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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.potential;
40  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.toDegrees;
42  import ffx.crystal.Crystal;
43  import ffx.crystal.SpaceGroup;
44  import ffx.numerics.Potential;
45  import ffx.potential.MolecularAssembly.FractionalMode;
46  import ffx.potential.bonded.Atom;
48  /**
49   * This class computes the energy and Cartesian coordinate gradient, plus finite difference
50   * derivatives of lattice parameters.
51   *
52   * @author Jooyeon Park
53   * @since 1.0
54   */
55  public class XtalEnergy implements Potential {
57    /**
58     * MolecularAssembly to compute the crystal energy for.
59     */
60    private final MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly;
61    /**
62     * The ForceFieldEnergy to use.
63     */
64    private final ForceFieldEnergy forceFieldEnergy;
65    /**
66     * Array of active atoms.
67     */
68    private final Atom[] activeAtoms;
69    /**
70     * Number of active atoms.
71     */
72    private final int nActive;
73    /**
74     * Atomic coordinates
75     */
76    private final double[] xyz;
77    private final double[] gr;
78    private final int nParams;
80    private final Crystal crystal;
81    private final VARIABLE_TYPE[] type;
82    private final double[] mass;
83    private final Crystal unitCell;
84    private double[] scaling;
85    private double totalEnergy;
87    private FractionalMode fractionalMode = FractionalMode.OFF;
89    /**
90     * Constructor for XtalEnergy.
91     *
92     * @param forceFieldEnergy  a {@link ffx.potential.ForceFieldEnergy} object.
93     * @param molecularAssembly a {@link ffx.potential.MolecularAssembly} object.
94     */
95    public XtalEnergy(ForceFieldEnergy forceFieldEnergy, MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly) {
96      this.forceFieldEnergy = forceFieldEnergy;
97      this.molecularAssembly = molecularAssembly;
98      Atom[] atoms = molecularAssembly.getAtomArray();
100     int n = 0;
101     for (Atom a : atoms) {
102       if (a.isActive()) {
103         n++;
104       }
105     }
106     nActive = n;
108     activeAtoms = new Atom[nActive];
109     int index = 0;
110     for (Atom a : atoms) {
111       if (a.isActive()) {
112         activeAtoms[index++] = a;
113       }
114     }
116     nParams = 3 * nActive + 6;
117     crystal = forceFieldEnergy.getCrystal();
118     unitCell = crystal.getUnitCell();
119     xyz = new double[3 * nActive];
120     gr = new double[3 * nActive];
121     type = new VARIABLE_TYPE[nParams];
122     mass = new double[nParams];
124     index = 0;
125     for (int i = 0; i < nActive; i++) {
126       double m = activeAtoms[i].getMass();
127       mass[index] = m;
128       mass[index + 1] = m;
129       mass[index + 2] = m;
130       type[index] = VARIABLE_TYPE.X;
131       type[index + 1] = VARIABLE_TYPE.Y;
132       type[index + 2] = VARIABLE_TYPE.Z;
133       index += 3;
134     }
135     for (int i = nActive * 3; i < nActive * 3 + 6; i++) {
136       mass[i] = 1.0;
137       type[i] = VARIABLE_TYPE.OTHER;
138     }
139   }
141   /**
142    * {@inheritDoc}
143    */
144   @Override
145   public boolean destroy() {
146     return forceFieldEnergy.destroy();
147   }
149   /**
150    * {@inheritDoc}
151    */
152   @Override
153   public double energy(double[] x) {
155     // Un-scale coordinates if applicable.
156     unscaleCoordinates(x);
158     // Set atomic coordinates & lattice parameters.
159     setCoordinates(x);
161     totalEnergy =, false);
163     // Scale coordinates if applicable.
164     scaleCoordinates(x);
166     return totalEnergy;
167   }
169   /**
170    * {@inheritDoc}
171    */
172   @Override
173   public double energyAndGradient(double[] x, double[] g) {
174     // Un-scale coordinates if applicable.
175     unscaleCoordinates(x);
177     // Set atomic coordinates & lattice parameters.
178     setCoordinates(x);
180     // Calculate system energy and Cartesian coordinate gradient.
181     double e = forceFieldEnergy.energyAndGradient(xyz, gr);
183     // Both coordinates and gradient are scaled if applicable.
184     packGradient(x, g);
186     // Calculate finite-difference partial derivatives of lattice parameters.
