Class JobInfo


public class JobInfo extends Object
Class JobInfo provides a record of information about one job in a parallel computer in the PJ cluster middleware.
Alan Kaminsky
  • Field Details

    • jobnum

      public int jobnum
      The job number.
    • state

      public JobInfo.State state
      The job's state.
    • stateTime

      public long stateTime
      The time when the job entered its current state (milliseconds since midnight 01-Jan-1970 GMT).
    • username

      public String username
      The job's user name.
    • Nn

      public int Nn
      The number of backend nodes in the job.
    • Np

      public int Np
      The number of processes in the job.
    • Nt

      public int Nt
      The number of CPUs per process in the job.
    • count

      public int count
      The number of processes that have been assigned to the job so far.
    • backend

      public BackendInfo[] backend
      Array of backend nodes for each process assigned to the job in rank order. The array has Np total elements. The first count elements have been assigned.
    • cpus

      public int[] cpus
      Number of CPUs assigned to each process in the job in rank order. The array has Np total elements. The first count elements have been assigned.
    • nodeCount

      public int nodeCount
      The number of nodes that have been assigned to the job so far.
    • frontend

      public JobFrontendRef frontend
      Reference to the job frontend process.
    • renewTimer

      public Timer renewTimer
      Lease renewal timer.
    • expireTimer

      public Timer expireTimer
      Lease expiration timer.
    • jobTimer

      public Timer jobTimer
      Maximum job time timer.
    • comment

      public String[] comment
      Comment for each process in the job in rank order. The array has Np total elements. Initially, these are empty strings. The process comments appear in the detailed job status display in the Job Scheduler web interface.
  • Constructor Details

    • JobInfo

      public JobInfo(int jobnum, JobInfo.State state, long stateTime, String username, int Nn, int Np, int Nt, int count, BackendInfo[] backend, int[] cpus, int nodeCount, JobFrontendRef frontend, Timer renewTimer, Timer expireTimer, Timer jobTimer)
      Construct a new job information record.
      jobnum - The job number.
      state - The job's state.
      stateTime - The time when the job entered its current state.
      username - The job's user name.
      Nn - The number of backend nodes in the job.
      Np - The number of processes in the job.
      Nt - The number of CPUs per process in the job.
      count - The number of processes that have been assigned to the job so far.
      backend - Array of backends assigned to the job in rank order.
      cpus - Array of CPUs for each process in rank order.
      nodeCount - The number of nodes that have been assigned to the job so far.
      frontend - Reference to the job frontend process.
      renewTimer - Lease renewal timer.
      expireTimer - Lease expiration timer.
      jobTimer - Maximum job time timer.