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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.potential;
40  import edu.rit.pj.ParallelRegion;
41  import edu.rit.pj.ParallelSection;
42  import edu.rit.pj.ParallelTeam;
43  import ffx.crystal.Crystal;
44  import ffx.crystal.CrystalPotential;
45  import ffx.crystal.SymOp;
46  import ffx.numerics.Potential;
47  import ffx.numerics.switching.UnivariateSwitchingFunction;
48  import ffx.potential.bonded.Atom;
49  import ffx.potential.bonded.LambdaInterface;
50  import ffx.potential.parameters.ForceField;
51  import ffx.potential.utils.EnergyException;
53  import java.util.ArrayList;
54  import java.util.Arrays;
55  import java.util.List;
56  import java.util.logging.Level;
57  import java.util.logging.Logger;
59  import static ffx.crystal.SymOp.applyCartesianSymOp;
60  import static ffx.crystal.SymOp.applyCartesianSymRot;
61  import static ffx.crystal.SymOp.invertSymOp;
62  import static ffx.potential.utils.Superpose.rmsd;
63  import static ffx.utilities.StringUtils.parseAtomRanges;
64  import static java.lang.Double.parseDouble;
65  import static java.lang.String.format;
66  import static java.util.Arrays.fill;
67  import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sqrt;
69  /**
70   * Compute the potential energy and derivatives for a dual-topology system.
71   *
72   * @author Michael J. Schnieders
73   * @since 1.0
74   */
75  public class DualTopologyEnergy implements CrystalPotential, LambdaInterface {
77    /**
78     * Logger for the DualTopologyEnergy class.
79     */
80    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DualTopologyEnergy.class.getName());
81    /**
82     * Shared atoms between topologies 1 and 2.
83     */
84    private final int nShared;
85    /**
86     * Total number of variables
87     */
88    private final int nVariables;
89    /**
90     * Region for computing energy/gradient in parallel.
91     */
92    private final EnergyRegion energyRegion;
93    /**
94     * Mass array for shared and softcore atoms.
95     */
96    private final double[] mass;
97    /**
98     * VARIABLE_TYPE array for shared and softcore atoms.
99     */
100   private final VARIABLE_TYPE[] variableTypes;
101   /**
102    * Topology 1 coordinates.
103    */
104   private final double[] x1;
105   /**
106    * Topology 2 coordinates.
107    */
108   private final double[] x2;
109   /**
110    * Topology 1 coordinate gradient.
111    */
112   private final double[] g1;
113   /**
114    * Topology 2 coordinate gradient.
115    */
116   private final double[] g2;
117   /**
118    * Topology 1 restraint gradient for end state bonded terms.
119    */
120   private final double[] rg1;
121   /**
122    * Topology 2 restraint gradient for end state bonded terms.
123    */
124   private final double[] rg2;
125   /**
126    * Topology 1 derivative of the coordinate gradient with respect to lambda.
127    */
128   private final double[] gl1;
129   /**
130    * Topology 2 derivative of the coordinate gradient with respect to lambda.
131    */
132   private final double[] gl2;
133   /**
134    * Topology 1 derivative of the coordinate gradient with respect to lambda for end state bonded
135    * terms
136    */
137   private final double[] rgl1;
138   /**
139    * Topology 2 derivative of the coordinate gradient with respect to lambda for end state bonded
140    * terms
141    */
142   private final double[] rgl2;
143   /**
144    * Topology 1 Potential.
145    */
146   private final CrystalPotential potential1;
147   /**
148    * Topology 2 Potential.
149    */
150   private final CrystalPotential potential2;
151   /**
152    * Topology 1 LambdaInterface.
153    */
154   private final LambdaInterface lambdaInterface1;
155   /**
156    * Topology 2 LambdaInterface.
157    */
158   private final LambdaInterface lambdaInterface2;
159   /**
160    * Topology 1 ForceFieldEnergy.
161    */
162   private final ForceFieldEnergy forceFieldEnergy1;
163   /**
164    * Topology 2 ForceFieldEnergy.
165    */
166   private final ForceFieldEnergy forceFieldEnergy2;
167   /**
168    * Number of active atoms in Topology 1.
169    */
170   private final int nActive1;
171   /**
172    * Number of active atoms in Topology 2.
173    */
174   private final int nActive2;
175   /**
176    * Array of active atoms in Topology 1.
177    */
178   private final Atom[] activeAtoms1;
179   /**
180    * Array of active atoms in Topology 2.
181    */
182   private final Atom[] activeAtoms2;
183   /**
184    * Flag is true if the atom is shared (not alchemical) for Topology 1.
185    */
186   private final boolean[] sharedAtoms1;
187   /**
188    * Flag is true if the atom is shared (not alchemical) for Topology 1.
189    */
190   private final boolean[] sharedAtoms2;
191   /**
192    * Will default to a power-1 PowerSwitch function.
193    */
194   private final UnivariateSwitchingFunction switchFunction;
195   /**
196    * Current potential energy of topology 1 (kcal/mol).
197    */
198   private double energy1 = 0;
199   /**
200    * Current potential energy of topology 2 (kcal/mol).
201    */
202   private double energy2 = 0;
203   /**
204    * ParallelTeam to execute the EnergyRegion.
205    */
206   private ParallelTeam parallelTeam;
207   /**
208    * Include a valence restraint energy for atoms being "disappeared."
209    */
210   private final boolean doValenceRestraint1;
211   /**
212    * Include a valence restraint energy for atoms being "disappeared."
213    */
214   private final boolean doValenceRestraint2;
215   /**
216    * Use System 1 Bonded Energy.
217    */
218   private final boolean useFirstSystemBondedEnergy;
219   /**
220    * End-state restraint energy of topology 1 (kcal/mol).
221    */
222   private double restraintEnergy1 = 0;
223   /**
224    * End-state restraint energy of topology 2 (kcal/mol).
225    */
226   private double restraintEnergy2 = 0;
227   /**
228    * dEdL of topology 1 (kcal/mol).
229    */
230   private double dEdL_1 = 0;
231   /**
232    * dEdL of topology 2 (kcal/mol).
233    */
234   private double dEdL_2 = 0;
235   /**
236    * End-state restraint dEdL of topology 1 (kcal/mol).
237    */
238   private double restraintdEdL_1 = 0;
239   /**
240    * End-state restraint dEdL of topology 2 (kcal/mol).
241    */
242   private double restraintdEdL_2 = 0;
243   /**
244    * d2EdL2 of topology 1 (kcal/mol).
245    */
246   private double d2EdL2_1 = 0;
247   /**
248    * d2EdL2 of topology 2 (kcal/mol).
249    */
250   private double d2EdL2_2 = 0;
251   /**
252    * End-state restraint d2EdL2 of topology 1 (kcal/mol).
253    */
254   private double restraintd2EdL2_1 = 0;
255   /**
256    * End-state restraint d2EdL2 of topology 2 (kcal/mol).
257    */
258   private double restraintd2EdL2_2 = 0;
259   /**
260    * Total energy of the dual topology, including lambda scaling.
261    */
262   private double totalEnergy = 0;
263   /**
264    * Current lambda value.
265    */
266   private double lambda = 1.0;
267   /**
268    * Value of the switching function at lambda.
269    */
270   private double f1L = 1.0;
271   /**
272    * Value of the switching function at (1-lambda).
273    */
274   private double f2L = 0.0;
275   /**
276    * First derivative with respect to lambda of the switching function.
277    */
278   private double dF1dL = 0.0;
279   /**
280    * First derivative with respect to (1-lambda) of the switching function.
