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1   // ******************************************************************************
2   //
3   // Title:       Force Field X.
4   // Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
5   // Copyright:   Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2024.
6   //
7   // This file is part of Force Field X.
8   //
9   // Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  // under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
11  // the Free Software Foundation.
12  //
13  // Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15  // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
16  // details.
17  //
18  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
19  // Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
20  // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21  //
22  // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
23  // combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
24  // GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
25  //
26  // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27  // permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28  // executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
29  // to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
30  // provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
31  // and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
32  // module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
33  // library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
34  // you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
35  // exception statement from your version.
36  //
37  // ******************************************************************************
38  package ffx.numerics.multipole;
40  import static ffx.numerics.math.DoubleMath.length;
41  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.Qi;
42  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.Qk;
43  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.Ui;
44  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.UiEwald;
45  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.Uk;
46  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.UkEwald;
47  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.permTorqueI;
48  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.permTorqueIEwald;
49  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.permTorqueK;
50  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.permTorqueKEwald;
51  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.permanentEnergy;
52  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.permanentEnergyEwald;
53  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarGradICoulomb;
54  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarGradIEwald;
55  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarTorqueICoulomb;
56  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarTorqueIEwald;
57  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarTorqueKCoulomb;
58  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarTorqueKEwald;
59  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarizationEnergyCoulomb;
60  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarizationEnergyEwald;
61  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.scaleMutual;
62  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarizationEnergyThole;
63  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarGradIThole;
64  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarTorqueIThole;
65  import static ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensorTest.polarTorqueKThole;
66  import static;
67  import static java.lang.String.format;
68  import static java.util.Arrays.fill;
69  import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
71  import ffx.numerics.multipole.MultipoleTensor.OPERATOR;
72  import java.util.Arrays;
73  import java.util.Collection;
74  import java.util.logging.Logger;
76  import ffx.utilities.FFXTest;
77  import org.junit.Test;
78  import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
79  import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
80  import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
82  /**
83   * Parameterized Test of the MultipoleTensor class.
84   *
85   * @author Michael J. Schnieders
86   * @since 1.0
87   */
88  @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
89  public class QIMultipoleTensorTest extends FFXTest {
91    /** Logger for the MultipoleTensor class. */
92    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(QIMultipoleTensorTest.class.getName());
94    private final double tolerance = 1.0e-13;
95    private final double fdTolerance = 1.0e-6;
96    private final double[] r = new double[3];
97    private final double[] tensor;
98    private final double[] noStorageTensor;
99    private final double[] fastTensor;
100   private final int order;
101   private final int tensorCount;
102   private final String info;
103   private final OPERATOR operator;
104   private final double beta = 0.545;
105   private final double thole = 0.39;
106   private final double AiAk = 1.061104559485911;
108   public QIMultipoleTensorTest(
109       String info,
110       int order,
111       OPERATOR operator) {
112 = info;
113     this.order = order;
114     r[0] = xyz[0];
115     r[1] = xyz[1];
116     r[2] = xyz[2];
117     this.tensorCount = MultipoleTensor.tensorCount(order);
118     tensor = new double[tensorCount];
119     noStorageTensor = new double[tensorCount];
120     fastTensor = new double[tensorCount];
121     this.operator = operator;
122   }
124   @Parameters
125   public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
126     return Arrays.asList(
127         new Object[][] {
128             {
129                 "Order 5 Coulomb",
130                 5,      // Order
131                 OPERATOR.COULOMB
132             },
133             {
134                 "Order 5 Screened Coulomb",
135                 5,
137             },
138             {
139                 "Order 4 Thole Field",
140                 4,
141                 OPERATOR.THOLE_FIELD
142             }
143         });
144   }
146   @Test
147   public void codeGenerationTest() {
148     // Only run code generation for the Coulomb operator.
