Uses of Interface
Packages that use BondedEnergy
The Bonded package implements bonded molecular mechanics terms such as bonds, angles, torsions,
The Nonbonded package implements nonbonded molecular mechanics terms such as van der Waals and
Particle Mesh Ewald electrostastics.
Uses of BondedEnergy in ffx.potential.bonded
Classes in ffx.potential.bonded that implement BondedEnergyModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The Angle class represents an angle formed between three linearly bonded atoms.class
The AngleTorsion class represents an angle torsion coupling between four bonded atoms.class
The Bond class represents a covalent bond formed between two atoms.class
The BondedTerm class is extended by all Valence Geometry classes (bond, angle, dihedral, torsion, etc.).class
The ImproperTorsion class represents an Improper Torsion.class
The OutOfPlaneBend class represents an Out-Of-Plane Bend.class
The Pi-Orbital Torsion class.class
RestraintDistance class.class
The StretchBend class represents a Stretch-Bend formed between three linearly bonded atoms.class
The StretchTorsion class represents a coupling between a torsional angle and the three bonds contained in the torsion, as defined in the 2017 AMOEBA nucleic acid force field.class
The Torsion class represents a torsional angle formed between four bonded atoms.class
The TorsionTorsion class represents two adjacent torsional angles formed by five bonded atoms.class
The UreyBradley class. -
Uses of BondedEnergy in ffx.potential.nonbonded
Classes in ffx.potential.nonbonded that implement BondedEnergyModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Restrain the position of atoms to their initial coordinates.