281    */
282   private double dF2dL = 0.0;
283   /**
284    * Second derivative with respect to lambda of the switching function.
285    */
286   private double d2F1dL2 = 0.0;
287   /**
288    * Second derivative with respect to (1-lambda) of the switching function.
289    */
290   private double d2F2dL2 = 0.0;
291   /**
292    * Scaling array for shared and softcore atoms.
293    */
294   private double[] scaling = null;
295   /**
296    * State for calculating energies.
297    */
298   private STATE state = STATE.BOTH;
299   /**
300    * Symmetry operator to superimpose system 2 onto system 1
301    */
302   private SymOp[] symOp;
303   /**
304    * Symmetry operator to move system 2 back to original frame
305    */
306   private SymOp[] inverse;
307   /**
308    * Atom selection for each symmetry operator.
309    */
310   private final ArrayList<List<Integer>> symOpAtoms = new ArrayList<>();
311   /**
312    * The molecule number of each atom in the second topology.
313    */
314   private final int[] molecule2;
315   /**
316    * Utilize a provided SymOp
317    */
318   private boolean useSymOp = false;
320   /**
321    * Constructor for DualTopologyEnergy.
322    *
323    * @param topology1      a {@link ffx.potential.MolecularAssembly} object.
324    * @param topology2      a {@link ffx.potential.MolecularAssembly} object.
325    * @param switchFunction a {@link UnivariateSwitchingFunction} object.
326    */
327   public DualTopologyEnergy(
328       MolecularAssembly topology1,
329       MolecularAssembly topology2,
330       UnivariateSwitchingFunction switchFunction) {
331     forceFieldEnergy1 = topology1.getPotentialEnergy();
332     forceFieldEnergy2 = topology2.getPotentialEnergy();
333     potential1 = forceFieldEnergy1;
334     potential2 = forceFieldEnergy2;
335     lambdaInterface1 = forceFieldEnergy1;
336     lambdaInterface2 = forceFieldEnergy2;
338     /* Apom array for topology 1. */
339     Atom[] atoms1 = topology1.getAtomArray();
340     /* Atom array for topology 2. */
341     Atom[] atoms2 = topology2.getAtomArray();
343     molecule2 = topology2.getMoleculeNumbers();
345     ForceField forceField1 = topology1.getForceField();
346     doValenceRestraint1 = forceField1.getBoolean("LAMBDA_VALENCE_RESTRAINTS", true);
347     ForceField forceField2 = topology2.getForceField();
348     doValenceRestraint2 = forceField2.getBoolean("LAMBDA_VALENCE_RESTRAINTS", true);
350     useFirstSystemBondedEnergy = forceField2.getBoolean("USE_FIRST_SYSTEM_BONDED_ENERGY", false);
352     // Check that all atoms that are not undergoing alchemy are common to both topologies.
353     int shared1 = 0;
354     int shared2 = 0;
355     int activeCount1 = 0;
356     int activeCount2 = 0;
357     for (Atom a1 : atoms1) {
358       if (a1.isActive()) {
359         activeCount1++;
360         if (!a1.applyLambda()) {
361           shared1++;
362         }
363       }
364     }
365     for (Atom a2 : atoms2) {
366       if (a2.isActive()) {
367         activeCount2++;
368         if (!a2.applyLambda()) {
369           shared2++;
370         }
371       }
372     }
373     nActive1 = activeCount1;
374     nActive2 = activeCount2;
375     activeAtoms1 = new Atom[activeCount1];
376     activeAtoms2 = new Atom[activeCount2];
377     sharedAtoms1 = new boolean[activeCount1];
378     sharedAtoms2 = new boolean[activeCount2];
379     Arrays.fill(sharedAtoms1, true);
380     Arrays.fill(sharedAtoms2, true);
381     int index = 0;
382     for (Atom a1 : atoms1) {
383       if (a1.isActive()) {
384         activeAtoms1[index] = a1;
385         if (a1.applyLambda()) {
386           // This atom is softcore with independent coordinates.
387           sharedAtoms1[index] = false;
388         }
389         index++;
390       }
391     }
392     index = 0;
393     for (Atom a2 : atoms2) {
394       if (a2.isActive()) {
395         activeAtoms2[index] = a2;
396         if (a2.applyLambda()) {
397           // This atom is softcore with independent coordinates.
398           sharedAtoms2[index] = false;
399         }
400         index++;
401       }
402     }
404     assert (shared1 == shared2);
405     nShared = shared1;
406     /* Topology 1 number of softcore atoms. */
407     int nSoftCore1 = nActive1 - nShared;
408     /* Topology 2 number of softcore atoms. */
409     int nSoftCore2 = nActive2 - nShared;
410     /* Total number of softcore and shared atoms: nTotal = nShared + nSoftcore1 + nSoftcore2 */
411     int nTotal = nShared + nSoftCore1 + nSoftCore2;
412     nVariables = 3 * nTotal;
414     // Allocate memory for coordinates and derivatives.
415     x1 = new double[nActive1 * 3];
416     x2 = new double[nActive2 * 3];
417     g1 = new double[nActive1 * 3];
418     g2 = new double[nActive2 * 3];
419     rg1 = new double[nActive1 * 3];
420     rg2 = new double[nActive2 * 3];
421     gl1 = new double[nActive1 * 3];
422     gl2 = new double[nActive2 * 3];
423     rgl1 = new double[nActive1 * 3];
424     rgl2 = new double[nActive2 * 3];
426     // Check that all Dual-Topology atoms start with identical coordinates.
427     int i1 = 0;
428     int i2 = 0;
429" Shared atoms: %d (1: %d of %d; 2: %d of %d)\n ", nShared, shared1, nActive1, shared2, nActive2));
430     for (int i = 0; i < nShared; i++) {
431       Atom a1 = atoms1[i1++];
432       while (a1.applyLambda()) {
433         a1 = atoms1[i1++];
434       }
435       Atom a2 = atoms2[i2++];
436       while (a2.applyLambda()) {
437         a2 = atoms2[i2++];
438       }
439       // Not true if mapping atoms via symmetry operator.
440 //      assert (a1.getX() == a2.getX());
441 //      assert (a1.getY() == a2.getY());
442 //      assert (a1.getZ() == a2.getZ());
443       // reconcileAtoms(a1, a2, Level.INFO);
444     }
446     // All variables are coordinates.
447     index = 0;
448     variableTypes = new VARIABLE_TYPE[nVariables];
449     for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) {
450       variableTypes[index++] = VARIABLE_TYPE.X;
451       variableTypes[index++] = VARIABLE_TYPE.Y;
452       variableTypes[index++] = VARIABLE_TYPE.Z;
453     }
455     // Fill the mass array.
456     int commonIndex = 0;
457     int softcoreIndex = 3 * nShared;
458     mass = new double[nVariables];
459     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
460       Atom a = activeAtoms1[i];
461       double m = a.getMass();
462       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
463         mass[commonIndex++] = m;
464         mass[commonIndex++] = m;
465         mass[commonIndex++] = m;
466       } else {
467         mass[softcoreIndex++] = m;
468         mass[softcoreIndex++] = m;
469         mass[softcoreIndex++] = m;
470       }
471     }
472     commonIndex = 0;
473     for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
474       Atom a = activeAtoms2[i];
475       double m = a.getMass();
476       if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
477         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
478           double massCommon = mass[commonIndex];
479           massCommon = Math.max(massCommon, m);
480           mass[commonIndex++] = massCommon;
481         }
482       } else {
483         mass[softcoreIndex++] = m;
484         mass[softcoreIndex++] = m;
485         mass[softcoreIndex++] = m;
486       }
487     }
488     energyRegion = new EnergyRegion();
489     parallelTeam = new ParallelTeam(1);
491     String symOpString = forceField2.getString("symop", null);
493     if (symOpString != null) {
494       // TODO make work for co-crystals (currently assumes same length).