149     if (operator != OPERATOR.COULOMB) {
150       return;
151     }
153     double[] Qi = {0.11, 0.22, 0.33, 0.44, 0.11, 0.22, -0.33, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14};
154     double[] r = {2.11, 2.12, 2.13};
156     double[] tensor = new double[tensorCount];
157     MultipoleTensor multipoleTensor = new CoulombTensorQI(order);
158" Writing QI Order %d tensor recursion code:", order));
160     r[2] = length(r);
161     r[0] = 0.0;
162     r[1] = 0.0;
163     String code = multipoleTensor.codeTensorRecursion(r, tensor);
164"\n%s", code));
166     PolarizableMultipole polarizableMultipole = new PolarizableMultipole(Qi, Ui, Ui);
167     QIFrame qiFrame = new QIFrame(r);
168     qiFrame.rotatePolarizableMultipole(polarizableMultipole);
169     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
170" Writing QI potential code due to multipole I:");
171     multipoleTensor.codePotentialMultipoleI(polarizableMultipole, tensor, 0, 0, 0, sb);
172"\n" + sb);
174     sb = new StringBuilder();
175" Writing QI potential code due to multipole K:");
176     multipoleTensor.codePotentialMultipoleK(polarizableMultipole, tensor, 0, 0, 0, sb);
177"\n" + sb);
178   }
180   @Test
181   public void permanentMultipoleEnergyAndGradTest() {
182     // Thole damping is not used for permanent AMOEBA electrostatics.
183     if (operator == OPERATOR.THOLE_FIELD) {
184       return;
185     }
187     MultipoleTensor multipoleTensor = new CoulombTensorQI(order);
188     if (operator == OPERATOR.SCREENED_COULOMB) {
189       multipoleTensor = new EwaldTensorQI(order, beta);
190     }
192     double delta = 1.0e-5;
193     double delta2 = 2.0 * 1.0e-5;
194     double[] Gi = new double[3];
195     double[] Gk = new double[3];
196     double[] Ti = new double[3];
197     double[] Tk = new double[3];
199     PolarizableMultipole mI = new PolarizableMultipole(Qi, Ui, Ui);
200     PolarizableMultipole mK = new PolarizableMultipole(Qk, Uk, Uk);
201     QIFrame qiFrame = new QIFrame(r[0], r[1], r[2]);
202     qiFrame.rotatePolarizableMultipole(mI);
203     qiFrame.rotatePolarizableMultipole(mK);
205     multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
206     double e = multipoleTensor.multipoleEnergyAndGradient(mI, mK, Gi, Gk, Ti, Tk);
208     qiFrame.toGlobal(Gk);
209     qiFrame.toGlobal(Ti);
210     qiFrame.toGlobal(Tk);
212     if (operator == OPERATOR.COULOMB) {
213       assertEquals(info + " QI Permanent Energy", permanentEnergy, e, tolerance);
214       assertEquals(info + " QI Multipole Torque I", permTorqueI[1], Ti[1], tolerance);
215       assertEquals(info + " QI Multipole Torque K", permTorqueK[1], Tk[1], tolerance);
216     } else if (operator == OPERATOR.SCREENED_COULOMB) {
217       assertEquals(info + " QI Ewald Permanent Energy", permanentEnergyEwald, e, tolerance);
218       assertEquals(info + " QI Ewald Multipole Torque I", permTorqueIEwald[1], Ti[1], tolerance);
219       assertEquals(info + " QI Ewald Multipole Torque K", permTorqueKEwald[1], Tk[1], tolerance);
220     }
222     // Analytic gradient on Atom K.