187     unitCellParameterDerivatives(x, g);
189     totalEnergy = e;
191     return totalEnergy;
192   }
194   /**
195    * {@inheritDoc}
196    */
197   @Override
198   public double[] getAcceleration(double[] acceleration) {
199     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
200   }
202   /**
203    * {@inheritDoc}
204    */
205   @Override
206   public double[] getCoordinates(double[] x) {
207     int n = getNumberOfVariables();
208     if (x == null || x.length < n) {
209       x = new double[n];
210     }
211     int index = 0;
212     for (int i = 0; i < nActive; i++) {
213       Atom a = activeAtoms[i];
214       x[index] = a.getX();
215       index++;
216       x[index] = a.getY();
217       index++;
218       x[index] = a.getZ();
219       index++;
220     }
221     x[index] = unitCell.a;
222     index++;
223     x[index] = unitCell.b;
224     index++;
225     x[index] = unitCell.c;
226     index++;
227     x[index] = unitCell.alpha;
228     index++;
229     x[index] = unitCell.beta;
230     index++;
231     x[index] = unitCell.gamma;
232     return x;
233   }
235   /**
236    * {@inheritDoc}
237    */
238   @Override
239   public STATE getEnergyTermState() {
240     return forceFieldEnergy.getEnergyTermState();
241   }
243   /**
244    * {@inheritDoc}
245    */
246   @Override
247   public void setEnergyTermState(STATE state) {
248     forceFieldEnergy.setEnergyTermState(state);
249   }
251   /**
252    * {@inheritDoc}
253    */
254   @Override
255   public double[] getMass() {
256     return mass;
257   }
259   /**
260    * {@inheritDoc}
261    */
262   @Override
263   public int getNumberOfVariables() {
264     return nParams;
265   }
267   /**
268    * {@inheritDoc}
269    */
270   @Override
271   public double[] getPreviousAcceleration(double[] previousAcceleration) {
272     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
273   }
275   /**
276    * {@inheritDoc}
277    */
278   @Override
279   public double[] getScaling() {
280     return scaling;
281   }
283   /**
284    * {@inheritDoc}
285    */
286   @Override
287   public void setScaling(double[] scaling) {
288     this.scaling = scaling;
289   }
291   /**
292    * {@inheritDoc}
293    */
294   @Override
295   public double getTotalEnergy() {
296     return totalEnergy;
297   }
299   /**
300    * {@inheritDoc}
301    */
302   @Override
303   public VARIABLE_TYPE[] getVariableTypes() {
304     return type;
305   }
307   /**
308    * {@inheritDoc}
309    */
310   @Override
311   public double[] getVelocity(double[] velocity) {
312     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
313   }
315   /**
316    * {@inheritDoc}
317    */
318   @Override
319   public void setAcceleration(double[] acceleration) {
320     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
321   }
323   /**
324    * setFractionalCoordinateMode.
325    *
326    * @param fractionalMode a {@link ffx.potential.MolecularAssembly.FractionalMode} object.
327    */
328   public void setFractionalCoordinateMode(FractionalMode fractionalMode) {
329     this.fractionalMode = fractionalMode;
330     molecularAssembly.setFractionalMode(fractionalMode);
331   }
333   /**
334    * {@inheritDoc}
335    */
336   @Override
337   public void setPreviousAcceleration(double[] previousAcceleration) {
338     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
339   }
341   /**
342    * {@inheritDoc}
343    */
344   @Override
345   public void setVelocity(double[] velocity) {
346     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
347   }
349   /**
350    * Use finite-differences to compute unit cell derivatives.
351    *
352    * @param x Coordinates and unit cell parameters.
353    * @param g gradient.
354    */
355   private void unitCellParameterDerivatives(double[] x, double[] g) {
357     double eps = 1.0e-5;
358     double deps = toDegrees(eps);
359     SpaceGroup spaceGroup = crystal.spaceGroup;
361     int index = 3 * nActive;
362     switch (spaceGroup.latticeSystem) {
363       case TRICLINIC_LATTICE -> {
364         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, eps);
365         index++;
366         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, eps);
367         index++;
368         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, eps);
369         index++;
370         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, deps);
371         index++;
372         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, deps);
373         index++;
374         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, deps);
375       }
376       case MONOCLINIC_LATTICE -> {
377         // alpha = gamma = 90
378         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, eps);
379         index++;
380         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, eps);
381         index++;
382         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, eps);
383         index++;
384         g[index] = 0.0;
385         index++;
386         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, deps);
387         index++;
388         g[index] = 0.0;
389       }
390       case ORTHORHOMBIC_LATTICE -> {
391         // alpha = beta = gamma = 90
392         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, eps);
393         index++;
394         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, eps);
395         index++;
396         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, eps);
397         index++;
398         g[index] = 0.0;
399         index++;
400         g[index] = 0.0;
401         index++;
402         g[index] = 0.0;
403       }
404       case TETRAGONAL_LATTICE, // a = b, alpha = beta = gamma = 90
405           HEXAGONAL_LATTICE // a = b, alpha = beta = 90, gamma = 120
406           -> {
407         g[index] = finiteDifference2(x, index, index + 1, eps);
408         index++;
409         g[index] = g[index - 1];
410         index++;
411         g[index] = finiteDifference(x, index, eps);
412         index++;
413         g[index] = 0.0;
414         index++;
415         g[index] = 0.0;
416         index++;
417         g[index] = 0.0;
418       }
419       case RHOMBOHEDRAL_LATTICE -> {
420         // a = b = c, alpha = beta = gamma
421         g[index] = finiteDifference3(x, index, index + 1, index + 2, eps);
422         index++;
423         g[index] = g[index - 1];
424         index++;
425         g[index] = g[index - 2];
426         index++;
427         g[index] = finiteDifference3(x, index, index + 1, index + 2, deps);
428         index++;
429         g[index] = g[index - 1];
430         index++;
431         g[index] = g[index - 2];
432       }
433       // a = b, alpha = beta = 90, gamma = 120
434       case CUBIC_LATTICE -> {
435         // a = b = c, alpha = beta = gamma = 90
436         g[index] = finiteDifference3(x, index, index + 1, index + 2, eps);
437         index++;
438         g[index] = g[index - 1];
439         index++;
440         g[index] = g[index - 2];
441         index++;
442         g[index] = 0.0;
443         index++;
444         g[index] = 0.0;
445         index++;
446         g[index] = 0.0;
447       }
448     }
450     // Scale finite-difference partial derivatives of lattice parameters.