495       readSymOp(symOpString);
496     } else {
497       // Both end-states will use the same crystal object.
498       potential2.setCrystal(potential1.getCrystal());
499       useSymOp = false;
500       symOp = null;
501       inverse = null;
502     }
504     this.switchFunction = switchFunction;
505"\n Dual topology using switching function:\n  %s", switchFunction));
506   }
508   /**
509    * Temporary method to be used as a benchmark. Move to SymOp?
510    *
511    * @param symOpString String containing sym op.
512    */
513   private void readSymOp(String symOpString) {
514     int numSymOps = 0;
515     try {
516       String[] tokens = symOpString.split(" +");
517       int numTokens = tokens.length;
518       // Only need to move one system onto the other.
519       if (numTokens == 12) {
520         numSymOps = 1;
521         symOp = new SymOp[numSymOps];
522         inverse = new SymOp[numSymOps];
523         // Assume applies to all atoms...
524         symOpAtoms.add(parseAtomRanges("symmetryAtoms", "1-N", nActive2));
525         // Twelve values makes 1 sym op. so assign to [0][0].
526         symOp[0] = new SymOp(new double[][]{
527             {parseDouble(tokens[0]), parseDouble(tokens[1]), parseDouble(tokens[2])},
528             {parseDouble(tokens[3]), parseDouble(tokens[4]), parseDouble(tokens[5])},
529             {parseDouble(tokens[6]), parseDouble(tokens[7]), parseDouble(tokens[8])}},
530             new double[]{parseDouble(tokens[9]), parseDouble(tokens[10]), parseDouble(tokens[11])});
531       } else if (numTokens % 14 == 0) {
532         numSymOps = numTokens / 14;
533         symOp = new SymOp[numSymOps];
534         inverse = new SymOp[numSymOps];
535         if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
536           logger.finer(format(" Number of Tokens: %3d Number of Sym Ops: %2d", numTokens, numSymOps));
537         }
538         for (int i = 0; i < numSymOps; i++) {
539           int j = i * 14;
540           // Should be tokens[j] or tokens[j+1]?? Switches forward vs backward...
541           symOpAtoms.add(parseAtomRanges("symmetryAtoms", tokens[j], nActive2));
542           symOp[i] = new SymOp(new double[][]{
543               {parseDouble(tokens[j + 2]), parseDouble(tokens[j + 3]), parseDouble(tokens[j + 4])},
544               {parseDouble(tokens[j + 5]), parseDouble(tokens[j + 6]), parseDouble(tokens[j + 7])},
545               {parseDouble(tokens[j + 8]), parseDouble(tokens[j + 9]), parseDouble(tokens[j + 10])}},
546               new double[]{parseDouble(tokens[j + 11]), parseDouble(tokens[j + 12]), parseDouble(tokens[j + 13])});
547         }
548       } else {
549         logger.warning(" Sym Op is formatted incorrectly.");
550         return;
551       }
552       useSymOp = true;
554       // Get the coordinates for active atoms.
555       potential1.getCoordinates(x1);
556       potential2.getCoordinates(x2);
558       // Collect coordinates for shared atoms (remove alchemical atoms from the superposition).
559       double[] x1Shared = new double[nShared * 3];
560       double[] x2Shared = new double[nShared * 3];
561       int sharedIndex = 0;
562       for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
563         if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
564           int index = i * 3;
565           x1Shared[sharedIndex++] = x1[index];
566           x1Shared[sharedIndex++] = x1[index + 1];
567           x1Shared[sharedIndex++] = x1[index + 2];
568         }
569       }
570       sharedIndex = 0;
571       for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
572         if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
573           int index = i * 3;
574           x2Shared[sharedIndex++] = x2[index];
575           x2Shared[sharedIndex++] = x2[index + 1];
576           x2Shared[sharedIndex++] = x2[index + 2];
577         }
578       }
580       double[] m = new double[nShared];
581       Arrays.fill(m, 1.0);
582       double origRMSD = rmsd(x1Shared, x2Shared, m);
583"\n Topology 2 Coordinates from Input File");
584" RMSD: %12.3f", origRMSD));
586       // Get a fresh copy of the original coordinates.
587       double[] origX1 = Arrays.copyOf(x1Shared, nShared * 3);
588       double[] origX2 = Arrays.copyOf(x2Shared, nShared * 3);
589       // Determine if first topology or second?
590       // Explicitly written (as opposed to applySymOp()) since only applied to shared atoms.
592" Number Sym Ops: " + numSymOps);
593       for (int i = 0; i < numSymOps; i++) {
594         List<Integer> symAtoms = symOpAtoms.get(i);
595         boolean[] mask = new boolean[nShared];
596         int index = 0;
597         for (int j = 0; j < nActive2; j++) {
598           if (sharedAtoms2[j]) {
599             if (symAtoms.contains(j)) {
600               mask[index++] = true;
601             } else {
602               index++;
603             }
604           }
605         }
606         // Transpose == inverse for orthogonal matrices (value needed later).
607         inverse[i] = invertSymOp(symOp[i]);
608         // Apply symOp to appropriate coords (validity check).
609         applyCartesianSymOp(origX1, origX1, symOp[i], mask);
611"\n SymOp between topologies:\n" + symOp[i]);
612"\n Inverse SymOp:\n" + inverse[i]);
613       }
614       double symOpRMSD = rmsd(origX1, origX2, m);
615"\n Topology 2 Coordinates from Loaded SymOp");
616" RMSD: %12.3f", symOpRMSD));
618       if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
619         for (int i = 0; i < nShared; i++) {
620           int i3 = i * 3;
621           double rmsd = rmsd(new double[]{origX1[i3 + 0], origX1[i3 + 1], origX1[i3 + 2]}, new double[]{origX2[i3 + 0], origX2[i3 + 1], origX2[i3 + 2]}, new double[]{1.0});
622           if (rmsd > 0.5) {
623             logger.fine(format(" Atom %3d has an RMSD of %8.3f", i + 1, rmsd));
624           }
625         }
626       }
627     } catch (Exception ex) {
628       logger.warning(ex.toString());
629       logger.severe(" Error parsing SymOp for Dual Topology:\n (" + symOpString + ")");
630     }
631   }
633   /**
634    * {@inheritDoc}
635    *
636    * <p>Returns true if both force field energies are zero at the ends, and the switching function's
637    * first derivative is zero at the end bounds.