223     double aX = Gk[0];
224     double aY = Gk[1];
225     double aZ = Gk[2];
227     r[0] += delta;
228     mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
229     mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
230     qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
231     multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
232     double posX = multipoleTensor.multipoleEnergy(mI, mK);
234     r[0] -= delta2;
235     mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
236     mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
237     qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
238     multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
239     double negX = multipoleTensor.multipoleEnergy(mI, mK);
240     r[0] += delta;
242     r[1] += delta;
243     mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
244     mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
245     qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
246     multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
247     double posY = multipoleTensor.multipoleEnergy(mI, mK);
248     r[1] -= delta2;
249     mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
250     mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
251     qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
252     multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
253     double negY = multipoleTensor.multipoleEnergy(mI, mK);
254     r[1] += delta;
256     r[2] += delta;
257     mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
258     mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
259     qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
260     multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
261     double posZ = multipoleTensor.multipoleEnergy(mI, mK);
262     r[2] -= delta2;
263     mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
264     mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
265     qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
266     multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
267     double negZ = multipoleTensor.multipoleEnergy(mI, mK);
268     r[2] += delta;
270     double expect = aX;
271     double actual = (posX - negX) / delta2;
272     assertEquals(info + " QI Force X", expect, actual, fdTolerance);
274     expect = aY;
275     actual = (posY - negY) / delta2;
276     assertEquals(info + " QI Force Y", expect, actual, fdTolerance);
278     expect = aZ;
279     actual = (posZ - negZ) / delta2;
280     assertEquals(info + " QI Force Z", expect, actual, fdTolerance);
281   }
283   @Test
284   public void polarizationEnergyAndGradTest() {
286     MultipoleTensor multipoleTensor = new CoulombTensorQI(order);
287     if (operator == OPERATOR.THOLE_FIELD) {
288       multipoleTensor = new TholeTensorQI(order, thole, AiAk);
289     } else if (operator == OPERATOR.SCREENED_COULOMB) {
290       multipoleTensor = new EwaldTensorQI(order, beta);
291     }
293     double delta = 1.0e-5;
294     double delta2 = 2.0 * 1.0e-5;
295     double[] Gi = new double[3];
296     double[] Ti = new double[3];
297     double[] Tk = new double[3];
299     // Apply the softcore damping to the Z-axis
300     // r[2] += lambdaFunction;
302     PolarizableMultipole mI = new PolarizableMultipole(Qi, Ui, Ui);
303     PolarizableMultipole mK = new PolarizableMultipole(Qk, Uk, Uk);
304     if (operator == OPERATOR.SCREENED_COULOMB) {
305       mI.setInducedDipole(UiEwald, UiEwald);
306       mK.setInducedDipole(UkEwald, UkEwald);
307     }
309     QIFrame qiFrame = new QIFrame(r[0], r[1], r[2]);
310     qiFrame.rotatePolarizableMultipole(mI);
311     qiFrame.rotatePolarizableMultipole(mK);
313     multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
314     double e = multipoleTensor.polarizationEnergyAndGradient(mI, mK, 1.0, 1.0, scaleMutual, Gi, Ti,
315         Tk);
317     qiFrame.toGlobal(Gi);
318     qiFrame.toGlobal(Ti);
319     qiFrame.toGlobal(Tk);
321     // Analytic gradient on Atom I.
322     double aX = Gi[0];
323     double aY = Gi[1];
324     double aZ = Gi[2];
326     double energy = polarizationEnergyCoulomb;
327     double[] gradI = polarGradICoulomb;
328     double[] torqueI = polarTorqueICoulomb;
329     double[] torqueK = polarTorqueKCoulomb;
330     if (operator == OPERATOR.THOLE_FIELD) {
331       energy = polarizationEnergyThole;
332       gradI = polarGradIThole;
333       torqueI = polarTorqueIThole;
334       torqueK = polarTorqueKThole;
335     } else if (operator == OPERATOR.SCREENED_COULOMB) {
336       energy = polarizationEnergyEwald;
337       gradI = polarGradIEwald;
338       torqueI = polarTorqueIEwald;
339       torqueK = polarTorqueKEwald;
340     }
341     assertEquals(info + " Polarization Energy", energy, e, tolerance);
342     assertEquals(info + " Polarization GradX", gradI[0], aX, tolerance);
343     assertEquals(info + " Polarization GradY", gradI[1], aY, tolerance);
344     assertEquals(info + " Polarization GradZ", gradI[2], aZ, tolerance);
345     assertEquals(info + " Polarization TorqueX I", torqueI[0], Ti[0], tolerance);
346     assertEquals(info + " Polarization TorqueY I", torqueI[1], Ti[1], tolerance);
347     assertEquals(info + " Polarization TorqueZ I", torqueI[2], Ti[2], tolerance);
348     assertEquals(info + " Polarization TorqueX K", torqueK[0], Tk[0], tolerance);
349     assertEquals(info + " Polarization TorqueY K", torqueK[1], Tk[1], tolerance);
350     assertEquals(info + " Polarization TorqueZ K", torqueK[2], Tk[2], tolerance);
352     if (scaleMutual == 0.0) {
353       // Compute the gradient on Atom K.
