45  import ffx.potential.parameters.ForceField;
46  import ffx.potential.parameters.VDWType;
47  import;
48  import;
49  import;
50  import;
51  import;
52  import;
53  import;
55  import java.util.List;
56  import java.util.logging.Level;
57  import java.util.logging.Logger;
59  import static java.lang.String.format;
60  import static java.util.Arrays.fill;
61  import static;
62  import static;
63  import static;
64  import static;
66  /**
67   * The Van der Waals class computes Van der Waals interaction in parallel using a {@link
68   * NeighborList} for P1 (no symmetry) {@link Crystal} systems.
69   *
70   * <p>The repulsive power (e.g. 12), attractive power (e.g. 6) and buffering (e.g. for the AMOEBA
71   * buffered-14-7) can all be specified such that both Lennard-Jones and AMOEBA are supported.
72   *
73   * @author Michael J. Schnieders
74   * @since 1.0
75   */
76  public class VanDerWaalsTornado extends VanDerWaals {
78    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VanDerWaalsTornado.class.getName());
79    private static final byte XX = 0;
80    private static final byte YY = 1;
81    private static final byte ZZ = 2;
82    /**
83     * Lennard-Jones or Buffered 14-7 vdW form.
84     */
85    private final VanDerWaalsForm vdwForm;
86    /**
87     * Cut-off switch.
88     */
89    private final double vdwTaper;
91    private final double vdwCutoff;
92    // *************************************************************************
93    // Accumulation variables.
94    private int interactions;
95    private double energy;
96    private double[] grad;
97    private Crystal crystal;
98    /**
99     * An array of all atoms in the system.
100    */
101   private Atom[] atoms;
102   /**
103    * The Force Field that defines the Van der Waals interactions.
104    */
105   private ForceField forceField;
106   /**
107    * A local convenience variable equal to atoms.length.
108    */
109   private int nAtoms;
110   /**
111    * A local reference to the atom class of each atom in the system.
112    */
113   private int[] atomClass;
114   /**
115    * A local copy of atomic coordinates, including reductions on the hydrogen atoms.
116    */
117   private double[] coordinates;
118   /**
119    * Each hydrogen vdW site is located a fraction of the way from the heavy atom nucleus to the
120    * hydrogen nucleus (~0.9).
121    */
122   private double[] reductionValue;
123   /**
124    * Hydrogen atom vdW sites are located toward their heavy atom relative to their nucleus. This is
125    * a look-up that gives the heavy atom index for each hydrogen.
126    */
127   private int[] reductionIndex;
128   /**
129    * 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 interactions are masked.
130    */
131   private int[] mask;
132   /**
133    * Pointer into the mask array for each atom.
134    */
135   private int[] maskPointer;
137   /**
138    * The VanDerWaalsTornado class constructor.
139    *
140    * @param atoms      Atom array to do Van Der Waals calculations on.
141    * @param crystal    The periodic boundary conditions information.
142    * @param forceField the ForceField parameters to apply.
143    * @param vdwCutoff  vdW cutoff.
144    * @since 1.0
145    */
146   public VanDerWaalsTornado(
147       Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, ForceField forceField, double vdwCutoff) {
148     this.atoms = atoms;
149     this.crystal = crystal;
150     this.forceField = forceField;
151     nAtoms = atoms.length;
152     vdwForm = new VanDerWaalsForm(forceField);
154     // Allocate coordinate arrays and set up reduction indices and values.
155     initAtomArrays();
157     /*
158      Define the multiplicative switch, which sets vdW energy to zero
159      at the cutoff distance using a window that begin at 90% of the
160      cutoff distance.
161     */
162     this.vdwCutoff = vdwCutoff;
163     this.vdwTaper = 0.9 * vdwCutoff;
165   }
167   /**
168    * Currently does not use "neighbor-lists" and so is truly N^2.
169    */
170   private static void tornadoEnergy(
171       int[] atomClass,
172       double[] eps,
173       double[] rMin,
174       double[] reducedXYZ,
175       int[] reductionIndex,
176       double[] reductionValue,
177       double[] bondedScaleFactors,
178       int[] maskPointers,
179       int[] masks,
180       double[] A,
181       double[] Ai,
182       double[] cutoffs,
183       @Reduce double[] energy,
184       @Reduce int[] interactions,
185       @Reduce double[] grad) {
187     // Matrices to apply the minimum image convention.