638    */
639   @Override
640   public boolean dEdLZeroAtEnds() {
641     if (!forceFieldEnergy1.dEdLZeroAtEnds() || !forceFieldEnergy2.dEdLZeroAtEnds()) {
642       return false;
643     }
644     return (switchFunction.highestOrderZeroDerivativeAtZeroBound() > 0);
645   }
647   /**
648    * {@inheritDoc}
649    */
650   @Override
651   public boolean destroy() {
652     boolean ffe1Destroy = forceFieldEnergy1.destroy();
653     boolean ffe2Destroy = forceFieldEnergy2.destroy();
654     try {
655       if (parallelTeam != null) {
656         parallelTeam.shutdown();
657       }
658       return ffe1Destroy && ffe2Destroy;
659     } catch (Exception ex) {
660       logger.warning(format(" Exception in shutting down DualTopologyEnergy: %s", ex));
662       return false;
663     }
664   }
666   /**
667    * {@inheritDoc}
668    */
669   @Override
670   public double energy(double[] x) {
671     return energy(x, false);
672   }
674   /**
675    * {@inheritDoc}
676    */
677   @Override
678   public double energy(double[] x, boolean verbose) {
679     try {
680       energyRegion.setX(x);
681       energyRegion.setVerbose(verbose);
682       parallelTeam.execute(energyRegion);
683     } catch (Exception ex) {
684       throw new EnergyException(format(" Exception in calculating dual-topology energy: %s", ex));
685     }
686     return totalEnergy;
687   }
689   /**
690    * {@inheritDoc}
691    *
692    * <p>The coordinate and gradient arrays are unpacked/packed based on the dual topology.
693    */
694   @Override
695   public double energyAndGradient(double[] x, double[] g) {
696     return energyAndGradient(x, g, false);
697   }
699   /**
700    * {@inheritDoc}
701    *
702    * <p>The coordinate and gradient arrays are unpacked/packed based on the dual topology.
703    */
704   @Override
705   public double energyAndGradient(double[] x, double[] g, boolean verbose) {
706     assert;
707     try {
708       energyRegion.setX(x);
709       energyRegion.setG(g);
710       energyRegion.setVerbose(verbose);
711       parallelTeam.execute(energyRegion);
712     } catch (Exception ex) {
713       throw new EnergyException(format(" Exception in calculating dual-topology energy: %s", ex));
714     }
715     return totalEnergy;
716   }
718   /**
719    * {@inheritDoc}
720    */
721   @Override
722   public double[] getAcceleration(double[] acceleration) {
723     if (acceleration == null || acceleration.length < nVariables) {
724       acceleration = new double[nVariables];
725     }
726     int indexCommon = 0;
727     int indexUnique = nShared * 3;
728     double[] accel = new double[3];
729     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
730       Atom atom = activeAtoms1[i];
731       atom.getAcceleration(accel);
732       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
733         acceleration[indexCommon++] = accel[0];
734         acceleration[indexCommon++] = accel[1];
735         acceleration[indexCommon++] = accel[2];
736       } else {
737         acceleration[indexUnique++] = accel[0];
738         acceleration[indexUnique++] = accel[1];
739         acceleration[indexUnique++] = accel[2];
740       }
741     }
742     for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
743       if (!sharedAtoms2[i]) {
744         Atom atom = activeAtoms2[i];
745         atom.getAcceleration(accel);
746         acceleration[indexUnique++] = accel[0];
747         acceleration[indexUnique++] = accel[1];
748         acceleration[indexUnique++] = accel[2];
749       }
750     }
752     return acceleration;
753   }
755   /**
756    * {@inheritDoc}
757    */
758   @Override
759   public double[] getCoordinates(double[] x) {
760     if (x == null) {
761       x = new double[nVariables];
762     }
763     int indexCommon = 0;
764     int indexUnique = nShared * 3;
765     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
766       Atom a = activeAtoms1[i];
767       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
768         x[indexCommon++] = a.getX();
769         x[indexCommon++] = a.getY();
770         x[indexCommon++] = a.getZ();
771       } else {
772         x[indexUnique++] = a.getX();
773         x[indexUnique++] = a.getY();
774         x[indexUnique++] = a.getZ();
775       }
776     }
777     for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
778       if (!sharedAtoms2[i]) {
779         Atom a = activeAtoms2[i];
780         x[indexUnique++] = a.getX();
781         x[indexUnique++] = a.getY();
782         x[indexUnique++] = a.getZ();
783       }
784     }
785     return x;
786   }
788   /**
789    * {@inheritDoc}
790    */
791   @Override
792   public Crystal getCrystal() {
793     // TODO: Handle the case where each system has a unique crystal instance (e.g., different space groups).
794     if (useSymOp) {
795       logger.warning(" Get method only returned first crystal.");
796     }
797     return potential1.getCrystal();
798   }
800   /**
801    * {@inheritDoc}
802    */
803   @Override
804   public void setCrystal(Crystal crystal) {
805     // TODO: Handle the case where each system has a unique crystal instance (e.g., different space groups).
806     if (useSymOp) {
807       logger.warning(" Both systems set to the same crystal.");
808     }
809     potential1.setCrystal(crystal);
810     potential2.setCrystal(crystal);
811   }
813   /**
814    * {@inheritDoc}
815    */
816   @Override
817   public STATE getEnergyTermState() {
818     return state;
819   }
821   /**
822    * {@inheritDoc}
823    */
824   @Override
825   public void setEnergyTermState(STATE state) {
826     this.state = state;
827     potential1.setEnergyTermState(state);
828     potential2.setEnergyTermState(state);
829   }
831   /**
832    * {@inheritDoc}
833    */
834   @Override
835   public double getLambda() {
836     return lambda;
837   }
839   /**
840    * {@inheritDoc}
841    */
842   @Override
843   public void setLambda(double lambda) {
844     if (lambda <= 1.0 && lambda >= 0.0) {
845       this.lambda = lambda;
846       double oneMinusLambda = 1.0 - lambda;
847       lambdaInterface1.setLambda(lambda);
848       lambdaInterface2.setLambda(oneMinusLambda);
850       f1L = switchFunction.valueAt(lambda);
851       dF1dL = switchFunction.firstDerivative(lambda);
852       d2F1dL2 = switchFunction.secondDerivative(lambda);
854       f2L = switchFunction.valueAt(oneMinusLambda);
855       dF2dL = -1.0 * switchFunction.firstDerivative(oneMinusLambda);
856       d2F2dL2 = switchFunction.secondDerivative(oneMinusLambda);
857     } else {
858       String message = format("Lambda value %8.3f is not in the range [0..1].", lambda);
859       throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
860     }
861   }
863   /**
864    * {@inheritDoc}
865    */
866   @Override
867   public double[] getMass() {
868     return mass;
869   }
871   /**
872    * Returns the number of shared variables (3 * number of shared atoms).
873    *
874    * @return An int
875    */
876   public int getNumSharedVariables() {
877     return 3 * nShared;
878   }
880   /**
881    * {@inheritDoc}
882    */
883   @Override
884   public int getNumberOfVariables() {
885     return nVariables;
886   }
888   /**
889    * {@inheritDoc}
890    */
891   @Override
892   public double[] getPreviousAcceleration(double[] previousAcceleration) {
893     if (previousAcceleration == null || previousAcceleration.length < nVariables) {
894       previousAcceleration = new double[nVariables];
895     }
896     int indexCommon = 0;
897     int indexUnique = nShared * 3;
898     double[] prev = new double[3];
899     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
900       Atom atom = activeAtoms1[i];
901       atom.getPreviousAcceleration(prev);
902       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
903         previousAcceleration[indexCommon++] = prev[0];
904         previousAcceleration[indexCommon++] = prev[1];
905         previousAcceleration[indexCommon++] = prev[2];
906       } else {
907         previousAcceleration[indexUnique++] = prev[0];
908         previousAcceleration[indexUnique++] = prev[1];
909         previousAcceleration[indexUnique++] = prev[2];
910       }
911     }
912     for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
913       Atom atom = activeAtoms2[i];
914       if (!sharedAtoms2[i]) {
915         atom.getPreviousAcceleration(prev);
916         previousAcceleration[indexUnique++] = prev[0];
917         previousAcceleration[indexUnique++] = prev[1];
918         previousAcceleration[indexUnique++] = prev[2];
919       }
920     }
922     return previousAcceleration;
923   }
925   /**
926    * {@inheritDoc}
927    */
928   @Override
929   public double[] getScaling() {
930     return scaling;
931   }
933   /**
934    * {@inheritDoc}
935    */
936   @Override
937   public void setScaling(double[] scaling) {
938     this.scaling = scaling;
939   }
941   /**
942    * Returns the switching function used by this DualTopologyEnergy; presently, switching functions
943    * are immutable, and cannot be changed once a DualTopologyEnergy is constructed.
