Uses of Class
Packages that use IntegerSchedule
The PJ package (Parallel Java) support shared memory, message passing and
hybrid shared memory/message passing parallelization in pure Java.
The FFT package implements 1D and 3D FFTs of real or complex valued data, including SMP
parallelization of 3D transforms and convolution using the Parallel Java library.
The Nonbonded package implements nonbonded molecular mechanics terms such as van der Waals and
Particle Mesh Ewald electrostastics.
The X-ray package implements support for X-ray and Neutron refinement.
Uses of IntegerSchedule in edu.rit.pj
Methods in edu.rit.pj that return IntegerScheduleModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic IntegerSchedule
Returns a dynamic schedule object with a chunk size of 1.static IntegerSchedule
(int theChunkSize) Returns a dynamic schedule object with the given chunk size.static IntegerSchedule
Returns a fixed schedule object.static IntegerSchedule
Returns a self-guided schedule object with a minimum chunk size of 1.static IntegerSchedule
(int theChunkSize) Returns a self-guided schedule object with the given minimum chunk size.static IntegerSchedule
Returns a schedule object of a type determined by parsing the given string.static IntegerSchedule
Returns a schedule object of a type determined at run time.static IntegerSchedule
(IntegerSchedule defaultSchedule) Returns a schedule object of a type determined at run time, using the given default schedule.IntegerForLoop.schedule()
Determine this parallel for loop's schedule.IntegerStrideForLoop.schedule()
Determine this parallel for loop's schedule.WorkerIntegerForLoop.schedule()
Determine this worker for loop's schedule.WorkerIntegerStrideForLoop.schedule()
Determine this worker for loop's schedule.Methods in edu.rit.pj with parameters of type IntegerScheduleModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic IntegerSchedule
(IntegerSchedule defaultSchedule) Returns a schedule object of a type determined at run time, using the given default schedule. -
Uses of IntegerSchedule in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody
Constructors in ffx.algorithms.optimize.manybody with parameters of type IntegerScheduleModifierConstructorDescriptionDistanceRegion
(int nt, int nResidues, Crystal crystal, int[][][] lists, IntegerSchedule schedule) -
Uses of IntegerSchedule in ffx.numerics.fft
Constructors in ffx.numerics.fft with parameters of type IntegerScheduleModifierConstructorDescriptionComplex3DParallel
(int nX, int nY, int nZ, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, IntegerSchedule integerSchedule) Initialize the 3D FFT for complex 3D matrix.Complex3DParallel
(int nX, int nY, int nZ, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, IntegerSchedule integerSchedule, DataLayout3D dataLayout) Initialize the 3D FFT for complex 3D matrix.Real3DParallel
(int nX, int nY, int nZ, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, IntegerSchedule integerSchedule) Initialize the FFT for real input. -
Uses of IntegerSchedule in ffx.potential.nonbonded
Subclasses of IntegerSchedule in ffx.potential.nonbondedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A fixed schedule that balances pairwise work across threads.class
A fixed schedule that load balances work chunks across threads.Methods in ffx.potential.nonbonded that return IntegerSchedule -
Uses of IntegerSchedule in ffx.potential.nonbonded.pme
Fields in ffx.potential.nonbonded.pme declared as IntegerScheduleModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionRealSpaceNeighborParameters.realSpaceSchedule
Pairwise schedule for load balancing.AlchemicalParameters.vaporEwaldSchedule
Methods in ffx.potential.nonbonded.pme with parameters of type IntegerScheduleModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Atom[] atoms, double[][][] coordinates, double[] polarizability, double[] ipdamp, double[] thole, boolean[] use, Crystal crystal, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, double[][] directDipole, double[][] directDipoleCR, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, double dieletric, ParallelTeam parallelTeam, IntegerSchedule realSpaceSchedule, PMETimings pmeTimings) void
(Atom[] atoms, Crystal crystal, double[][][] coordinates, double[][][] globalMultipole, double[][][] inducedDipole, double[][][] inducedDipoleCR, int[][][] neighborLists, ScaleParameters scaleParameters, boolean[] use, int[] molecule, double[] ipdamp, double[] thole, int[][] ip11, int[][] mask12, int[][] mask13, int[][] mask14, LambdaMode lambdaMode, boolean reciprocalSpaceTerm, ReciprocalSpace reciprocalSpace, EwaldParameters ewaldParameters, PCGSolver pcgSolver, IntegerSchedule permanentSchedule, RealSpaceNeighborParameters realSpaceNeighborParameters, AtomicDoubleArray3D field, AtomicDoubleArray3D fieldCR) -
Uses of IntegerSchedule in ffx.xray
Subclasses of IntegerSchedule in ffx.xrayModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
GradientSchedule class.class
RowSchedule class.class
SliceSchedule class.