451     if (scaling != null) {
452       index = 3 * nActive;
453       g[index] /= scaling[index];
454       index++;
455       g[index] /= scaling[index];
456       index++;
457       g[index] /= scaling[index];
458       index++;
459       g[index] /= scaling[index];
460       index++;
461       g[index] /= scaling[index];
462       index++;
463       g[index] /= scaling[index];
464     }
465   }
467   /**
468    * Calculate finite-difference derivative for any parameter.
469    *
470    * @param x     Coordinates and unit cell parameters.
471    * @param index Parameter index.
472    * @param eps   Step size.
473    * @return Finite-difference derivative.
474    */
475   private double finiteDifference(double[] x, int index, double eps) {
476     double scale = 1.0;
477     if (scaling != null) {
478       scale = scaling[index];
479     }
480     double x1 = x[index];
481     final double param = x1 / scale;
483     x[index] = (param + eps / 2.0) * scale;
484     double ePlus = energy(x);
485     x[index] = (param - eps / 2.0) * scale;
486     double eMinus = energy(x);
488     x[index] = x1;
490     return (ePlus - eMinus) / eps;
491   }
493   /**
494    * @param x      Coordinates and unit cell parameters.
495    * @param index1 Parameter index 1.
496    * @param index2 Parameter index 2.
497    * @param eps    Step size.
498    * @return Finite-difference derivative.
499    */
500   private double finiteDifference2(double[] x, int index1, int index2, double eps) {
501     double scale1 = 1.0;
502     double scale2 = 1.0;
504     if (scaling != null) {
505       scale1 = scaling[index1];
506       scale2 = scaling[index2];
507     }
509     final double x1 = x[index1];
510     final double x2 = x[index2];
511     final double param1 = x1 / scale1;
512     final double param2 = x2 / scale2;
514     x[index1] = (param1 + eps / 2.0) * scale1;
515     x[index2] = (param2 + eps / 2.0) * scale2;
516     double ePlus = energy(x);
517     x[index1] = (param1 - eps / 2.0) * scale1;
518     x[index2] = (param2 - eps / 2.0) * scale2;
519     double eMinus = energy(x);
521     x[index1] = x1;
522     x[index2] = x2;
524     return (ePlus - eMinus) / eps;
525   }
527   /**
528    * @param x      Coordinates and unit cell parameters.
529    * @param index1 Parameter index 1.
530    * @param index2 Parameter index 2.
531    * @param index3 Parameter index 3.
532    * @param eps    Step size.
533    * @return finite-difference derivative.
534    */
535   private double finiteDifference3(double[] x, int index1, int index2, int index3, double eps) {
536     double scale1 = 1.0;
537     double scale2 = 1.0;
538     double scale3 = 1.0;
539     if (scaling != null) {
540       scale1 = scaling[index1];
541       scale2 = scaling[index2];
542       scale3 = scaling[index3];
543     }
545     final double x1 = x[index1];
546     final double x2 = x[index2];
547     final double x3 = x[index3];
549     final double param1 = x1 / scale1;
550     final double param2 = x2 / scale2;
551     final double param3 = x3 / scale3;
552     x[index1] = (param1 + eps / 2.0) * scale1;
553     x[index2] = (param2 + eps / 2.0) * scale2;
554     x[index3] = (param3 + eps / 2.0) * scale3;
555     final double ePlus = energy(x);
556     x[index1] = (param1 - eps / 2.0) * scale1;
557     x[index2] = (param2 - eps / 2.0) * scale2;
558     x[index3] = (param3 - eps / 2.0) * scale3;
559     final double eMinus = energy(x);
561     x[index1] = x1;
562     x[index2] = x2;
563     x[index3] = x3;
565     return (ePlus - eMinus) / eps;
566   }
568   /**
569    * Apply scaling for the optimizer if applicable.