944    *
945    * @return The switching function.
946    */
947   public UnivariateSwitchingFunction getSwitch() {
948     return switchFunction;
949   }
951   /**
952    * {@inheritDoc}
953    */
954   @Override
955   public double getTotalEnergy() {
956     return totalEnergy;
957   }
959   @Override
960   public List<Potential> getUnderlyingPotentials() {
961     List<Potential> under = new ArrayList<>(2);
962     under.add(forceFieldEnergy1);
963     under.add(forceFieldEnergy2);
964     under.addAll(forceFieldEnergy1.getUnderlyingPotentials());
965     under.addAll(forceFieldEnergy2.getUnderlyingPotentials());
966     return under;
967   }
969   /**
970    * {@inheritDoc}
971    */
972   @Override
973   public VARIABLE_TYPE[] getVariableTypes() {
974     return variableTypes;
975   }
977   /**
978    * {@inheritDoc}
979    */
980   @Override
981   public double[] getVelocity(double[] velocity) {
982     if (velocity == null || velocity.length < nVariables) {
983       velocity = new double[nVariables];
984     }
985     int indexCommon = 0;
986     int indexUnique = nShared * 3;
987     double[] vel = new double[3];
988     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
989       Atom atom = activeAtoms1[i];
990       atom.getVelocity(vel);
991       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
992         velocity[indexCommon++] = vel[0];
993         velocity[indexCommon++] = vel[1];
994         velocity[indexCommon++] = vel[2];
995       } else {
996         velocity[indexUnique++] = vel[0];
997         velocity[indexUnique++] = vel[1];
998         velocity[indexUnique++] = vel[2];
999       }
1000     }
1001     for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
1002       if (!sharedAtoms2[i]) {
1003         Atom atom = activeAtoms2[i];
1004         atom.getVelocity(vel);
1005         velocity[indexUnique++] = vel[0];
1006         velocity[indexUnique++] = vel[1];
1007         velocity[indexUnique++] = vel[2];
1008       }
1009     }
1011     return velocity;
1012   }
1014   /**
1015    * {@inheritDoc}
1016    */
1017   @Override
1018   public double getd2EdL2() {
1019     double e1 =
1020         f1L * d2EdL2_1
1021             + 2.0 * dF1dL * dEdL_1
1022             + d2F1dL2 * energy1
1023             + f2L * restraintd2EdL2_1
1024             + 2.0 * dF2dL * restraintdEdL_1
1025             + d2F2dL2 * restraintEnergy1;
1026     double e2;
1027     if (!useFirstSystemBondedEnergy) {
1028       e2 = f2L * d2EdL2_2
1029           + 2.0 * dF2dL * dEdL_2
1030           + d2F2dL2 * energy2
1031           + f1L * restraintd2EdL2_2
1032           + 2.0 * dF1dL * restraintdEdL_2
1033           + d2F1dL2 * restraintEnergy2;
1034     } else {
1035       e2 = f2L * d2EdL2_2
1036           + 2.0 * dF2dL * dEdL_2
1037           + d2F2dL2 * energy2
1038           - f2L * restraintd2EdL2_2
1039           - 2.0 * dF2dL * restraintdEdL_2
1040           - d2F2dL2 * restraintEnergy2;
1041     }
1042     return e1 + e2;
1043   }
1045   /**
1046    * {@inheritDoc}
1047    */
1048   @Override
1049   public double getdEdL() {
1050     // Subtraction is implicit, as dEdL_2 and dF2dL are both multiplied by
1051     // negative 1 when set.
1052     double e1 = f1L * dEdL_1 + dF1dL * energy1 + f2L * restraintdEdL_1 + dF2dL * restraintEnergy1;
1053     double e2;
1054     if (!useFirstSystemBondedEnergy) {
1055       e2 = f2L * dEdL_2 + dF2dL * energy2 + f1L * restraintdEdL_2 + dF1dL * restraintEnergy2;
1056     } else {
1057       e2 = f2L * dEdL_2 + dF2dL * energy2 - f2L * restraintdEdL_2 - dF2dL * restraintEnergy2;
1058     }
1059     return e1 + e2;
1060   }
1062   /**
1063    * {@inheritDoc}
1064    */
1065   @Override
1066   public void getdEdXdL(double[] g) {
1067     if (g == null) {
1068       g = new double[nVariables];
1069     }
1071     int index = 0;
1072     int indexCommon = 0;
1073     int indexUnique = nShared * 3;
1074     // Coordinate Gradient from Topology 1.
1075     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
1076       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
1077         g[indexCommon++] =
1078             f1L * gl1[index] + dF1dL * g1[index] + f2L * rgl1[index] + dF2dL * rg1[index++];
1079         g[indexCommon++] =
1080             f1L * gl1[index] + dF1dL * g1[index] + f2L * rgl1[index] + dF2dL * rg1[index++];
1081         g[indexCommon++] =
1082             f1L * gl1[index] + dF1dL * g1[index] + f2L * rgl1[index] + dF2dL * rg1[index++];
1083       } else {
1084         g[indexUnique++] =
1085             f1L * gl1[index] + dF1dL * g1[index] + f2L * rgl1[index] + dF2dL * rg1[index++];
1086         g[indexUnique++] =
1087             f1L * gl1[index] + dF1dL * g1[index] + f2L * rgl1[index] + dF2dL * rg1[index++];
1088         g[indexUnique++] =
1089             f1L * gl1[index] + dF1dL * g1[index] + f2L * rgl1[index] + dF2dL * rg1[index++];
1090       }
1091     }
1093     // Coordinate Gradient from Topology 2.
