Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseType
The Parameters package stores force field atom types, bond types, etc, and keywords that define the potential.
  • Uses of BaseType in ffx.potential.parameters

    Modifier and Type
    final class 
    The AngleTorsionType class defines one angle-torsion energy type.
    final class 
    The AngleType class defines one harmonic angle bend energy term.
    final class 
    The AtomType class represents one molecular mechanics atom type.
    final class 
    The BioType class maps PDB identifiers to atom types.
    final class 
    The BondType class defines one harmonic bond stretch energy term.
    final class 
    The ChargeType class defines a partial atomic charge type.
    final class 
    The ImproperTorsionType class defines an improper torsion.
    final class 
    The MultipoleType class defines a multipole in its local frame.
    final class 
    The OutOfPlaneBendType class defines one Allinger style out-of-plane angle bending energy type.
    final class 
    The PiOrbitalTorsionType class defines a Pi-Orbital Torsion energy term.
    final class 
    The PolarizeType class defines an isotropic atomic polarizability.
    A BaseType for relative solvation energies (intended for nonstandard amino acids).
    final class 
    The SoluteType class defines one implicit solvent radius.
    final class 
    The StretchBendType class defines one out-of-plane angle bending energy type.
    final class 
    The StretchTorsionType class defines one stretch-torsion energy type.
    final class 
    The TorsionTorsionType class defines a Torsion-Torsion spline.
    final class 
    The TorsionType class defines a torsional angle.
    final class 
    The UreyBradleyType class defines one harmonic UreyBradley cross term.
    final class 
    The VDWPairType class defines a van der Waals Pair type.
    final class 
    The VDWType class defines van der Waals type for a normal interaction or a special 1-4 interaction.
    Methods in ffx.potential.parameters with type parameters of type BaseType
    Modifier and Type
    <T extends BaseType>
    ForceField.addForceFieldType(T type)
    Add an instance of a force field type.
    Methods in ffx.potential.parameters that return types with arguments of type BaseType
    Modifier and Type
    Map<String,? extends BaseType>
    Return all force field types of a given type.