570    *
571    * @param x Coordinates and unit cell parameters.
572    * @param g Atomic coordinate gradient.
573    */
574   private void packGradient(double[] x, double[] g) {
575     // Scale fractional coordinates and gradient.
576     if (scaling != null) {
577       int len = x.length;
578       for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
579         if (fractionalMode == FractionalMode.OFF) {
580           g[i] /= scaling[i];
581         } else {
582           // If we're maintaining fractional coordinates, so the atomic coordinate derivatives can
583           // be zero.
584           g[i] = 0.0;
585         }
586         x[i] *= scaling[i];
587       }
588     }
589   }
591   /**
592    * Sets atomic coordinates and lattice parameters.
593    *
594    * @param x First 3*nActive parameters are coordinates, next 6 are x parameters.
595    */
596   private void setCoordinates(double[] x) {
597     assert (x != null);
599     // Before applying new lattice parameters, store factional coordinates.
600     if (fractionalMode != FractionalMode.OFF) {
601       molecularAssembly.computeFractionalCoordinates();
602     }
604     int index = nActive * 3;
605     double a = x[index];
606     double b = x[index + 1];
607     double c = x[index + 2];
608     double alpha = x[index + 3];
609     double beta = x[index + 4];
610     double gamma = x[index + 5];
612     SpaceGroup spaceGroup = crystal.spaceGroup;
614     // Enforce the lattice system.
615     switch (spaceGroup.latticeSystem) {
616       case TRICLINIC_LATTICE -> {
617       }
618       case MONOCLINIC_LATTICE -> {
619         // alpha = gamma = 90
620         alpha = 90.0;
621         gamma = 90.0;
622       }
623       case ORTHORHOMBIC_LATTICE -> {
624         // alpha = beta = gamma = 90
625         alpha = 90.0;
626         beta = 90.0;
627         gamma = 90.0;
628       }
629       case TETRAGONAL_LATTICE -> {
630         // a = b, alpha = beta = gamma = 90
631         double ab = 0.5 * (a + b);
632         a = ab;
633         b = ab;
634         alpha = 90.0;
635         beta = 90.0;
636         gamma = 90.0;
637       }
638       case RHOMBOHEDRAL_LATTICE -> {
639         // a = b = c, alpha = beta = gamma.
640         double abc = (a + b + c) / 3.0;
641         a = abc;
642         b = abc;
643         c = abc;
644         double angles = (alpha + beta + gamma) / 3.0;
645         alpha = angles;
646         beta = angles;
647         gamma = angles;
648       }
649       case HEXAGONAL_LATTICE -> {
650         // a = b, alpha = beta = 90 && gamma = 120
651         double ab = 0.5 * (a + b);
652         a = ab;
653         b = ab;
654         alpha = 90.0;
655         beta = 90.0;
656         gamma = 120.0;
657       }
658       case CUBIC_LATTICE -> {
659         // a = b = c, alpha = beta = gamma = 90
660         double abc = (a + b + c) / 3.0;
661         a = abc;
662         b = abc;
663         c = abc;
664         alpha = 90.0;
665         beta = 90.0;
666         gamma = 90.0;
667       }
668     }
670     crystal.changeUnitCellParameters(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma);
671     forceFieldEnergy.setCrystal(crystal);
673     // Use the atomic coordinates from the optimizer.
674     if (fractionalMode == FractionalMode.OFF) {
675       index = 0;
676       for (int i = 0; i < nActive; i++) {
677         Atom atom = activeAtoms[i];
678         double xx = x[index];
679         double yy = x[index + 1];
680         double zz = x[index + 2];
681         xyz[index] = xx;
682         xyz[index + 1] = yy;
683         xyz[index + 2] = zz;
684         index += 3;
685         atom.moveTo(xx, yy, zz);
686       }
687     } else {
688       // Maintain fractional coordinates.
689       molecularAssembly.moveToFractionalCoordinates();
690       index = 0;
691       for (int i = 0; i < nActive; i++) {
692         Atom atom = activeAtoms[i];
693         double xx = atom.getX();
694         double yy = atom.getY();
695         double zz = atom.getZ();
696         xyz[index] = xx;
697         xyz[index + 1] = yy;
698         xyz[index + 2] = zz;
699         index += 3;
700       }
701     }
702   }
703 }