188     // The columns of A are the reciprocal basis vectors
189     double A00 = A[0];
190     double A01 = A[1];
191     double A02 = A[2];
192     double A10 = A[3];
193     double A11 = A[4];
194     double A12 = A[5];
195     double A20 = A[6];
196     double A21 = A[7];
197     double A22 = A[8];
198     // a is the first row of A^(-1).
199     double Ai00 = Ai[0];
200     double Ai01 = Ai[1];
201     double Ai02 = Ai[2];
202     // b is the second row of A^(-1).
203     double Ai10 = Ai[3];
204     double Ai11 = Ai[4];
205     double Ai12 = Ai[5];
206     // c is the third row of A^(-1).
207     double Ai20 = Ai[6];
208     double Ai21 = Ai[7];
209     double Ai22 = Ai[8];
211     // Scale factors for bonded atoms.
212     double scale12 = bondedScaleFactors[0];
213     double scale13 = bondedScaleFactors[1];
214     double scale14 = bondedScaleFactors[2];
216     // Periodic Boundary Conditions
217     boolean aperiodic = false;
218     if (cutoffs[0] > 0) {
219       aperiodic = true;
220     }
222     double vdwTaper = cutoffs[1];
223     double vdwCutoff = cutoffs[2];
224     double vdwTaper2 = vdwTaper * vdwTaper;
225     double vdwCutoff2 = vdwCutoff * vdwCutoff;
226     boolean gradient = false;
227     if (cutoffs[3] > 0) {
228       gradient = true;
229     }
231     // Multiplicative Switch
232     double a = vdwTaper;
233     double b = vdwCutoff;
234     double a2 = a * a;
235     double b2 = b * b;
236     double ba = b - a;
237     double ba2 = ba * ba;
238     double denom = ba * ba2 * ba2;
239     double c0 = b * b2 * (b2 - 5.0 * a * b + 10.0 * a2) / denom;
240     double c1 = -30.0 * a2 * b2 / denom;
241     double c2 = 30.0 * b * a * (b + a) / denom;
242     double c3 = -10.0 * (a2 + 4.0 * a * b + b2) / denom;
243     double c4 = 15.0 * (a + b) / denom;
244     double c5 = -6.0 / denom;
245     double twoC2 = 2.0 * c2;
246     double threeC3 = 3.0 * c3;
247     double fourC4 = 4.0 * c4;
248     double fiveC5 = 5.0 * c5;
250     // Interactions between 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 atoms are masked.
251     final int nAtoms = atomClass.length;
252     double[] mask = new double[nAtoms];
253     for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
254       mask[i] = 1.0;
255     }
257     // AMOEBA Buffered 14-7 parameters.
258     final double delta = 0.07;
259     final double gamma = 0.12;
260     final double delta1 = 1.0 + delta;
261     final double d2 = delta1 * delta1;
262     final double d4 = d2 * d2;
263     final double t1n = delta1 * d2 * d4;
264     final double gamma1 = 1.0 + gamma;
266     final int XX = 0;
267     final int YY = 1;
268     final int ZZ = 2;
269     // Outer loop over all atoms.
270     for (@Parallel int i = 0; i < nAtoms - 1; i++) {
271       final int i3 = i * 3;
272       final double xi = reducedXYZ[i3 + XX];
273       final double yi = reducedXYZ[i3 + YY];
274       final double zi = reducedXYZ[i3 + ZZ];
275       final int redi = reductionIndex[i];
276       final double redv = reductionValue[i];
277       final double rediv = 1.0 - redv;
278       final int classI = atomClass[i];
279       final double ei = eps[classI];
280       final double sei = sqrt(ei);
281       final double ri = rMin[classI];
282       if (ri <= 0.0) {
283         continue;
284       }
285       double gxi = 0.0;
286       double gyi = 0.0;
287       double gzi = 0.0;
288       double gxredi = 0.0;
289       double gyredi = 0.0;
290       double gzredi = 0.0;
292       // Apply masks
293       for (int ii = maskPointers[i3]; ii < maskPointers[i3 + 1]; ii++) {
294         mask[masks[ii]] = scale12;
295       }
296       for (int ii = maskPointers[i3 + 1]; ii < maskPointers[i3 + 2]; ii++) {
297         mask[masks[ii]] = scale13;
298       }
299       for (int ii = maskPointers[i3 + 2]; ii < maskPointers[i3 + 3]; ii++) {
300         mask[masks[ii]] = scale14;
301       }
303       // Inner loop over atoms.
