Uses of Class
Packages that use MultipoleTensorSIMD
The Multipole package computes derivatives of 1/|r| via recursion to arbitrary order using
Cartesian multipoles in either a global frame or a quasi-internal frame.
Uses of MultipoleTensorSIMD in ffx.numerics.multipole
Subclasses of MultipoleTensorSIMD in ffx.numerics.multipoleModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The CoulombTensorGlobal class computes derivatives of 1/|r| via recursion to arbitrary order for Cartesian multipoles in the global frame using SIMD instructions.class
The CoulombTensorQISIMD class computes derivatives of 1/|r| via recursion to arbitrary order for Cartesian multipoles in a quasi-internal frame using SIMD instructions.class
The EwaldMultipoleTensorGlobal class computes derivatives of erfc(r)/|r| via recursion to arbitrary order for Cartesian multipoles in the global frame.class
The EwaldTensorQI class computes derivatives of erfc(r)/|r| via recursion to arbitrary order for Cartesian multipoles in a quasi-internal frame.class
The GeneralizedKirkwoodTensor class contains utilities for generated Generalized Kirkwood interaction tensors.class
The GeneralizedKirkwoodTensor class contains utilities for generated Generalized Kirkwood interaction tensors.class
The TholeTensorGlobal class computes derivatives of Thole damping via recursion to order <= 4 for Cartesian multipoles in either a global frame.class
The TholeTensorQI class computes derivatives of Thole damping via recursion to order <= 4 for Cartesian multipoles in a quasi-internal frame.