1094     if (!useFirstSystemBondedEnergy) {
1095       index = 0;
1096       indexCommon = 0;
1097       for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
1098         if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
1099           g[indexCommon++] += (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] - f1L * rgl2[index]
1100               + dF1dL * rg2[index++]);
1101           g[indexCommon++] += (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] - f1L * rgl2[index]
1102               + dF1dL * rg2[index++]);
1103           g[indexCommon++] += (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] - f1L * rgl2[index]
1104               + dF1dL * rg2[index++]);
1105         } else {
1106           g[indexUnique++] = (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] - f1L * rgl2[index]
1107               + dF1dL * rg2[index++]);
1108           g[indexUnique++] = (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] - f1L * rgl2[index]
1109               + dF1dL * rg2[index++]);
1110           g[indexUnique++] = (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] - f1L * rgl2[index]
1111               + dF1dL * rg2[index++]);
1112         }
1113       }
1114     } else {
1115       index = 0;
1116       indexCommon = 0;
1117       for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
1118         if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
1119           g[indexCommon++] += (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] + f2L * rgl2[index]
1120               - dF2dL * rg2[index++]);
1121           g[indexCommon++] += (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] + f2L * rgl2[index]
1122               - dF2dL * rg2[index++]);
1123           g[indexCommon++] += (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] + f2L * rgl2[index]
1124               - dF2dL * rg2[index++]);
1125         } else {
1126           g[indexUnique++] = (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] + f2L * rgl2[index]
1127               - dF2dL * rg2[index++]);
1128           g[indexUnique++] = (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] + f2L * rgl2[index]
1129               - dF2dL * rg2[index++]);
1130           g[indexUnique++] = (-f2L * gl2[index] + dF2dL * g2[index] + f2L * rgl2[index]
1131               - dF2dL * rg2[index++]);
1132         }
1133       }
1135     }
1136   }
1138   /**
1139    * {@inheritDoc}
1140    */
1141   @Override
1142   public void setAcceleration(double[] acceleration) {
1143     double[] accel = new double[3];
1144     int indexCommon = 0;
1145     int indexUnique = 3 * nShared;
1146     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
1147       Atom atom = activeAtoms1[i];
1148       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
1149         accel[0] = acceleration[indexCommon++];
1150         accel[1] = acceleration[indexCommon++];
1151         accel[2] = acceleration[indexCommon++];
1152       } else {
1153         accel[0] = acceleration[indexUnique++];
1154         accel[1] = acceleration[indexUnique++];
1155         accel[2] = acceleration[indexUnique++];
1156       }
1157       atom.setAcceleration(accel);
1158     }
1159     indexCommon = 0;
1160     for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
1161       Atom atom = activeAtoms2[i];
1162       if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
1163         accel[0] = acceleration[indexCommon++];
1164         accel[1] = acceleration[indexCommon++];
1165         accel[2] = acceleration[indexCommon++];
1166       } else {
1167         accel[0] = acceleration[indexUnique++];
1168         accel[1] = acceleration[indexUnique++];
1169         accel[2] = acceleration[indexUnique++];
1170       }
1171       atom.setAcceleration(accel);
1172     }
1173   }
1175   /**
1176    * setParallel.
1177    *
1178    * @param parallel a boolean.
1179    */
1180   public void setParallel(boolean parallel) {
1181     if (parallelTeam != null) {
1182       try {
1183         parallelTeam.shutdown();
1184       } catch (Exception e) {
1185         logger.severe(format(" Exception in shutting down old ParallelTeam for DualTopologyEnergy: %s", e));
1186       }
1187     }
1188     parallelTeam = parallel ? new ParallelTeam(2) : new ParallelTeam(1);
1189   }
1191   /**
1192    * {@inheritDoc}
1193    */
1194   @Override
1195   public void setPreviousAcceleration(double[] previousAcceleration) {
1196     double[] prev = new double[3];
1197     int indexCommon = 0;
1198     int indexUnique = 3 * nShared;
1199     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
1200       Atom atom = activeAtoms1[i];
1201       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
1202         prev[0] = previousAcceleration[indexCommon++];
1203         prev[1] = previousAcceleration[indexCommon++];
1204         prev[2] = previousAcceleration[indexCommon++];
1205       } else {
1206         prev[0] = previousAcceleration[indexUnique++];
1207         prev[1] = previousAcceleration[indexUnique++];
1208         prev[2] = previousAcceleration[indexUnique++];
1209       }
1210       atom.setPreviousAcceleration(prev);
1211     }
1212     indexCommon = 0;
1213     for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
1214       Atom atom = activeAtoms2[i];
1215       if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
1216         prev[0] = previousAcceleration[indexCommon++];
1217         prev[1] = previousAcceleration[indexCommon++];
1218         prev[2] = previousAcceleration[indexCommon++];
1219       } else {
1220         prev[0] = previousAcceleration[indexUnique++];
1221         prev[1] = previousAcceleration[indexUnique++];
1222         prev[2] = previousAcceleration[indexUnique++];
1223       }
1224       atom.setPreviousAcceleration(prev);
1225     }
1226   }
1228   /**
1229    * Sets the printOnFailure flag; if override is true, over-rides any existing property. Essentially
1230    * sets the default value of printOnFailure for an algorithm. For example, rotamer optimization
1231    * will generally run into force field issues in the normal course of execution as it tries
1232    * unphysical self and pair configurations, so the algorithm should not print out a large number of
1233    * error PDBs.
1234    *
1235    * @param onFail   To set
1236    * @param override Override properties
1237    */
1238   public void setPrintOnFailure(boolean onFail, boolean override) {
1239     forceFieldEnergy1.setPrintOnFailure(onFail, override);
1240     forceFieldEnergy2.setPrintOnFailure(onFail, override);
1241   }
1243   /**
1244    * {@inheritDoc}
1245    */
1246   @Override
1247   public void setVelocity(double[] velocity) {
1248     double[] vel = new double[3];
1249     int indexCommon = 0;
1250     int indexUnique = 3 * nShared;
1251     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
1252       Atom atom = activeAtoms1[i];
1253       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
1254         vel[0] = velocity[indexCommon++];
1255         vel[1] = velocity[indexCommon++];
1256         vel[2] = velocity[indexCommon++];
1257       } else {
1258         vel[0] = velocity[indexUnique++];
1259         vel[1] = velocity[indexUnique++];
1260         vel[2] = velocity[indexUnique++];
1261       }
1262       atom.setVelocity(vel);
1263     }
1265     indexCommon = 0;
1266     for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
1267       Atom atom = activeAtoms2[i];
1268       if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
1269         vel[0] = velocity[indexCommon++];
1270         vel[1] = velocity[indexCommon++];
1271         vel[2] = velocity[indexCommon++];
1272       } else {
1273         vel[0] = velocity[indexUnique++];
1274         vel[1] = velocity[indexUnique++];
1275         vel[2] = velocity[indexUnique++];
1276       }
1277       atom.setVelocity(vel);
1278     }
1279   }
1281   /**
1282    * Moves two shared atoms together if there is a small discrepancy (such as that caused by the
1283    * mutator script).
1284    *
1285    * @param a1      Atom from topology 1
1286    * @param a2      Atom from topology 2
1287    * @param warnlev Logging level to use when warning about small movements
1288    */
1289   private void reconcileAtoms(Atom a1, Atom a2, Level warnlev) {
1290     double dist = 0;
1291     double[] xyz1 = a1.getXYZ(null);
1292     double[] xyz2 = a2.getXYZ(null);
1293     double[] xyzAv = new double[3];
1294     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1295       double dx = xyz1[i] - xyz2[i];
1296       dist += (dx * dx);
1297       xyzAv[i] = xyz1[i] + (0.5 * dx);
1298     }
1300     // Square of the maximum distance permissible between two shared atoms.
1301     double maxDist2 = 0.09;
1303     /*
1304      Square of the minimum distance between shared atoms which will cause a
1305      warning. Intended to cover anything larger than a rounding error.
1306     */
1307     double minDistWarn2 = 0.00001;
1309     if (dist > maxDist2) {
1310       logger.log(
1311           Level.SEVERE,
1312           format(
1313               " Distance between atoms %s " + "and %s is %7.4f >> maximum allowed %7.4f",
1314               a1, a2, sqrt(dist), sqrt(maxDist2)));
1315     } else if (dist > minDistWarn2) {
1316       logger.log(
1317           warnlev,
1318           format(
1319               " Distance between atoms %s " + "and %s is %7.4f; moving atoms together.",
1320               a1, a2, sqrt(dist)));
1321       a1.setXYZ(xyzAv);
1322       a2.setXYZ(xyzAv);
1323     } else if (dist > 0) {
1324       // Silently move them together; probably just a rounding error.