354       r[0] += delta;
355       mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
356       mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
357       qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
358       multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
359       double posX = multipoleTensor.polarizationEnergy(mI, mK, 1.0);
361       r[0] -= delta2;
362       mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
363       mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
364       qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
365       multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
366       double negX = multipoleTensor.polarizationEnergy(mI, mK, 1.0);
367       r[0] += delta;
369       r[1] += delta;
370       mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
371       mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
372       qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
373       multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
374       double posY = multipoleTensor.polarizationEnergy(mI, mK, 1.0);
375       r[1] -= delta2;
376       mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
377       mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
378       qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
379       multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
380       double negY = multipoleTensor.polarizationEnergy(mI, mK, 1.0);
381       r[1] += delta;
383       r[2] += delta;
384       mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
385       mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
386       qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
387       multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
388       double posZ = multipoleTensor.polarizationEnergy(mI, mK, 1.0);
389       r[2] -= delta2;
390       mI.set(Qi, Ui, Ui);
391       mK.set(Qk, Uk, Uk);
392       qiFrame.setAndRotate(r, mI, mK);
393       multipoleTensor.generateTensor(r);
394       double negZ = multipoleTensor.polarizationEnergy(mI, mK, 1.0);
395       r[2] += delta;
397       // Note that the factor of 2 below accounts for the induced dipoles not being updated (i.e. the analytic gradient is for
398       // induced dipoles, but the finite-difference is effectively for permanent dipoles due to lack of re-induction).
399       double expect = -aX;
400       double actual = 2.0 * (posX - negX) / delta2;
401       assertEquals(info + " QI Polarization Force X", expect, actual, fdTolerance);
403       expect = -aY;
404       actual = 2.0 * (posY - negY) / delta2;
405       assertEquals(info + " QI Polarization Force Y", expect, actual, fdTolerance);
407       expect = -aZ;
408       actual = 2.0 * (posZ - negZ) / delta2;
409       assertEquals(info + " QI Polarization Force Z", expect, actual, fdTolerance);
410     }
411   }
413   @Test
414   public void finiteDifferenceTest() {
416     MultipoleTensor multipoleTensor = new CoulombTensorQI(order);
417     if (operator == OPERATOR.THOLE_FIELD) {
418       multipoleTensor = new TholeTensorQI(order, thole, AiAk);
419     } else if (operator == OPERATOR.SCREENED_COULOMB) {
420       multipoleTensor = new EwaldTensorQI(order, beta);
421     }
423     r[0] = 0.0;
424     r[1] = 0.0;
425     r[2] = 2.1;
427     multipoleTensor.noStorageRecursion(r, tensor);
428     double[] tensorsPz = new double[tensorCount];
429     double[] tensorsNz = new double[tensorCount];
430     double delta = 1.0e-5;
431     double delta2 = delta * 2;
433     r[2] += delta;
434     multipoleTensor.noStorageRecursion(r, tensorsPz);
435     r[2] -= delta2;
436     multipoleTensor.noStorageRecursion(r, tensorsNz);
437     r[2] += delta;
439     tensorFiniteDifference(multipoleTensor, delta2, tensorsPz, tensorsNz);
441     multipoleTensor.recursion(r, tensor);
442     tensorFiniteDifference(multipoleTensor, delta2, tensorsPz, tensorsNz);
444     multipoleTensor.generateTensor();
445     multipoleTensor.getTensor(tensor);
446     tensorFiniteDifference(multipoleTensor, delta2, tensorsPz, tensorsNz);
447   }
449   @Test
450   public void multipoleTensorTest() {
452     MultipoleTensor multipoleTensor = new CoulombTensorQI(order);
453     if (operator == OPERATOR.THOLE_FIELD) {
454       multipoleTensor = new TholeTensorQI(order, thole, AiAk);
455     } else if (operator == OPERATOR.SCREENED_COULOMB) {
456       multipoleTensor = new EwaldTensorQI(order, beta);
457     }
459     // Check Cartesian Tensors in the QI frame.
