Uses of Enum Class
Packages that use Residue.ResidueType
The Bonded package implements bonded molecular mechanics terms such as bonds, angles, torsions,
Uses of Residue.ResidueType in ffx.potential.bonded
Methods in ffx.potential.bonded that return Residue.ResidueTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionResidue.getResidueType()
Getter for the fieldresidueType
.static Residue.ResidueType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.static Residue.ResidueType[]
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.Methods in ffx.potential.bonded with parameters of type Residue.ResidueTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPolymer.getResidue
(String resName, int resNum, boolean create, Residue.ResidueType defaultRT) getResidueConstructors in ffx.potential.bonded with parameters of type Residue.ResidueTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionResidue
(int num, Residue.ResidueType residueType) Default Constructor where num is this Residue's position in the Polymer.Residue
(String name, int resNumber, MSNode atoms, Residue.ResidueType residueType, ForceField forceField) As above, with atoms being a MSNode with this Residue's atoms as child nodesResidue
(String name, int num, Residue.ResidueType residueType) Name is the residue's 3 letter abbreviation and num is its position in the Polymer.Residue
(String name, int resNumber, Residue.ResidueType residueType, Character chainID, String segID) Name is the residue's 3 letter abbreviation and num is its position in the Polymer.Residue
(String name, Residue.ResidueType residueType) Constructor for Residue.