1325       a1.setXYZ(xyzAv);
1326       a2.setXYZ(xyzAv);
1327     }
1328   }
1330   private void packGradient(double[] x, double[] g) {
1331     if (g == null) {
1332       g = new double[nVariables];
1333     }
1334     int indexCommon = 0;
1335     int indexUnique = nShared * 3;
1337     // Coordinate Gradient from Topology 1.
1338     int index = 0;
1339     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
1340       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
1341         g[indexCommon++] = f1L * g1[index] + f2L * rg1[index++];
1342         g[indexCommon++] = f1L * g1[index] + f2L * rg1[index++];
1343         g[indexCommon++] = f1L * g1[index] + f2L * rg1[index++];
1344       } else {
1345         g[indexUnique++] = f1L * g1[index] + f2L * rg1[index++];
1346         g[indexUnique++] = f1L * g1[index] + f2L * rg1[index++];
1347         g[indexUnique++] = f1L * g1[index] + f2L * rg1[index++];
1348       }
1349     }
1351     if (!useFirstSystemBondedEnergy) {
1352       // Coordinate Gradient from Topology 2.
1353       indexCommon = 0;
1354       index = 0;
1355       for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
1356         if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
1357           g[indexCommon++] += f2L * g2[index] + f1L * rg2[index++];
1358           g[indexCommon++] += f2L * g2[index] + f1L * rg2[index++];
1359           g[indexCommon++] += f2L * g2[index] + f1L * rg2[index++];
1360         } else {
1361           g[indexUnique++] = f2L * g2[index] + f1L * rg2[index++];
1362           g[indexUnique++] = f2L * g2[index] + f1L * rg2[index++];
1363           g[indexUnique++] = f2L * g2[index] + f1L * rg2[index++];
1364         }
1365       }
1366     } else {
1367       // Coordinate Gradient from Topology 2.
1368       indexCommon = 0;
1369       index = 0;
1370       for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
1371         if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
1372           g[indexCommon++] += f2L * g2[index] - f2L * rg2[index++];
1373           g[indexCommon++] += f2L * g2[index] - f2L * rg2[index++];
1374           g[indexCommon++] += f2L * g2[index] - f2L * rg2[index++];
1375         } else {
1376           g[indexUnique++] = f2L * g2[index] - f2L * rg2[index++];
1377           g[indexUnique++] = f2L * g2[index] - f2L * rg2[index++];
1378           g[indexUnique++] = f2L * g2[index] - f2L * rg2[index++];
1379         }
1380       }
1381     }
1383     scaleCoordinatesAndGradient(x, g);
1384   }
1386   private void unpackCoordinates(double[] x) {
1388     // Unscale the coordinates.
1389     unscaleCoordinates(x);
1391     int index = 0;
1392     int indexCommon = 0;
1393     int indexUnique = 3 * nShared;
1394     for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
1395       if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
1396         x1[index++] = x[indexCommon++];
1397         x1[index++] = x[indexCommon++];
1398         x1[index++] = x[indexCommon++];
1399       } else {
1400         x1[index++] = x[indexUnique++];
1401         x1[index++] = x[indexUnique++];
1402         x1[index++] = x[indexUnique++];
1403       }
1404     }
1406     index = 0;
1407     indexCommon = 0;
1408     for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
1409       if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
1410         x2[index++] = x[indexCommon++];
1411         x2[index++] = x[indexCommon++];
1412         x2[index++] = x[indexCommon++];
1413       } else {
1414         x2[index++] = x[indexUnique++];
1415         x2[index++] = x[indexUnique++];
1416         x2[index++] = x[indexUnique++];
1417       }
1418     }
1419   }
1421   /**
1422    * Reload the common atomic masses. Intended for quad-topology dual force field corrections, where
1423    * common atoms may have slightly different masses; this was found to be the case between AMOEBA
1424    * 2013 and AMBER99SB carbons.
1425    *
1426    * @param secondTopology Load from second topology
1427    */
1428   void reloadCommonMasses(boolean secondTopology) {
1429     int commonIndex = 0;
1430     if (secondTopology) {
1431       for (int i = 0; i < nActive2; i++) {
1432         Atom a = activeAtoms2[i];
1433         double m = a.getMass();
1434         if (sharedAtoms2[i]) {
1435           mass[commonIndex++] = m;
1436           mass[commonIndex++] = m;
1437           mass[commonIndex++] = m;
1438         }
1439       }
1440     } else {
1441       for (int i = 0; i < nActive1; i++) {
1442         Atom a = activeAtoms1[i];
1443         double m = a.getMass();
1444         if (sharedAtoms1[i]) {
1445           mass[commonIndex++] = m;
1446           mass[commonIndex++] = m;
1447           mass[commonIndex++] = m;
1448         }
1449       }
1450     }
1451   }
1453   private class EnergyRegion extends ParallelRegion {
1455     private final Energy1Section e1sect;
1456     private final Energy2Section e2sect;
1457     private double[] x;
1458     private double[] g;
1459     private boolean gradient = false;
1460     private boolean verbose = false;
1462     EnergyRegion() {
1463       e1sect = new Energy1Section();
1464       e2sect = new Energy2Section();
1465     }
1467     @Override
1468     public void finish() {
1469       // Apply the dual-topology scaling for the total energy.
1470       if (!useFirstSystemBondedEnergy) {
1471         totalEnergy =
1472             f1L * energy1 + f2L * restraintEnergy1 + f2L * energy2 + f1L * restraintEnergy2;
1473       } else {
1474         totalEnergy =
1475             f1L * energy1 + f2L * restraintEnergy1 + f2L * energy2 - f2L * restraintEnergy2;
1476       }
1478       if (gradient) {
1479         packGradient(x, g);
1480       } else {
1481         scaleCoordinates(x);
1482       }
1484       if (verbose) {
1485" Total dual-topology energy: %12.4f", totalEnergy));
1486       }
1487       setVerbose(false);
1488       setGradient(false);
1489     }
1491     @Override
1492     public void run() throws Exception {
1493       execute(e1sect, e2sect);
1494     }
1496     public void setG(double[] g) {
1497       this.g = g;
1498       setGradient(true);
1499     }
1501     public void setGradient(boolean grad) {
1502       this.gradient = grad;
1503       e1sect.setGradient(grad);
1504       e2sect.setGradient(grad);
1505     }
1507     public void setVerbose(boolean verb) {
1508       this.verbose = verb;
1509       e1sect.setVerbose(verb);
1510       e2sect.setVerbose(verb);
1511     }
1513     public void setX(double[] x) {
1514       this.x = x;
1515     }
1517     @Override
1518     public void start() {
1519       unpackCoordinates(x);
1520     }
1521   }
1523   private class Energy1Section extends ParallelSection {
1525     private boolean gradient = false;
1526     private boolean verbose = false;
1528     @Override
1529     public void run() {
1530       if (gradient) {
1531         fill(gl1, 0.0);
1532         fill(rgl1, 0.0);
1533         if (f1L > 0.0) {
1534           energy1 = potential1.energyAndGradient(x1, g1, verbose);
1535           dEdL_1 = lambdaInterface1.getdEdL();
1536           d2EdL2_1 = lambdaInterface1.getd2EdL2();
1537           lambdaInterface1.getdEdXdL(gl1);
1538         } else {
1539           // If the lambda function is zero, the energy and gradient are zero.