460     multipoleTensor.noStorageRecursion(r, noStorageTensor);
461     multipoleTensor.recursion(r, tensor);
462     multipoleTensor.generateTensor();
463     multipoleTensor.getTensor(fastTensor);
465     for (int i = 0; i < tensorCount; i++) {
466       double expect = noStorageTensor[i];
467       double actual = tensor[i];
468       assertEquals(info + " @ " + i, expect, actual, tolerance);
469       if (order == 4 || order == 5) {
470         expect = noStorageTensor[i];
471         actual = fastTensor[i];
472         assertEquals(info + " @ " + i, expect, actual, tolerance);
473       }
474     }
476     // Check QI Tensors in a quasi-internal frame.
477     // Set x and y = 0.0
478     r[2] = length(r);
479     r[0] = 0.0;
480     r[1] = 0.0;
481     fill(noStorageTensor, 0.0);
482     fill(tensor, 0.0);
483     fill(fastTensor, 0.0);
484     multipoleTensor.noStorageRecursion(r, noStorageTensor);
485     multipoleTensor.recursion(r, tensor);
486     multipoleTensor.setTensor(fastTensor);
487     multipoleTensor.generateTensor();
488     multipoleTensor.getTensor(fastTensor);
490     for (int i = 0; i < tensorCount; i++) {
491       double expect = noStorageTensor[i];
492       double actual = tensor[i];
493       assertEquals(info + " @ " + i, expect, actual, tolerance);
494       if (order == 4 || order == 5) {
495         expect = noStorageTensor[i];
496         actual = fastTensor[i];
497         assertEquals(info + " @ " + i, expect, actual, tolerance);
498       }
499     }
500   }
502   private void tensorFiniteDifference(
503       MultipoleTensor multipoleTensor, double delta2, double[] tensorsPz, double[] tensorsNz) {
505     int start = 0;
507     // We do not calculate the zeroth term for Thole damping.
508     if (operator == OPERATOR.THOLE_FIELD) {
509       start = 1;
510     }
512     // Test the partial derivatives for all tensor components.
513     for (int l = start; l < order; l++) {
514       // Test Z derivative
515       double expect = tensor[multipoleTensor.ti(l, 0, 1)];
516       double actual =
517           (tensorsPz[multipoleTensor.ti(l, 0, 0)] - tensorsNz[multipoleTensor.ti(l, 0, 0)]) / delta2;
518       assertEquals(info + " (d/dx): " + l, expect, actual, fdTolerance);
519     }
520     for (int l = 0; l < order; l++) {
521       for (int m = 1; m < order - l; m++) {
522         // Test Z derivative
523         double expect = tensor[multipoleTensor.ti(l, m, 1)];
524         double actual =
525             (tensorsPz[multipoleTensor.ti(l, m, 0)] - tensorsNz[multipoleTensor.ti(l, m, 0)])
526                 / delta2;
527         assertEquals(info + " (d/dx): " + l + " (d/dy): " + m, expect, actual, fdTolerance);
528       }
529     }
530     // Find (d/dx)^l * (d/dy)^m * (d/dz)^n for l + m + n = 1..o (n >= 1)
531     for (int l = 0; l < order; l++) {
532       for (int m = 0; m < order - l; m++) {
533         for (int n = 1; n < order - l - m; n++) {
534           // Test Z derivative
535           double expect = tensor[multipoleTensor.ti(l, m, n + 1)];
536           double actual =
537               (tensorsPz[multipoleTensor.ti(l, m, n)] - tensorsNz[multipoleTensor.ti(l, m, n)])
538                   / delta2;
539           assertEquals(info + " (d/dx): " + l + " (d/dy): " + m + " (d/dz):" + n, expect, actual,
540               fdTolerance);
541         }
542       }
543     }
544   }
545 }