Uses of Package
Packages that use ffx.numerics.switching
The Switching package implements univariate switching functions.
The Potential package implements molecular mechanics force fields with shared memory Parallel
Java and via OpenMM.
The Bonded package implements bonded molecular mechanics terms such as bonds, angles, torsions,
The Potential CLI package defines reusable options for PicoCLI command line scripts.
Classes in ffx.numerics.switching used by ffx.numerics.switchingClassDescriptionA UnivariateSwitchingFunction describes a function of a single value (often lambda), where f(lb) = 0, f(ub) = 1, and df(x)/dx >= 0 for all x lb-ub.
Classes in ffx.numerics.switching used by ffx.potentialClassDescriptionA UnivariateSwitchingFunction describes a function of a single value (often lambda), where f(lb) = 0, f(ub) = 1, and df(x)/dx >= 0 for all x lb-ub.
Classes in ffx.numerics.switching used by ffx.potential.bondedClassDescriptionA UnivariateSwitchingFunction describes a function of a single value (often lambda), where f(lb) = 0, f(ub) = 1, and df(x)/dx >= 0 for all x lb-ub.
Classes in ffx.numerics.switching used by ffx.potential.cliClassDescriptionA UnivariateSwitchingFunction describes a function of a single value (often lambda), where f(lb) = 0, f(ub) = 1, and df(x)/dx >= 0 for all x lb-ub.