1540           energy1 = 0.0;
1541           dEdL_1 = 0.0;
1542           d2EdL2_1 = 0.0;
1543         }
1544         if (doValenceRestraint1 && (f2L > 0.0) && potential1 instanceof ForceFieldEnergy) {
1545           forceFieldEnergy1.setLambdaBondedTerms(true, useFirstSystemBondedEnergy);
1546           if (verbose) {
1547   " Calculating lambda bonded terms for topology 1");
1548           }
1549           restraintEnergy1 = forceFieldEnergy1.energyAndGradient(x1, rg1, verbose);
1550           restraintdEdL_1 = forceFieldEnergy1.getdEdL();
1551           restraintd2EdL2_1 = forceFieldEnergy1.getd2EdL2();
1552           forceFieldEnergy1.getdEdXdL(rgl1);
1553           forceFieldEnergy1.setLambdaBondedTerms(false, false);
1554         } else {
1555           restraintEnergy1 = 0.0;
1556           restraintdEdL_1 = 0.0;
1557           restraintd2EdL2_1 = 0.0;
1558         }
1559         if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1560           logger.fine(format(" Topology 1 Energy & Restraints: %15.8f %15.8f\n", f1L * energy1, f2L * restraintEnergy1));
1561           logger.fine(format(" Topology 1:    %15.8f * (%.2f)", energy1, f1L));
1562           logger.fine(format(" T1 Restraints: %15.8f * (%.2f)", restraintEnergy1, f2L));
1563         }
1564       } else {
1565         if (f1L > 0.0) {
1566           energy1 =, verbose);
1567         } else {
1568           energy1 = 0.0;
1569         }
1570         if (doValenceRestraint1 && (f2L > 0.0) && potential1 instanceof ForceFieldEnergy) {
1571           forceFieldEnergy1.setLambdaBondedTerms(true, useFirstSystemBondedEnergy);
1572           if (verbose) {
1573   " Calculating lambda bonded terms for topology 1");
1574           }
1575           restraintEnergy1 =, verbose);
1576           forceFieldEnergy1.setLambdaBondedTerms(false, false);
1577         } else {
1578           restraintEnergy1 = 0.0;
1579         }
1580         if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1581           logger.fine(format(" Topology 1 Energy & Restraints: %15.8f %15.8f\n", f1L * energy1, f2L * restraintEnergy1));
1582         }
1583       }
1584     }
1586     public void setGradient(boolean grad) {
1587       this.gradient = grad;
1588     }
1590     public void setVerbose(boolean verb) {
1591       this.verbose = verb;
1592     }
1593   }
1595   private class Energy2Section extends ParallelSection {
1597     private boolean gradient = false;
1598     private boolean verbose = false;
1600     @Override
1601     public void run() {
1602       int numSymOps = 0;
1603       if (useSymOp) {
1604         numSymOps = symOpAtoms.size();
1605         for (int i = 0; i < numSymOps; i++) {
1606           List<Integer> symAtoms = symOpAtoms.get(i);
1607           boolean[] mask = new boolean[nActive2];
1608           for (int j = 0; j < nActive2; j++) {
1609             if (sharedAtoms2[j]) {
1610               if (symAtoms.contains(j)) {
1611                 mask[j] = true;
1612               }
1613             }
1614           }
1615           applyCartesianSymOp(x2, x2, symOp[i], mask);
1616         }
1617       }
1619       if (gradient) {
1620         fill(gl2, 0.0);
1621         fill(rgl2, 0.0);
1623         // Compute the energy and gradient of topology 2.
1624         if (f2L > 0.0) {
1625           energy2 = potential2.energyAndGradient(x2, g2, verbose);
1626           dEdL_2 = -lambdaInterface2.getdEdL();
1627           d2EdL2_2 = lambdaInterface2.getd2EdL2();
1628           lambdaInterface2.getdEdXdL(gl2);
1629           if (useSymOp) {
1630             // Rotate the gradient back for shared atoms.
1631             for (int i = 0; i < numSymOps; i++) {
1632               List<Integer> symAtoms = symOpAtoms.get(i);
1633               boolean[] mask = new boolean[nActive2];
1634               for (int j = 0; j < nActive2; j++) {
1635                 if (sharedAtoms2[j]) {
1636                   if (symAtoms.contains(j)) {
1637                     mask[j] = true;
1638                   }
1639                 }
1640               }
1641               applyCartesianSymRot(g2, g2, inverse[i], mask);
1642               applyCartesianSymRot(gl2, gl2, inverse[i], mask);
1643             }
1644           }
1645         } else {
1646           // If the lambda function is zero, the energy and gradient are zero.
1647           energy2 = 0.0;
1648           dEdL_2 = 0.0;
1649           d2EdL2_2 = 0.0;
1650         }
1652         if (doValenceRestraint2 && f1L > 0.0) {
1653           forceFieldEnergy2.setLambdaBondedTerms(true, useFirstSystemBondedEnergy);
1654           if (verbose) {
1655   " Calculating lambda bonded terms for topology 2");
1656           }
1657           restraintEnergy2 = forceFieldEnergy2.energyAndGradient(x2, rg2, verbose);
1658           restraintdEdL_2 = -forceFieldEnergy2.getdEdL();
1659           restraintd2EdL2_2 = forceFieldEnergy2.getd2EdL2();
1660           forceFieldEnergy2.getdEdXdL(rgl2);
1661           if (useSymOp) {
1662             // Rotate the gradient back for shared atoms.
1663             for (int i = 0; i < numSymOps; i++) {
1664               List<Integer> symAtoms = symOpAtoms.get(i);
1665               boolean[] mask = new boolean[nActive2];
1666               for (int j = 0; j < nActive2; j++) {
1667                 if (sharedAtoms2[j]) {
1668                   if (symAtoms.contains(j)) {
1669                     mask[j] = true;
1670                   }
1671                 }
1672               }
1673               applyCartesianSymRot(rg2, rg2, inverse[i], mask);
1674               applyCartesianSymRot(rgl2, rgl2, inverse[i], mask);
1675             }
1676           }
1677           forceFieldEnergy2.setLambdaBondedTerms(false, false);
1678         } else {
1679           restraintEnergy2 = 0.0;
1680           restraintdEdL_2 = 0.0;
1681           restraintd2EdL2_2 = 0.0;
1682         }
1683         if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1684           logger.fine(format(" Topology 2 Energy & Restraints: %15.8f %15.8f", f2L * energy2, f1L * restraintEnergy2));
1685           logger.fine(format(" Topology 2:    %15.8f * (%.2f)", energy2, f2L));
1686           logger.fine(format(" T2 Restraints: %15.8f * (%.2f)", restraintEnergy2, f1L));
1687         }
1688       } else {
1689         if (f2L > 0.0) {
1690           energy2 =, verbose);
1691         } else {
1692           energy2 = 0.0;
1693         }
1694         if (doValenceRestraint2 && (f1L > 0.0) && potential2 instanceof ForceFieldEnergy) {
1695           forceFieldEnergy2.setLambdaBondedTerms(true, useFirstSystemBondedEnergy);
1696           if (verbose) {
1697   " Calculating lambda bonded terms for topology 2");
1698           }
1699           restraintEnergy2 =, verbose);
1700           forceFieldEnergy2.setLambdaBondedTerms(false, false);
1701         } else {
1702           restraintEnergy2 = 0.0;
1703         }
1704         if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1705           logger.fine(format(" Topology 2 Energy & Restraints: %15.8f %15.8f", f2L * energy2, f1L * restraintEnergy2));
1706         }
1707       }
1708     }
1710     public void setGradient(boolean grad) {
1711       this.gradient = grad;
1712     }
1714     public void setVerbose(boolean verb) {
1715       this.verbose = verb;
1716     }
1717   }
1718 }