304       for (int k = i + 1; k < nAtoms; k++) {
305         final int k3 = k * 3;
306         final double xk = reducedXYZ[k3 + XX];
307         final double yk = reducedXYZ[k3 + YY];
308         final double zk = reducedXYZ[k3 + ZZ];
309         final double[] dx = new double[3];
310         dx[0] = xi - xk;
311         dx[1] = yi - yk;
312         dx[2] = zi - zk;
313         double x = dx[0];
314         double y = dx[1];
315         double z = dx[2];
316         double r2;
317         if (!aperiodic) {
318           double xf = x * A00 + y * A10 + z * A20;
319           double yf = x * A01 + y * A11 + z * A21;
320           double zf = x * A02 + y * A12 + z * A22;
321           // signum:
322           // zero if the argument is zero,
323           // 1.0 if the argument is greater than zero,
324           // -1.0 if the argument is less than zero.
325           // double xfsn = signum(-xf);
326           double xfsn = 0.0;
327           if (-xf > 0.0) {
328             xfsn = 1.0;
329           } else if (-xf < 0.0) {
330             xfsn = -1.0;
331           }
332           // double yfsn = signum(-yf);
333           double yfsn = 0.0;
334           if (-yf > 0.0) {
335             yfsn = 1.0;
336           } else if (-yf < 0.0) {
337             yfsn = -1.0;
338           }
339           // double zfsn = signum(-zf);
340           double zfsn = 0.0;
341           if (-zf > 0.0) {
342             zfsn = 1.0;
343           } else if (-zf < 0.0) {
344             zfsn = -1.0;
345           }
346           xf = floor(abs(xf) + 0.5) * xfsn + xf;
347           yf = floor(abs(yf) + 0.5) * yfsn + yf;
348           zf = floor(abs(zf) + 0.5) * zfsn + zf;
349           x = xf * Ai00 + yf * Ai10 + zf * Ai20;
350           y = xf * Ai01 + yf * Ai11 + zf * Ai21;
351           z = xf * Ai02 + yf * Ai12 + zf * Ai22;
352           dx[0] = x;
353           dx[1] = y;
354           dx[2] = z;
355         }
356         r2 = x * x + y * y + z * z;
357         final int classK = atomClass[k];
358         final double rk = rMin[classK];
359         if (r2 <= vdwCutoff2 && mask[k] > 0 && rk > 0) {
360           double ri2 = ri * ri;
361           double ri3 = ri * ri2;
362           double rk2 = rk * rk;
363           double rk3 = rk * rk2;
364           double irv = 1.0 / (2.0 * (ri3 + rk3) / (ri2 + rk2));
365           final double r = sqrt(r2);
366           /*
367            Calculate Van der Waals interaction energy.
368            Notation of Schnieders et al. The structure,
369            thermodynamics, and solubility of organic
370            crystals from simulation with a polarizable force
371            field. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 8, 1721–1736 (2012).
372           */
373           double ek = eps[classK];
374           double sek = sqrt(ek);
375           double ev = mask[k] * 4.0 * (ei * ek) / ((sei + sek) * (sei + sek));
376           final double rho = r * irv;
377           final double rho2 = rho * rho;
378           final double rhoDisp1 = rho2 * rho2 * rho2;
379           final double rhoDisp = rhoDisp1 * rho;
380           final double rhoD = rho + delta;
381           final double rhoD2 = rhoD * rhoD;
382           final double rhoDelta1 = rhoD2 * rhoD2 * rhoD2;
383           final double rhoDelta = rhoDelta1 * (rho + delta);
384           final double rhoDispGamma = rhoDisp + gamma;
385           final double t1d = 1.0 / rhoDelta;
386           final double t2d = 1.0 / rhoDispGamma;
387           final double t1 = t1n * t1d;
388           final double t2a = gamma1 * t2d;
389           final double t2 = t2a - 2.0;
390           double eik = ev * t1 * t2;
391           /*
392            Apply a multiplicative switch if the interaction
393            distance is greater than the beginning of the taper.
