Package ffx.potential

Class ForceFieldEnergyOpenMM.System

Enclosing class:

public class ForceFieldEnergyOpenMM.System extends Object
Create and manage an OpenMM System.

The definition of a System involves four elements:

The particles and constraints are defined directly by the System object, while forces are defined by objects that extend the Force class. After creating a System, call addParticle() once for each particle, addConstraint() for each constraint, and addForce() for each Force.

In addition, particles may be designated as "virtual sites". These are particles whose positions are computed automatically based on the positions of other particles. To define a virtual site, call setVirtualSite(), passing in a VirtualSite object that defines the rules for computing its position.

  • Method Details

    • addAndersenThermostatForce

      public void addAndersenThermostatForce(double targetTemp)
      Add an Andersen thermostat to the system.
      targetTemp - Target temperature in Kelvins.
    • addAndersenThermostatForce

      public void addAndersenThermostatForce(double targetTemp, double collisionFreq)
      Add an Andersen thermostat to the system.
      targetTemp - Target temperature in Kelvins.
      collisionFreq - Collision frequency in 1/psec.
    • addCOMMRemoverForce

      public void addCOMMRemoverForce()
      Adds a force that removes center-of-mass motion.
    • addMonteCarloBarostatForce

      public void addMonteCarloBarostatForce(double targetPressure, double targetTemp, int frequency)
      Add a Monte Carlo Barostat to the system.
      targetPressure - The target pressure (in atm).
      targetTemp - The target temperature.
      frequency - The frequency to apply the barostat.
    • calculateDegreesOfFreedom

      public int calculateDegreesOfFreedom()
      Calculate the number of degrees of freedom.
      Number of degrees of freedom.
    • free

      public void free()
      Destroy the system.
    • printLambdaValues

      public void printLambdaValues()
      Print current lambda values.
    • setLambda

      public void setLambda(double lambda)
      Set the overall lambda value for the system.
      lambda - Current lambda value.
    • setUpdateBondedTerms

      public void setUpdateBondedTerms(boolean updateBondedTerms)