394           */
395           double taper = 1.0;
396           double dtaper = 0.0;
397           if (r2 > vdwTaper2) {
398             final double r3 = r2 * r;
399             final double r4 = r2 * r2;
400             final double r5 = r2 * r3;
401             taper = c5 * r5 + c4 * r4 + c3 * r3 + c2 * r2 + c1 * r + c0;
402             dtaper = fiveC5 * r4 + fourC4 * r3 + threeC3 * r2 + twoC2 * r + c1;
403           }
404           eik *= taper;
405           energy[0] += eik;
406           interactions[0] += 1;
407           if (!gradient) {
408             continue;
409           }
410           final int redk = reductionIndex[k];
411           final double red = reductionValue[k];
412           final double redkv = 1.0 - red;
413           final double dt1d_dr = 7.0 * rhoDelta1 * irv;
414           final double dt2d_dr = 7.0 * rhoDisp1 * irv;
415           final double dt1_dr = t1 * dt1d_dr * t1d;
416           final double dt2_dr = t2a * dt2d_dr * t2d;
417           final double dedr = -ev * (dt1_dr * t2 + t1 * dt2_dr);
418           final double ir = 1.0 / r;
419           final double drdx = dx[0] * ir;
420           final double drdy = dx[1] * ir;
421           final double drdz = dx[2] * ir;
422           final double dswitch = (eik * dtaper + dedr * taper);
423           final double dedx = dswitch * drdx;
424           final double dedy = dswitch * drdy;
425           final double dedz = dswitch * drdz;
426           gxi += dedx * redv;
427           gyi += dedy * redv;
428           gzi += dedz * redv;
429           gxredi += dedx * rediv;
430           gyredi += dedy * rediv;
431           gzredi += dedz * rediv;
432           // Atom K
433           grad[k3 + XX] -= red * dedx;
434           grad[k3 + YY] -= red * dedy;
435           grad[k3 + ZZ] -= red * dedz;
436           // Atom K is reduced by Atom redK;
437           int r3 = redk * 3;
438           grad[r3 + XX] -= redkv * dedx;
439           grad[r3 + YY] -= redkv * dedy;
440           grad[r3 + ZZ] -= redkv * dedz;
441         }
442       }
443       if (gradient) {
444         // Atom I gradient.
445         grad[i3 + XX] += gxi;
446         grad[i3 + YY] += gyi;
447         grad[i3 + ZZ] += gzi;
448         // Atom I is reduced by Atom redI;
449         int r3 = redi * 3;
450         grad[r3 + XX] += gxredi;
451         grad[r3 + YY] += gyredi;
452         grad[r3 + ZZ] += gzredi;
453       }
455       // Remove masks
456       for (int ii = maskPointers[i3]; ii < maskPointers[i3 + 1]; ii++) {
457         mask[masks[ii]] = 1.0;
458       }
459       for (int ii = maskPointers[i3 + 1]; ii < maskPointers[i3 + 2]; ii++) {
460         mask[masks[ii]] = 1.0;
461       }
462       for (int ii = maskPointers[i3 + 2]; ii < maskPointers[i3 + 3]; ii++) {
463         mask[masks[ii]] = 1.0;
464       }
465     }
466   }
468   /**
469    * The energy routine may be called repeatedly.
470    *
471    * @param gradient If true, gradients with respect to atomic coordinates are computed.
472    * @param print    If true, there is verbose printing.
473    * @return The energy.
474    * @since 1.0
475    */
476   public double energy(boolean gradient, boolean print) {
478     if (vdwForm.vdwType != VDWType.VDW_TYPE.BUFFERED_14_7) {
479       logger.severe((" TornadoVM vdW only supports AMOEBA."));
480     }
482     // Initialize coordinates and gradient array.
483     for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
484       Atom atom = atoms[i];
485       // Load atomic coordinates.
486       double x = atom.getX();
487       double y = atom.getY();
488       double z = atom.getZ();
489       int i3 = i * 3;
490       coordinates[i3 + XX] = x;
491       coordinates[i3 + YY] = y;
492       coordinates[i3 + ZZ] = z;
493     }
495     double[] eps = vdwForm.getEps();
496     double[] rmin = vdwForm.getRmin();
498     // Compute reduced hydrogen atom coordinates.
499     double[] reducedXYZ = new double[nAtoms * 3];
500     final byte XX = 0;
501     final byte YY = 1;
502     final byte ZZ = 2;
503     for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
504       int i3 = i * 3;
505       double x = coordinates[i3 + XX];
506       double y = coordinates[i3 + YY];
507       double z = coordinates[i3 + ZZ];
508       int redIndex = reductionIndex[i];
509       if (redIndex >= 0) {
510         int r3 = redIndex * 3;
511         double rx = coordinates[r3 + XX];
512         double ry = coordinates[r3 + YY];
513         double rz = coordinates[r3 + ZZ];
514         double r = reductionValue[i];
515         reducedXYZ[i3 + XX] = r * (x - rx) + rx;
516         reducedXYZ[i3 + YY] = r * (y - ry) + ry;
517         reducedXYZ[i3 + ZZ] = r * (z - rz) + rz;
518       } else {
519         reducedXYZ[i3 + XX] = x;
520         reducedXYZ[i3 + YY] = y;
521         reducedXYZ[i3 + ZZ] = z;
522       }
523     }
525     // Gradient flag.
526     double doGradient = 0.0;
527     if (gradient) {
528       doGradient = 1.0;
529     }
531     // Initialize periodic boundary conditions.
532     Crystal c = crystal;
533     double[] A = {c.A00, c.A01, c.A02, c.A10, c.A11, c.A12, c.A20, c.A21, c.A22};
534     double[] Ai = {c.Ai00, c.Ai01, c.Ai02, c.Ai10, c.Ai11, c.Ai12, c.Ai20, c.Ai21, c.Ai22};
535     double[] bondedScaleFactors = {vdwForm.scale12, vdwForm.scale13, vdwForm.scale14};
536     double aperiodic = 0.0;
537     if (crystal.aperiodic()) {
538       aperiodic = 1.0;
539     }
541     // Periodic boundary information, plus include the gradient flag.
542     double[] cutoffs = {aperiodic, vdwTaper, vdwCutoff, doGradient};
544     // Output
545     double[] energy = new double[1];
546     int[] interactions = new int[1];
547     if (gradient) {
548       fill(grad, 0.0);
549     }
551     // Check the method without TornadoVM
552     tornadoEnergy(
553         atomClass,
554         eps,
555         rmin,
556         reducedXYZ,
557         reductionIndex,
558         reductionValue,
559         bondedScaleFactors,
560         maskPointer,
561         mask,
562         A,
563         Ai,
564         cutoffs,
565         energy,
566         interactions,
567         grad);
569" JVM: %16.8f %d", energy[0], interactions[0]));
571     energy[0] = 0.0;
572     interactions[0] = 0;
573     if (gradient) {
574       fill(grad, 0.0);
575     }
577     TornadoDevice device = TornadoRuntimeProvider.getTornadoRuntime().getDefaultDevice();
578     FFXTornado.logDevice(device);
579     TaskGraph graph =
580         new TaskGraph("vdW").transferToDevice(EVERY_EXECUTION,
581                 atomClass, eps, rmin, reducedXYZ, reductionIndex, reductionValue,
582                 bondedScaleFactors, maskPointer, mask,
583                 A, Ai, cutoffs, energy, interactions, grad)
584             .task("energy", VanDerWaalsTornado::tornadoEnergy,
585                 atomClass, eps, rmin, reducedXYZ, reductionIndex, reductionValue,
586                 bondedScaleFactors, maskPointer, mask,
587                 A, Ai, cutoffs, energy, interactions, grad)
588             .transferToHost(EVERY_EXECUTION, energy, interactions, grad);
590     ImmutableTaskGraph itg = graph.snapshot();
591     TornadoExecutionPlan executionPlan = new TornadoExecutionPlan(itg);
592     executionPlan.withWarmUp().withDevice(device);
593     executionPlan.execute();
595" Tornado OpenCL: %16.8f %d", energy[0], interactions[0]));
597     // Add gradient to atoms.
598     if (gradient) {
599       for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms - 1; i++) {
600         Atom ai = atoms[i];
601         int i3 = i * 3;
602         ai.addToXYZGradient(grad[i3 + XX], grad[i3 + YY], grad[i3 + ZZ]);
603       }
604     }
606 = energy[0];
607     this.interactions = interactions[0];
608     return;
609   }
611   /**
612    * Get the total Van der Waals potential energy.
613    *
614    * @return The energy.
615    * @since 1.0
616    */
617   public double getEnergy() {
618     return energy;
619   }
621   /**
622    * Get the number of interacting pairs.
623    *
624    * @return The interaction count.
625    * @since 1.0
626    */
627   public int getInteractions() {
628     return interactions;
629   }
631   /**
632    * Setter for the field <code>atoms</code>.
633    *
634    * @param atoms an array of {@link Atom} objects.
635    */
636   public void setAtoms(Atom[] atoms) {
637     this.atoms = atoms;
638     this.nAtoms = atoms.length;
639     initAtomArrays();
640   }
642   /**
643    * If the crystal being passed in is not equal to the current crystal, then some Van der Waals
644    * data structures may need to updated. If <code>nSymm</code> has changed, update arrays
645    * dimensioned by nSymm. Finally, rebuild the neighbor-lists.
646    *
647    * @param crystal The new crystal instance defining the symmetry and boundary conditions.
648    */
649   public void setCrystal(Crystal crystal) {
650     this.crystal = crystal;
651     int newNSymm = crystal.getNumSymOps();
652     if (newNSymm != 1) {
653       String message = " SymOps are not supported by VanDerWaalsTornado.\n";
654       logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message);
655     }
656   }
658   /**
659    * {@inheritDoc}
660    */
661   @Override
662   public String toString() {
663     StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("\n  Van der Waals\n");
664     sb.append(format("   Switch Start:                         %6.3f (A)\n", vdwTaper));
665     sb.append(format("   Cut-Off:                              %6.3f (A)\n", vdwCutoff));
666     return sb.toString();
667   }
669   /**
670    * Allocate coordinate arrays and set up reduction indices and values.
671    */
672   private void initAtomArrays() {
673     if (atomClass == null || nAtoms > atomClass.length) {
674       atomClass = new int[nAtoms];
675       coordinates = new double[nAtoms * 3];
676       reductionIndex = new int[nAtoms];
677       reductionValue = new double[nAtoms];
678       grad = new double[nAtoms * 3];
679       maskPointer = new int[nAtoms * 3 + 1];
680     }
682     int numBonds = 0;
683     int numAngles = 0;
684     int numTorsions = 0;
685     for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
686       Atom ai = atoms[i];
687       numBonds += ai.getNumBonds();
688       numAngles += ai.getNumAngles();
689       numTorsions += ai.getNumDihedrals();
690     }
691     mask = new int[numBonds + numAngles + numTorsions];
693     int[][] mask12 = getMask12();
694     int[][] mask13 = getMask13();
695     int[][] mask14 = getMask14();
697     int index = 0;
698     for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
699       Atom ai = atoms[i];
700       assert (i == ai.getXyzIndex() - 1);
701       double[] xyz = ai.getXYZ(null);
702       int i3 = i * 3;
703       coordinates[i3 + XX] = xyz[XX];
704       coordinates[i3 + YY] = xyz[YY];
705       coordinates[i3 + ZZ] = xyz[ZZ];
706       AtomType atomType = ai.getAtomType();
707       if (atomType == null) {
708         logger.severe(ai.toString());
709       }
710       String vdwIndex = forceField.getString("VDWINDEX", "Class");
711       if (vdwIndex.equalsIgnoreCase("Type")) {
712         atomClass[i] = atomType.type;
713       } else {
714         atomClass[i] = atomType.atomClass;
715       }
716       VDWType type = forceField.getVDWType(Integer.toString(atomClass[i]));
717       if (type == null) {
718" No VdW type for atom class " + atomClass[i]);
719         logger.severe(" No VdW type for atom " + ai);
720         return;
721       }
722       ai.setVDWType(type);
723       List<Bond> bonds = ai.getBonds();
724       numBonds = bonds.size();
725       if (type.reductionFactor > 0.0 && numBonds == 1) {
726         Bond bond = bonds.get(0);
727         Atom heavyAtom = bond.get1_2(ai);
728         // Atom indexes start at 1
729         reductionIndex[i] = heavyAtom.getIndex() - 1;
730         reductionValue[i] = type.reductionFactor;
731       } else {
732         reductionIndex[i] = i;
733         reductionValue[i] = 0.0;
734       }
735       // Store bond mask for atom i.
736       maskPointer[3 * i] = index;
737       for (int value : mask12[i]) {
738         mask[index++] = value;
739       }
740       maskPointer[3 * i + 1] = index;
741       for (int value : mask13[i]) {
742         mask[index++] = value;
743       }
744       maskPointer[3 * i + 2] = index;
745       for (int value : mask14[i]) {
746         mask[index++] = value;
747       }
748     }
749     maskPointer[3 * nAtoms] = index;
750   }
752   /**
753    * Log the Van der Waals interaction.
754    *
755    * @param i    Atom i.
756    * @param k    Atom j.
757    * @param minr The minimum vdW separation distance.
758    * @param r    The distance rij.
759    * @param eij  The interaction energy.
760    * @since 1.0
761    */
762   private void log(int i, int k, double minr, double r, double eij) {
764         format(
765             "VDW %6d-%s %6d-%s %10.4f  %10.4f  %10.4f",
766             atoms[i].getIndex(),
767             atoms[i].getAtomType().name,
768             atoms[k].getIndex(),
769             atoms[k].getAtomType().name,
770             1.0 / minr,
771             r,
772             eij));
773   }
774 }